Chapter 5: Joining the Guild
For those who have been waiting patiently, thank you and here you go.
It's not easy thinking up scenarios for the Reader to be in and how to change some story beats.
Again thanks for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy it.
You let out a yawn as you exited the Grimm Troupe tent.
"That was surprisingly comfortable." You muttered as you stretched your arms. "Never knew Bats had it so good sleeping upside-down."
"Good morning Master." Came the deep voice of Brumm as he bowed respectfully, his staff in-hand.
"Good Morning Brumm." You greeted back rubbing your eyes. "Did anything happen while I was asleep?"
"Nothing of interest really." Your second-in-command replied casually and you nodded standing up straight.
"Well, today is the day I am to sign up to the Adventurer's guild with Rem and Shera, I know you and Divine will keep the tent safe so I have nothing to worry about." You stated placing a hand on Brumm's shoulder.
"Naturally Master." Brumm confirmed with a small bow.
With that you nodded and began walking towards Faltra City.
Once you were far away and out of earshot, the oh so familiar chuckle of Divine rung out from the second tent making Brumm turn and face the tent.
The Termite woman slithered out of the tent.
"Are you not going to tell Master what happened last night with those Mages?" She asked with a smirk.
"It is something he does not need to concern himself with." Brumm replied. "Besides, I spoke to Celeste, explained the situation and she understands so Master need not worry about the Mage Association coming for his head."
"I'm just sad you tore away my snack Brumm." Divine said with a pout while crossing his arms.
"Letting you eat that fool would have entailed consequences for all of us." Brumm argued and Divine sighed.
"You're right, and I suppose devouring such a pathetic being would have been more unpleasant for me than it would have been for him." She chuckled backing up back into her tent.
"Somehow I doubt that." Brumm muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes.
Back with you:
You let out another yawn as you made your way back to Faltra City and to the Peace of Mind inn to get the 2 girls you were currently stuck with.
As you made your through the city you noticed something rather strange.
Species of all kind were roaming around.
Pantherians, Elves and even Demons...but no humans.
"Strange, humans were the most common species in Cross Reverie." You thought holding your chin.
The only thing you could come up with was that Faltra City was some sort of sanctuary for Demihumans from the more racist humans.
Or maybe most humans just didn't want to live among them.
It made the most sense, humans in this world were no different from the ones back on Earth.
They just couldn't get along with anything, not even other humans.
Honestly it was just sad.
But what can you do?
You entered the Peace of Mind Inn to get Shera and Rem and if you needed to, wake them up.
Before you could go up to their room however, you were met with the lustful gaze of the Inn's Idol Mei.
The look Mei is giving you:
"Well hello Mr Tall Dark and Horny." Mei said in a flirtatious manner making you freeze for a moment and stare at her.
"Oh, sorry I meant to say...hello Mr Tall and Dark...I'm horny." She corrected herself and you swore you saw the hearts in her eyes beating.
It was pretty clear that this Pantherian now had a thing for you and you didn't know how to feel about that.
"Damn my love of cats." You cursed as you made your way up the stairs to Shera and Rem's room all the while Mei kept her hungry eyes on you.
When you finally disappeared up the stairs Mei let out a happy lovestruck sigh.
"He wants me." Mei said with a bit of a smug grin.
"Um...he seemed unsettled by you." One Patron stated and immediately he was met with Mei's death glare.
"Did I ask for your opinion?" She asked in a threatening manner that made the patron stumble and fall back over a nearby chair.
He got back and up and saw Mei was still glaring at him and so he wisely decided to run out the door.
Meanwhile you made it to Rem and Shera's room and knocked on the door.
You've seen enough anime back in your world to guess they were probably getting dressed and you weren't just gonna barge in and probably get in the head by something they threw at you.
However you got no response and that made you sigh.
"Great, they're asleep." You sighed before knocking again hoping they'd hear it and wake up.
No response.
"How do they not hear it?" You thought getting very irritated. "They both have pointy least Rem should have woken up."
"Now what?" You asked crossing your arms. "One more time and then I'll go in."
You knock once again and got no response again and so you sucked it up and slowly opened the door entering the room.
You prepared yourself for anything that might be thrown at you, but as you thought the two girls were still asleep.
You walked over and just as you were about to wake them you couldn't help but stare at the sleeping beauties.
Honestly, seeing Shera and Rem so peaceful in their sleep brought on an odd feeling inside you.
You really couldn't describe it, but it wasn't a bad feeling.
Sadly you can't watch them forever, cause this was probably creepy from anyone else's perspective.
You, a tall demonic-looking being looming over the sleeping forms of 2 women.
A scene straight from a horror movie.
So you reached out to shake Shera awake but you immediately reeled back when both girls began whimpering and squirming in their sleep.
"N-no...I'm n-not going...b-back." You heard Shera whimper out.
"D-dont...l-leave please." Rem stuttered out as both she and Shera tossed and turned in their sleep.
They were having nightmares...because of you.
You forgot, that you being near anyone while they slept would cause them awful nightmares and it was taking affect on these women and you did not like it.
So you immediately ran out of their room and down the stairs to the main lobby of the Inn.
Everyone there stared at you with a look of bewilderment, fear and shock.
Mei in particular looked rather concerned as she saw the horrified look on your face.
You payed all the looks no mind and just trudged towards the exit doors and leaned against the building.
As you sat down you recalled the looks of pain and anguish on their faces as they suffered through the nightmares.
You hated it.
And you felt even worse knowing you caused it.
You placed you covered your eyes in shame as you let out a sigh.
You heard the door to the Inn open and when you looked you saw that Mei had stepped out and gave you a look of concern.
"Hello there." She said with a small wave as she approached you.
"Hey." You replied looking at her sadly.
"So why is someone as sexy as you so depressed and down?" Mei asked leaning on the wall as well.
"It's nothing Mei." You replied looking down as the Pantherian tilted her head.
"Well it's obvious it has something to do with those two girls still asleep up there." Mei deduced. "Pretty obvious since you were probably on your way to wake them up."
"Well aren't you smart." You said with a chuckle.
"Not really, it's pretty obvious." Mei shrugged. "You did something to them didn't you?"
You immediately shot her a glare, your eyes glowing a fierce crimson as a dark aura enveloped your form.
"If you're implying I..." You started to say.
"Easy there sexy, I know you didn't do anything indecent." Mei chuckled raising her arms defensively. "Trust me if you did anything I'd be able to smell it."
She tapped her nose.
"Even compared to other Pantherians my sense of smell is a cut above the rest." She assured. "So please don't rip my heart out."
Hearing this made you calm down, the aura of murderous intent dissipating.
You were pretty sure you scared a few people judging from the looks of terror others were giving you and a few others running for the hills.
You really didn't care though.
"I'm guessing you did something to hurt them accidentally and now you're blaming yourself huh?" Mei asked and you nodded.
"Well if you didn't mean to then don't beat yourself up too much and just try to prevent it from happening again." Mei replied placing a hand on your shoulder and giving you a comforting smile. "I don't fully understand what went down and it's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, just know I'm here to lend a twitching ear and a shoulder to cry on."
You couldn't help but smile upon hearing this, and that smile made Mei very happy.
"There we go, a smile suits that sexy face of yours more." Mei said flirtatiously making you chuckle.
"Okay, calm down Kitty." You replied with a smirk.
"I'm afraid that's impossible as long as you're near me." Mei responsed licking her lips.
"You're a rather forward lady aren't you?" You asked.
"You only now realize that?" She asked with a raised brow before turning to go back into the Inn. "I'll go wake up the girls for you since that's probably what you wanted to do right?"
You nodded.
"Okay, but before I do that I want something from you." Mei stated making you raise a brow.
"And what is that?" You asked curiously hoping this wasn't going where you think it was.
"Oh you know what I want." The Pantherian replied flashing you her fangs with a predatory grin. "A date with you."
"O-oh..." You said your face turning red with a blush causing Mei to laugh.
"You thought I was gonna for sex weren't you?" She asked still laughing making your face turn even more red.
That gave Mei her answer.
"Ha...ha! No no, if someone asks for sex in return for a simple favor then that's just proof no one will ever sleep with them willingly, I'm not that desperate." Mei assured before giving you the bedroom eyes. "Oh no, I'm a kitty who likes to work for her reward."
"By the end of the date, I promise you'll want me just as much as I want you, and we'll see where things go from there." And with one last wink Mei entered the Inn to go wake up Rem and Shera.
Meanwhile your face was so red steam was coming off you.
Back in your own world girls never flirted with you, let alone one so cute and forward like her.
"I suppose this is one way to get a date." You thought but suddenly jolted up when the sound of chaos rang in your ears.
The sounds were coming from Rem and Shera's room and it was accompanied by the two girls screaming.
You and the others around you who heard all flinched as the sound of chaos continued for a while from the room and after a while they stopped completely.
Mei had obviously just given those two the rudest of awakenings.
After some more time Rem and Shera exited the Inn and they looked traumatized.
Their regular clothes were on, but their hair was a mess and they were shivering.
"Um..." You tried to say only for Mei to pop up behind them.
"As you can see I got them up for you." Mei stated and both Rem and Shera flinched back and hid behind you out of fear still shivering.
"Get her away from us!" Rem yelled her tail puffing out.
"Let's just go to the Guild please!" Shera added clinging to your arm.
You stared at them both then back at Mei who had a very pleasant smile on her face as well as a sparkling aura.
"What did you do to them?" You asked even though some part of you told you you were better off not knowing.
"Don't worry about it, just swing by for our date next week." Mei said sweetly before booping you on the spot where your nose would be.
With that she closed the door of the Inn leaving you and the traumatized girls.
You just stood there for a moment trying to process what just went down but were snapped out of it when Shera tugged on your arm asking to go to the Guild.
You nodded and all 3 of you left for the Guild.
After a while of walking you noticed that while both girls now had their hair back in order and now looked more presentable they were still clearly shaken.
Shera still clung to your arm, her ample bosom pressing against you and while Rem was walking a bit ahead of you both, her tail was wrapped around the wrist of your free hand.
Both grips on you were tight, like they were afraid you'd disappear if they let you go.
You don't know if this is from whatever Mei did or the nightmares you made them experience.
Either way, you didn't like seeing them like this and clinging to you clearly gave them some comfort and so you let them keep their grips on you.
The odd and sometimes disgusted looks you got from others didn't matter and you payed them no mind, these girls needed to be comforted.
"So, what levels are you both at?" You asked attempting to break the silence you were all in.
Brumm told you that in this world strength is measured by levels and you were curious to know the level these girls were at.
"I'm a level forty summoner." Rem answered after taking a deep breath and regaining her nerves.
"Well, I don't have my level yet." Shera added and you nodded in understanding.
"I see and I assume the guild has a means of assessing one's level?" You asked and Rem nodded.
"It's the reason I don't have my level yet, I haven't signed up as an Adventurer yet." Shera explained before suddenly looking up at you with sparkles in her eyes. "So that means I could be level forty or fifty!"
It seemed talking to them was the right call as Shera had quickly returned to her old bubbly self, something you were very happy to see.
"I'd say your around ten or so." Rem responded condescendingly. "At least ten below average."
And Rem seemed to return to her old Tsundere self as well, though they still held on to you.
"That's not true!" Shera yelled defensively letting go of you and stomping up to Rem who's tail let go of your wrist as she and Shera began to argue.
"Is to!" Rem responded.
"Is not!" Shera shouted.
It went on like that for a while and you never thought you'd be happy to hear two women arguing.
It was certainly more preferable to seeing them traumatized and afraid.
"Once we're registered with the Adventurer's guild we'll be able to accept quests." Rem stated after both she and Shera calmed down. "You're gonna earn your lodging Shera, as for Grimm, spend the money you earn however you want."
Earning money would definitely help with the date you had to go on with Mei, sure the Grimm Troupe had treasure you could use to purchase stuff.
But with your level of power earning money from Adventuring should be easier than finding people willing to pay billions for a single treasure.
All of you finally made it to the Building of the Adventurer's guild and once inside you were met with many Adventurers sitting around celebrating, chatting and making mirth.
Your attention was drawn to 2 individuals fighting it out.
"Hey, were you licking it!" One of them asked.
"Like I'd lick it! That's gross!" The other yelled.
You just immediately stopped listening to them after that not wanting to know what they were fighting about.
"Yeah, it's obnoxious but you get used to it." Rem sighed as you continued watching the brawl. "We register on the second floor."
Honestly it could have been worse in your opinion, you've seen worse in other anime.
As you, Rem and Shera made your way upstairs you all passed an individual wearing the same hood as those in the Mage Association, but payed him no mind, though his eyes followed you as you ascended.
Upon reaching the second floor, it took everything you had to hold yourself back from squealing in joy.
Cause there was a long desk you assumed was the registration desk and behind it were 3 absolutely adorable Dog women.
"CUTE!" You yelled in your head while your face went red with a blush as the urge to pat them almost overtook you.
You were more of a cat person, but you liked dogs too, you'd have to be heartless monster to hate dogs.
And these girls were absolutely adorable and you wanted nothing more than to pat their heads.
But you held back, they seemed rather shy and probably wouldn't be as accepting of your affection as Mei was.
They'd probably think you were a creep and enough people thought that already.
So you just stood there and tried to compose yourself as they each handed you sheets of paper with words on it written in a language you couldn't read.
Shera filled in her form while you stared at it confused.
"Um...Shera." You stated making the Elf turn to you and give you a curious look.
"Yes?" She asked titling her head.
"You see, me and my Troupe travel to and from many different lands and that means we have no time to learn languages, so could you please fill this out for me?" You asked politely.
Your kind and gentle tone made Shera blush hard.
"O-oh...o-of course Grimm." She stuttered taking your form. "I guess this kinda makes me the master huh?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at that before giving your response.
That response made Shera just pout cutely.
Shera filled out your form still pouting and the blue Dog girl presented you with your form and a small knife.
"Now I'll just need your blood seel here." She stated nervously pointing at the bottom of the form.
"Blood Seal?" You asked tilting your head.
"Y-yes, we just need some of your blood here on the bottom." The dog girl instructed. "Just a drop will do sir."
"Oh, I hate this part." Shera said cringing at the thought of seeing blood.
"Very well." You said with a shrug as you walked forward and pricked your index finger with your thumb allowing a small amount of blood out.
Your blood was not the common red, instead it was completely black and you pressed your bleeding index finger onto the form.
You were fine with a little prick, you've experienced worse back in your own world.
You remember at one point you tripped and your chin hit a brick on the ground.
That was awful, so this prick was nothing.
"Th-thank you sir." The Blue Dog girl thanked taking your form and now it was Shera's turn for her blood seel.
You saw that she was very nervous as she gripped the small knife, her hands shaking.
So you gently grabbed her hand surprising her ant gave her a gentle smile.
"Here, allow me." You said softly and your gentle voice did seem to have some sort of soothing affect on her as she stopped shaking almost immediately.
Though her face became crimson and you swore you could see steam coming off her.
"I promise it won't hurt." You assured before giving her finger a gentle prick which made her flinch and squeak a bit, but she was alright and she placed the blood seal on the paper.
You suddenly felt like you were being stared at and turned to see that the Yellow and Red Dog girls were staring at you.
It took all your will to not stare at the yellow one's rear and adorable tail and focus on their expressions.
They looked uneasy and you could understand why.
It still hurt though, about the same amount of emotional damage one would feel when they realize a dog does not like them.
Truly devastating.
"S-so, please come here if you please." The Blue Dog girl stated snapping you out of your thoughts.
You saw that she was gesturing towards a mirror against the back wall of this room said mirror though was strange.
There was no reflection at all, just blackness.
"What's this?" Shera asked as all 3 of you stepped closer to it.
"It's a mirror that measures the strength of your magic power." Rem explained.
"Please, place your hand on the mirror and fill it with magic power." The Blue Dog girl requested.
Shera was the first to step up and placed her hand on the mirror.
"L-like this?" She asked before focusing and channeling her magic into the mirror and slowly her reflection appeared on it.
"Wow, that's incredible!" The Blue Dog girl said amazed. "Let's see..."
She examined Shera's reflection.
"It's clear enough to count your eyelashes and goes all the way down to your chest." She stated and instinctively your eyes drifted down to Shera's reflected boobies.
Honestly you felt like at this point it'd be rude not to stare with how they jiggle around.
"So your level is..." She started getting Shera excited.
"Oh it's high, I can feel it!" Shera squealed.
"Thirty!" The Blue Dog finished and just like that Shera's excitement turned into depression.
"NO WAY!" Shera exclaimed before gaining an absolutely defeated look.
"That means Rem won." She groaned.
"Welcome to reality." Rem shrugged which made the Elf glare at her.
"I'll get stronger and beat you!" She declared while Rem simply scoffed.
"You'll spend your long life trying." Rem replied.
Honestly, level 30 wasn't too bad considering how much weaker everything else was here.
"Um's your turn." The Blue Dog girl said making your turn your attention to her.
She stood next to the mirror waiting for you to place your hand on it.
"Of course." You stated walking up to the mirror.
You stared at it for a bit before placing your hand on it like Shera did.
And you began focusing your magic into it.
Instead of reflecting you though, the mirror suddenly began...sparking with red electricity.
"Huh?" The Blue Dog girl asked as the sparks suddenly grew more intense.
You gained a confused look as the mirror itself suddenly turned a bright red which scared everyone present including Rem and Shera.
The entire building shook as a dark aura erupted from the mirror and enveloped the building.
Suddenly a loud screeching noise came from the mirror, a screech so powerful it shattered every window in the guild and nearly knocked everyone other than you off their feet.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Shera yelled clinging to the Blue Dog girl scared out of her mind.
Rem held on to the desk as the rumbling of the building grew more intense.
The other dog girls all clung to each other in fear.
Seeing this you immediately pulled your hand back and just like that, the sparking, rumbling and dark aura all stopped.
The moment that stopped though the sound of a door opening caught your attention.
"What was that wave just now!?" Came a new voice and you turned to the source.
"G-Guild Master uh..." The Blue Dog girl tried to say, but her fear prevented any words from coming out.
"Guild Master?" You asked with a raised brow as you stared at who entered.
No, whoever controls destiny can't keep doing this to you.
A cute Bunny girl was standing before you in one of the most scantily clad outifts you've seen so far.
Once again you had to keep yourself from tackling her and giving her headpats and cuddles.
But if she had a cute cottontail you're not sure if you would be able to.
"Hi there, I'm Sylvie, Master of this Guild." She introduced with a pleasant smile. "Do you all have a moment to spare"
She turned around and gestured for you to follow her into the other room and this confirmed what you feared.
She indeed had a cottontail, a small black one that nearly made you lose it.
But you managed to stay composed and follow Sylvie along with Rem and Shera while the dog girls were all still shaken from what happened.
Well, they probably feared you now and that made you sad.
You, Shera and Rem entered the room and saw a table in the center of said room which was between 2 couches.
So you and the girls sat down on one couch while Sylvie stepped out and came back with the form you used to sign up for the guild.
She sat down on the couch across from the one you were all sitting on and examined the paper.
"That was the first time the mirror ever reacted that way." Sylvie stated with a curious expression. "Honestly I don't think we can handle you guys here."
"Huh?" Shera asked confused. "What do you mean?"
"You're friend here." Sylvie replied referring to you. "You are extremely high leveled, but I have no idea how high."
She tossed the paper onto the table.
"Frankly, you're just beyond our knowledge." Sylvie continued to explain. "So even if I accepted you I wouldn't know which missions were acceptable for you."
"So what you're saying is...I'm too strong." You sighed and Sylvie nodded.
"We welcome strength here, but you're way stronger than me." Sylvie said folding her arms as she sat back onto the couch. "Are you really okay taking orders from someone weaker than you?"
So that was the problem.
Yeah, most people would not like taking orders from someone weaker than them, but didn't really care about that.
Plus Sylvie recognized your power and seemed respectful of it, so taking orders from her wouldn't be so bad.
"I honestly wouldn't mind that Ma'am, so long as you know your place and pay what I earn." You stated and this response made Sylvie laugh.
"Well I won't turn you down if you're fine with it then." Sylvie said with a chuckle as she reached her hand out to you. "Welcome to the Faltra City Adventurer's Lord Grimm."
"Indeed." You replied shaking her hand and sealing the deal.
You, Rem and Shera were now official members of the Faltra City Adventurer's Guild.
There we go.
I am so sorry for making you all wait for so long for this.
Once again I can't promise anything, but I hope the next update won't be so long.
It'll still be long but hopefully not as long.
But once again, sadly can't make any promise.
Enjoy the rest of the day everybody.
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