Chapter 24-Tournament's Begining
(Your POV)
After talking with Weiss and exiting the school, I used [Elven Sprint] to run home to begin training for the tournament tomorrow. As I ran, I had my phone out and made calls to Dawei and Endorsi to meet me at the dojo to help me get stronger, especially now that I'm the new Sin of Wrath. I'm more surprised I didn't get a title though, but then again it could be the fact I didn't announce it yet. As I called the two, they were obviously confused as to why I called them on the way to the house, so I decided to explain to them how this tournament goes.
The tournament consists of three main rounds, Siege, Hunt, and 1v1. The siege part is pretty self explanatory, the players are arranged into teams. In our case, the teams are going to be Devils, Souls (Soul Reapers+Tohka/Shido), Hunters, Shinobi (Hidden villages+Kunoichi), Heroes, Mechanical classes (Infinite Stratos Users+AST students), and MISC. meaning our team will consist of me, my peerage, the two stand users, and the Strawhat Pirates.
The first and second rounds take place on the same massive playing field that have 7 strongholds, one for each team. Of course, the biome isn't that versatile, having a couple mountains, hills, and grassy plains in there. Each of the strongholds have a same underground chamber with the entrance being located somewhere in the walls, and in those underground chambers are the artifacts we're supposed to get.
The Siege round is pretty much a seven way game of Capture the Flag and defending our troops. Our troops are something of minions who can fight for us, enhance their fellow troops, upgrade the others, and work facilities. Facilities can be used for upgrades that can help us in the long run. The Siege Round lasts for three days, and these minions of ours farm rapidly, allowing us to have easy access to food. We're allowed to pick or bring our own minions, so Jihan can bring his golems. However the main point is the artifacts, whoever has the most artifacts by the end of the time limit wins.
Another thing worth noting about this round is how it's mainly based around strategy and careful placing of facilities, after all, we don't want fields getting caught up in the crossfire and destroying our source of food. The final thing of importance is that we must defend our artifacts with any means necessary, even if it means sacrificing ourselves. Luckily, V adjusts the rules so we aren't able to die, but we'll respawn back in our base after five or ten minutes.
The second round is Hunt, also self-explanatory. The same teams must hunt dangerous beasts scattered around the area. Of course it's still a competition, but we can team up with other teams to take down larger opponents. This round only lasts for a day, but the troops from the previous round are still around and act as civilians and the useless knights in every isekai anime ever. The way to win in this round is pretty simple, all hunted creatures are worth a certain amount of points, and the more points you have, the better.
After the second round is where the tournament 'truly' begins, because not only can we actually go home at the end of the day, but it also consists of 1v1's between people. Sadly, the teams formed there don't lead into the last round, but it makes sure we don't end up fighting each other, since that'd be a bit cruel. Strangely enough though, the audience gets to pick the fights, and the contenders earn points based on how well they did in that fight. This round also only lasts for a day, and the person with the most points wins the whole that round.
However in order to win the whole tournament is to be on the winning team of the first two rounds and to have the most points in the last. This would have been an easy win for me, but Sung isn't allowed to participate in the tournaments since he's not a student there anymore. So I'll have to rely on everyone else, which isn't too bad when I think about it.
After making it to the gates of the clan house, I opened them and walked over to the dojo to see the inside lights were on, signaling Endorsi and Dawei were inside. So I opened up the dojo door to see the two were there, but with Mira and Bam in there as well. I walked into the dojo before closing the door and walking up to the group of people.
"Hey guys." I greeted before requiping my school uniform for my workout clothes, which consisted of my haori and gym shorts. "You ready?"
"Yep, keep in mind I don't go easy." Dawei cracked his knuckles as he gave me his usual blank stare before getting into a stance. "Alright, show me what you've got, but no weapons since this is a hand-to-hand martial art."
"That's fair." I chuckled before running up to Dawei and attempting to kick his side with my right leg.
Sadly Dawei blocked my strike with his left arm before throwing a punch at me, which I dodged. Mira, Bam, and Endorsi decided to watch from the sidelines, while I leapt back to put some distance between me and Dawei. He had multiple advantages on me, for starters his martial art is better suited for combat than mine is, plus he has a higher defense and strength than I do.
However, I surpassed Dawei in speed and magic in some cases, but using magic would defeat the purpose of this training. So I tried mimicking Dawei's stance, which kept the arms in a defensive position while the legs were slightly crouched and ready to move at a moment's notice. Dawei seems to have noticed my stance and gave me a couple pointers to help me out.
"Full Contact Karate is focused on defense (Y/N), be more on guard and brace for anything." Dawei advised before he came at me with his first drawn back, ready to strike.
Dawei threw his punch and I dodged it by crouching, which I followed up by punching his chest, with little to no results. That's when I remembered the fact that Dawei was way more buff than I was, so I followed my punched by quickly running his to his back and using it as a springboard to put distance between us again.
Dawei followed this up by running up to me and sweeping his leg underneath me, which I dodged by jumping up. However it left me vulnerable to his next attack, his fist was drawn back once more but then I noticed a black aura coming from his body.
"Fist of the Black Turtle." Dawei said before delivering a sucker punch to my gut, causing me to spit up water as I was sent flying into the wall. "Shit!"
"Are you okay?!" Mira shouted as all four people ran over to the hole in the wall Iwas stuck in, while I looked at my HP.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 16
Lvl: 32
Titles: None
Class: None
Sub-Class: None
HP (Health Points): 500/5500
MP (Magic Points): 2700/2700
SP (Stamina Points): 2300/2700
AP (Aura Points): 2200/2700
RP (Reiatsu Points): 2700/2700
CP (Chakra Points): 2700/2700
"Damn..." I groaned as I popped my neck and slowly fell out of the wall, landing in my feet in the process. "Nice shot!"
"...Did I accidentally hit your head instead?" Dawei asked, genuinely worried, while I shook my head no before getting another pop-up.
Training complete, new skill obtained!
Full Contact Karate
Dance of the Four Gods (1000 SP)
* Fist of the Black Turtle-
* Kick of the Red Phoenix
* Dance of the White Tiger
* Wave of the Blue Dragon
Brazilian Kick (20 SP)
High Kick (50 SP)
Breaking Hundred Bricks (100 SP)
Cutting Bull's Horns (120 SP)
Death Blow (100 SP)
Choku Zuki (130 SP)
"So apparently I just needed to lose most of my HP in a single shot to get the skill..." I dismissed the pop-up and summoned [Notebook], then I wrote down 'Health Potion' five times to summon five health potions. "Thanks man."
"I have no idea what just happened." Dawei admits, his usual blank stare is replaced with one of extreme confusion. "You know what, you're welcome."
"Guess it's my turn." Endorsi begin stretching her arms before pulling a rather large, red needle off the weapons rack and pointing it at me like a sword. "En Garde."
In response to this, I downed all my health potions and got my HP back up to 2500 at least, which isn't much, but it's honest work. After downing the potions, I erased 'health potions' from the notebook, causing the vials to disappear into nothing. Then I dismissed [Notebook] and switched it out for [Lostvayne], which I prepared in a reverse grip fashion, like I've seen Sung do.
When I was ready, Endorsi charged at me before slashing at me with the needle while I dodged every strike. I tried slashing at the Princess with [Lostvayne], but she blocked it. That's when I noticed Endorsi was having trouble blocking [Lostvayne], so I used this to my advantage by kicking Endorsi back a bit.
"Nice sword you got there." Endorsi compliments as the two of us began circling around each other menacingly. "So where'd you get it anyways?"
"Meliodas gave it to me, since he has no need for it since he's retired." I explained while showing off the sword. "He said I'll probably need it to do the task he gave me."
"(Y/N), what did John say about secrets?" Endorsi asked as the two of us began crossing blades, and I just sighed.
"John said 'secrets cause unnecessary bullshit'." I answered before dodging a kick from Endorsi by leaning back before slashing at her with [Lostvayne]. "But I wanted to keep this one as a secret to surprise everyone, plus it'll hardly affect anyone."
"So...What is it?" Mira asked from the sidelines while the three people watched our fight.
"Meliodas wants me to reform the Seven Deadly Sins, with me as the Sin of Wrath." I admitted before Endorsi dodged my slash by moving to the left and following it up with a pierce with her needle. "I already have people in mind to fill the other positions, but none of you are my choices. Since the Seven Deadly Sins is composed of leaders, and having my own peerage in the group would make it seem unfair if we ever held a vote."
"He has a point." Bam admits as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "So who do you have in mind?"
"I wanted to at least keep those people a secret until I make my final decision." I explained while dodging Endorsi's needle to the face and following it up with a [High Kick]. "However, one of those people is Reine, any of you guys know of her?"
"Yeah, she's the secretary of that organization you met up with, Joe told us." Endorsi answered as she dodged the kick before stomping on the ground, sending a shockwave. "What about her?"
"I don't know why, but she and Kotori were hiding something, but Reine's secret is potentially more dangerous." I thought, wondering why she stood out of everyone in that room after jumping to avoid the shockwave. "While we're at the tournament, I'm going to send Sung to investigate her. If he finds nothing within the next four days, then it was likely something I messed up on."
After saying this, me and Endorsi's fight got more and more serious, with our slashed and jabs sending gusts on wind around the room. Endorsi seemed to be reinforcing her sword in Shinsoo, so I replied by costing my sword in water and using [Breath of Water, Third Form: Flowing Dance]. Shinsoo and water filled the room until me and Endorsi suddenly stopped with both our weapons pointed at each others' necks
Training Complete, new skill obtained!
Reel Fisherman
Desc: This Passive skill officially makes the user a reel-fisherman, a kind of fisherman that's proficient in mid-range combat. This skill also grants the user +5 STR, CON, and DEX. Plus the user gains an even higher proficiency with weapons.
"Magnificent you two." Clapped a feminine voice from the entryway, I looked over and saw Saorise and Zeno standing in the doorway. "(Y/N), you've certainly improved."
"Hello Mother, Father, What brings you two here?" I politely ask before bowing down to show my respect, but the illusion of formality was destroyed when my father tackled me into a hug.
"Well the tournament is tomorrow, so the two of us decided to train you a bit more efficiently than Tanjiro could have, no offense to my knight, but his greatest strength is in his Sun Breathing Style." Saorise explained with a sigh before Zeno finally let go of me.
"So long story short, we're going to train you in our respective territories." Zeno explained with his hands behind his head. "Saorise's going to train you in the (L/N) clan's ability to summon and control the sea and its components. Meanwhile, I'll train you in my personal fighting style, so don't expect me to go easy on you!"
"Hmph." I huffed in amusement before turning over to my peerage members. "You guys can go eat dinner without me, this might take a while and it's bound to summon a storm."
After hearing that, the four members of my peerage decided to walk out of the dojo and went back to the clan house. As they left, Zeno began stretching while I prepared [Lostvayne] in my hands and kept my guard up, since Saorise can be quite unpredictable when she wants to be. Thankfully, my readiness paid off with her suddenly summoning giant icicles behind her and launching them at me. I used [Lostvayne] to break all of them as they came at me one by one. Meanwhile, my mother gave me and amused smirk before holding her hand and summoning a sword made of ice.
"Don't expect me to go easy on you (Y/N)." My mother smirked as she charged at me, while I did the same with my sword, ready for what these two have in mind.
(Timeskip, brought to you by an injured (Y/N) running inside and cooking Weiss' favorite meal for her before running outside again, followed by a storm suddenly showing up)
After training with my parents, I unlocked both my quirk and semblance, [Black Dragon] and [Lord of the Sea]. So sum up their abilities, they're kind of like a dollar store version of my parents' abilities, only being effective when I sacrifice a lot of stamina and mana respectively. However, they were still good abilities so I can't really complain. Another great bonus is that my father handed his necklace to me, saying it was given to him by his best friend from a long time ago, a sign of trust.
Anyways, today was the day of the tournament, so all of the students were sitting in the auditorium. You know, the place where V yeeted us in the Emerald Forest using his magic. Thankfully, that wasn't going to happen today since Aizawa made sure Doctor V didn't use his ability to yeet any of us anymore. At the same time, Doctor V stood on the stage to give some sort of announcement to us before the tournament officially began.
"So we're officially at that part where the Sports Festival's Tournament begins, and it brings tears to my eyes." Doctor V over dramatically said, making everyone in the auditorium sweatdrop. "I hope you guys understand the rules, cause I'm not going over them a second time!"
"Shut up you bastard!" The blonde kid who named Bakugo shouted at V, who didn't even flinch. "I'll kill you and win this festival!"
"You know they say a short-temper is a sign of having short genitals." V deadpanned with his annoying smile plastered on his face, shocking all of us obviously. "Now where was I?"
"You were saying something about not repeating the rules of the tournament." Aizawa answered from his seat in the front row, ignoring Bakugo's shouting.
"Ah yes, I was going to say the team names and some changes to the rules." V excitedly announced as he spoke into the microphone. "The Soul Reaper/spirit team is going to be called Team Heaven, devils are going to be Team Hell, Shinobi is going to be Team Yesterday, Heroes are going to be called Team Present, stratos/AST users are going to be called Team Tomorrow, and the MISC alliance is now Team Abyss. Also, if you AST girls start attacking the spirits for no reason, your entire team will be penalized."
"All teams are going to be guarding something like this." Aizawa shouted as he held up some sort of artifact that looked a sphere. "The more artifacts you have, the better your troops will perform, having no artifacts will result in the troops being at an extremely low performance. Of course, if your team wants to surrender, raise the white flag that's in every stronghold's cellar. However, doing so we result in your team being disqualified and being left out of the round entirely, only returning at the beginning of the second round."
"Correct my dry eyed friend, but there's one thing you're forgetting!" V informed the pro-hero, who gave him a look of 'I don't get paid enough for this shit'. "Collecting all seven artifacts will result in that team winning on the spot, while the other teams don't get affected by this. Doing this will also result in the winning team getting useful soldiers to help in the next round, so keep that in mind!"
As Aizawa and V explained the rules of the Siege Round, I got bored of it and decided to pull out my phone to browse browse the internet and read up on some of the war strategies used by Genghis Khan, Sun Tzu, and Alexander the Great. I was reading more on each of these people until I got a text from someone, closer inspection revealed that it was Yoshino who texted me, so I opened it up.
Right now, I can tell I was being a total idiot, but I couldn't help it. I'm proud that my (adoptive) daughter finally learned to use that phone of hers. I was currently sitting between Sera and Seungchul, both of whom were looking at my phone screen. Seungchul merely huffed in amusement of my reaction before going back to his book, but Sera wasn't so passive about it.
"You're acting like Hughes from FMA." Seraphina pointed out with an amused smirk, while I acted insulted and dismissed my phone back into my [Inventory]. "Don't act shocked, you're an overprotective dad and I'm certain you have a picture of you two in your wallet."
"I don't have a wallet, my ability makes them useless since I can just store my money in my [Inventory]." I told the girl while displaying my inventory, which showed my allowance in yen. "As you can see, my inventory is filled with weapons galore, enough to make your average merchant jealous."
"You're a dork, you know that?" Sera playfully rolled her eyes before booping my nose and turning her attention back to her phone, then I noticed Jihan was leaning across Seugchul's seat to talk to me.
"(Y/N), you got the blue prints?" Jihan asked, while I summoned [??? blueprints] from my inventory. "Sweet, we'll need those to win this."
After Jihan went back to his seat, I dismissed the blueprints and turned my attention back to V, who was now displaying a giant map of the area behind him. V showed the map to reveal that all of the strongholds were against the corners of the island, with none of them being in the center, which is understandable. Yet, in the middle of the map was a fortress, but it didn't belong to any of the teams.
V kept on talking about everything aside from that fortress in the middle, pissing me off because of how random the thing was. I looked around the room and noticed everyone's attention was also fixed on that castle as well, but V ignored the stress and kept on talking about everything else.
Once he was done, Doctor V wasted no time in snapping his fingers, causing all of us to start glowing a bright gray color. That's when I realized he placed teleportation runes on the seats, and that he was smirking the entire time. I just accepted my fate and watched as my vision started to fade into nothingness, along with the rest of my body.
I only regained my vision when I found myself lying on the ground in some kind of courtyard, I then got up from the ground and looked around at the place. I then noticed that my peerage was scattered around the area, along with the straw hats, Jotaro, and Kakyoin. I waited for everyone to get up, looking around the place in the meantime.
As I walked to a door, I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder, that's when I remembered the plan me and Jihan formed after Saorise and Zeno's training yesterday. The plan revolved around my [Build] skill and expanding what I could build. Unlike the engineer in TF2, I have no limit as to how much stuff of something I can make, with the only factor being how much metal I have, that's where Jihan comes in.
"You ready (Y/N)?" Jihan asked with a smirk as I pulled his staff out of his inventory.
"I'm ready as the sky is blue." I returned the smirk with my own, while everyone else's just looked confused. "So you have the metal?"
"Not yet, but the metal should start flowing in like water." Jihan then threw a bunch of black orbs around the courtyard, but then the orbs turned into giant black golems with a single glowing, red eye in their face. "Golems, gets to work!"
In response to hearing this, all of the golems' arms suddenly turned into drills and they ran out of the gates, headed straight towards the mines supposedly. In response to watching this, I summoned both the [??? Blueprints] and [Wrench]. With these two items, I ran over to a tree that had the nerve of existing within punching distance of me.
Once I was in front of the tree, I used [Displace] on it by punching the tree and turning it into small logs of wood I could use. I then picked up each of the logs and used [Build] on them to create a [Crafting Table], a key player in my plan. It's appearance was no different than a regular wood table, but with a strange surface that was graphed precisely.
I placed the [Crafting Table] down on the ground and used some leftover metal from that helicopter I got from a while back. With the metal, I crafted a [Dispenser] and began upgrading it to it's max level. After I upgraded my [Dispenser] I turned over to my peerage with my [Wrench] in one hand and my [??? Blueprints] on the table.
(Instead of red it's your favorite color)
"Mori, I need you to place this dispenser on the top of the gatehouse." I ordered while mimicking the Engineer's voice perfectly.
"What the hell is going on?!" Nami asked in an annoyed tone, not happy with the fact that I'm keeping yet another secret. "What were those things Jihan summoned?!"
"Golems, as for the plan, well let's just say I'm going all out this time." I answered before getting to work on a pair of [Teleporters], but not before pulling my [LVL3 Sentry] from my [Inventory]. "While I'm finishing up these teleporters, one of you needs to place my sentry in the gatehouse, and place it in a way that people coming in can't see it."
"On it." Illpyo accepted as he picked up the sentry and ran over to the gatehouse, carrying the gun in the process.
"Sure thing, boss." Mori agreed as he quickly ran over to the [Dispenser] and put it over his shoulder, then carrying it up the stairs.
"Alright, so I'm gonna need someone fast and strong for this task." I said as I banged my [Wrench] against the [Teleporters], leveling them up in the process. "I need someone to carry one of these teleporters over to the castle in the middle and hide it, I hope you can see why."
"Easy." Endorsi announced as she walked over to me, then she sat on the table until the Teleporters were done.
(Same thing as the dispenser, red=favorite color)
Once I maxed out the Teleporters, I gave one to Endorsi to take to the castle. Endorsi then began running out the gate to the castle at high speeds, but I still sent Bam and Sora to help her out just in case a fast unit like Kiba, Ichigo, or an IS user already showed up. Thankfully, I ordered for them to come back once they place the teleporter down, so they should be back in a bit.
After sending everyone off to place my machines up, I unraveled my [??? Blueprints] and immediately got to work, and by work I mean placing metal down and banging it with my [Wrench] until it's max level. As I worked, I noticed three of Jihan's golems just arrived with ores of metal, ready to be heated up.
I quickly used my metal to create a large furnace, placing it a couple feet away from the crafting table for obvious reasons. The golems then placed the metal ores in the furnace to begin the process of making the metal I need. Meanwhile, Jihan was giving orders to everyone since he's my third in command.
After the metal was done, the golems took it out of the oven and cooled it somehow using their bodies to absorb the heat entirely. After the metal was cooled, the metal was placed in a pile to my right, causing me to grin madly.
"Let's do this Texas Style." I then cracked my fingers and neck before letting out my battle cry. "YEETHAW!"
"Well shit, he's officially lost it." Khun deadpanned.
(A/N: So that begins the second to last arc of this book, with the final arc being Riser's. Wait, does that count as a spoiler? I don't care, but on the bright sides this is the arc where something big happens to the character. Not only are the Quirk and Semblance unlocked, but something else will be as well...
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