Chapter 20-A Shocking Conclusion
After hearing Shikamaru's plan, I was reluctant to carry it out at first but I decided to go along with it in the end. I simply did as Shikamaru asked and summoned [Failnaught], [Areadbhar], and [Keyblade]. I then stomped my foot onto the railing and drew the spear back with [Failnaught], all while grabbing [Keyblade] with my mouth.
"I've got a boner for murder!" I shouted in my best southern accent, trying out my best impression of a certain General.
After releasing my battle cry, I drew my bowstring quickly before sending the spear barreling towards the middle of the water. As [Areadbhar] was set on its course, the villains that were in the water started swimming away from the spear as it flew over their heads, splitting themselves into two groups and falling right into the trap Shikamaru and I came up with.
"You guys really need to be more observant." I smirked, before grabbing my [Keyblade] with my left hand. "Allow me to teach you guys a lesson! Use skills: [Blizzaga], [Aeraga]!"
I then pointed my [Keyblade] at the group to the left, while pointing [Failnaught] at the group to my right. My [Keyblade] sent a bunch of snowflakes towards the group of villains, and once a snowflake touched the water, it immediately froze the water. At the same time, [Failnaught] was drawn back on it's own before sending a mint-green arrow towards the group on the right. As the arrow approached them, it started picking up wind and momentum. Once the arrow touched the water, a massive whirlpool enveloped the villains.
Of course, this won't be enough to kick out the villains, but I had a different plan in mind as well. I looked back at [Areadbhar], which was now stuck into the ground past the pool. I then warped over to the spear and balanced myself at the end of the pole.
"Now!" Shikamaru shouted from the boat while I dismissed [Keyblade], and began sniping heads with [Failnaught].
Everyone from the boat suddenly came rushing out, with the superheroes running on the frozen sheet of water I made, and the shinobi straight up running on the water towards me. I then drew [Failnaught] back and aimed it at the group that I sent [Areaga] to. Of course, the whirlpool was beginning to settle down and those who didn't drown or get knocked out were just mildly dizzy and swimming straight at us.
I counted five of them were heading at us, one with a shark head, another with brown hair and a scuba mask, the third with some sort of BDSM mask, the fourth had war paint running down his face, and the last one looked like a genuine threat.
As I drew my bow back, this time with a regular arrow, I noticed the shark head was swimming up behind Choji, sneaking up on the shinobi. Choji didn't seem aware of it, his entire focus was getting to the other side. So I fired by arrow at the shark-head, trying to not hit Choji in the process.
After sending my arrow flying, Choji sent me a confused and scared look my way, but I responded by keeping my usual determined stare and locking eyes with the sharkhead. Choji only realized what I was doing when the arrow soared past his head, causing him and his entire team to turn around as he ran to see the shark-headed villain taking an arrow to the nose.
The three shinobi then turned to face me, so I sent them a joking smirk, a wink, and a salute for reassurance. I then drew my arrow back once more and begun aiming at whoever tried to get close to my allies, only noticing that Izuku suddenly broke the ice. Literally, he used his power in the middle of the ice, sending him flying as he carried Tsuyu and Mineta in his arms.
This was also part of the plan, since it could render most of the villains out of commission for a while as well. Still, I kept my bow drawn and ready should anyone try anything funny. That was until Ino, Shikamaru, and finally Choji reached the shoreline and started panting. So I leapt off of [Areadbhar] and walked over to them.
"Thanks man, I didn't even notice that guy coming at me." Choji thanked me as he had his hands on his knees. "I would've been toast."
"No prob man, let's just say you owe me a bag of chips or something." I jokingly responded, then I felt someone wrapping their arms around me.
"Thanks (Y/N), you're a real lifesaver!" Ino giggles as she squeezed me tightly, and I had no choice but to return it. "Say, as a thank you, why don't we buy you a lunch of something?"
"Sure, but I'm bringing my daughter with me." I informed the group as Ino stopped hugging me, all three of them giving me shocked stares, then I realized what I said. "She's adopted, don't worry, but I still try to be the best father figure I can be. "
"Aw, that's cute." Ino clasped her hands together and began staring at me with admiration in her eyes.
"Yeah, but you know being a father is hard work right?" Shikamaru finally stopped panting and turned towards the water, notching villains swimming towards us.
"I know, that's why I'm taking notes from Maes Hughes from FullMetal Alchemist and Tai." I stated, remembering how good a father Maes was and that he shouldn't have died. "In the meantime, how are we gonna take care of the rest of these baddies?"
"Hoke on, you have Armiger, correct?" Shikamaru asked as he went back into his meditating pose again. "You know, the skill that allows Noctis to summon all of his weapons at once?"
"I do in fact, why?" I asked, before drawing three arrows into my bow and aiming at three villains at once.
"Have you tried focusing the point of rotation on one of your other weapons or at least extending the effect to all your other tools?" Shikamaru asked, giving me more than quite a few ideas.
"I like where this is going." I smirked and released all three of my arrows, hitting one villain in the shoulder, another in the ear, and the last in the eye. "You're saying I should try combining [Armiger] with my other tools?"
"Bingo, can you do that?" Shikamaru smirked a devious smirk and looked at me.
"Never tried, but I can try doing it if you guys will take care of these villains for me." I answered before dismissing [Areadbhar] and [Failnaught], just keeping them away should be enough."
"Choji and I will keep them away." Shikamaru volunteered before pointing towards Ino. "Ino, you'll stay behind us and use your Mind Transfer jutsu and someone if I give the signal. (Y/N), try focusing all your weapons into your Armiger or change the focus of it into one of your weapons."
"Let's do this!" Choji shouted before he and Shikamaru ran up to the pool side to prepare for the fight. "Partial Expansion Jutsu!"
Choji's hand grew to the size of his body, while Ino got between me and the three boys. I then used this opportunity to focus my magic power a bit more. Of course, it's not easy. Water isn't known to be easy to control or focus like earth, but I still had to make do.
This is the reason why Stormfarers are close to impossible to make, our clan's magic affinity, ocean. Our magic affinity is better described as ocean instead of water for one major distinction, our power extends to wind, salt, lighting, sand, life, the moon, and even gravity. Of course, with great power comes a catch, our magic is very unstable and hard to contain, hence why our palaces are all unwater, if we try to make a new skill, we could accidentally make a flood.
However now is not the time to worry about that, my friends could be in danger right now and I need to get stronger. I held out both my hands, and used [Armiger], imaging it as the thirteen weapons circling around a lake that constantly supplied water to them. The lake's water was also being drawn to the weapons like a magnet, signifying how this works. I then added [Sword of the Creator] to the mix by imagining the sword hovering along with the rest of the weapons.
Adding the sword forced the weapons to adjust their speed and distance between each of them to keep the balance of magic division. However, I'm not stopping there, I added [Failnaught], [Aymr], and [Areadbhar]. Adding the three weapons got the same results as earlier, only this time I noticed that all of the weapons were now sucking in less water and moving somewhat slower. Nonetheless, I kept on adding more weapons, I added [Portal Gun], [Terra Blade], [Diamond Pickaxe], [Notebook], [Globe], [Keyblade], [Spear of Leonidas], and [Murasama].
The River was now stormy and rough, waving violently to meet the demands of every single weapon as it flew around it. However I wasn't done in the slightest. In one final push, I added [Soda Popper], [Direct Hit], [Flamethrower], [Brass Beast], [Wrench], [Sticky Bomb Launcher], [Grenade Launcher], [Medic Gun], [Dead Ringer], [Hitman's Heatmaker], and my [LVL 3 Sentry] as the cherry on top. All of these weapons caused the lake to suddenly turn into a giant water tornado. Knowing I completed this skill, I opened up my eyes to see pop-ups.
Armiger has been upgraded to Rain Gate
Rain Gate
Cost: 10 MP per weapon
Desc: This upgraded form of Armiger allows you to summon all of your weapons at once for one massive Armiger or summon certain weapons for certain tasks. This skill also allows you to dismiss your weapons from anywhere, but summoning them requires you to be at least 5 meters within their desired location.
Class Quest-Stormfarer
Completed-Master Rain Gate
Incomplete-Focus Rain Gate onto a weapon.
Incomplete-Make ??? Style
Incomplete-Meet [Musician], [Scientist], [Mana], or [??????]
(A/N: If you're curious as to what exactly a Stormfaret is...just imagine what would happen if Mifune (Soul Eater), Gilgamesh (Fate), and Tanjiro (KNY) combined their powers...close enough)
I dismissed both of these pop-ups and realized that each and every one of my weapons were glowing (f/c) and hovering around me like I activated [Armiger] on each and everyone of them. I then grinned before running towards the water, seeing that Choji was sending shockwaves of water to put the enemies back while Shikamaru three kunai knives.
Once I reached the duo, I leaped over them and landed on a hovering ice platform my jacket can make. I looked down at Shikamaru and Choji, giving them a small wave while they gazed at the weapons around me in awe. I then leaped in the air, using the ice platforms as footholds, I kicked off of each of them and straight into the battle. After jumping off of them, I noticed the ice just evaporated into nothing making them easier to dispose of.
I wasted no time in using [Spear of Leonidas] on one of the villain's shoulders before warping instantly to [Trident of the Oracle] and using the Trident to stab the stomach of another villain. I felt more agile while using this skill, I was constantly warping from weapon to weapons while jumping around.
Despite my new murderer capabilities, I only aimed for non-vitals, pretty much mimicking my father's old sword style. The villains tried firing water bullets at me, along with acid balls, knives, and other stuff that would kill a normal person. However, I am anything but a normal person.
I used [Shield of the Just] to bash the nose of a villain who had fin-like ears, warped then used [Keyblade] to send a fireball flying to a tentacle lady, and used [Murasama] to pierce a turtle man's shell. I wasn't trying to kill any of them, but not killing anyone is physically harder than killing them. I tried not using the [Flamethrower], but a bunch of them decided to clump together and make themselves an easy target for my [Grenade Launcher].
After firing at the villains, I noticed the guy who looked like a genuine threat was silently swimming over to Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji without them noticing. So I warped over to the villain by firing [Direct Hit] and launching [Sword of the Wise] at the same time, allowing me to stab the villain's shoulder and put him directly in the rocket's path.
Apparently this guy took a lot of damage, enough to make him cough up blood. Since I made a pretty scary example of him, all of the other villains started surrendering in fear. Despite being villains, those who were perfectly fine quickly rushed to the aid of their injured comrades, so I had sympathy for them and deactivated [Rain Gate].
"Can you three arrest these guys on your own?" I asked the three shinobi after warping over to them, still holding [Failnaught] in my hands. "They may be villains, but they're still human."
"Well that's surprisingly thoughtful of you." Shikamaru commented before we all heard Izuku screaming. "What the hell?!"
"I'll take care of that, you three arrest these guys!" I quickly summoned [Areadbhar] and used the infamous [FEIFOM] combo to shoot [Areadbhar] over to the source of the screaming.
As the spear flew, I warped over to it and drew my bow as I surfed on the spear, noticing a horrid sight as I did so. I was now back at the place with Aizawl and Joseph, only to see the two were beaten on the brink of death, with Joseph slammed into a wall, bleeding and unconscious. While Aizawa was pinned down by some giant bird monster, and he was forced to watch the hand freak reach for Tsuyu.
I quickly aimed the bow at the hand man's head and released it, sending the arrow flying while [Areadbhar] got lodged into the ground. I then grabbed the spear and shot the bird monster with it. Despite my quick actions, the hand man dodged my arrow and the bird thing simply grabbed [Areadbhar] and threw it at me.
"Well...who do we have here?" The hand guy asked, turning around to face me fully, he then proceeded to walk over to me. "Some punk with a couple of toys?"
"Nope, (Y/N) (L/N), Prince of the Sea." I grabbed [Areadbhar] and pointed the tip of the blade at the hand guy with one hand. "Since you know my name, why not tell me your name?"
"Hmph, at least this brat has some manners." The hand guy finally stopped when he was directly in front of [Areadbhar]'s tip. "My name is Shiragaki, and I'm going to destroy this world of heroes."
"Quite the ambitious goal don't ya think?" I smirked, theorizing that he has some sort of control over that bird thing, so it's better to wait for some members of my peerage to show up. "Not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it'll be tough."
"Well you're the first person to say that." Shiragaki began scratching at his exposed neck, a sign of anxiety. "For that you've earned my respect."
"Hey you managed to infiltrate one of the more secure places on the planet, of course I'd find you interesting to say the least." I kept up the smirk, then I noticed a hawk rapidly flying towards me, then I realized who it might be. "However, you forget one thing."
"What is that?" Shiragaki's scratching turned aggressive and anxious, putting me on guard.
"You never underestimate the King of Games." I winked before dismissing [Failnaught] and [Areadbhar] in order to switch it out for a [Sword of the Wise], I then used this sword to jab at Shiragaki.
Of course, Shiragaki dodged this but he wasn't aware of the hawk shapeshifting into a giant lion with wings heading straight at him. Shiragaki heard the lion leaping at him, but he couldn't react in time because his body was moving too slowly. I then realized Seraphina was running up behind me and using her ability, while John flew by with black explosives coming from his hands.
The lion quickly punched on top of Shiragaki, clawing at the man before Shiragaki slowly tried touching the lion with his five fingers. However, Shiragaki's attempt was in vain after a couple of blue cubes came out of nowhere and teleported the lion to my side.
"Don't let him touch you with five fingers!" Khan shouted as she ran up to us Arlo, Blyke, Elaine, Isen, and Remi following close behind him. "His quirk destroys anything he touches with all five of his fingers!"
"You brought Arlo with you?!" John shouted, obviously pissed about this development. "He's a prick!"
"He's also a useful ally, one we need to defeat the thing holding Aizawa down!" Khan argued back, while I switched out [Sword of the Wise] for my [Keyblade] and [Bow of the Clever].
"His name is Nomu you brats!" Shiragaki shouted, obviously pissed off from the fact the lion assaulted him. "He's also the combination of multiple quirks in one body! Far superior to all of you in every way!"
"Multiple quirks..." That's when it hit me, Nomu was basically Frankenstein's monster all over again. "Guess we gotta put it out of its misery."
"That appears to be the case." Arlo comments as he walks over to me and the lion with the rest following behind him. "John, what abilities have you copied?"
"Why the hell do you wanna know?" John aggressively asked, making me mentally facepalm.
"John, this is important for forming a strategy." I reminded the guy, preparing both my crossbow and Keyblade by pointing it at Shiragaki and Nomu.
"Fine, I have Bakugo's explosion quirk, Kirishima's hardening quirk, Akeno's lightning magic, and Ruby's speed ability." John reluctantly answered as his hands created sparks. "Now what's the strategy?"
"You, Seraphina, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Remi, and Joe take on Nomu." I answered, fully prepared to take on Shiragaki myself. "I'll take on Shiragaki while Kuhn and Elaine hang back and support from behind. However, your guys' main focus should be working together and finding a weak point."
"Fine." Arlo and John reluctantly crossed their arms while the rest of us gave them disappointed stares.
"Now isn't the time to quarrel!" Remi shouted between the two, while Blyke and Isen watched in fear of an angry Remi. "If I die because you two won't stop arguing, I'm haunting all of you!"
"We already agreed!" John angrily shouted, and I just sighed in annoyance of John's temper. "Let's just get this over with."
After John said this, the lion, who was supposedly Joe, turned into a bull and began charging at Nomu. Meanwhile, I focused both my weapons at Shiragaki before firing (f/c) Mana arrows from the [Bow of the Clever]. I fired three shots and Shiragaki dodged all of them as he closed the distance between me and him.
Shiragaki then attempted to touch my arm with his left arm, but I blocked it with my [Keyblade] and Shiragaki grabbed that instead. Strangely enough, the Blade didn't disintegrate, confusing Shiragaki and giving me a chance to warp over to the tip of a nearby rock and to refocus on mana. I then examined [Keyblade] closely and noticed no damage at all, so I used this to my advantage by warping directly at Shiragaki and jabbing his chest with the [Keyblade].
I then used my [Bow of the Clever] to teleport around Shiragaki by firing mana arrow after mana arrow at the guy. He managed to dodged the first mana arrow, but the teleporting was catching him off guard, evident from the fact that his reaction time was getting slower.
That was how things played out until I suddenly ran out of mana, and I suddenly remembered how rapidly [Bow of the Clever] drains mana. So I pulled [Keyblade] back to better throw it, but Shiragaki took this opportunity to grab my arm, then using his quirk to damage it.
The part he grabbed didn't appear to get damaged, but I knew that my skin was being broken down underneath my jacket and haori. Plus I was racking up a lot of damage, 50 HP in one second was too much for his quirk. Shiragaki had a tight grip, so I couldn't move for a solid ten seconds, reducing my HP to almost half. Yet I would have been done for if it wasn't for a certain girl who loves punching things...
"Back away from (Y/N) you jerk!" Yang shouted as she rushed over to me and Shiragaki before punching the guy so hard he was sent flying. "(Y/N), are you alright?!"
"I am now, thanks to you." I thanked the girl before using [Cure] on myself, refilling most of my HP. "Where were you anyways?"
"Some kind of mountain zone with an ice kid and some red-head guy with a crazy sword." Yang answered honestly as the two of us knew who she was talking about running towards us quickly. "I think his name was Renji."
"Yang what is wrong with you, why the hell did you leave me behind?!" The newly dubbed Renji shouted before noticing me. "Also who's this?"
"This is (Y/N), I've already introduced you, so let's kick this guy's ass." Yang clashes her fists together while I switch out my weapons for [Failnaught] and [Spear of Leonidas].
"Fine, but you two owe me one!" Renji then prepared his sword before slashing it at Shiragaki. "Roar, Zabimaru!"
As he said this, the Blade suddenly extended like my [Sword of the Creator] and Shiragaki tried leaping back, only for the blade to reach him anyways. Shiragaki tried grabbing the blade and deteriorating it, but the sword didn't deteriorate. Despite his initial shock, Shiragaki quickly moved out of the way of the blade to see that his hand was bleeding. Yang took this moment of shock to try punching the guy and I warped above a different rock using [Spear of Leonidas].
After I reached the top of the rock, I took aim at Shiragaki and fired three arrows at his torso, but Shiragaki dodged two arrows and only one hit him in the knee. Shiragaki was getting noticeably more frustrated, every time he tried grabbing Yang, he was cut back by me firing arrows at him. Shiragaki tried dodging Renji's Sword once more as it made a horizontal cut, but he made himself an easy target for my arrows.
Shiragaki then rolled out of the way and stood back up to try and attack Renji by charging at the swordsman. However, I wasn't going to let that happen, so I fired three arrows in his way. Yet before he could run into their path, Shiragaki stopped directly in front of the arrows. The villain then sent me a chilling glare before charging at Yang, who tried rushing at his. Once he was close enough, Shiragaki tried grabbing Yang's face and I released an arrow aimed at his head before some kind of sphere enveloped Shiragaki.
"Enna Core." Khan announced as his lighthouses changed to look like white and blue rubix cubes. "Normally, I can't do this without a source of massive amounts of energy."
"That's where I come in." Jihan makes himself known as he is revealed to be sitting atop one of the lighthouses. "I'm basically a walking power plant, and I can supply Kuhn enough energy to make an Enna Core. How it works is simple, if you touch any sides you're automatically teleported onto the opposite side of it."
"What?!" Shiragaki tried testing this out by running into the lower left side of the sphere, only to be teleported to the upper right side of the sphere. "What the hell is the meaning of this?!"
"I'll explain it to you later, now you three go help everyone else, they need it." Kuhn ordered before pointing at everyone fighting Nomu, to see they were having difficulty doing fighting off Frankenstein's fursona.
John was turning himself into a black cluster of rose petals and circling Nomu, realizing sending explosions and lighting at the monster, but John was quickly swatted away like a fly. John then materialized once more as Nomu began rushing towards him like a predator after it's prey. John then landed on the ground against a large rock, while Nomu raised its hands above its head before slamming downwards.
Thankfully, a yellow barrier appeared in front of John, protecting him from the force, I looked at the source of the barrier to see it was Arlo. John was clenching his stomach, but he still gave Arlo a nod of respect. In no time, Blyke fired red beams from his hands to try and get Nomu's attention while Remi enhanced her speed with lighting. Remi then used her enhanced speed to kick Nomu, who couldn't grab her.
Meanwhile, Seraphina rushed over to John and used her ability to reverse time for him, effectively healing the guy. Then Isen joined Remi by punching Nomu in the no no Square, but it didn't do much aside from piss Nomu off. Isen then realized how badly he fucked up before leaping back to Blyke's side.
"What the hell was that?" Blyke asked as he sent laser after laser from his palms to Nomu.
"Well my ability was telling me that was his weak point!" Isen defended himself as Joe ran at Nomu while in the form of a T-Rex, shocking Isen a bit. "I know I shouldn't be asking this, but what the fuck?!"
"Isen if you don't get in there and help Remi and Joe..." Arlo began and Isen immediately began running towards Nomu in fear.
"I FOUND DIMITRI!" I excitedly shouted before summoning [Areadbhar] and shooting the spear at Nomu once more, only to be caught again.
Despite [Areadbhar] getting caught, I still warped over to the spear and used the new position to use [Spear of Leonidas] on Nomu's eyes. I then stabbed Nomu's left eye, causing it to scream in pain and grab the eye in question. Dropping my spear in the process, so I quickly placed [Spear of Leonidas] in my mouth by biting the hilt and held both Heroes Relics with both my hands.
"Oh my god, you do look like Dimitri." Isen pointed out as he leapt back to stand at my side, while Remi, Sera, John, and Joe did the same.
"You talking about who I think you're talking about?" I asked Isen, who gave me a determined glare.
"The bat-shit king who only calms down where his professor is around?" Isen asked, and I know he was a fellow of culture.
"YES!" I shouted before grabbing [Failnaught] and [Areadbhar] with the same hand and high fiving Isen.
"Can you guys talk later?" Joe asked, still in his T-Rex form.
"Can I at least tell you guys my plan?" I asked the group, who suddenly became interested.
"You have a plan to defeat this monster?" Arlo asked from behind us, still ready to use one of his barriers. "
"Yeah, it's quite simple really." I smirked before putting [Failnaught] in my left hand and [Areadbhar] in my right. "I fill Nomu with a bunch of metal from my weapons and anyone with lighting abilities strikes Nomu, effectively destroying its insides while frying the outside."
"Sounds like a good idea." Sera commented and I stepped forward, putting some distance between me and everyone else. "Let's do it."
I then used that opportunity to activate [Rain Gate], summoning all of my weapons to fly around me like with Armiger. I then ran at Nomu, who finally recovered from the eye-stab move. Nomu tried punching me, but instead I leapt onto it's arm and forced [Trident of the Oracle] and [Scepter of the Pouis] into its arm. No let out a shriek of pain while I leapt off the arm and directly behind the monster.
I stuck my [Wrench] into the it's right shoulder before using [Sword of the Tall] and getting the giant chainsaw stuck into Nomu's side. I followed this up by running underneath Nomu's other arm and piercing the arm with [Sword of the Wise] and [Blades of the Wanderer]. Without giving it time to react, I slammed my [Axe of the Conqueror] into Nomu's stomach.
That's when I used my new position to jab [Mace of the Fierce] into one of Nomu's knee caps and send [Blade of the Mystic] through the other kneecap. Nomu then fell onto it's behind, while I grabbed [Katana of the Warrior] and quickly stuck it into Nomu's other shoulder. Once all of the weapons were stuck, I leapt back before grabbing [Keyblade].
"Now!" I shouted at Remi and John, who quickly began circling Nomu as they shot blue and black lightning respectively "Use skill: [Thundaga]!
After using my skill, a massive thundercloud appeared above Nomu and began raining down thunderbolt after thunderbolt on Nomu. John used this opportunity to combine explosions with lightning and began charging a massive orb of lightning. Meanwhile, Remi kept on the electrical onslaught before sending wave after wave of thunderbolts at Nomu. In the end, John finally finished his orb and electrical destruction and sent it hurling at Nomu, creating a massive dust cloud.
Once the dust cloud settled, we saw Nomu was full of weapons and a bleeding mess. I couldn't tell if Nomu was unconscious or dead, but it was still a victory for us. All of us began cheering while Joe turned back to normal, Isen began crying in joy, Khun was flipping off Shiragaki, and Arlo just smirked at the whole event. Elaine went to go heal everyone who was injured, as did Jihan.
Sadly, Shiragaki managed to get away thanks to that black mist guy, and Remi was furious by this. However, All Might later showed up with everyone else who worked at the school and began arresting the villains who couldn't get away, which was anyone who wasn't Shiragaki or mist-man. Nomu was captured of course, but they had him placed in special restraints. Despite today's victory, one question plagued my mind...
...Who planned this? And why?
(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and appreciate the new skill, which makes you one step closer to becoming GOD! In the meantime, this is where the villains officially start to make their debut, and I hope you keep enjoying this book and telling me ways to improve my writing.
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