A Suprising Stranger
As he looked up, but he didn't see what he expected. It wasn't some man with fair skin going out of his step to bump into him, but a man who looked no older than 23 and had skin the same shade as his. So it was an accident... He thought to himself as he caught his balance.
"Sorry lad. Didn't mean to bump into you there, guess that's what happens when I don't look where I'm going. Are you ok?" the man asked as he saw Maybeck stumble. He had a similar build to Maybeck, strong, tough, and he had been walking fast, catching Maybeck more off guard than he'd ever like to admit.
"I'm fine," he said as he finally got his balance back. It was refreshing have someone care if he was ok and not trying to do some little thing to throw off his day.
The man reached out his hand for Maybeck to shake. Not sure what else to do, Maybeck took the mans hand and shook it.
"Name's Jeremiah. Jeremiah Maybeck, nice to meet you."
Maybeck tried his hardest not to let his jaw slack, but he froze. He took a minute before he realized he still hadn't let go of the mans hand and that he was looking to him expecting and answer.
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