Chapter 36-Pieces
(Third POV)
In the forest, (Y/N) was sitting in the middle of the forest with all of his weapons lodged in the trees, ground, and even the branches around him. All of his weapons had their belts pointed at him, like they were thrown by him. Despite all of these weapons around him, (Y/N) stood completely still and silent in the middle of this on-the-spot armory. As (Y/N) stood in the middle of this, (Y/N) noticed one of his swords vibrating slightly. Given how the Blade is pointed to the gym, Mori and his team must be having trouble. However the Blade wasn't vibrating that much, so it's not that bad.
However, the gymnasium had some unexpected guests. Mori quickly blocked a kick from Xuelan, shortly before moving his foot away from Xuelan's after her entire foot ignited on fire. Mori then ducked underneath another foot, while Xuelans unleashed onslaught after onslaught of kicks and punches at Mori, somehow catching the boy off guard.
"Hey guys, was Xuelan this strong before, or am I getting weaker?" Mori asked before attempting to land an axe kick on Xuelan, but she grabbed his foot and tossed him to the wall, causing him to bounce off it.
"Don't insult me!" Xuelan argued back trying to deliver a kick to the stomach but Mori countered it by raising his knee.
"No, there's definitely something going on here." Mira responded as she struggled to deflect Karlamine's sword slashes.
"Lord Riser has entrusted us with a new potion that increases our strengths, so now there's no way we'll lose!" Riser's Mira proudly admits as she attempted to pierce Ilpyo with her staff, which failed.
"You're a valiant knight Ms Mira Yo, but I will not fail Lord Riser!" Karlamine shouted valiantly as Mira rolled out of the way of her slash before delivering a cut of her own.
"Guess they can." Dawei commented as he dodged a left hook from Koneko before responding to this aggression with a right jab. "Koneko, I'm sorry about this."
"It's fine, but if you don't save Rias, I'll be pissed." Koneko takes the hit full force before kicking Dawei in the head, causing Dawei to grab her foot. "Also, be careful about Riser's peerage, they're using something they got from a group called Ember."
"Well isn't that just fantastic." Sujin whines as she kicks Isabella's leg away from her body, getting noticeably pissed. "Trying not to kill anyone is a real pain, especially when your charyeok is someone like pandora."
"Wait, when did you adopt the no-killing code?" Ilpyo asked, leaping back to dodge a kick from Mira, who was as strong as a mutated rook for some reason. "Could it be because you want to be closer to (Y/N) in some way?"
"Shut up you fox!" Sujin ordered, letting Ilpyo know he hit his mark, all while Sujin kicked Isabelle into a wall.
"Don't lie to yourself." Koneko advised as he dodged a punch from Dawei before delivering an elbow to the stomach. "In all seriousness guys, you better hurry and defeat us, it's not like I can go against my master's orders."
As per Koneko's request, Dawei started to try as he fought against Koneko, not getting much results since Koneko's defense was on par with his own. In fact, most of your peerage were evenly matched in terms of power, since your peerage is trying not to severely harm anyone. In truth, that's the most difficult thing you and your peerage have to deal with, not killing anyone. Killing even one person on their side could result in a war, but they can kill your peerage since you're the ones who invaded.
With that in mind, Mori and Xuelan parried eachother's kicks, sending a shockwave throughout the gym. Mori then attempted to deliver a Hoe Grab, which forced him to try and wrap his right leg around Xuelan's neck. This caused Xuelan to put her hands up in a defensive manner, just what Mori needed. Mori used Hoe Grab on the hands and put her arms down with her left before delivering a heavy kick to Xuelan's head.
On the other side of the court, Ilpyo felt kind of bad for Mira, since he was stuck fighting her. Ilpyo tried to settle this peacefully by offering sweets, but that only fueled Mira's rage. So now Ilpyo was stuck dodging thrusts from a wooden bo-staff, trying to figure out a peaceful way to finish the fight. Luckily, Ilpyo didn't need to finish Mira off at all, Mori's kick sent Xuelan into Mira, sending the two toppling atop each other.
As Mira and Xuelan bickered with one another, Ilpyo and Mori looked at each other and nodded. Ilypo then proceeded to roll his right plant sleeve up, while Mori began stretching his leg. After they were done, Ilpyo ignited his for ablaze before kicking upwards in Xuelan and Mira's direction, causing a pillar of flames to erupt below the two. Followed by Mori using Kick of the Blue dragon, which sent a powerful gust of wind into the flames to increase their potency.
"Looks like they...couldn't take the heat!" Mori smiled as he gave Ilpyo finger guns, causing Ilpyo to roll his eyes.
"You've been hanging out with (Y/N) too much." Ilpyo groaned as he heard that Xuelan and Mira were out of commission.
As the two interacted, Sujin was dodging swing after swing from Isabella. In truth, Sujin didn't even see Isabella as a legitimate threat, just more of a nuiscene. Sujin finally had enough to Isabella's nonsense when the girl in question decided to poke fun of Sujin's eye.
"So girlfriend, what happened to your eye?" Isabella asked as she delivered a left hook to Sujin's face, intentionally aiming where the eye is. "C'mon, I won't tell."
"You're getting on my nerves." Was Sujin's only reply as she swatted Isabella's hand away from her face like it was nothing. "Though...if you're so curious I can show you why I cover my eye."
Sujin then pulled her eyepatch off to reveal her other eye was glowing a bright purple color, followed by Sujin's hair suddenly growing past her waist as Isabella started to realize how big of a mistake she made. Isabella then fell to her knees in fear of Sujin's borrowed power, causing Sujin to simply walk up to the kneeling girl and kick her into the wall, waiting for the announcer to say Isabella is out before putting her eyepatch on.
As Sujin finished her fight, Dawei's fight with Koneko and Mira's duel against Karlamine still raged on. Sujin didn't care about that, though, she was more focused on the draw back of her charyeok. The main downside to her was the fact that using Pandora always made her purple hair grow to thigh length, which isn't exactly a combat advantage.
Getting back to the fight, Karlamine was facing off against Mira, who was holding her own. Karlamine attempted to stab at Mira, but the swordswoman quickly parried the swors before delivering a kick and sending Karlamine stumbling back, followed by Mira finally finishing off the fight with a quick slash of her Blade.
"Great, so we managed to take out five pieces." Mori stretched as Sujin looked out at the forest. "Sujin, what's up?"
"I don't think we've ever seen (Y/N) this angry before." Sujin pointed up, revealing the storm clouds that started appearing above the terrain. "This is the first time I felt such a murderous vibe coming off him."
Back at the old school building, Khun, Endorsi, Sera, Sung, and Shiyeon all sat in the main room, most of which were bored out of their minds. Khun was controlling his light houses, trying to make sure everyone's staying connected, Endorsi was playing with a red needle in her hands, Sera was on her phone, Sung was pacing around the room, and Shiyeon was meditating. It was quiet until Khun got everyone's attention by tapping the table in Morse code, saying 'Intruder'.
With that aniunced, Endorsi and Sera both got in a battle stance, followed my Sung summoning Igris and a dagger from his inventory. Shiyeon barley reacted, but that changed when the sound of reving chainsaws roared outside, which caused the girl to turn her attention to the window. Outside the window, Shiyeon saw Ile, Nel, Mihai, Rias, Asia, and Issei.
"I don't sense his magic signature." Mihai comments as she examined the building.
"Maybe we shouted burn it to the ground!" Ile and Nel excitedly shouted at the same time, kind of putting everyone around them on edge.
"(Y/N), come out, please!" Rias shouted at the old school building but no response some from it. "I don't want to have to fight you!"
"Don't worry, you won't be fighting King Turtle." Rak shouted from the roof of the old school building. "You'll be fighting Rak instead you Turtles!"
"Bring it on!" Ile and Nel started their chainsaws, while Rak pulled out his spear and charged at the girls.
The twins tried cutting Rak down with their chainsaws, but Rak simply blocked the chainsaws with his arms, which were now covered in rocky scales. Rak then used his spear and swat the twins away from him like they were flies, while Mihai rushed over to them in fear. Rak then turned his attention to Issei, Rias, and Asia, all of whom looked terrified at the gator charging at them with his spear in hand. They all closed their eyes, expecting the worst but it never came.
As the trio closed their eyes in fear, Rak tore off his giant cape and threw it over them like a blanket. At the same time, Khun sent one of his lighthouses underneath the cape with them. Khun then used this lighthouse's teleport function to, well, teleport the trio into the club room. Shortly after teleporting them, Khun opened up his brief case and put Rias, Issei, and Asia into the briefcase. All because of Manbarondenna's ability to store anything inside it, like a pocket dimension.
Meanwhile, Rak turned his full attention to Ile, Nel, and Mihai. As Rak drew his spear back, a single flaming orb launched itself at Rak, forcing Rak to use his stone-covered arms to block the hit. Rak moves his arms out of the way to see Mihai was shooting flaming, magic missiles at him, so Rak had to run into the school building and next to one of your [LVL 3 Dispeners].
As Rak recovered his health, Sung appeared in front of Mihai, with his hair covering his eyes. This made it look like a shadow was covering his face, the only light that showed itself on Sung's face were his eyes, both of which were glowing blue.
"Sorry girls, but it appears you've chosen the wrong side of this fight." Sung summoned a single dagger in his hand, while Ile and Nel slowly started getting up. "Since I'm a nice guy, I'll give you two a choice. Either leave, resign, or lose right here and now."
Sung didn't get an answer, instead, he was met by Ile and Nel charging at him with their chainsaws activated. The hunter simply watched as the two chainsaws started to catch fire, making him raise an eyebrow before he dodged two flaming bullets like they were nothing. Ile tried circling behind Sung, while her twin kept up the onslaught from the front.
Sung looked down at the girls in pity, literally, since he was taller than them. Sung barely even put any effort into the fight, he was just blocking chainsaw blades that were coming at him and dodging fire arrows from Mihai. Sung wanted to simply put down this little fight without killing Ile or Nel, since killing kids would leave a bad taste in his mouth. That was the plan until a bullet went through Nel's head.
Of course, there's only one person cold enough to shoot a child in the head. Sung looked at the source of the bullet to see none other than Khun himself, holding a simple revolver with a wicked grin on his face. Sung didn't approve of some of Khun's methods, but they worked. Even if they were cruel and merciless.
"What's the matter Sung, can't kill a kid?" Khun simply cocked his revolver back once more more and pointed it at Ile. "Look on the bright side, I'm giving them a quick death."
"You...hurt my sister!" Ile then charged at Khun, with the flaming chainsaw spinning at high speeds, while Khun just let out a 'tsk tsk' sound with his tongue.
"Rats like yourself should die together." Khun then fired another shot into Ile's head, followed by him aiming at Mihai next. "So Mihai, do you make this easy or difficult?"
Y-You're a monster..." Mihai tried firing fire bolts at Khun, but all of the projectiles were blocked by Sung.
"We're all monsters, it's just that some of us accepted it, and others deny it." Khun responded before firing a single round into Mihai's head, disposing of all of the pieces.
"You're messed up, you know that?" Sung commented as the corpses suddenly disappeared.
"So what?" Khun shrugged as he put his hands behind his head. "It's not like I killed them for good, demonic medicine pretty much brings people back from the dead in rating games."
"You still shot children!" Sung reminded the lightbearer, who merely brushed this offense off. "Screw it, I wonder how the others are doing."
(Elsewhere, but now with Jihan, John, Joe, and Bam)
In the air, Jihan was using his flight skill, Bam summoned his black butterfly wings, John created a black disc underneath himself, and Joe was an eagle. They were currently at a halt, however, thanks to them now encountering Akeno, Yuebellena, and Ravel In the air. The three devils got into a fighting stance, with Akeno looking a bit more hesitant to do so. In response to this your peerage members simply looked at one another, dumbfounded my this sudden development.
"I'm just going to stop you girls right here, and tell you right now, that fighting us is suicide." Jihan advised before gesturing over to John. "I mean, you three all rely on magic, and John can copy, combine, and amplify magic he sees. So use your heads!"
The three devils were taken aback by Jihan's showing of kindness, since this is the first time they've fought against something that isn't a devil. As if that wasn't enough, Akeno merely smirked and summoned a couple sparks of lightning in her palms before throwing some bolts at the group, all of whom quickly scattered. Both Yuebellena and Ravel looked at Akeno in shock, while Akeno gave an innocent smile back.
"Akeno!" Yuebellena shouted at the girl, who didn't falter with that cheeky smile of hers.
"You see girls, one thing you should know in a fight." John began as black lightning began cackling around his body, revealing his eyes were glowing orange. "Never trust someone who was once your enemy."
With that said, the match between the factions began. Yuebellena tried sending an explosion Joe's way, but John got in front of the explosion and sent a black explosion in retaliation. Joe used this cover to turn into a lion with goat horns and giant eagle wings, then he began flying at Ravel.
John watched as Ravel used her pyrokinesis to force Joe away but then the girl's eyes went wide as she realized what she had just done. Now John had access to fire, explosion, and lightning magic, all of which were amplified. John then sent quick sparks of lightning at Yuebellena, who tried deflecting it by creating an explosion, but somehow, the lightning blew up enough to cancel out the blast.
John then dashed forward at Yuebellena to hold his palm directly in front of the queen's face before an explosion of black lightning and fire burst from his palms, sending Yuebellena stumbling back. Yuebellena tried to counter John with a punch, but like a good chunk of my peerage, John can fight perfectly fine in hand-to-hand combat. John quickly grabbed Yuebellena's fist before sending a wave of energy through the poor girl and igniting her into a pillar of black flames.
Meanwhile, Akeno had trouble facing off against Bam's superior range and the destructive power of his water orb. Bam summoned three massive pillars of water that he controlled to attack Akeno with their size and tenacity. However, Bam's intention was to never harm Akeno, his intention was to buy enough time for Jihan to get behind her.
Once Jihan got behind Rias' queen, the gamer in question placed a hand on Akeno's back and sent her into an instant dungeon, the same one that was used to contain Homura's Crimson Squad. Now that Akeno was in a safer location, everyone turned their attention to the two other enemies that stood in their way.
Bam then summoned his inventory bar to pull out a pure black sword, a replica of the Black March. Bam used this replica to slash at Ravel, followed by the young girl dodging the blast while Bam prepared five orbs of light behind him. Ravel has no time to react to the five bangs Bam had prepared behind him, allowing her to get hit head on by all five balls of light.
At the same time, Yuebellena was struggling to face off against the Jihan and John combo that constantly interrupted her explosions with their own. Yuebellena tried putting distance between herself and the two demigods, charging an explosion spell in the process. Jihan then started charging up a giant ball of mana above him, standing still and leaving himself vulnerable in the process.
Yuebellena saw this as the perfect moment to try and strike Jihan with her explosion spel,, but she was stopped when she felt a sharp pain in her neck. Yuebellena stopped charging her spell to instinctively slap the part where she felt the pain, but then a brazillian wandering spider leapt from her shoulder and turned into a sparrow to fly away. That's when Yuebellena realized what just happened and her wings gave out, making her fall to the ground as she screamed. Everyone then turned their attention to Ravel, who now had flaming wings and was flying away at rapid speeds.
"I think we should just let her go." Bam said, feeling pitiful for the young girl as she flew away.
"Same." Joe said as he was still in the form of a bird, but John didn't listen as he charged at Ravel at full speed. "JOHN!"
"John, learn to calm down!" Jihan ordered, but John didn't reply as he simply kept on chasing Ravel in the sky. "I thought we talked about this."
"We did, John just don't give a shit." Joe replied as the three saw John start screaming madly. "You know, this kind of reminds me of something Bakugo would do."
(Last scene change, this time in the stands)
At the stands, everyone from your class watched your fight with Riser. How did they get there? Well Meliodas just so happens to be the demon king, and demons tend to be in good relations with devils. Meliodas didn't sit alone, he was sitting with his wife, Queen Elizabeth. Despite everyone watching your fight with Riser together, no one looked happy about the fight to begin with. However the people who looked most pissed were Jotaro, Naruto, Luffy, Ichigo, and Arlo.
"Damn scumbag." Jotaro growled as he crushed his soda can in one of his hands. "(Y/N) better kick his ass for me."
"Screw that!" Luffy screamed while he attempted to leap from his seat to fight Riser himself but Zoro and Sanji held him in place. "Let go of me, I want to fight Riser myself!"
"Why isn't (Y/N) doing anything?!" Naruto shouted, pointing out that (Y/N) was still sitting in the forest in the same position. "Is he going to have all of his pieces do the fighting for him?!"
"Naruto, are you stupid?" Arlo glared at the boy, who quickly calmed down before gulping loudly. "Pay attention to what (Y/N)'s doing, and look at what Riser's doing."
"Nothing?" Ichigo asked, causing Arlo to sigh as he adjusted his newly acquired golden tie.
"No, (Y/N)'s instilling Riser with feelings of helplessness, uselessness, and fear." Jotaro pointed out, while also bringing attention to a stressed out looking Riser. "(Y/N) is not only saying 'my pieces are better than yours!', he's proving it too. All to prepare for the final showdown..."
"Exactly." Arlo commented on Jotaro's answer as he looked down at Ethan's group fighting off the rest of Riser's pieces. "Making opponent uneasy is they key to victory if your opponent is stronger than yourself."
"Wait, Riser's stronger than (Y/N)?" Tohka asked the blonde boy sitting next to her nervously, like she was worried for him. "Why would (Y/N) do that?"
"From what he told me beforehand, Riser is level 70, and (Y/N)'s currently at level 45." Arlo replied with his arms crossed, watching as Dark trapped Kiba in a giant, purple rib cage. "As for why he's doing this, Tohka, what would you do if someone hurt (Y/N) or were about to force their way with him. The latter is more like this situation."
"Well I'd beat them up!" Tohka huffed proudly, making Arlo nod. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Simple, (Y/N) feels the same way about everyone here." Arlo finished the conversation, watching as Ethan finished off the last of Riser's peerage. "Looks like Riser's peerage is entirely gone, so that only means one thing."
"What?" Naruto asked the boy, who simply returned the curious gaze with a serious stare. "Hey, I was just asking you something!"
"The answer is obvious, this is going to battle between kings." Arlo answered, awaiting the results of the fight. "Now lets see who will win, the hydra or phoenix?"
(Back with you)
You finally opened your eyes and stood up in the middle of the forest. You then looked forward, the same direction as Riser's base, with violent intent. In the same moment, all of your weapons started glowing a bright (f/c) color before moving themselves from the places they were lodged in. After they moved from the spots they were lodged into, all of ten weapons rushed back at you at high speeds before flashing once more and disappearing into nothingness. Despite this, you barely flinched before summoning [Lostvayne] into your hand and walking forward.
At the same time, Riser growled in annoyance, finally realizing everyone in his peerage is out and everyone in Rias' peerage were taken prisoner. From what he understood of your pieces' abilities, Khun seems to have a bag that can store anything inside it, Jihan can send people into another dimension, Dark can trap inside giant rib cages, and Dawei can summon bubbles that can't be popped. Despite knowing your peerage's abilities, Riser wasn't going to help Rias at all.
Riser was now solely focused on killing you, not defeating you in this rating game, but killing you altogether. You insulted his pride, ruined his wedding, and took his wife's affection. He was desperate to kill you and marry Rias, just so he can have his way with her.
As Riser got up from his chair, he didn't have time to notice six weapons planting themselves into the wall to his left in a circle. He was completely confused by this until an axe planted itself in the middle of the circle, destroying the wall and creating a giant hole to the outside. All seven weapons then vanished in a (f/c) flash, while the hole revealed you standing outside, with you pointing [Lostvayne]'s blade at the hole in the wall.
"[Breath of Rain, First Form: Uminozu, Sevenfold]." You calmly said as mist came from your mouth, indicating the air around you is freezing. "So Riser, looks like it's the match everyone's been waiting for."
"Indeed it is, you bastard son of a serpent!" Riser asks, hiding his obvious murderous intent as he looks down at you with wrath. "You ruined everything for Riser, and what has Riser ever done to you?"
"Multiple things actually." You admitted, making Riser fume with rage. "At first, it was because you attempted to marry Rias without her consent, but now it's about that, and attempting to kill Issei."
"That pervert?" Riser's rageful expression quickly faded away before letting loose cocky laughter. "You're mad about Riser almost killing Issei? Issei and Riser are alike, you know, they both only think about women!"
"How unwise of you to compare yourself to my friend." You growled as the clouds above you started to get darker and darker. "While Issei and you may be perverts, there's a massive difference between Issei and you! Issei doesn't force his will onto anyone, and is willing to defend his friends with his life. Meanwhile you do nothing but let your slaves do your fighting!"
"What ever, but you should be grateful I was about Rias off your hands." Riser cockily said, making the clouds turn pitch black, ready to burst. "She's nothing more than a power hungry bitch who uses people for her own gain!"
"Of course she's power hungry, I'm not any different." You admit as your face contorted into one of pure rage, followed by you closing your eyes. "Rias is also scared, scared of marrying you. She thought the only way to get out of the marriage was to beat you in a rating game, so she became power hungry to obtain just that. Power is money in hell, so what's wrong with being a little greedy?"
After I said that, the two of you stood completely still. That was until the clouds above us let loose a single drop of rain. The moment the rain droplet hit the ground, you and Riser met each other in the middle of the courtyard, sending a shockwave as the two of you met each other. Riser looked to be attempting to punch you, but you simply used [Lostvayne] to block it, then you opened your eyes to reveal the sclera was black, and you were even more pissed than you've ever been in your life.
"Riser Phenex, let's see how you fare against the storm!"
(A/N: Yep, a cliffhanger! Don't worry, the next chapter will be you and Riser fighting, does that count as a spoiler? In any case, it's official, (Y/N) (L/N) developed the Breath of the Rain! Which uses weapons instead of rain you're basically a hydrokinetic Gilgamesh now.
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