Chapter 6- Power Lost and Power Gained
(Your POV)
After five minutes of walking around in the forest below King's, I managed to level up a level, which was nice. Arthur has been pestering me for the past five minutes though, often saying my form needs work or something along those lines. Either way, I wasn't really paying attention because my mind was focused on what game I should play next.
Normally, I would just think about this for the hell of it, but now I'm thinking about it so I can help my teammates better. The way I see it, all teams can be split up into four basic roles, the Front Line, the Utility, the Damage Dealer, and the Support. Unlike most people, me, Jihan, and Sung can fit any of these roles perfectly. But I'm probably the best at versatility given how I can copy skills from video games.
So it'll be up to me to balance the team out, so I'll have to copy the skills of a video game in order to fill that role. I can become a front-line player by playing either Devil May Cry or Shadow of War, thanks to both characters being badasses that can take a hit. To fit the damage dealer class, I suppose FFXV and Odyssey would be good options, because both characters are pretty fast and are hard to hit by normal means. To fit the support class is going to be difficult, but playing as a mage in Inquisition or focusing on magic in Kingdom Hearts should fit the bill. Finally is the utility, which is easy, I can use Scribblenauts, Fire Emblem, or TF2 for that.
"(Y/N), are you listening?" Pestered the mouse I call Arthur as he poked my cheek whilst standing on my shoulder.
"Why yes I am, Great Mouse Detective." I lied, then I felt some pressure on my cheek. Not surprisingly, it was Arthur hitting my face with a stick.
"Then repeat what I just told you." Arthur challenged while I grabbed the stick and threw it behind me.
"You were talking about balancing out the team I'm on." I guessed, not really knowing what Arthur was talking about at all. "About how I should either find people that suit the class I wanna be or how I should change my skills based on the circumstances."
"That's nowhere near what I said." Arthur answered, but he surprisingly didn't do anything, normally he'd try to kick my ass after I got an answer wrong. "However that's still a good thing to keep in mind so I won't give you too much crap."
"Really? That's a first." I snickered and immediately felt tiny hands punching my neck, which didn't hurt but it sure was annoying. "It appears I spoke too soon."
As I felt Arthur's tiny hands trying to beat me up, Immediately sensed a strong magic signature coming from a clearing nearby. They were fighting off something rather larger, so I immediately felt the responsibility to go help them. So I got my portal gun ready, along with my rope dart and strayed traversing the various kinds of trees, roots, rocks, and logs that blocked my path to this individual.
On my way there, I looked over to a part of the forest in the distance to see that a part of that sky turned dark and had stars, like the night sky. I had no idea what could have caused that to happen, but it's probably best I don't get involved since they're quite a distance away. Once I pushed away the final branch I finally reached the clearing to see the someone was desperately dodging a giant grimm with horns.
I looked at the individual to find it was...Rias?! She was gracefully but desperately dodging the grimm as it charged, while she tried making a giant red orb in her hands. While she was charging her own attack, the grimm interrupted her by attempting to tackle her, forcing her to dodge. Then the grimm got stuck in a tree and the cycle repeated.
I wasted no time in shooting a blue portal beneath where Rias would most likely dodge to and shooting an orange one onto the tree. Like clockwork, the grimm charged at Rias and she dodged, falling right into my portal. Since I predicted her fall, I took it upon myself to catch her. So as she fell through the portal, I planted my feet and outstretched my arms. Rias then fell through the portal back-first and right into my chest, that was when I wrapped my arms around her torso. She didn't know what happened at first, but then she turned her head and stared at me a little before grinning a bit.
"My (Y/N), you sure move fast~." She teased, that was when I realized the position we were in, so I let go to put some distance between up and Rias let out a small giggle. "It's fine (Y/N), not only because you're cute, but also because you saved me."
"C-Cute?" I then felt my face get red and I huffed in disagreement, holy shit I am a tsundere. "I am not!"
"Yes you are, especially when you do that." Rias then proceeded to place a hand on my hand before staring into my eyes with her blue ones, thankfully though, the grimm roared. "Oh right, the grimm."
"So what do you want to do, I'll distract it and you finish it off with whatever you were charging?" I listed off strategies while toying with my pipboy a bit, seeing that it gives me fast access to my inventory. "Or do you want to fight it alongside together and get some training in?"
"I would choose the second option, but that thing just charges at me while I'm charging up my orb of destruction!" Rias stated, before Arthur got involved with the conversation.
"How about releasing it in consecutive bursts, it won't be as powerful, but it might be even more effective." Arthur advised, making Rias supposedly feel stupid while I pulled out [Cernunnosl] in it's first form.
"Um...I haven't thought about that..." Rias admitted in shame, while looking down. "I feel pretty stupid now."
"We all have those moments," I confirmed before putting my [Portal Gun] in my [Inventory] and turning [Cernunnosl] into it's 6th form, Animator's gift. "Alright, so the plan is for you to practice those consecutive blasts while I cover you with [Cernunnosl]."
"Wait, where on Earth did you get that weapon?" Rias then began examining the metallic puppet that was taller than her while it was Jojo posing. "It's like a fairy king's spear, being able to change shape and radiating pure magic power."
"Beats me, it just showed up a couple seconds after I was born." I answered, not really knowing the full story of how I got my Relic. "Anyways, we doing this or what?"
Rias and I nodded to each other while Arthur summoned those wings of his and flew at the grim, attempting to pierce it's eye with his sword. I then sent [Cernunnosl] towards the grim, while making it dance. The dancing caused the minerals in the earth to make eight nearly perfect copies of Cernunnosl, only difference is that they were not the same color. With these copies, [Cernunnosl] then violently began circling around the grim while being 100% in sync, covering it while Rias ran on the outside of the circling puppets.
Arthur was fending off the grimm's horns, while the grimm itself was having difficulty stabbing the flying mouse. Rias then took Arthur's advice and created three small, red orbs and shot them at the grimm, cracking it's armor.
The grimm knocked Arthur away and tried to charge at Rias, but one of Cernunnosl's clones stopped in sync with the others and kicked at the same time and same way as the original puppet. The kick had enough force to send it back, where Arthur was waiting and still trying to stab it's eye out.
The three of us were doing a good job at distracting it, but none of us could really finish it off. Rias could decide to fire a large orb, but that requires too much time to charge and Cerunnosl's puppets aren't invincible, so her staying still is a bad idea. I could turn [Cernunnosl] into one of it's more powerful forms, but I'm not strong enough to use it without major consequences and that would leave Rias completely vulnerable. As for Arthur...his sword is a tiny rapier, it won't be able to finish anything larger than a beetle.
"(Y/N)!" Shouted a determined and familiar voice, followed by footsteps coming from the forest, causing me and Rias' attention to shift at the source of the voice. "Clear a path!"
So I shot a portal beneath Rias' feet again and did a repeat of last time, except this time, she didn't need me to catch her. Arthur then flew back over to e and dispelled the wings while I lined up [Cernunnosl] and it's cones in a straight line in front of the three of us. The grimm tried tackling us, but [Cernunnosl] and it's clones blocked it.
That was when I saw a soul reaper leap from the tree line, and not just any soul reaper, it was a familiar orange haired strawberry with a giant sword.
Ichigo then thrust his greatsword downwards to stab the grimm, which he successfully did, causing the grimm to fall to the ground and turn to dust. The boy then sighed while I put [Cernunnosl] back in it's inventory. I was about to talk to my friend, but he rather quickly fell to his knees breathing heavily while his hand was still gripping the sword.
"You good man?" I then walk over to him and take a knee, noticing that he had cuts all over his body. "What happened?"
"I met up with one of the teachers, Casper Lu Neptune, I think was his name." Ichigo said, shocking both me and Rias for the same reason.
"Casper Lu Neptune, but he's a noble from Atlantis, so why is he here?" I questioned as Rias nods in agreement. "Also, Rias, do you have any healing spells?"
"Well if you insist..." For some unknown reason, she then started unbuttoning her clothes before Ichigo shouted, making her stop.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Ichigo shouted, obviously confused while Rias just sighs.
"My healing magic only works with skin-to-skin contact." Rias admitted while I just started buttoning her clothes again. "(Y/N), why are you buttoning my clothes?"
"I doubt any of us needs any distractions now with Casper around here, so Ichigo will have to wait until we find a doctor or when I reached lvl 40." I pointed out before finishing buttoning up Rias' clothing. "Ichigo, you think you'll be fine?"
"Yeah, despite having a literal night sky full of weapons, his accuracy was way off." Ichigo commented, surprising both me and the devil.
"Wait, so the night sky was actually an armory?!" Me and Rias shouted at the same time, obviously amazed that Ichigo made it out alive.
"Yeah, every star there was a weapon, which made it somewhat easier to dodge." Ichigo then stood up then sheathing his sword. "However, even with my Bankai I had trouble keeping up."
"You achieved Bankai?" I questioned while Ichigo nodded. "Good job."
"Yeah, Tensa Zangetsu is it's name and it increases my speed." Ichigo explained while I began thinking. "What are you thinking, (Y/N)?"
"Now our team has two DPS, Rias and Ichigo." I muttered, making Ichigo roll his eyes and Rias give me a questioning look. "Our last member must be a good front line fighter or tank, it looks like I'll have to fill in both the utility and support roles."
"(Y/N), sweetie, what are you talking about?" Rias stared at me, while I just ignored her and tried to think a bit more about what games I should copy first.
"He likes to strategize, usually putting all of his into video games terms." Ichigo explained to Rias, who then nodded understandingly. "So (Y/N), I take it you're trying to balance out the team?"
"Yeah, I'm thinking we should have Rias be a backline fighter while you and I distract opponents." I advised, gaining a nod from Ichigo. "Either way, we need to find a fourth person before I make any certain plans, but we should probably use that strategy for now."
"Good idea, so who do you think will be a good fit for our team?" Rias asked as we began making our way to a random part of the forest. "My personal opinion would be Koneko, since she's in my peerage."
"I haven't seen Koneko in combat, but she has potential." I admit before remembering my own rook. "However, my one rook piece doubles the power compared to a normal rook, so I think my rook, Mori, would be a better fit."
"I'm not sure, when it comes to tanking hits, Chad is pretty good at it." Ichigo said as we all heard the sound of rustling in the bush in front of us, putting us all on the defensive.
I got my robe dart and Pipboy ready, Rias started charging a red orb, and Ichigo pointed his sword at the source of the noise. Rias and Ichigo stayed like that while I shot a blue portal on the ground in front of the bush, while placing an orange one on a to my right. The three of us waited in silence, while the rustling still continued, albeit it was a bit more cautious. After a while of silence, I got kind of annoyed and decided to use a shout.
"Laas Yah Nir." I whispered quietly, barely loud enough to any of us to hear it, but it was still working.
I looked to my left and saw Ichigo's black aura, and behind me to see Rias's crimson aura. So I tested my new vision on the shrubbery and was rather surprised to find there was a dark purple aura and a light blue aura coming from it, huddled together and observing us. After a minute of staring at each other, I realized it was Sujin and Jihan.
"Um...Sujin, Jihan, it's me." I reassured, confusing both Ichigo and Rias until we all heard sighs of relief coming from the bushes. "Why were you guys hiding, Sujin should have known it was me."
"Well we ran into some random guy that completely mirrored your appearance and personality, we only found out after I dodged a scalpel coming at me at high speeds." Sujin informed her as she and Jihan both stepped out of the shrubbery. "After I dodged the scalpel, I tried fighting the guy, but he has the power to completely control any living body so long as he's in contact with it."
"Could have some sort of connection to that Casper guy I fought earlier." Ichigo guessed while he sheathed his sword and Rias dispelled her magic. "Hey, What was his name anyways?"
"His name was S three N zero." Sujin responded with her arms crossed, before Jihan responded with a sigh.
"Sujin, he told us his name was Seno." Jihan corrected, but Sujin huffed in annoyance.
"Hey, you were too busy firing those mana bullets of yours from a distance to take a look at his name tag, and I was the only one close enough to see it." Sujin explained with her head hung low. "It was spelled S 3 N 0, so I'm just calling it like I see it."
"Whatever his name was doesn't matter, what does matter is whether or not you were followed?" Rias questioned, making Sujin and Jihan look at each other before shaking their heads.
"He said that he will only stay within his respective area, which was rocky and full of cliffs." Jihan informed us as Arthur took a seat on my shoulder.
"Are you certain that this place isn't part of the area?" Arthur asked before Jihan nodded and pulled up a map.
"Either way, we should make our way to the rendezvous point, since we now have at least four people." Ichigo guessed as he then began walking South towards the point I guess.
"Wait, how do you know where it is?" I asked Ichigo, who stopped in his tracks, seemingly not knowing the answer.
"Didn't V say it with the announcements?" Ichigo questioned as most of us shook our heads, with the exception being Rias, who was lost in thought. "Weird, I remember him saying that the rendezvous point was Southmost of here."
"I think that's Doctor V'e ability." Rias announced, with all of us turning to give her our full attention. "He alters the rules drastically, so maybe he altered them to inform one of us about the rendezvous point location when four of us meet each other."
"That's a good possibility." Jihan commented as Ichigo started walking south, so we followed him.
While we walked with Ichigo, I noticed that Rias was having some trouble moving through the wildlife-filled forest. Meanwhile, Sujin was trudging through it all like it was no problem, Jihan was having some trouble too but not as much as Rias, and Ichigo was using flash step to get ahead. I myself wasn't having too much trouble with the forest environment, since they were basically coral reefs but on land.
"Hey (Y/N), do you know everyone's skills here?" Jihan asked while climbing over a log that Ichigo and Sujin leaped over. "I'm trying to make a balanced team."
"I don't know everyone's skills, so I think it'll be a better idea for everyone to explain their skills." I advised while holding out my hand for Jihan and Rias as I stood on the log. "For example, I have a relic that can change forms, and I can copy skills and items from video games. So far I have most of the perks from both Skyrim and Fallout, and I have a Portal Gun. While I may be able to predict my opponent's next move most of the time, I'm still physically weak and pretty much nothing without my skills or equipment."
"While it may appear that I am nothing more than a mere mouse, my sword here is made from a fragment of Excalibur!" Arthur announced, both scaring and confusing Rias. "I can use that power for light magic and fro creating angel wings but thanks to my small body, I can only use so much of it before my body starts to burn up."
"As for me, I mainly use Northern ITF Taekwondo." Sujin began while she leaned against a tree. "My charyeok, Pandora, is quite powerful. It grants me telekinesis, control over diseases and poisons, ability sealing/awakening, physical enhancement, armor, attack reflection, and the ability to become god for a short while. As for my weaknesses, enough force can defeat me and my range is limited."
"Obviously I'm a devil, so I mainly use magic." Rias then made a red magic circle in her hand. "My magic is Power of Destruction, which is pretty self explanatory. (Y/N) and I are in the same boat for weaknesses, with both fo us being physically weak and having low defense."
"Well I'm a soul reaper, so most of my power comes from my Zanpakuto, Zangetsu." Ichigo explained while showing off his sword. "It's a direct attack type that can fire slashes called Getsuga Tenshou, and it's Bankai is just the same thing but smaller, faster, and more powerful. My weakness is also kind of like Sujin, which is range, but I can make up for it with Getsuga Tenshou and my speed.
"Guess it's my turn, since we're doing this." Jihan then did a weird pose that was too calm and predictable to be called a Jojo pose. "My power is the gamer's ability, a bit less advanced compared to (Y/N)'s gamer ability, but it's still great nonetheless! I can create golems and control mana freely, not to mention I have a ton of skills that make me the best support there ever was. These skills are great and all, but they all require practice in order to be effective."
"So with that in mind, we should start setting up the roles." Rias advised before she and I began thinking while all five of us walked right past a giant boulder. "I guess I'll be fighting from the back lines with Jihan, Sujin and Ichigo would be the main front lines, which leaves (Y/N) in a field of uncertainty."
"It's probably best if I copy skills from FFXV and TF2, just so I can switch from backlines to frontlines or vice versa if the situation calls for it." I advised while trying to guess whether or not it's possible to combine both of their greatest aspects once I get the skills.
"Yeah that makes sense, my advice would be to play as the defensive class first, then move onto support, and finish off with offense classes." Jihan advised while I just nodded in understanding, since engineer and medic classes would be incredibly useful for me. "As for FFXV, try getting all those Royal Arms,then you'd be a death machine.
Me and Jihan laughed while Ichigo sighed a bit, Sujin stared at me like she wants to ask me something, and Rias has no idea what I just said. Then out of nowhere, we all heard gunshots coming from the west. The five of us looked to source and I saw there a giant nevermore circling over a certain area and a giant robot attacking something. I then saw shotgun blasts followed by sniper shots shooting at the giant grimm. Something tells me that it was Ruby and Yang fighting that thing, and my instincts were never wrong.
I then started to sweat, fearful for the two huntresses in training. So I tried reaching inventory to pull out my Relic and use one of my lighthouses to reach the duo, but for some reason, my hand just isn't able to grab Cernunnosl. I then started to panic, gaining some looks of concern from my teammates and familiar.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Jihan looked over my shoulder to see my hand unable to grab Cernunnosl from its inventory, as if something was blocking it. "What the hell?"
"Shit!" I punched the Inventory slot where Cernunnosl was and somehow summoned a pop-up.
Hey (Y/N)!
It's me, Doctor V, and to help with your progress, I have removed your ability to use Cernunnosl. Don't worry, you won't be alone during the endeavour, Bam's not going to be allowed the ability to use the thorn, Mori won't be allowed to use any of his artifacts aside from Yeoui, and Ethan won't be allowed to use Lucky Coin. You have the most powerful relic out of all versions of you, but you can't rely too much on it.
"When did he-?" I cut myself off and grabbed my portal gun and began running while I was aiming forward. "Screw it!"
"(Y/N), wait!" Rias shouted but it was in vain, I didn't stop.
I just wanted nothing more than to make sure those two were alright, I know this is an insult to their skills, but I don't want to lose them. I desperately hoped over roots that dared to block my way ducking underneath branches when they also opposed me. I didn't dare think of what would happen if I were too late.
[??? Skill Activated: SERVER]
Please, let me help them.
[LOST (LVL690) ] Responded
[DEFENDER (LVL800)] Responded
I received a (f/c) pop up in front of me but I didn't care about it, so I dismissed the pop-up moments after it showed up. Strangely enough, two (f/c) outlines of people started to run beside me, one was riding something mechanical and the other had two swords at his side and used them to cut smaller obstacles out of the way.
When we finally reached the area, I saw that Ruby, Yang, and some other supposed hunters were fighting off the nevermore and Ursa on some ruins at a cliff. As for the giant robot, I saw around twenty people fighting the thing off, the one that caught my attention was some poor kid with green hair.
"So, you're the 'King' who called us here?" The one riding the mechanical object said, but now he and his little puppet were no longer outlines, but as if they were really here. "Who am I kiddin? I know it's you King, so I take it you wanted to help those girls over there, the ones with nice weaponry I should probably steal before I head back."
(For plot reasons, this man looks like you and the yellow is your favorite color)
"Defender, it is unwise for us to steal anything from this time period, it may result in a butterfly effect." The samurai stated, and he was in the same boat, with him not being an outline anymore.
(Same thing as the last guy, but just a bit older in appearance)
It took me a while to realize, but these two looked EXACTLY like me, only the samurai looked older. Thanks to my natural observation skills, I was able to identify that they weren't exactly threats, more like allies for now. Though the question still lingered, how did I summon these two.
"Whatever Lost, and call me Def." Remarked the newly dubbed Def, while he made the mechanical object he was riding on disappear before he begun pointing forwards. "So you want us to take care of those two?"
"I don't see anything other than...forest?" I stated, making Def sigh and Lost huff in disappointment. "Well sorry, but I don't see anything."
"Then maybe the stalkers..." As Def said this, bright (f/c) strings came out of his fingertips and shot themselves into the forest, hitting an unknown target. "...SHOULD COME RIGHT OUT!"
Def then pulled on the strings while Lost placed his hand on his long sword, the targets finally walked out of the forest. I realized that these two had an extremely powerful aura about them, and even then, it was being suppressed drastically by something.
"Well it appears we've been found out." The one with a blue jacket sighed before he summoned a broadsword from seemingly nowhere. "Looks like we have to fight (Y/N) and his companions."
"No shit, Casper, should I use my nerves for this fight?" The one with the loose jacket asked, to which Casper shook his head.
"Do it only if you think you need to, Seno." He added before Casper stepped forward and disappeared, only to reappear right in front of me with his sword raised.
I braced myself for a slash from the man by closing my eyes, but I didn't feel anything. So I opened my eyes to find Casper was entangled by the (f/c) strings from earlier, and I also saw that Def was giggling to himself with his hands in his pockets.
"Maybe I should explain my Relico numero uno; Second Chance, Legacy of the Fortress." Def began with a grin. "Once the end of the string touches something, that thing is my puppet until I dispel it. So in other words, the moment you got confident enough to get hit by my strings, is the exact moment you lost this fight. The same goes for your friend too."
However, Seno wasn't there when Def took his hands from his pockets to pull the string again, instead, there was a chunk of skin sitting there. Def then realized what was happening too late, Seno was already behind him, seemingly uninsured and about to inject a needle into Def.
However, a wakizashi quickly shot out of the ground between Def and Seno, surprising both of them. That wasn't the strangest part though, the strange part was that the earth in that exact spot acted like something coming out of the water. The wakizashi wasn't alone, Lost suddenly emerged from the ground in the same fashion as the wakizashi and attempted to slash at Seno, which failed because Seno split himself apart and reassembled himself away from Lost.
"That was one of my signature skills, [Blue Sea's Domain]." Lost informed while catching the wakizashi and holding it with the katana. "It appears I will be your opponent, Seno. My name is Lost Hope, and I will not hold back."
"Hah! Guess Mr.Swordsman here is mine." Def stated while he put some distance between him and Casper, just before a bunch of blue slash marks appeared around the strings, cutting them down. "In case you were wondering, name's Defender of Despair, now how would you like to see a puppet show?"
"Wait, what about me?" I quested, knowing full well that I can't help in a battle like this, I'd most likely get in the way instead of help.
"You go help your friends, I get the feeling we're not alone." Lost ordered and I nodded.
I then made my way over to Ruby and Yang, with my Portal Gun at the ready. I looked behind me to see that both pairs were on either side of the ruins. Seno and Casper on one side, Def and Lost on the other.
"Now...let the puppet show begin!" Def shouted as several mechanical puppets appeared around him and charged at Casper, indicating that the battle has begun.
(A/N: I know this quarantine bullshit is lonely and boring at times, but you'll get through this you king!
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