Chapter 5-The Begining of it all
(Your POV)
"I don't know about my fellow staff, but I am certainly glad to see so many people enlisted at our little establishment here!" Doctor V excitedly shouted, trying to make us feel at ease but with no dice. "Well look, I've set up this little school here to accommodate all of your guy's needs so ya'll better be grateful."
"So could you elaborate more on this place?" Requested a buff guy with salmon colored hair and a green uniform. "Not to sound rude or anything, but the flyer just gave us the address and an invitation to this place."
"Of course Mr.Kakyoin!" Shouted V, making the microphone ring for a bit before he continued. "This school is made to act like a normal highschool and/or college with a few key differences, namely the schedule flexibility and intensified focus in the physical education program. Also there aren't any sports teams because you lot will probably destroy them all."
To my surprise, Joe was the next to raise his hand. It didn't lick at first, but then I remembered that he was in a band before joining my peerage. I think the name was Urban Animal, which sounds like a good name for a comic book.
"What about other clubs and extracurricular activities?" Joe asked, causing Doc V's eyes to home in on him. "You know, like fairs, events, and other stuff like that."
"Those are still under debate, but we'll most likely have them because you combat students aren't the only ones here." V then over dramatically held up three fingers. "That is the first idea that we got from another school, we don't just focus on combat here, we focus on strategy, support, business, and general studies like U.A. The second idea was to train everyone to be well balanced, an idea I got from the Soul Reaper's Academy. The last idea was to mainly focus on everyone's specialties, I know that may sound like it contradicts what I said earlier, but that training is going to be so you can defend yourselves, but we'll sill be primarily focusing on what you're good at. After all, we don't make fish fly here, nor do we make birds swim."
"Well that's a first." Issei whispered to both me and Ichigo, making us let out a low and quiet laugh.
"While this may sound great and all to most of you, don't get too excited because there's one more test you people need to pass before entering." V then began laughing hysterically before pointing above us. "You must pass...the XV exam!"
Almost in unison, all of us looked up to find that the freaking ceiling disappeared. I looked at Issei and Ichigo for their reactions, but they were just as shocked as I was. I could tell Uryu was about to shout or something at V, but the doctor now has a lever that none of us seemed to have noticed before. Scratch that, I doubt the lever was even there before we all looked up. V must have noticed my little dilemma and shot me a wide grin, showing off that he was in complete control here.
V then pulled the lever, somehow activating something underneath the seats, sending us off a cliff that was behind the building. Looking around me, a good percentage of the people around me were panicking from the obvious fact that we were sent flying off a cliff and into the forest below. The only exceptions to that rule were Khun and Dawei, both of whom looked 100% done with whatever happens to them.
"Um...hello, is this thing on?" Came a familiar voice, it sounded like the source was coming from my ears themselves, but there was no one around. "Ah, well hello everyone, it's me, Doctor V from earlier. Anyways, so this is the final test!"
"Where are you Creepy Turtle!" I looked over and saw that Rak swinging his spear around him while he was in his normal form, trying to stab the source of the voice.
"Now, this test is a fusion between U.A, Beacon, and IS Academy's own tests!" V enthusiastically exclaimed, ignoring Rak's little outburst. "We have enemies with a point system like U.A, with the stronger enemies having the most points, but the strongest being only 0 points. Like Beacon, the first person you make eye contact with is your roommate, you're going to have 3 roommates during your time here. Now, you may not have the exact same schedule as your roommates, but you four will be given an assignment at the end of every month. As for IS academy's idea, we have some teachers in there who're trying to make sure you don't get out. In the meantime, try to find a way to land safely first, sayonara!"
Looking around, I saw that everyone was completely scattered, even the closest to me were 10 meters away. I looked down at the forest to see the ground rapidly approaching, so I reached into my [Inventory] and grabbed the portal gun I got on the flight. I then took aim with the gun and fired a blue portal in the post I would land. With no second thought, I shot an orange portal at a nearby tree.
I fell through the portal and suddenly found myself face to face with another tree, which I placed my feet on, knocking it over thanks to the momentum. I looked to the skies to check on my peerage members, hoping they would be alright.
Not surprisingly, all of them were perfectly fine. Joe turned himself into a bird to fly down, Sera slowed down time around her for a slow fall, John copied Sera's idea and ability, Jihan simply flew overhead, Bam created black butterfly wings and begun flying around, Khun used his lighthouses to teleport, Mira used her sword to stab into a tree to slow her fall, and everyone else just landed on the ground unfazed.
Sadly though, they all landed in different parts of the forest and would most likely look for people they're already acquainted with. I didn't need to use a map to find that much out, so my best bets would probably be Ichigo, Ruby, Yang, or even Issei if he doesn't go around looking for girls. Of course, Rias and her peerage seemed like good people so I don't mind it if I had to share a room with them.
My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of growling around me, so I prepared my portal gun and rope dart at the source of the voice, coming up with different plans as the situation went south. Thankfully, the source of the growling was just a group of beowolves, strangely enough, they all had ones painted on their heads.
"So you grimm are the points huh?" I joked as the supposedly single Beowulf came out of hiding and brought four more behind it. "So, you're approaching me?"
I got nothing but growls in response, kind of pissing me off. My solution for this problem was kind of obvious, I shot a blue portal on the ground right in front of me sending my rope dart through the blue portal and ducking. Thanks to the orange portal on the tree behind me, the rope dart went over me and through the skull of the beowulf in the middle. Using the rope dart, I pulled the Beowulf closer until it was right above the portal I made.
Once the beowulf was directly above the portal, I kicked it with all my strength and pulled the beowulf out. I may not be the strongest guy around, but the force of my kick sent the Beowulf through the portal and right over me like the dart, hitting his allies like a dead weight. That was the moment I decided to straighten my posture and stand tall, showing my superiority over the beowolves.
"You're next line was supposed to be 'I can't beat the shirt out of you without getting closer', you group of dollar store hellhounds." I insulted the group of glorified dogs, who were now distracted by one of their own tackling two of them, while the other two watched in confusion.
Seemingly over their former confusion, the two beowolves that didn't get hit ran at me trying to bite me. I just waited there patiently until the two beowolves were in the air and attempting to tackle me, before shooting an orange portal beneath my feet and sending myself to the blue portal that I had used earlier. With my new position, I shot the rope dart at one of the beowulf's paws, stabbing it and pulling towards me and into the portal.
The other beowulf landed where I was earlier, looking around in confusion and completely unaware that it's partner is missing. That was until I pulled back the dart then kicked the beowulf in the stomach and through the portal again. Thanks to the spikes on the thing's back, the two wolves were now stuck to each other, with one's back on the other's stomach. The second beowulf now had a second pair of spikes coming out of it, signaling that the spikes went through the torso.
While the top beowulf may be dead, the bottom one is still alive so I hopped onto the former tree they were on and stabbed my dart through the sub Beowulf's head, watching as both their eyes' violently red color fade into pitch black and as they slowly turn to dust.
+50 exp
I saw the (f/c) colors slowly rise and appear from the dead beowulves before they disappeared after they passed my head. Guess that must mean I got 25 exp from each grimm. My train of thought was interrupted yet again by the sound of the three beowulves from earlier regaining their balance.
So with a sigh, I requiped my rope dart to my right arm and my pip-boy onto my left. Breathing in, I thought of a shout to use in this situation. Bend will and animal allegiance are out of the question because I doubt they'll work. The first beowulf came at me at just the perfect time, I think I'll use...
"Ven Gaar Nos!" I shouted, causing a large gust of wind to erupt in the area and create a whirlwind that scattered the beowulves around the area. "Use skill: [V.A.T.S.]!"
As I said that, everything became green and time slowed down to a crawl, but that affected me as well so it's not perfect. However, I can tell my striking ability has gotten far more precision than it originally was. So with that in mind, I turned to the closest beowulf to see that it was still in the air.
Getting my rope dart ready, I decided to aim for the head since it had a 70% hit rate and was pretty much a one hit kill. This skill only took 40 of my stamina points so I decided to aim for the next beowulf, which was now stuck in a tree. I aimed for it's left leg, which had a hit rate of 90% but it only dropped it's HP down to half.
Once I accepted those conditions, everything was then set in motion. The rope dart shot from my wrist and at the first beowulf's head, going through it before coming back to me with a beowulf head still attached. As the rope dart came back into its slot, I grabbed the head with my hand and tossed it aside. Then I aimed for the next beowulf's right leg, which I pierced with the dart and ripped away from the grimm, crippling it further.
That left only two more beowulves in front of me, one of which was stuck in a tree while the other was slightly dazed and walking like it was drunk. I felt kind of bad for it, but it's my job isn't it.
I slowly walk up to the one that's stumbling like a drunken fool and stand right in front of it. It tried lunging a couple times but it failed and fell over, making me feel kind of bad for it. Regardless, I stomped on it's upper back and quickly used my rope dart to pierce it's skull to give it a quick death.
With that beowulf done, I then walk my way to the one that's stuck in the tree like an idiot. I then decided to watch it struggle to get out of the tree, which was more funny than depressing.
"Good morning (Y/N)!" Came a familiar voice, which was Arthur, who was still in my pocket. "I'm feeling a bit more refreshed now!"
"You've been asleep for THREE DAYS!" I shouted at the mouse, who barely reacted at my little outburst. "Why were you asleep so long!?"
"So I can collect more of my strength you Neanderthal." Arthur then hopped from my pocket and made his way towards my shoulder, with his sword in hand. "After all, you're not the only one who obtained a new ability."
After he said that, Arthur then began staring at his sword before two white butterfly wings erupted from his back. He then used those new wings to fly over to the grim and decapitate it, all before I could ask what his ability was. After he decapitated the grimm, he smugly hovered in front of my face with his sword sheathed.
+75 exp
"Alright fine, you have a pretty cool ability, so let's go find the others, alright?" I then began walking deeper into the forest with Arthur landing on my shoulder.
I wonder if Arthur counted as a roommate, probably not since he's a mouse and a familiar. Now that I think about it, there were a lot of people in that room I wouldn't mind being roommates with, I just hope they like games at least half as much as I do.
(Meliodas POV)
What the hell was that back there?
I'm certain I met the same (Y/N) (L/N) I met from such a long time ago, but that should be impossible. The (Y/N) I know became Inquisitor, got married, and even made this very school to become a new Garreg Mach after the old one became a military base for the inquisition. He should have died hundreds of years ago with his wife, but there he was, younger than the day I first met him.
I don't understand this at all, there was also that (Y/N) Ryugami with that group of idiots and the shield hero I saw 200 years after the (Y/N) I knew died. Yet that's not even the strangest thing going on, the (Y/N) I knew and Ryugami both felt alive and had an extremely similar soul that fit together like a puzzle piece. Yet this (Y/N) had no soul within him, instead, it was more like he was a placeholder for a soul that's been split into thirteen pieces.
I didn't think much of it before, but now I'm convinced something is going on, and Doctor V is clearly the one behind it. After all, he's the one who got me into this entire mess and is more than capable of doing it. I would beat him senseless right here and now, but if not even the seven deadly sins could defeat him, then me alone would be suicide.
However, I do know how his ability works thanks to experience. His ability is control over rules, which is incredibly dangerous when you think about it. He's capable of altering the rules to suit him, such as which gravity moves or whether or not what causes your heart to stop. He mainly uses this ability with his Relic, Name Changer, which works by him writing a random word on a person. Depending on the word, it can limit the person's stats, abilities, and even memories considerably. Or it can do the opposite, increasing their stats and abilities.
Strangely enough, there's actually 13 others just like him, all of whom are members of the XV Lords with Doctor V. There's also two others here working with him, Galaxia of the Universe Style, and Casper the husband of Mero. Both of whom are just as powerful as Doctor V. With all of that information in mind, I open the door leading to the auditorium and look at the stage, to see that V and Ozpin were having a conversation.
"So what about the hunters and huntresses, you know how those class work and they can't be paired up with someone outside of the hunter's classes?" Ozpin asked V, the latter smiled softly.
"Oh, I altered the laws of reality a bit so they physically can't see people from other classes, no biggie." He nonchalantly said as I decided to walk up to the two of them. "Oh hey Mel!"
"Hey V!" I responded in a relaxed tone, trying to make him a bit more comfortable. "Hey quick question."
"The (Y/N) here is not the same (Y/N) you know, that much I can guarantee you." V's attitude suddenly became serious and secretive, like he was keeping something from me. "It's best you just train him like you did with the previous (Y/N) though."
"But-" I was about to talk back before Ozpin placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him expecting an explanation, but I got a head shake in response. "Fine, but I want an explanation at some point."
I then walked off with Ozpin past the seats, I then noticed that there were dunes underneath the seats. Now I see what happened, V placed runes underneath the seats so he could change the gravity. Maybe his power is limited to those runes, or maybe not. After all, he did remove the gravity in our battlefield so maybe he was trying to focus his power more precisely.
Whatever the reason, he was a force to be reckoned with, even Ozpin feared him. Evident from the fact that Ozpin never has his cup of coffee with him when he's with V, and Ozpin always has that cup of coffee when he's in control of a situation.
"Trust me Meliodas, I know your exact emotions." Ozpin reassured me as we left the auditorium and made our way to his tower of an office. "You're not the only one who knew Inquisitor (Y/N) and (Y/N) Ryugami."
This statement caught me off guard, but not as much as the sudden teleportation to Ozpin's office. The gears above our head turning ever so slowly above our heads while the green crystals above us lit up the room.
"I suppose it isn't all bad though, my magic can finally recharge while I'm here." He then made green crystals form in hands before crushing the crystals into dusk, all while he walked over to his desk. "So Meliodas, what were you about to ask?"
"Huh? Oh right, I was about to ask V if this (Y/N) has any connection to the other two." I responded, making Ozpin nod in understanding before he took a sip of his coffee cup that he had on his table. "Also, don't treat me like I'm some sort of puppet or anything like that, V is already kind of getting on my nerves so I don't need another puppet master."
"I'm not going to treat you as a puppet, but more like an ally." Ozpin confirmed as he intertwined his fingers and put his elbows on the desk. "In truth, I was actually acquainted with your Inquisitor and Ryugami. Remember Ozma?"
"Oh man, that was you?!" I exclaimed in response, glad to see at least someone from the time of the Inquisition. "You should have told me!"
"Well doing that would have given away one of the few secrets I have, you're actually the only other person to know about this power of mine." Ozpin gently smiled before his expression turned grim. "Anyways, I have a feeling those two weren't the only (Y/N)s to grace the planet."
"What do you mean by that, (Y/N) has clones?" I joked, gained a small laugh from Ozpin. "I'm joking, but I have a feeling it has something to do with souls?"
"You're correct, and I currently know of 6 different souls." Ozpin then held up six fingers and began counting them off. "There's the Inquisitor and Ryugami we already know about. There's also rumors of someone who looks just like (Y/N), has the same name and ability somewhere in either Iceland or Greenland, the same could be said in the SCP foundation and somewhere in Europe. As for the fifth soul, it's not concrete, but the relic of knowledge I've hidden has some of HIS magical power within it."
"Wait, the SCP foundation has a (Y/N)?" I was in shock because of how crazy that place is, with a literal god and a green tentacle dildo that just wants to be feared.
"Indeed, but they all have different abilities and relics compared to our current (Y/N)." Ozpin explained the best he could while he made images of three different people, presumably the other three (Y/N)s, pop up from his desk like a hologram. "All of these people all have at least some of (Y/N)'s power inside of them, but not enough to complete him."
(Keep in mind it's still you, just the outfits are different)
"So what are their abilities and relics anyways?" I ask, remembering the fact that my (Y/N) had a logia type type fruit that turned him into dust (the RWBY kind), and the Ryugami one had some sort of dragon slaying ability.
"Well the one in Europe has an overflowing amount of mana, so much so that his mana leaks from where his arm was cut off by something." Ozpin focuses on the (Y/N) with a missing arm and suit. "His Relic is unknown, as is how he managed to get that injury, all that is known is that he possesses the best mana control I've ever seen and uses a long katana that he controls telekinetically to fight. Other than that, his overflowing amount of mana causes quite a few health complications so he is often accompanied by this young woman here to help him, and her origins are unknown."
"She's quite the looker." I pointed out with a grin, kind of laughing at myself.
"Bad idea to say that around him though, the two are incredibly protective of each other." Ozpin pointed out before showing a different image of a tower of (f/c) light coming from a city. "That light here is a fraction of that (Y/N)'s mana, and the reason why he released his mana is because someone was making the woman uncomfortable. As for the woman, she often threatens anyone who insults that (Y/N)'s missing arm and acts as a kind of assistant."
"Cool, So what about that one with the missing arm and leg?" I then pointed to the one with the stand and cane, he looks pretty messed up.
"That's SCP-69420, one of the most powerful SCP there." Ozpin stated as he then focused on the SCP (Y/N). "His skills and relic are currently unknown, but we do know that he often spends time with SCP-166, April, as he calls her. Due to him being the only male individual to be completely immune to her aphrodisiac effect, all thanks to his [Gamer's Mind] ability I guess."
"Isn't SCP-166 a teenage girl who's naked?" I asked, making Ozpin sigh and nod. "Ooh, call in the FBI cause this man is going to jail!"
"Meliodas, SCP-69420 is 17." Ozpin pointed out, surprising me quite a bit because of how old SCP-69420 looked. "He's fought in wars and hardly slept so the stress made his appearance age quicker. He lost his leg Saudi Arabia and he lost his arm fighting some other SCP. I would feel pitiful for him, but records say just by being with SCP-166 he's in a noticeably better mood. Reports written by him often say something along the lines of 'Just by being around her makes me forget the pain of war, instead, my usual fear is replaced with warmth'."
"Well that's adorable." I honestly say, because I know how these kinds of people work, and they need someone who makes them feel that way, I just hope the girl feels the same about him.
"Lastly is the musician, not much is known about him except for his relic, Valse, a strange relic that takes the form of eighteen puppets and two hands." Ozpin explains as he showed me a picture of his relic, which was pretty weird in my opinion. "Between every puppet, except for the hands, are razor sharp wires that are close to impossible to see. The hands then cause the puppets to move by using the wand to conduct a song. The scariest part of this relic is that if the wires cut you, then they will sound like a random instrument. The puppets will move according to this and try to play the melody the hands are conducting until the opponent drops dead."
"Brutal, but there isn't ANYTHING on this guy?" I was rather surprised, especially after we got more information on the SCP than on some guy in Iceland or Greenland. "You'd expect a weapon like that to attract a lot of attention."
"There is the fact he's a Greenland or Icelandic Hunter, but, the hunter foundation said that they are keeping any information on him secret because it a personal request from the man." Ozpin then sighed and made the pictures disappear. "So I have a request for you."
"Oop, called it, you're using me like a puppet." I smugly sailed, kind of annoying Ozpin. "Just joking, what do you need?"
"I recommend you have a member of the Seven Deadly Sins or someone you know look for more intel on these three (Y/N)s," Ozpin requested as he took another sip of coffee and stared at me through his glasses. "Thank you for listening to me, and I hope you know what I'm planning to do."
I caught onto what he was saying and nodded, then I took my leave and made my way to the elevator. Once inside, I pressed the button to get to the bottom floor. Ozpin was trying to complete (Y/N) and make him more powerful, probably to defeat Salem since he's one of the few people that could kill an immortal.
There was just one problem with Ozpin's plan, (Y/N) won't be complete even if we get the five souls of those other (Y/N)s. I could tell that something was not right, my biggest question was 'Where are the other eight (Y/N)s?' and what are they capable of? All these questions are giving me a headache, I need to go see Elizabeth.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this latest chapter, and don't worry, the next chapters will focus on the respective stories for all of these series I've roped in here.
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