Chapter 30-Only You Can Prevent Wildfires
(Your POV)
After the meeting yesterday, Sung handed me some notes on Reine just like I asked, which explains why Sung was occasionally gone when he was watching over Yoshino. Sung claims that Reine was obviously way more tired than the average human, but he also noticed that she was definitely hiding something, but he's not entirely sure if Reine is really aware of that secret. I would have gone over to Ratatoskr myself to ask Reine this, but Sung stopped me, claiming how bad of an idea that was. So I simply just accepted the intel we managed to obtain and moved on.
Today was now the day of the final part of the tournament, the God of Highschool part. To be honest, that sounds like the title of a fighting webtoon, but I didn't care, though Mori did seem slightly annoyed by it. So as of right now, everyone was at the arena that Meliodas teaches at, ready to get the tournament up and running. The exact place we were at was the waiting room, which had a large screen inside to show the fights in order. Showing them all would be a nightmare, so I'm just going to show the only ones involving my peerage:
John vs Shido Itsuka
Mira Yoo vs Ikaruga
Mori Jin vs Rock Lee
Ethan vs Ichika Orimura
25th Bam vs Sona Sitri
Joe Mendez vs Ibarra Shiozaki
Dawei Han vs Cardin Winchester
Seungchul Baek vs Weiss Schnee
Sujin Lee va Laura Bodewig
Khun Aguero Agnes vs Shikamaru Nara
Ilpyo Park vs Sanji Vinsmoke
Rak Wraithraiser vs Pyrrha Nikos
Seraphina vs Ochako Uraraka
Sora vs Yuuto Kiba
Dark vs Fumikage Tokoyami
Endorsi Zahad vs Katsuragi
Han Jihan vs Momo Hinamori
Kwon Shiyeon vs Neji Hyuga
(Y/N) (L/N) vs Mercury Black
As I looked at the list, I immediately became concerned for just about everyone facing off against my peerage. Especially Shido, he may have a sealing and copy ability, but there's a lot of issues with his copy ability if he hasn't improved on it. For starters, he has to kiss his target in order to seal off and copy their ability. As compared to John, who just needs to see the ability used and he can not only copy it, but amplify it as well. So we have two people with copy abilities facing off against each other, but John practices martial arts with Mori, and even knew quite a bit before he even met Mori.
"Hey John, promise me something." I looked at John, who was wearing a gray tank top combined with black gym shorts.
"Depends on what that promise is." John responded as he took a swig of water from his canteen. "If it's going easy on my opponent, then it's pointless."
"Well Shido can I say this...weak as fuck." I explained, trying my best to be polite about this. "His only thing is kissing spirits to seal off their power inside himself and using some of that power. He only has Tohka's power right now, but it's still the same if he were a cripple. I guess what I'm saying is...don't try to kill Shido."
"Okay, leave him barely alive, gotcha." John gave an 'okay' symbol with his hands, not getting my point.
"John, I'm basically telling you to calm your tits while in a fight." I said flatly, causing John to shrug. "Stop attempting murder on your classmates, I'm getting sick of impersonating your father over the phone."
"Bakugo had it coming." John defended as he crossed his arm, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose. "Fine, I won't attempt murder on public television. Happy?"
"Good enough." I sighed and let go of my nose as I sat down at a nearby bench, finally noticing that Izuku was standing behind me with his notebook. "Oh, hey Izuku, what's up?"
"Is this just a normal conversation you people have?!" Izuku fearfully asked, as his eyes went almost entirely white.
"Hey, it's not that bad if you know how to hide a body." I confirmed before talking once more. "So what's that notebook there for?"
"Um...I was going to ask you how your powers work." Izuku asked, showing a page with two sketches of me, then I noticed that one sketch was me with my old battle outfit and the other is my current battle outfit. "Only if you want to of course."
"Sure thing, but you may wanna take a seat, it's complicated." I advised the guy, who sat down in front of me, but then I noticed that everyone who wasn't in my peerage was listening to the conversation, so I might as well have some fun. "My powers have four main functions, which I've labeled Gamer, Knight, Ocean, and General. Obviously, the Gamer ability allows me to copy anything from video games. Knight is obviously my weapon summoning. Ocean is basically free reign over oceanic elements. Lastly, the General summons soldiers for me."
Izuku quickly took notes after hearing this, while everyone else in the room looked like they were taking notes. If they were going off only what I said, then they'll lose. Not only did I neglect to mention my newer abilities, but the descriptions were way off as well. My Gamer ability can do a lot more than just copy video games, obviously. Plus the other three abilities are way more complex than I cared to mention. I simply waited until Izuku was done writing in his notebook before talking about other things, like what school he went to previously and life in general. It was a nice conversation until a girl with brown hair and green ribbons interrupted the conversation.
"(Y/N) (L/N)!" The girl said, making my eyebrow twitch at how rude she was being. "I challenge you to a duel in the tournament!"
"Woah woah cutie, you're gonna need to wait your turn." My opponent walked up to us, accompanied by a girl with dark skin and mint hair. "(Y/N) is my opponent, so wait your turn, sister."
"Who are you to say that?" The girl argued back, causing me to look at John in disbelief, and he had the same expression I did.
"Um...I'm Mercury." The newly dubbed Mercury introduced himself proudly, as he pointed over to the list. "You don't get around much do you?"
"Of course I do, I'm Lingyin Huang, but my friends call me Rin." Rin crossed her arms as she glared at Mercury and his companion.
"Well Rin, how about you just settle for me fighting you, after all, I can be a better opponent than this (Y/N) guy is." Mercury tried to place a hand on Rin's shoulder, but I grabbed his hand while I was still on the seat.
"It's unwise to make such a statement when the game hasn't even started." I informed Mercury before letting go of his hand and allowing it to fall to his side, then I proceeded to stand back up. "Have you never read a book on warfare in your life?"
"Wait, there's books on war?" Mercury looks...genuinely confused and shocked, like this is his first time hearing about this.
"Yes, there's a book literally called 'The Art of War', written by my Uncle Miyamoto Musashi." I informed the guy, causing Zoro to spit out his water the moment he heard the name. "It shouldn't be that surprising that someone of that skill is a demigod."
"Well, let's see how this demigod does against me." Mercury threateningly pointed at me as he walked away, leaving me, John, and Rin in silence.
"So is he too confident or just stupid?" John asked us, to which I gave the simple answer I always give when I'm uncertain.
"In war, they're the same thing..." I said, impersonating Sephiroth as I said this but I was quickly met with a canteen hitting the back of my head. "OW!"
(Timeskip, brought to you by Dawei cracking both his knuckles and neck while looking at Cardin menacingly)
It was now my turn to fight Mercury, and I watched all of my peerage members fight before my own. Not surprisingly, most of my members won, with Dawei being a bit overkill, but the only exceptions being Rak, Sujin, and Seungchul. Rak's reason for losing was an obvious skill gap, with Pyrrha having much more versatility and specializations in combat. Seungchul's was a close call, with Weiss barely winning thanks to her semblance and usage of dust, but that's when I realized Seungchul doesn't use a specific martial art.
However, Sujin's fight was the one that worried me most. Laura used her stratos to her advantage, flying in the air to keep her distance away from Sujin. Meanwhile, Sujin used her superior martial art skills to dodge bullets, that much was normal. However, Sujin wasn't able to activate her Charyeok, Pandora. Sujin tried using it towards the end of her fight, but it just wouldn't activate, as if someone was deliberately cutting it off. After her fight, Sujin was distraught and ashamed of herself and sat away from everyone in the waiting room. Khun gave Sujin a quick check-up to be sure, and her charyeok worked just fine when Khun texted her after the fight.
After that incident, everyone in my peerage, except for Sujin and Sung, started trying to figure out who can disable abilities in a fight. The only people we knew of that could seal off abilities like that were Aizawa, Shido, and Sujin herself, all of whom couldn't possibly have sealed off Sujin's charyeok. Aizawa was my guess, but Aizawa wasn't even here, he was still recovering from some fight and has bandages over his eyes. As for Shido...Sujin hates his guts 'for being weak', so I'm pretty sure she would've committed murder if Shido kissed her.
Better question I should be asking myself: why is most of my peerage always ready to commit murder and/or assault?
In any case, I stepped onto the platform of the arena on one side, and Mercury walked on the other side. As the two of us met in the middle, the slot-machine like holograms started picking the biome we would be fighting in. The two of us simply stared at each other as the holograms picked our terrain, but then I decided to break the silence.
"May the best fighter win." I said as I summoned [Sword of the Creator], not wanting everyone in the audience to know I have [Lostvayne] until I make my announcement.
"Trust me, I'll win no matter what." Mercury got in a fighting stance, but his tone was more confident than what should be reasonable.
"You know you're incredibly confident in your skills." I smirked before getting in a fighting stance. "Ever hear the saying 'confidence boasts arrogance'?"
"Hmph, we'll see about that." Mercury lightly laughed as the arena finally chose the terrain we would be fighting at, which was a forest on Mercury's end, and a geyser field on my side.
After the terrain was picked, we heard the buzzer and immediately locked into combat. I swung my sword in my right hand as I tried slashing at Mercury, who quickly raised his left foot to block it before attempting a strike to my head. In response to the kick, I used [V.A.T.S] to slow down my perception of time to try and learn more about Mercury's resistances and weaknesses. The rest of his body was perfectly normal for a huntsman in training, but his legs' were weak against fire, lightning, and force damage, signaling they were made of a kind of metal.
So I quickly dodged his kick before summoning my [Mace of the Fierce] in my other hand, trying to hit Mercury's legs. Mercury quickly caught onto my plan and leapt back, allowing me to use [Sword of the Creator] whip function to extend the blade and attack him from a distance. As we fought, I heard the announcers' voices, that's when I realized the announcers were Present Mic, Meliodas, Koro-Sensei and Aizawa.
"So the fighting begins with an explosive start!" Present Mic announced as the crowd began cheering, followed by me snapping my sword back into sword mode to prepare for Mercury's drop kick. "Say guys, who do you think will win?"
"Well Mercury has the advantage when it comes to hand to hand combat, speed, and striking power." Aizawa answered, but his voice was muffled thanks to the advantage. "(Y/N) on the other hand holds the advantages in versatility and intelligence. However if Mercury can overwhelm (Y/N) before he can form a plan, the victory will go to Mercury."
"Aizawa, I don't exactly appreciate you talking smack about my best student." Meliodas gleefully said as I rolled out of the way of Mercury's kick. "(Y/N)'s earned his rank as one of the 'Big Three' for a reason, Pyrrha has her skill and talents as a huntress, Jotaro has his natural talent in using his stand, and what does (Y/N) have? (Y/N) wins games, that's what. Never underestimate a gamer, I learned that lesson a long time ago."
To continue on with the fight, I attempted to strike Mercury's leg with my mace. However he did a backflip to dodge the strike by doing a backflip, followed by him flipping into the forest disappearing from my line of sight. I was about to walk in there to fight Mercury, but then I got the overwhelming feeling that I shouldn't. I dismissed the feeling and was about to charge in once more, but a pop-up appeared in front of me this time.
Emerald Sustrai is attempting to place a mirage on you.
Mirage canceled out by the Gamer's Mind ability.
I looked at the pop-up in shock, that's when I realized Emerald must be that girl Mercury was with earlier. So instead of charging into the forest, I think smoking Mercury out would be a better idea. With that in mind, I dismissed both my weapons to switch them out for my [Flame Thrower], then I used the flames to set the trees in front of me on fire. The flames quickly spread through the tree line at rapid speeds, forcing Mercury out of the forest with a scorched arm.
I'm normally not the sadistic type, but after seeing that Mercury and Emerald were going to cheat their way to the top, I decided to remove any chance of them winning. Now that Mercury was out of the forest, I switched [Flamethrower] for my [Brass Beast] to begin firing at Mercury. The guy was gripping his arm in pain, breathing heavily just outside of the burning forest. Mercury then noticed me opening fire on him, and he used his boots to run into the geyser field before hiding behind some rocks.
I stopped firing at the student to dismiss [Brass Beast] in favor of the [Direct Hit], followed by me shooting at the rocks that hid Mercury. The blast turned the rocks into pebbles before sending the rocks flying and Mercury forward a bit. Mercury then got up, with his back now scorched and bruised as well, but he didn't let his injuries stop him from running up to me to start fighting again.
Mercury's boos shoot something from their soles, kind of like Yang's shotgun gauntlets. However, due to the angle Mercury shot, he was sent into the air and moved directly between me and the shining sun, a tactic used to blind one's opponent. I would say I'm impressed, if it wasn't for one major factor, the angle.
This technique Mercury was using was only effective if the target was still, but if they even moved a couple feet back, then the skill would be pointless, which is exactly what I did. Mercury then landed where I once stood with a drop kick, while I just used [Rope Dart] to wrap the rope around Mercury, tying the guy up before he could react. I then kicked Mercury onto his stomach before placing my foot on his back and aiming my [Direct Hit] as his head.
"Hey Ref," I called out to the man who stood at the side of the arena on a lawn chair, who was gawking at the scene in front of him. "It'd be cruel to continue, so any chance you can just declare me as the winner? I know it sounds like crap, but I have a literal rocket launcher pointed at this guy's head, how can I not win?"
"Erm...alright, the winner is (Y/N) (L/N)!" The announcer excitedly shouted as the crowd began cheering, with me releasing Mercury and helping him up shortly after the cheering.
"Good game, Mercury." I shook Mercury's hand after helping him up, finding amusement in his flabbergasted expression, so I decided to whisper a piece of friendly advice in his ear. "Try relying on your own skill, illusions won't always work you know."
After telling Mercury that, I exited the arena with my hands in my pockets, I then began thinking about that entire fight. Mercury may have relied on Emerald's illusions to get a chance, but he's not stupid, he managed to figure out that only way to beat me was to overwhelm me with his kicks before Aizawa gave the audience the idea. Still, it was concerning that Mercury looked past the false intel I gave everyone and somehow organized he and Emerald's cooperation. Wait, who said he set it up? Who's to say that he's really the guy in charge?
As these questions plagued my mind, I was walking back to the waiting room to be met with the next fighter, who was some guy in the general studies course named Shinso. As he walked by me, he started talking to me, kind of forcing me to give him my full attention.
"Good fight out there." Shinso congratulated me, to which I nod in agreement. "Was Mercury a tough opponent?"
"He has a lot of potential, but he doesn't utilize it to it's maximum capacity." I answered before getting a (f/c) pop-up in front of me.
Shinso Hitoshi tried brain washing you.
Quick countered by the Gamer's Mind skill.
"Dude, uncool." I deadpanned after dismissing the pop-up, making Shinso sweatdrop. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't use your quirk on me."
"So you're immune to my quirk, impressive." Shinso commented, hopefully taking my request into consideration. "Well sorry about that but I'd like to secure my victory."
"That understandable, by the way, congrats on making it this far anyways." I congratulated the guy, since he was somehow faring against people who were specifically trained in combat, while Shinso most likely has never had any combat training in his life.
"Thanks, took a lot of effort to be honest." Shinso smirked in agreement, which is understandable, he's a one trick pony, so he'd have to utilize that trick to the fullest. "Well, it's almost time for my match against Izuku, I should get going, later."
"See ya." I waved to the guy as the two of us continued walking in our respective directions.
As I walked into the waiting room, I plopped myself down at a table and looked at the list to check out the matches. Apparently, my next opponent is Bakugo Katsuki, a tenacious opponent. To prepare for my fight against Bakugo, I opened up my [Stats] screen and began thinking of what stats I should increase.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 16
Lvl: 36
Titles: None
Class: None
Sub-Class: None
HP (Health Points): 5600
MP (Magic Points): 3100
SP (Stamina Points): 3100
AP (Aura Points): 3100
RP (Reiatsu Points): 3100
CP (Chakra Points): 3100
STR: 51
DEX: 47
CON: 49
INT: 56
WIS: 64
CHA: 37
LUK: 39
Spending Points: 24
After a moment of thinking, I placed three points into all of my stats, followed by my putting the rest into my intelligence stat.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 16
Lvl: 36
Titles: None
Class: None
Sub-Class: None
HP (Health Points): 5600
MP (Magic Points): 3100
SP (Stamina Points): 3100
AP (Aura Points): 3100
RP (Reiatsu Points): 3100
CP (Chakra Points): 3100
STR: 54
DEX: 50
CON: 52
INT: 62
WIS: 67
CHA: 40
LUK: 42
Spending Points: 0
I looked at my stats with a satisfied stare before dismissing the pop-up entirely, I then looked around the room to see the blonde guy I'm fighting, which I returned with a friendly wave. This pissed off Bakugo further, and I ignored this to focus more on what strategy I'll use against the guy. I know that he has an explosion quirk, so maybe I can use that to my advantage...
(Elsewhere, Third POV)
In the black castle that sat far in the North, a certain girl named Rachel was just returning from her meeting with Homura's Crimson Squad. In her grasp, was a plastic bag containing your head, or the replica you made last chapter at least. Rachel carefully opened the giant ivory doors before closing them once more. She then walked down the halls to give the head to Ursula, she was met by a very injured Taek Jegal and a slightly bruised Beniamino Cassino walking by her.
"What happened to you two?" Rachel asked as she walked towards the throne room, with Taek and Beniamino following close behind.
"(Y/N)'s what happened, that's what." Taek grunted in annoyance as Beniamino nodded to confirm Taek's statement.
"Well your efforts didn't go unrewarded." Rachel held up the bag with 'your' head in it to show it off to Taek. "Apparently, your fight with (Y/N) left him injured enough for the Crimson Squad I hired to finish him off."
"Hmph, at least Ursula will be in a better mood than usual." Taek grunted as Rachel began opening the door to the throne room.
Inside the throne room were ivory walls that were decorated by various stained glass windows depicting various sea creatures, from a simple hermit crab to the fearsome kraken. In the middle of the throne room was a carpet, dark blue path that led from the door to the pearl white throne in the middle. On the throne, sat Ursula, who was currently looking down at Manduk, who was currently kneeling before Ursula. Ursula finally took notice of Rachel and signaled for the girl to come in, noticing the bag in Rachel's grasp.
"Is that?" Ursula asked, starting to get excited with the sight of the bag, while Rachel walked into the throne room to present the prize.
"Indeed it is..." Rachel now stands before Ursula, who was leaning forward to examine the bag, while Rachel opened the bag to pull out your 'head' by the hair. "It's the head of (Y/N) (L/N), the False Prince."
"..." Ursula's good mood was suddenly shattered at the sight of the head, with her looking more annoyed than anything. "Is this a joke?"
"What's the matter, Lady Ursula?" Manduk asked the demigoddess, noticing the blizzard outside as a result of her anger. "That looks to be his head?"
"That's a bomb." Ursula deadpanned, growing angrier by the minute, causing the room temperature to drop even further. "You dare bring a bomb before me?!"
"Hey, Ursula." Taek walked up to Ursula, with the latter calming down a little and going pale at the sight of Taek's injuries. "Has it occurred to you that these two don't have a good sense of smell like you do?"
"R-Right." Ursula blushed at the sight of her boyfriend, then she took the head from Rachel's grasp and examined it. "In all seriousness, the mask is literally just a piece of paper."
"What?!" Rachel shouted in surprise, while Ursula pulled the mask off to reveal that the head was actually a C4 bomb. "Forgive me Lady Ursula!"
"Okay." Ursula said in a monotone voice before realizing the bomb was now beeping, and that the mask was the only thing preventing it from exploding. "Well shit."
Shortly after saying this, the C4 exploded in the throne room, shattering the stained glass windows and filling the room with smoke. Everything was black for a moment before a blizzard suddenly appeared and it's intense winds blew all of the smoke from the room, revealing Ursula. Ursula looked more annoyed and pissed than damaged, with the only signs of the C4 being the soot all over her body, leaving everyone in the room speechless.
"(Y/N)'s a clever bastard, I'm not sure why I fell for that."
(A/N: That's a wrap folks! In case you were wondering, your opponents for the tournament will be Mercury, Bakugo, Rin, Laura, and Origami. I was also planning to have this story be an Asia x Issei story as well, because Issei's going to have CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, so...later!
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