Chapter 1: Your Best Nightmare
Here is the first chapter of The Nightmare King.
I also decided to add the Radiance to your Harem, her backstory will be explained in the story.
Cross Reverie.
A fantasy style mmorpg that everyone from around the world was playing.
The only way you haven't heard of it is if you've been living under a rock.
In this game you could be multiple fantasy creatures.
However, there was one player in Cross Reverie that made quite the name for himself.
In reality, his name was (Y/N) (L/N), he was an average young boy who was quite antisocial and chose to not interact with people most of the time.
In the game however, he was Grimm, the King of Nightmares and powerful leader of the Grimm Troupe.
A godlike being with one of the hardest side quests within the game.
He had won an event that allowed him to add his own lore into the world of Cross Reverie.
He protects his title as Troupe Master with extreme ferocity, if you wish to take his title...good luck.
He is harder than most of the bosses in the game which makes sense since he is a player himself and thus knows a lot about the game.
(Y/N) wasn't...happy with his life, but he didn't hate either...he was...fine.
He was fine with where he was at, he was okay.
However, he'd soon be transported into the very game where he reigned supreme.
What will he do then?
Let's see.
Your eyes shot open in surprise when you felt 2 pairs of lips kiss each one of your cheeks.
Instinctively you shot up and jumped back to glare at 2 people.
To your surprise, you saw 2 females, one appeared to be an Elf with blond hair and rather large breasts.
The second was some kind of Cat girl with tiny breasts.
You tilted your head in confusion at what you were seeing.
"What is this?" You asked softly but stopped when you heard your voice.
It was different, more distorted and sinister sounding.
You gazed at your own hand and saw that your hand was now a thin black claw with an armored carapace.
You knew this claw, this was the Claw of Grimm.
The character that you were in Cross Reverie.
You gazed at the rest of your body and saw you were now wearing a tattered robe, you were taller and felt...much stronger. were Grimm.
Your mind was in complete overdrive as you gazed at your new body.
So many questions were going through your mind right now.
Why were you Grimm?
Where were you?
And who were these women?
"With that, the enslavement ritual is complete." The Cat girl said catching your attention.
"Enslavement?" You asked with narrowed eyes.
"Yay I did it!" The Elf said enthusiastically. "I summoned a Monster."
"First of all, No you didn't..." The Cat girl said. "So therefore deductive reasoning concludes that it was me."
Then the two girls began arguing amongst themselves over...who summoned you.
Were you in Cross Reverie?
Were you in the game?
"Besides...I kissed him." The Elf girl said a little embarrassed.
"Kissed me?" You asked feeling your cheek remembering the sensations you felt earlier. "Did they both kiss me?"
You blushed a bit at that realization but brushed it off and let them argue while you looked around.
It appeared your assumption was correct.
You were indeed in Cross Reverie as you realized you were standing on Starfall Tower.
This was a location within the game that allowed one to enslave rare summons.
"Did them summoning me actually transport me into the game?" You asked before glaring at the 2 girls who were still arguing over who summoned you.
You found it annoying.
Their arguing made it hard to think and grasp the situation and so you decided to tell them to stop.
"ENOUGH!" You yelled startling the girls as you gave them an intense glare.
"Can you two remain silent for five minutes!?" You yelled as your cape bellowed in the wind that suddenly whipped up.
Both the girls seemed surprised and the Elf girl asked:
"Did he just talk!?"
"Of course I did." You replied in a way you thought was befitting of the Nightmare King. "Why wouldn't I be able to speak?"
You decided it would be better to act like the Nightmare King you seemed to be until you completely understood the situation.
The girls remained silent as you kept your hard glare.
"Do you women know who I am?" You asked while they just stood there confused.
"I'll take your silence as a no." You sighed completely wrapping yourself in the cloak.
Then playing the role of the Troupe Master, you bowed politely.
"I am Grimm, Master of the Grimm Troupe and the King of Nightmares." You introduced. "Now could you please tell me who you both are?"
The girls just stood there in shock and it annoyed you.
"Don't be rude." You said lowly. "Bow and answer my question."
"I'm not going to bow to a Summon." The Cat girl who you now knew was a Pantherian said, however a sudden green aura appeared around her and she bowed to you.
Much to the Elf girl's shock, she followed suit and bowed as well.
Both girls and you grew even more shocked when chain collars appeared around their neck.
"M-my name is Rem Galleu." The Pantherian girl introduced herself with a bit of a struggle, as if she were being forced to. "I-I am still proving my worth as an Adventurer and I'd like for you to lend me your aid."
Then it was the elf's turn.
"I a-am Shera L Greenwood, I would like to become an Adventurer someday because reasons." She said with equal struggle.
You brushed off your shock and regained your composure.
"Thank you both very much, you may rise." You ordered and the green aura disappeared off them and they immediately rose to give you a shocked stare.
"Wh-what did you do!? Rem asked angrily.
"I did nothing." You said calmly. "Your enslavement spell was simply reflected."
"What!?" Rem asked. "How!?"
You let out a small chuckle at her reaction.
"Quite simple my dear Pantherian..." You said walking up to her which emphasized your superior height.
She barely reached your chest.
"That's is what happens to anyone who attempts to enslave me."
"What does that mean?" Shera asked still tugging at her collar.
It was something you wrote into your own lore, if anyone attempted to enslave the Nightmare King the spell used will be reflected.
Right now, you were very thankful you wrote that in, you were not keen on serving these 2 or anyone for that matter.
"If anyone attempts to enslave me, the spell will reflect and enslave the one who cast it to me." You explained before giving a low laugh. "Consider it karma for thinking you could command me!"
You then walked past them to gaze at the field beyond.
You could sense...something in that direction and after a while of thinking you realized what it was.
"My Troupe." You thought.
In your lore, you wrote wherever you appeared, the entire Grimm Troupe would also appear within the kingdom you were in.
"Is there any sort of civilization in that direction?" You asked pointing in the direction you sensed your Troupe from.
"Yes, it's called Faltra City." Shera answered and you nodded.
"Good, we will go there at once." You ordered. "My Troupe should be there as well."
"You can't tell us what to do!" Rem yelled outraged that something they had summoned had the nerve to act like this.
You couldn't help but chuckle at that remark and put your finger through the large circle on the collar and lightly pulled Rem towards you.
"I'm afraid I can my feline friend." You said before much to the surprise of both woman gave Rem a deep and passionate kiss.
Since she was too surprised to really react you easily shoved your new long prehensile tongue into her mouth.
All Rem could do was let out a weak moan as you literally wrapped your tongue around hers.
Shera meanwhile was unsure of what to do and blushed a deep crimson as you had your way with her friend.
Rem could not think straight, this felt too good, your tongue was so firmly wrapped around hers that she couldn't break it free, but also gentle enough to not hurt her.
It's like your own tongue was giving hers a massage.
You eventually separated from the Pantherian girl very slowly and smirked in her face before giving her a quick lick on the cheek.
Rem was panting heavily after that little make-out session and she gave a lustful look,her tongue out and drooling.
You simply chuckled at her reaction, it's like she was drunk off your kiss.
"Hmm, I was wondering if your tongue was as rough as an actual cat's" You commented. "I'm quite surprised to find out it actually is."
You then turned to Shera who flinched, still blushing deeply at what she just witnessed and you smirked
"Your friend had quite a sweet taste." You stated before licking your lips. "Do you mind if I have a taste of you?"
Shera at first had no idea how to respond to that and just stood there blushing and stuttering like a shy schoolgirl.
" thank you." She finally managed to stutter out raising her hands defensively.
"There was hesitation in your voice." You replied and Shera instantly denied that accusation.
"N-no there wasn't!" She yelled and you laughed louder.
"You're not a very good liar are you?" You asked in a teasing manner.
Shera kept denying she wanted a kiss from you while you decided to snap the Pantherian out of her stupor.
You remembered Pantherians had sensitive ears and so snapped your fingers directly in her ear to accomplish this.
Rem flinched at the loud snap and gave you an angry glare.
"Ho-How dare you kiss me without my consent!" She yelled literally steaming from both anger and embarrassment.
"You weren't exactly resisting me." You commented turning your back to them.
"What the Hell was that!?" You yelled at yourself. "WHY DID I DO THAT!?"
It was odd, you had absolutely no idea what came over you or where that confidence came from.
The girls couldn't see it since you had turned your back to them, but you were sweating profusely attempting to process what you did.
"Okay okay (Y/N), calm yourself, you just got a little too deep in your act, what's done is done, so just do your best to avoid shit like that happening ever again!" You told yourself before breathing deeply.
"Hey!" Rem yelled walking over to you. "Don't you turn your back on me after doing that!"
In response you simply gave her a pat on the head making her freeze on the spot.
"You know, the sooner we get to that town, the sooner we may find a way to undo this little mistake." You suggested. "My Troupe is experienced in dark magic, they may have a way."
You honestly had no idea if this was true or not, but you did make it so your Troupe had expert Mages, they might have a solution...hopefully.
"Well, we were going to head back there once we had our summon." Shera sighed feeling down at due just how South this simple task went.
"It's settled then." You said removing your hand from the Pantherian's head something she was secretly disappointed by.
"Let us not waste any time, the sooner we undo this, the sooner we can pretend we've never met." You said leading the way out of the tower and the girls followed.
Despite not knowing your way around this world, you could sense exactly where your Troupe was and that's all you needed at the moment.
Once you got these girls out of your hair you could have your Troupe help you gain a better understanding of this world.
Hopefully no complications would arise.
I finally got around to this, really sorry for the long wait.
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