6 Months.
6 months. It had been 6 months. Finn sat on his couch, he held an Xbox controller idly in his hands. He didn't actually play anything, every game he picked only reminded him of Dillard. Dillard, His best friend since kindergarten. Every time he picked up a game, his mind would be flooded with the memories of playing for hours with Dillard at sleepovers, or after school. He was haunted by all the times, Dill had asked him to hang out, to come over and play the new Halo game, He was haunted by how each time he had said no, "not today, I have a thing," "The Keepers are getting together I'll see you around. " He never deserved a friend like Dillard.
Finn put the controller down and buried his head in his hands. He had killed him. The OT's had killed him. Now Dillard was gone.
A knock sounded on the door. He looked up.
"Knock knock,"
He looked up to see the Keepers coming in, Willa leading them. He had forgotten about the meeting they had planned. He tried to perk up and smile.
"Hey guys!" He said.
No one seemed to notice that anything was wrong. He mentally congratulated himself on covering up his emotions. As everyone milled around and found seats he felt eyes on him. Amanda. She was watching him, he met her eyes and could tell that she knew that something wrong.
The meeting went pretty well. They planned a crossover that night, reviewed OT activity and Philby went on a little too long about the servers.
"So, I think we've covered pretty much everything right?" Willa asked, looking toward Finn.
"Um, yeah, I think so."
"Are you okay? You seem off" Charlene sounded concerned.
"What? No, I'm fine." He said.
"Okay..." Charlene said, seeming unconvinced.
"I'm fine, what would be wrong with me? Now stop worrying, I'll see you guys tonight. "
When everyone had left, Finn sank back on the couch. He was fine, he was okay. He repeated it over and over, as if to convince himself.
The crossover had been successful, there was a minor run in, but other than that, the park was safe. Finn sat on his bed, the moonlight streaming across his lap as he held a picture frame in his hands. The picture was of him and Dillard at their 6th grade graduation, Dillard wore a big grin, Finn was making a monkey face. Finn toyed with the frame. He couldn't sleep, the crossover had gone well, in fact there had been no big threats since Mexico, but every crossover, every time they encountered the slightest hint of danger, the question gripped him. What of he did something and lost another friend? Pain, intense pain that never seemed to leave took hold and wrapped it's way around his heart. Finn closed his eyes. Images flashed through his mind, pictures of every time he almost lost someone. From the first terrifying trip he took with Philby on Splash Mountain to when Maybeck got struck by lightning. An accident was just one bad judgement call away. He gripped his head, why? Why was he the leader, he couldn't even save his best friend.
He sat staring at the picture until the sun rose.
Something was definitely wrong with Finn, Amanda decided. He had barely said a word to her when they walked to school, not to mention he looked like death warmed over and he was wearing the same shirt as yesterday. Amanda shook her head, she knew what keeping things bottled up inside did to a person and she knew she wasn't going to let that happen to Finn.
She couldn't find him at lunch, he wasn't at their usual spot, and all day she tried to find him at his locker, but he wasn't there either. Finally after school she found him unchaining his bike and pedaling away.
"Finn! Wait!" She yelled as she ran after him. He slowed and pulled off into an alley between two old buildings.
"What?" He asked turning around.
"Are you avoiding me? Because I didn't see you all day, are you okay?"
"I'm fine." He said, getting back on his bike.
"Finn, stop."
"Why, Amanda, nothings wrong, I'm okay." He said turning to look at her.
"Finn," she pleaded. "I know you're not okay, so stop telling me you are."
He just looked at her, eyes red.
"All these years, since seventh grade, you have been there for me. You cared, you were my friend. And even when we went through rough patches and I pushed you away, you were still there for me. Now it's my turn." She said, stepping closer and taking his hand.
"It's my turn to be here for you. When you are struggling, know that I'm here. We need you Finn, the OT's are still out there and we need our leader."
Finn closed his eyes.
"I can't face them again them again. Not after what happened to Dillard." He whispered hoarsely.
"That's why you're not alone." She said softly. "Avenge your friend Finn."
He stepped forward and hugged her, burying his face in her neck. He was crying; she could feel it.
"I need you guys." He croaked. " I need you Mandy."
She hugged him a little tighter.
"It's going to be okay."
And for the first time in six months; Finn started to believe it.
A/N Based around the prompt requested by Magis213. Wow this was a hard one, I mean writing the words was easy enough, but it made me so emotional😭
Let me know what you thougbt!
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