Chapter 4: Fear the Nightmare Heart
Here's chapter 4:
Rem was afraid, the fear in her eyes were evident of that.
The Pantherian was currently sitting on the bed within the room she and Shera had rented.
The poor girl was shaking like a leaf as you loomed over her, your glowing red eyes only adding to her fear.
"Do not worry little kitten, I have no intention of harming you." You assured. "However, you have a secret and as your master I demand you tell me what it is."
"I-I...I don't want to." Rem stated turning away from you making you let out a sigh.
You once again hooked your finger into the hoop of her chain collar and made her turn to look at you.
"Must I remind you of this?" You asked firmly. "I could just command you to tell me your secret right now and there's nothing you could do to stop me."
Rem's eyes widened when she realized you were right, with just one command you could make her spill everything.
She was completely at your mercy, she always has been the moment that collar appeared on her.
She was only now just realizing it.
"But I'm not going to do that." You stated surprising her.
She was even more surprised when she felt a gentle hand being placed upon her head.
She looked up and saw you giving her kind smile.
"I understand we got off on the wrong foot and I am asking a lot right now, but as of right now, you are a member of my Troupe." You explained in a gentle tone. "As the leader of the Troupe, I need to know if there is a problem with those who serve me so that I may help them so the Troupe will remain strong."
"Me and Shera are only temporary members, so why..." She tried to reply only to be silenced by you placing a finger over her mouth.
"That doesn't change the fact that you were once part of my Troupe and in my eyes that also makes you a friend." You explained before gently patting her on the head making her let out a surprised gasp. "Whatever your secret may be, you will remain my friend, I will not judge you and if I can help you in anyway I promise me and my Troupe will help you out."
Rem had no idea what to say, you seemed so genuine right now, your eyes, your voice and your demeanor was far from the creep she had met earlier.
"If I tell you...will you still like me?" She asked meekly, though loud enough for you to hear.
"Hm?" You asked tilting your head.
"Even if it's worse than what you're thinking, you promise you won't run away?" She asked again hopefully.
You were about to laugh it off and tell her it was a ridiculous question to ask and of course you'd accept her, but you could see how much your response would mean to her.
So you'd answer her seriously and sincerely.
"Of course, as leader of the Grimm Troupe and your friend, I promise no matter what for as long as both of us live, I will not abandon you." You assured before rising and giving her a bow to seal the deal.
That was the first time Rem had heard anyone say that to her and it made her heart swell with joy.
So much so that tears began welling up in her eyes and she began sniffling.
You heard this and stood up straight with a worried expression.
"D-did I say something wrong?" You asked worried you may have offended her somehow only for the Pantherian to shake her head.
"No...not at all, I'm just so happy, you said you'd never abandon me." She said in between her soft sobs wiping her tears away. "No one's ever said that to me."
Once again, Rem was surprised when she felt you drape your cloak over her and held her close.
"If you wish to cry then let it out, I'll comfort you for as long as you need." You whispered softly.
Rem could not help but lean into your chest, your warmth was comforting, she with you for the first time.
" secret is..." Rem started. "I have the soul of the Demon Lord Krebskulm within me."
Hearing that name surprised you greatly.
Krebskulm was the most powerful boss in Cross Reverie and this cute little Tsundere Pantherian had that within her.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but my ultimate goal is to defeat her while she's still inside me." Rem continued to explain. "It's the only way I'll be rid of her."
"I see, I assume Celeste and now myself are the only individuals that know of this?" You asked and you received a nod in response.
"Ah, now I understand why you were so hesitant to tell me." You sighed before hugging her tighter into your chest. "If others knew everyone here would attempt to murder you to get rid of this Demon Lord am I correct?"
Once again the Pantherian nodded in response.
"They'll think killing you will destroy the Krebskulm, but all your death will do is release her unto the world am I correct?" You asked once again and as expected, Rem nodded.
That was definitely a hard burden to bare, no wonder she was so closed off and secretive.
"Did your mother have it too before you were born?" You asked. "If so, then I assume this curse is hereditary?"
Rem nodded again and you felt immensely sorry for this little kitten.
She had no choice, no matter what she'd be burdened with this curse and if she had children they'd be cursed to house Krebskulm as well.
Life truly was unfair...even in a fantasy world.
"I won't abandon you over something you have no control over, thank you for trusting me." You stated grabbing her cheeks gently and making her look up at you.
"Here me now friend, I Grimm, the Master of the Grimm Troupe and servant to the Nightmare Heart promise to crush the Demon that is within you and free you for this burden." You declared with determination.
Rem could not hold back her sobs any longer and finally let her emotions flow.
She wrapped her arms around you and cried into your chest.
"Thank you...thank you so much!" She cried and you simply remained silent and allowed her to cry.
Stop Music:
Downstairs, both Shera and Brumm along with the others within the Inn looked up when they heard the crying from above.
"What is going on up there?" Someone asked. "Sounds like someone's torturing a cat."
"Do not worry." Brumm assured. "My Master does not torture...cats."
"Just cats?" Shera asked worriedly.
Brumm ignored her question and the stares he was receiving and simply played his accordion.
Shera entered the room she was sharing with Rem and saw the Pantherian was already sleeping calmly.
You had left a good while ago and made your way back to your Troupe's tent with Brumm.
There was a lot you had to think about and process, but for now you just wanted to sleep and so that's what you were doing.
You were now within your tent, sleeping away while Brumm stood at the entrance playing a tune on his accordion.
As Brumm continued to play the sound of many footsteps caught his attention and he stopped.
"Hey you!" Came the voice of someone Brumm did not want to hear.
He looked ahead and saw Galluk with 4 other Mages, red-faced with bottles of alcohol, they were clearly drunk.
"Remember me?" Galluk asked making Brumm raise a brow.
"Who are you?" He asked confused making Galluk angry.
"Back in the Inn with Miss Baudelaire you humiliated me and..." Brumm silenced him with a raised finger.
"If I do not remember you, then you are not worth remembering." Brumm replied simply further angering Galluk.
"Hey, I just made up a law, no Demons allowed out at night!" He yelled.
Brumm simply stared on with a bored expression before sighing.
"We are not Demons and we are not in the city so therefore that law does not apply to us." Brumm stated returning to playing his accordion.
Galluk was furious at being brushed off and the rest of his group weren't happy either.
"Hey freak, you think you can just talk down to us like that?" One of them asked.
Brumm ignored them and continued to play.
"Hey, we're talking to you!" Galluk yelled.
"Then why is it that all I hear are a bunch of wild monkeys screeching?" Brumm asked.
Galluk would not stand for this, after what happened before he wanted payback on you and your Troupe.
"Hey, where's your boss, I got a bone to pick with him!" Galluk demanded.
"Sleeping." Brumm answered.
"Well wake him up and get him out here, I wanna talk!" The Mage demanded and Brumm immediately glared at them, his eyes glowing.
All the Mages flinched back at the glare.
However, what Brumm did next surprised them.
He stepped aside.
"If you wish to speak with my Master then go wake him up yourself." He stated.
Galluk and the Mages all exchanged looks of surprise before he smirked and took up Brumm's offer.
"Fine, I promise I'll be quick." Galluk assured walking in leaving the 4 Mages with Brumm.
"Hey, what's in the other tent?" One of the Mages asked.
"It doesn't matter, just do not enter." Brumm warned and the Mages merely chuckled.
"Or what, you gonna stop us he asked and Brumm shook his head.
"No, if you wish to go in, I will not stop you, just be ready to face the consequences if you do." The Musician warned.
The Mages all gained looks of concern upon hearing that, except one who simply laughed.
"Whatever man, I'm going in." He said before walking over to the tent.
He then turned when he saw the others weren't following him.
"Hey, aren't you all coming?" He asked and they all remained silent.
He scoffed calling them cowards and entering.
A few seconds later they heard him scream.
" look rather tasty." Came the voice of Divine from the tent followed by the Mage screaming in pain and anguish.
The rest of the Mages stood there, frozen in fear as the screams continued before going silent.
Galluk made his way through a long hallway with dark red walls, lanterns on the walls with red flames burning within them providing illumination.
It was honestly very eerie, it put Galluk on edge.
"Not Demons, this looks pretty Demonic to me." He thought before exiting the hallway into a dark open room.
The room resembled some kind of arena, but it was too dark too see.
Fortunately or...rather unfortunately lights suddenly turned on the moment he stepped in letting him see the room more clearly, honestly he preferred the dark.
This was an arena and a crowd was watching him.
They made no noise, no murmurs, no whispers, they just stood there watching him.
It creeped him the fuck out.
At the far end of the arena a door opened up towards another room.
The crowd stayed silent watching him intently with anticipation, like he was performing for them.
They were daring him to enter that chamber and now, he was hesitating.
The aura the entrance to this new chamber was emitting filled him with dread, but he pressed on.
Galluk had no intention of speaking to you at all, he wanted to kill you while you slept.
You had insulted him in front of Celestine and he would not let that go, even as the crowd's eyes followed him he entered to pursue this foolish goal.
The moment he stepped through the chamber door slammed shut making him flinch.
He turned around sweating bullets, staring at the shut door.
He was seemingly trapped inside now, but he did not even have time to think or react as a rather disturbing sound caught his ears.
It was the sound of a rather loud heartbeat.
With no other sounds in the chamber it was almost deafening.
He turned around and found the source of the heartbeat.
There you were, upside-down and asleep like you were some kind of bat.
Your body twitching and pulsing in time with the heartbeat making it clear that the heartbeat belonged to you.
...or so he thought.
Galluk walked up to you slowly to ensure you would not wake and pulled out a dagger with the intent to stab you.
His legs began shaking as he drew closer, the heartbeat growing louder.
You slept on as the Mage raises his dagger aiming for your chest where the heartbeat was coming from.
Fear pierced Galluk's heart, his hands now shaking with the dagger raised.
For some reason, just hearing this heartbeat was terrifying and it made him stop for a brief moment.
Galluk however steeled himself and brought the dagger down.
A decision he would later come to regret.
The moment he brought the dagger down, you suddenly disappeared into a puff of red smoke and the entire room went dark.
"Huh..." He asked confused only to have his attention drawn behind him when he sensed a presence.
He turned and came face to face with a horrendous sight.
A large red fleshy mass hung from the celling, a crowd off odd creatures behind it and odd tubes were everywhere.
They resembled the crowd from before, except what he assumed to be their bodies were red and their eyes glowed more intensely.
It was also pulsing and beating as if it were a heart.
Galluk suddenly felt his heart become consumed by fear as the mass kept on beating.
Suddenly the large mass seemingly came to life as it began to glow and let out what sounded like a roar.
All Galluk could do now was scream in absolute horror as this...creature continued to roar the loud volume forcing him to cover his ears.
"What's happening!?" He asked unable to think straight as his mind suddenly got assaulted by horrendous visions and nightmares too horrible to describe.
Galluk removed his hands from his ears and instead began clutching his head in a vain attempt to stop the horrendous visions.
"Stop..." He muttered clutching his head, his nails digging into his skin. "STOP!"
He kept screaming at this entity to stop as he kept clutching his skull drawing blood which ran down his face.
The entity refused, this insignificant little worm had attempted to harm it's host.
So now it shall ensure that this inferior worthless waste of life suffers for what he had tried to do.
You slept peacefully, still upside down as Galluk writhed in pain and agony on the ground, his eyes glowing red with the Scarlet flame.
There we go, hope you enjoyed and see ya'll next time.
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