Chapter 3-Call to Arms
(Your POV)
It's been three hours since I've taken to the skies and I still haven't had any luck finding anyone. Even the usual paparazzi that surrounded Sung was focused on some K-pop bands I've never heard of, which kind of put me in a bad mood.
There were tons of guilds that I could easily just ask, from White Tiger to Hunters, but I'd rather not bother anyone. So I just decided to keep flying over the city until I spotted someone who struck me as strange. It wasn't the person themselves who struck me as odd, it was just the aura they gave off.
More specifically, their shadow.
So I concentrated my aura to my eyes, the same technique that allows hunters to see stands and such, and I was able to see the outline of a knight hiding within the shadow. Not just that, the knight seemed to be physically made of shadow somehow.
So with my curiosity gets the better of me, I hovered over to the man and noticed he had a strange outfit. He had armor covering his arms in shoulders, leaving the stomach bare to show an orange shirt. Must be a hunter, and judging from the gear, he was a rich hunter.
I then floated down behind him, careful not to make a sound in case that shadow soldier attacked me for whatever reason. I was about to tap his shoulder before Isaw the knight in the man's shadow move, probably best to just call the guy. I didn't exactly want to risk losing an arm, now do I?
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to be a hunter, would you?" I asked the man, who then turned his head excitedly.
"Why yes I am, name's Jinho!" I was not expecting the excited reaction, what caught me even more off guard was the fact that he decided to shake my hand like I was the freakin president.
"I knew you were a hunter from the moment I laid eyes on ya!" I lied, faking my best western accent. "How many dungeons have you cleared?"
"Well, actually, my friend cleared all of them for me...alone." Jinho's friend cleared most of the dungeons? No small feat even for a B or A ranked hunter, "What is your friend's name?"
"Don't you know, he's the new S-rank Hunter, Sung Jinwoo?" Did this Jinho say he's friends with Sung Jinwoo? Well what are the fuckin odds. "In fact, it was all over the news."
"Well what do you know, I'm actually looking for this Sung guy." I commented, shocking Jinho and putting him on edge. "I'm not looking for him just to attack him, you know, he's stronger than me."
"Then why are you looking for him?" Jinho cautiously asked, just how much crap did these two have to put up with?
"Well since you're a close friend of his, I suppose it's safe to tell you." I began, examining the look in his eyes a bit more, which turned slightly more accepting.
"I'm a demigod, and I'm building a peerage. I got my pieces rather recently, and I was unconscious for three days. So a certain someone sent agents to scout members for my said peerage, and Sung was one of the few that accepted, so 'm looking for him to give him the piece he deserves."
"Wait, I thought devils could only build peerages?" Jinho asked, with the caution disappearing from his eyes and being replaced with curiosity.
"That has more to do with my grandfather, Ryujin, fighting Leviathan a couple centuries back." I explained, giving the best mental picture I could explain. "Both Ryujin and Leviathan fought each other for control over the seas, Ryujin won and showed good sportsmanship. So Leviathan paid him back by giving his descendants peerage pieces, albeit ours are a bit different."
"Yo, Jinho." I didn't even see this guy approach, neither did Jinho, because he jumped back along with me. "Relax it's me, Sung."
I looked over and saw a man in his early twenties, with black hair and blue eyes. He was standing in Jinho's shadow for some reason before he stepped out. It was that I remembered reading that Sung has some sort of affiliation with shadows, and that much is a huge mystery.
"Ah, Jinwoo, I was just going to look for you!" Jinho stated, before Sung saw me and looked somewhat cautious. "This is (Y/N), he was just looking for you."
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)?" Asked Sung, with his eyes revealing that they were more curious and relieved than cautious.
"Yep, nice to finally meet Sung Jinwoo." I greeted as the two of us shook hands. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to use a skill on you to determine what piece I should give you."
"Fine with me, but I do have a simple request." Sung stated as he held up a single finger. "Please get stronger."
"Hold on..use skill; [Observe]!" I used the skill while listening to Sung's request, which doesn't offend me because he's right.
Sung Jinwoo
Lvl: 120
Ability: System/Necromancy
Title: Demon Slayer
Class: Shadow Monarch
STR: 309
DEX: 320
CON: 308
INT: 320
WIS: 250
CHA: 170
LUK: 130
Good god, how the hell am I going to get this guy into my peerage.
" do you expect me to get stronger?" I asked, kind of scared if the man in front of me. "Any ideas, tips, anything?"
"Alright, first things first, am I going to join your peerage or not?" Sing questioned in a confused tone, before I pulled out a (f/c) Golden General piece and handed it to him and did the same thing I did with John and Sera. "Huh, so you have a similar ability to me and Shogi pieces instead of Chess pieces?"
"Yeah, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise given my ancestors." I rubbed the back of my neck as Sung accepted the request and became my Golden General. "So now what?"
"Well, given how we have similar abilities, I think it's fair for me to become your mentor." Sung volunteered, surprising Jinho and myself once again. "First thing's first, tell me what you can do for now."
"Well I have a similar system to yourself, but it's a bit more advanced and I can use other video game abilities, so far, I have Skyrim and Fallout skills." I explained as I gestured towards my Relic. "While I can get weapons and spell from these said games, I have to wait until I'm lvl 40 before I can gain them due to their quality, so my Relic here is my only weapon for now."
"Relic?" Sung wondered, before he walked over to my Cernunnosl and examined it closely. "What do Relics do?"
"I think I can answer that one, Relics all have a unique property that makes them immensely powerful, there's only four known Relics, Creation, Destruction, Knowledge, and Choice." Jinho pointed out before tapping Cernunnosl curiously. "However, all that information is from stories I used to read as a kid."
"Correct, my relic, Cernunnosl, can change its shape and its ability into one of ten forms." I informed the two before shrugging. "However, two of the lighthouses are with my friends to act as a back-up defense should they get attacked, so changing it's form right now is out of the question."
"Can you explain these ten forms?" Sung requested, to which I tried my best to explain those I have used.
"I only realized it's transformation ability the other, but I've trained using four forms First, Second, Third, and Sixth." I stated before explaining their abilities. "First acts like normal lighthouses, but with elemental attacks. Second is a dagger I can control telekinetically that I can use to create barriers or control other things telekinetically. Third is a katana that copies weapon technique and conforms it into a sword technique for me to use. Lastly, sixth is a puppet that controls the metals in the ground by dancing, making clones of itself that copy it's every movement."
"Jeez, your Relic is scary." Jinho stated while Sung laughed a little.
"Well, I guess with that kind of relic, I'll help you train a bit." Sung then pulled out some sort of key, a dark blue one. "Sorry Jinho, but it might be a bit dangerous if you were to come with us."
"Don't worry about it, at this point, you kind of scare me." Jinho then began his way down the sidewalk, almost leaving the two of us alone before he turned around and gave me a piece of advice. "Also, good luck (Y/N), Later you two!"
I just shrugged off what Jinho said and proceeded to face Sung, who held the key in his hand. We both nodded at the same time and Sung used the key and held it like a normal key opening a door. Then the key disappeared and we were suddenly in an ice field surrounded by trees and snow. Perfect, I have the home field advantage.
(John POV)
We had no idea where to start looking for a group of martial artists, swordsmen, magicians, or even one of the best hunters in the country. So Joe, Sera, and I decided to check the hotel we were staying at when (Y/N) left, since we might find someone who's at least seen or heard of one of these people. Of course, we had people staring at us thanks to the floating pyramid that followed us around, hovering a meter off the ground.
After quite a while of walking and looking at the same time, me and Sera finally arrived at the hotel we were staying at. It was a pretty average-looking hotel with a rather large lobby, once we checked in, we found out that (Y/N) paid for it with his own money, only because he would've felt bad if his mother paid for it instead. Even though Saorise is a literal queen and (Y/N) doesn't receive much of an allowance, aside from sand dollars and starfish as a little joke from what Ruby told me before we split up.
"So where do we start?" I asked Sera and Joe as we sat on two different couches that faced each other in the lobby, only divided by a coffee table in the middle. "We have no clue about what any of these people like!"
"I think we should start off by looking for someone who's close to impossible to miss, like Rak, Shiyeon, Ethan, or Mori." Sera thought outloud as she read a magazine, looking for something on Sung Jinwoo or the God of Highschool tournament. "For once in my life, I wish Isen was here."
"Speaking of which, where is the guy?" Joe asked, to which Sera and I non-surprisingly shrugged. "Maybe he's staying at another hotel with Arlo and them."
"I just wish a clue would just fall into our laps." I whined before rolling my head back on the couch.
Not even a couple seconds later, some guy came flying out of nowhere and crashed into the coffee table, obviously breaking it with his weight. Me and Sera quickly stood up, with Sera tossing her magazine to the side, and me using my ability to look for anyone using any magic or something.
I didn't find anyone using anything, but I did find some sort a miniature crocodile was the one who threw the guy using nothing but his strength. Wait a minute, shortr crocodile and absurd strength? How many people do we know that fit the description? Me and Sera seemingly knew the answer and nodded at each other before proceeding towards the man.
We arrived at the bar Rak was at to see that he was sitting with two other individuals at a table, Bam and Khun if I had to guess. Rak seemed pissed about something, while Bam patted his back for whatever reason, and Khun just watched as he drank a cola and had a smirk on his face.
So, finally having SOMETHING of a lead, me and Sera quickly made our way over to the table these three were sitting at. When we reached the table, I tried to speak before Rak pulled a giant spear out of nowhere and almost cut my neck. However, he stopped when the edge was right against my neck, seemingly glaring at me.
"What do you want?" He asked in a threatening tone, ignoring Bam's pleas for him to calm down and Khun's amused eye.
"Rak, calm down, we're trying NOT to get thrown out of the hotel!" Khun laughed a bit.
"Hey, relax, we're here looking for you guys." I answered before I held up a picture of (Y/N) on the roof of Ruby and Yang's house while t-posing, which I got from Ruby. "We're here on behalf of (Y/N) (L/N)."
"Nice picture, Why is he on the roof?" Khun observed as Rak removed his spear and made it vanish.
"Beats me, so what are you guys doing?" I asked the group as Rak took a drink of something.
"None of us can really find a job, actually that applies to everyone from the tower, so we're basically just doing hunter work." Khun replied as Rak stole some guy's burger by extending her hook and taking it from the table.
"Well that's where you guys are in luck-" Joe was cut off by Rak.
"The green turtle already explained how his peerage works, and we agreed." He stated in a an annoyed voice voice. "So where is (Y/N)?"
"He's somewhere else looking for everyone, so (Y/N) won't be here until noon." Sera answered, gaining a nod from Khun.
"So..know much is the salary?" Bam wondered, to which me and Sera just shrugged so Joe took the lead.
"I don't think he'll pay us, rather just allows us to have free housing, food, and other necessities." Joe guessed, whilst shrugging his shoulders. "So while he won't pay us, he'll at least be better than the U.S. college system."
"Sucks, but not like I have any better options." Khun whined before taking a drink and offering us a seat. "Sorry, but I never asked, what are your guy's names?"
"I'm John, this is Seraphina and Joe, two pawns and a silver general." I introduced, gaining confused stares from everyone except Rak, who was eating a banana.
"Wait, I thought evil pieces were chess based, not shogi?" Bam wondered, thankfully, Khun decided to explain things.
"Ryujin defeated Leviathan quite a few years ago, so all his descendants have their own pieces that are shogi based instead of chess." He explained before taking a bite of sushi that was given to him by a random girl.
"Thanks for clearing that one up Khun, so tell us more about yourselves." Shibisu requested the three of us, locking us all into a long conversation.
(Ruby POV)
"Yaaaang, are you sure SOMEONE will be out here?" I asked my sister, Yang, who insisted we go to the park after (Y/N) left. "I mean, it's 7 in the morning and we haven't found anyone yet!"
"Oh please, any self-respecting martial artist would wake up at the crack of dawn just to exercise." Yang stated as the two of us sat on a bench, with me looking through a pair of binoculars and Yang on her phone looking for news. "I was so certain we'd at least see someone out here!"
"Looking for someone?" Asked some random voice coming from nowhere, looking around, I saw that it was actually some tough-looking guy standing next to a girl with brown hair and glasses.
"Yeah, we're looking for sixteen people actually." I stated, showing the two my phone that showed everyone's picture. "Here's what they look like."
" may want to look closer at the images." The girl with glasses pointed out, gaining stifled laughter from Yang before I looked at the images.
"Name's Dawei Han, and I believe you're looking for me, Mira here, and some other friends of mine." The newly dubbed Dawei introduced himself and his female companion, who waved shyly. "I could call them for you guys."
"That would be helpful, also, name's Yang and this is my sister, Ruby." Yang introduced us, then I waved excitedly.
"Just give them a little while to show up." Dawei requested before he then started making calls, while Mira sat next to us, staring at the guy.
From there on, Yang saw this and teased Mira about it until the latter was red. When Mira was fully blushing, Yang chose that exact moment to start giving dating advice to the poor girl. This went on until Dawei finished making the calls, and we talked to each other until everyone arrived.
From there, me and Yang explained the current situation to the group of martial artists, answering their many questions the best we could.
(Back with you, after the dungeon with Sung)
I was on my knees in the icy cave, breathing heavily as there was a giant yeti's corpse laid before me. The scythe I made with Universe disappeared, leaving the blood that once caked it to fall to the ground. Meanwhile, Sung stood at the opening of the cave, walking over to the yeti's corpse before grabbing something close to the yeti's corpse and tossing the items to me.
"Congrats that's not a bad weapon, almost tempted to take it for myself." Sung commented as he held up a hand for me to grab, which I gladly accepted before looking at the stuff I got.
Rope Dart
Rank: B-
Desc: A weapon used my assassins to kill enemies from afar or to bring them closer to divide units to kill them upclose.
3x Health Potion (Small)
Rank: Common
Desc: A potion that heals a small portion of the drinker's health.
3x Mana Potion (Small)
Rank: Common
Desc: A potion that heals a small portion of the drinker's mana.
1,000 Yen.
"Not a bad haul if I do say so myself." I commented as the ice cavern we were just standing in turned back into the cityscape of Korea we were just at. I opened my [Inventory] to put my loot away before another pop-up appeared in front of me.
You leveled up 10 times, reaching lvl 10!
You have been granted 20 skill points as a reward, use them well!
"So I get two points per level up? Not bad." I closed the pop-ups and put away my newly acquired gear before turning to face Sung. "So now what?"
"Check your phone." Sung advised, confusing me but I went through nonetheless.
After checking my phone, I saw that John and Ruby texted me. Thoroughly reading the texts I saw that they found everyone else, and were ready to meet up at the hotel. With that in mind, I turned off the phone and put it in my pocket.
"Well, let's go greet the rest of the peerage." I said, as me and Sung began making our way to the hotel all of us were staying at.
Once we were there, everyone began explaining their skills and abilities to me before I gave them their pieces. Some were tough decisions, some not so much. After that was settled we all decided to get to know each other a bit more. So we played video games, talked, and even ate food in the small hotel room me, Ruby, and Yang were sharing.
After we got to know each other, it was 1 PM. So we all made it to the airport just to get there early. While at the airport, we decided to tell stories about our past.
It was fun to learn about how Rak, Bam, and Khun only teamed up out of desperation, and how they ended up being one of the strongest team in the tower. Just as funny though, was the fact that Mori, Mira, and Dawei met because of some robber that Mori caught three times before using his bike.
Once it was finally time for our plane to head out, I sat between Bam and Mori. I saw that Yang was sat with Endorsi and Sera, with the first two about boys or something while Sera listener to music. While Ruby was with Mira and Sujin, talking about weapons. I offered to play street fighter with Mori and Bam, but Mori was already asleep so Bam decided to play since he had nothing better to do. After an hour of that, he went to sleep as well. So I wonder what game I'll play now.
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