Chapter 16-Hydra adopts a Rabbit
(Your POV)
After a couple minutes of running, I made it to some apartment building where the ethereal footsteps stopped. I deactivated [Wraith World] before looking at the building and saw a bunch of organized buttons by the door and realized they all had labels. I looked at the note that Origami left me to see that she didn't even bother giving me specifics as to which apartment she lived in.
"Well, time to press some buttons." I then cracked my fingers and pressed on a button, giving it some time to respond before hearing a voice.
"Um, hello, did one of my cats get out again?" Asked a cheerful, yet boyish voice.
"I don't think so, I'm honestly looking for a girl named Origami Tobiichi." I admit getting kind of jealous that this guy has cats. "Do you know where she lives?"
"She lives on the floor above me." The boy informed me, which made me thankful. "Also, if you see any cats that need a home, feel free to tell me about it."
"Sure thing, and thanks for the help." I thanked the boy before pressing the button above the original button.
"Hello?" Responding to a familiar monotone voice to make Koneko jealous, then I realized that this could be a trap so I better take proper measures.
"Hey it's (Y/N), you have something that belongs to a friend of mine." I bluntly said, since she seems like the kind of person who gets straight to the point. "Can I come in?"
"Sure." Origami responded as the doors suddenly opened and I walked inside, walking straight to the elevator in the process.
The inside of the elevator has a bunch of buttons outside, but I thankfully remembered which apartment Origami lived in from pressing her apartment button. Behind me was one of those mirrors they have in elevators. Pushing that aside, I pushed the button to Origami's floor and the elevator ascended until I reached the floor.
Once the elevator doors opened, I stepped out into the hallway and walked down her hallway. Passing by many doors in process, and noticing that the hallway had very few to no paintings at all. It was kind of borning in my opinion. Regardless, I kept on walking down the hall until I reached Origami's door and knocked, then things got weird real quick.
Origami slammed the door open before I even got the chance to touch it, revealing that she was wearing a...maid outfit for some reason? There was an awkward silence encasing the room, with me trying to process what she was thinking and Origami just staring at me.
"Why?" I asked calmly, but Origami pushed that to the side.
"Come in." Origami ordered, and I complied, not wanting to start a fight.
Inside the apartment was a fairly large room, with Origami seemingly wanting me to sit at the table. So I complied and sat at the table, while looking around the room to find nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it was too ordinary, there was no decor or anything colorful at all, just basic living necessities here.
"Please, drink this." Origami then put a cup in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
The drink was a dark purple color, having the same texture as lava as well. It was also radiating fumes that killed a fly that was passing by?! I then activated [Observe] to look at the drink and was horrified by what I saw.
Origami's ????
Rank: Z-
Desc: This is literal drugged poison. Please don't drink it.
I looked at Origami, who was looking at me with anticipation. I dismissed the pop-up and proceeded to drink it, accepting the challenge and passing off whoever wrote that description. Of course, the drink tasted horrible, but my mama didn't raise a little bitch. I downed the whole drink before placing the cup on the table, returning Origami's gaze with a challenging one of my own.
"How do you feel?" Origami asked, anticipation not leaving her eyes.
"The taste was a bit off, but it was alright." I responded, leaning back in the chair to assert my dominance.
"Do you feel drowsy at all?" She asked out of nowhere, putting me on edge.
"Um, no." I answered before noticing a pop-up in front of me. "Also, did you drug this?"
Gamer's Body has countered the effects of [Origami's ????], slight fatigue is in effect.
"No." Origami quickly answered, causing me to not believe her in the slightest. "A little."
"That isn't exactly helping second impressions." I informed the girl, before standing up and revealing I'm fine. "Now can I just get Yoshinon and go?"
Just then Origami decided to walk over to a random door and open it, revealing that it was a bathroom. She didn't say anything, but she kept on staring at me. So I walked over to her and stopped when I was two feet away from her, then I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.
"What are you doing?" I asked the girl, who didn't react.
"To shower, care to join me?" Origami then began taking off her clothes directly in front of me, so I gently pushed her inside of the bathroom before closing the door. "I'll take that as a no."
I sighed and used this as an opportunity to look around the apartment, to look for Yoshinon. I can't use my [Wraith World] to find it because I have nothing connecting me and Yoshinon at the moment, not even tracks. So I had to do things old school, by snooping around in a teenage girl's apartment. Normally I'd be against this, but considering Origami tried to shoot a literal child, it's fair game.
So I looked around the living room, moving couched, looking behind the tv, and even checking underneath the rug. I lifted the tables, chairs, and the couch to find no sign of the annoying puppet. That was until I saw a piece of white cloth on the shelf. I didn't believe it at first, but I grabbed the cloth and felt something soft, so I pulled it down to reveal it was a rabbit puppet.
After grabbing the puppet, I heard the bathroom door open and I quickly sent the rabbit puppet into my inventory and turned to face the doorway. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but the fact that Origami was wearing nothing but a towel still caught me off guard.
Despite this, she didn't look embarrassed at all as she walked over to me, still bearing that same paper expression on her face. She then stopped when she was a foot away from me, allowing me to notice steam still coming from her body.
"I need to ask you something." She says plainly, while I was relying solely on my [Gamer's Mind] ability to not pass out from embarrassment. "What are you?"
"Demigod, sea/dragon variant to be exact." I bluntly answered, getting pretty sick of introducing myself, as if no one knows who or what I am. "How is that relevant?"
"Well I'm curious as to why you would help a spirit, and how you managed to pull all those stunts." Origami says flatly, meanwhile her eyes were tracing every bit of me, trying to find something out of the usual.
"Why I helped her is obvious, because you and those other idiots were attacking someone who refused to fight back." I explained, crossing my arms again. "As for those stunts, it's my ability, which I'm not even going to bother explaining."
"That seems fair." Origami responded before I decided to ask a question.
"So why do you and your little organization attack spirits?" I asked the girl, sending a curios glare her way. "Have you tried even talking to one? Yoshino would've been a great start?"
"For your first question, we kill spirits because they're a threat." Origami explained before moving onto my second question. "As for your second question, I have never tried talking to a spirit for various reasons. The reasons being they're dangerous, have no control over their powers, I try to follow orders, and spirits killed my family when I was young."
"Well that got dark real quick." I responded, before asking her another question. "Your last reason is the only real valid one, but that raises the question; 'If a human had killed your parents, would you kill all of humanity, or kill that one human?"
"I'd kill that one human, how is that relevant?" Origami answered, causing me to drop the room temperature by three degrees.
"Well then, you have no reason to kill every spirit you see, just hunt for that one." I then clasped my hands, trying my best to hide my anger. "All your other reasons were just crap."
"Explain." Origami requested, not phased by the cold, but she started shivering a bit.
"Well the 'following orders' excuse has been used to justify the worst crimes in human history." I answered the girl, showing off my magic power, which revealed that now the Draconic heads were breathing mist from their mouths, and that caused the room temperature to drop. "As for the 'being too dangerous' and 'having no control over their powers' crap, why do you think that is?"
"They're naturally dangerous?" Origami responded, slightly shivering.
"Nope, it's because they never had the opportunity to better train or focus their powers." I explained as I dismissed the heads, well, made them invisible. "To be honest, if your little club spent half it's time just finding a way to contain spirit powers as it did trying to kill them, I'm certain your little club would have come up with multiple ways to do this without killing them."
Just then, Origami's phone started ringing, snapping us out of our conversation. Origami quickly picked up the phone and looked at it. For once, her eyes changed, they were now filled with determination and hate. She then put her phone back on the table and looked at me.
"We're being deployed, I must go." Origami then turns around to go to her room, but I had other ideas, so I summoned [Key Blade] and pointed the edge of it at Origami while her back was faced away from me.
"Use skill: [Stopga]." I used the skill, causing eight crystals to appear around me like the corners of a cube, while eight Roman numerals appeared around Origami. I wasn't worried, the spell was temporary. "Sorry Origami, but I'm afraid I can't let you attack this spirit. In the meantime, have a good TIME."
As I exited, Origami didn't move or react, since she was frozen in time thanks to my skill. I then closed the door, making sure it locked before running towards the staircase and activating [Elven Sprint] as I ran. I then dismissed [Key Blade] to not draw much attention from the evacuating people in the apartment building. I carefully danced my way through the crowd, making it to the staircase to find people rushing to go through.
I knew I didn't have enough time for that, so I summoned [Spear of Leonidas] and threw it to the top of the staircase. The blade implanted itself in the roof above the top staircase, so I warped to the broken spear and pulled it out before landing on the staircase. I quickly ran to the final step to reveal a door that supposedly opened to the outside world, so I kicked it open to reveal that I was right.
I then ran onto the roof of the building and saw the rooftops were all covered in snow, and that the formerly drizzling rains were now replaced with a harsh snowstorm. I had trouble seeing thanks to all the snow, but I then saw an Oh-so familiar giant rabbit puppet stomping around the city and causing all of this to happen. That's when I noticed that Yoshino was sitting atop the giant rabbit, and she was crying. Then I noticed my phone was vibrating, so I summoned it and answered the call.
"Hello, whoever it is better make it quick!" I answered, trying to get Yoshino's attention but with no luck.
"It's Ruby, and Yoshino left the house to look for you!" Ruby shouted into her phone, and it sounded like she was running. "We were playing a game and she suddenly started crying, then she started running towards the gates. We couldn't stop her since no one at home was strong enough to stop her, I'm so sorry!"
"Rubes, it's fine, I found her." I reassured the young huntress. "I'll send you my coordinates, try to get members from my peerage over here, especially Sujin, we need her sealing ability."
I then hunt up and sent Ruby my coordinates before turning to face the rabbit, then I summoned my battle uniform with my [Inventory] and begun shouting at Yoshino, finally getting her attention.
"Yoshino!" I shouted at the girl, who stared at me while she was still crying, but she managed to slow down. "It's me, (Y/N)!"
"(Y-Y/N)?" Yoshino asked, while sniffing and whipping her eyes.
"Correct!" I confirmed the girl's guess. "Guess who I found-"
Almost immediately, a ray of light hit Zadkiel in the head, almost knocking Yoshino off. I then turned to the source of the light, full of rage, to see it was an AST commander hovering close by. The strike caused Yoshino to start crying again, and Zadkiel to finally lose it's shit and start charging up some sort of attack.
"Citizen!" The commander shouted at me, who was on the brink of turning the commander into another Raynare. "Please evacuate, it's too dangerous for you to be here!"
"Fuck off!" I shouted at the commander, summoning [Mace of the Fierce] and warping in front of the woman before activating another skill. "Use skill: [Water Breath: Eighth Form, Waterfall Basin]!"
I then slammed my mace into the found directly in front of the commander, causing it to erupt into a pillar of water. The water then froze and froze the commander with it. The added weight caused the commander to crash onto the street below, however, I was feeling somewhat merciful. So I used [Water Bending] to cause the ice I just made to cling onto the side of the building by turning it into a giant hook shape. Then I warped back to the rooftop and noticed more AST units coming at me, while Origami was nowhere to be found.
I had no time to plan for the units because Zadkiel was almost done with it's beam attack. So I quickly dismissed [Mace of the Fierce] to summon [Spear of Leonidas], [Shield of the Just], and [Murasama]. I placed the broken spear in my mouth, like a familiar three sword style swordsman. I then slammed my shield into the ground while gripping my sword's sheath with the other hand.
After I put up my shield, a ray of pure ice was shot from the angel's mouth, freezing everything around and behind me. I was unaffected by the cold, since I went through worse. I stayed put like that until the ray stopped. I then dismissed my shield and began charging at the AST units, knowing I won't have to hold back since Origami isn't here.
Once some of the units were above me, I immediately unsheathed [Murasama] and threw it at one unit, stabbing her arm before warping to the hilt and making it disappear, realizing that was a bit overkill. So I switched it out for [Diamond Pickaxe] before warping from AST unit to AST unit, hindering them unable to fight and causing them to drop onto the rooftops of buildings.
I was trying to make sure I didn't kill any, since these people are just a group of misinformed people who refuse to learn more about the people they're killing...Okay, maybe they're just idiots. Zadkiel then leaped from its original position to another part of the city, causing the AST units to follow it and Yoshino. That's when the angel summoned a giant ice tornado, filed to the brim with ice spikes that could stab me for trying to even get close.
"[Status]." I opened up my status screen so I can see how much I can increase my stats.
(Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 16
Lvl: 24
Titles: None
Class: None
Sub-Class: None
HP (Health Points): 5000
MP (Magic Points): 2500
SP (Stamina Points): 2500
AP (Aura Points): 2500
RP (Reiatsu Points): 2500
CP (Chakra Points): 2500
STR: 34
DEX: 35
CON: 32
INT: 44
WIS: 42
CHA: 25
LUK: 27
Spending Points: 22
Without much of a second thought, I placed 5 points into my DEX, 5 points into my INT, 2 points into my CON and LUK, and 4 points into both my STR and WIS. My actions have made my stats look more like this.
STR: 38
DEX: 40
CON: 34
INT: 49
WIS: 46
CHA: 25
LUK: 29
Then I dismissed my pop-up and got the [Spear of Leonidas] out of my mouth and began aiming at a certain icicle that was large enough to place a sentry or two on. I was about to throw it before someone placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked at the source to see it was Khun, Jihan, and Dawei. They then pointed out most of my peerage was fighting off the AST units.
"Don't tell me you were about to charge in there without a plan, were you?" Khun joked as he walked up to the edge of the building and examined the frosty tornado. "Lucky for you, Jihan and I have a plan."
"Is it me, or have you guys been coming up with a lot of plans?" I asked the tactical duo, who laugh a little.
"Well it's not our fault we're the best tacticians here." Jihan then summoned a little girl with brown hair and a yellow dress. "Gnome, (Y/N), here's the plan:"
"Everyone else takes care of the AST units, while you go in there and restrain the angel." Khun begins as he gestured toward the ice tornado. "Then Gnome here takes Sujin underground to allow her to stealthily desk off her abilities. As for the ice tornado, Dawei and Bam can help with that since they both have water powers like yourself."
"Nice plan, but there's something I'd like to change." I then pointed over at the ice tornado. "Yoshino is in there, and she's crying. I'm going to calm her down a bit before sealing off her powers. Also, Dawei and Bam don't need to help me, I can handle the tornado myself."
"Before you do that, Mira asked me to give you some advice from Hallyang." Dawei began as he began eyeing the ice tornado. "Whenever you use a weapon and you finish your swing. Take in what position you're in and switch out your weapon best suited for your stance, then swing with that weapon and continue the process."
"How'd you guys manage to contact that guy?" I asked the martial artist.
"Ever since the fall of the tournament, Mubong gave us his phone number in case we spot a member of NOX, Mira just called Mubong to ask him for Hallyang's number." Dawei chuckled under his breath and shook his head. "That adorable girl is too caring for everyone."
"You really care for her, don't ya?" I ask Dawei, causing him to turn red and slowly nod his head. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I personally think you two are a good match, but do your best to protect her with all your strength. That's an order."
"Will do, (Y/N), will do." Dawei then hopped into one of Kuhn's lighthouses and started floating over to Mira and Shiyeon, who were atop of a building fighting off AST units.
System: You managed to earn Dawei's full Approval!
Rewards: 2,000 Lien, Full Contact Karate Lessons (Only available in Dojo and can only be taught by Dawei), +5 Constitution stat, +20 CON and STR while fighting alongside Dawei.
I looked at the pop-up and thought about it. Then I realized that I could use this to my advantage to learn the techniques my peerage uses and earn bonuses just by fighting with them. So my next goal shouldn't only be to get stronger, it should be to earn everyone's full approval, maybe this can also extend to people who aren't in my peerage, like Rias, Ruby, Yang, and maybe even Jotaro.
I dismissed the pop-up and began drawing back my arm, preparing to launch my [Spear of Leonidas] directly in front of the tornado. Then I looked back at Jihan and Khun, who had determined stares on their faces.
"Jihan, prioritize using Gnome to protect any peerage member who looks to be having trouble, but if you see any citizen down below, prioritize them above all else." I ordered my general, who saluted with a grin. "Khun, teleport any major injured people to Jihan so he can heal them."
"Sure thing." Khun then proceeds to create a spear made of ice. "In the meantime, I'll help with the AST units."
"Dude, why don't you use that more often?" I asked the lightbearer, as I took aim at the end of a building in sight.
"I like telling people what to do." Khun admits happily, causing me to sigh and throw my weapon.
After the broken spear managed to lodge itself in front of the ice tornado, I warped over to it in a (f/c) light. I then immediately noticed how cold it was when I was at the base of the tornado. I was almost shivering, but I put those thoughts out of my head and ran into the tornado head first after switching out [Spear of Leonidas] for [Murasama].
I know I can't control this much water, especially since all of this was dry ice, solidified carbon. As I entered, I noticed thousands of ice bullets coming at me from all directions. That's when I remembered Hallyang's advice that Dawei gave me, so I used [Murasama] to cut through three ice bullets before switching it out from [Sword of the Tall] and swinging the blade downwards and cutting the ice bullets in half.
"[Water Breathing: Tenth Form, Constant Flux]!" I activated this skill with a theory in mind, hoping that the flux would stay if I switched the weapons.
After switching my greatsword for my [Katana of the Warrior] I noticed a (f/c) eyes dragon head made of water left a path of water wherever I slashed, so I kept on slashing with my katana until getting into a good position to use [Mace of the Fierce], I was happy to see the dragon head was still there, so I kept up the onslaught.
I kept on switching from my Mace to [Key Blade], then [Terra Blade], and even [Sword of the Father]. Every movement I made was starting to drain more and more of my stamina. So I decided to end it all by switching to [Blade of the Mystic] and throwing the sword forward. Sending it flying towards the middle of the tornado. I heard it land and immediately warped to its location, revealing that the middle of the room was dark and hard to see.
However, I could see perfectly fine. I looked at Zadkiel to see it just sitting there, while Yoshino cried on Zadkiel's back. I felt awful as I heard her bawls, but then I got an idea. I equipped Yoshinon on my hand and dismissed [Blade of the Mystic], stepping forward to notice that the ground was covered in a meter of snow.
"Yoshinon..." Yoshino cries from atop of Zadkiel, while I prepared my little surprise.
"You called?" I said, perfectly mimicking Yoshinon's voice like I did with Rias.
This caused Yoshino to stop crying and look up from the back of Zadkiel, seeing both me and Yoshino waving at her. I moved my fingers from within the puppet, making it look like he was waving at her while I used my other hand to wave at her. I was still pretty tired, but I still put on a small smile for Yoshino.
"(Y/N)! Yoshinon!" Yoshino cried as she leaped from Zadkiel's back, while I caught her a tight hug.
"Yoshino, don't cry, you're stronger than that!" I made Yoshinon say, still keeping up the mimicry.
"I know, I-I'm just so sorry..." Yoshino then began crying again, so I got on both my knees with Yoshinon, still embracing her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through so much trouble."
"Yoshino, don't worry about that, I'm just glad you're safe." I said in my regular voice, trying my best to reassure the poor girl. "You're a sweet kid, you don't deserve these problems. However, if you feel the need to cry, then do it. I'll be there for you."
I still embraced Yoshino, while she let out all the tears she had building up overtime. As she kept crying, Zadkiel began to disappear with the ice tornado, the sun began to shine through the clouds that once blocked it. Yoshino's soft wails began to slow down, then she sniffled and broke the hug. I still had my knees on the ground, but Yoshino was still standing. Thanks to this, she was now slightly taller than me.
"(Y/N), I have a request from you..." Yoshino says, catching me off guard. "M-My mother was widowed at a young I've never h-had a can you be....m-my f-f-father?"
She mumbled the last part, but it was still audible to me. Yoshino's face was beet red as she said this, looking down enough for her face to be covered by her massive hood. On the other hand, I was obviously surprised by this, but then I remembered how similar we are in some cases. We were both somewhat quiet, decent control over water, and we can both be childish at times. So I simply reached out my hand and patted her head.
"Sure thing, kid." I gave a reassuring smile, then Yoshino slowly and shyly lifted up her hood.
Her face was no longer red, but it was now an adorable smile. I then handed Yoshinon to Yoshino before standing up to my full height. By the time I handed Yoshinon back to Yoshino, I noticed that everything went back to normal. The sun was shining in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight, but the snow was still here as it quickly melted away.
I then turned behind me to see my peerage was starting to walk over to us, or fly if they could fly. As I started to walk over to them, I felt someone tugging at my sleeve. I looked at the source to see Yoshino, now with Yoshinon, was looking nervous after seeing my peerage members. So I gave another reassuring smile and held out my hand for her to grab, she accepted my hand and we then begun to walk over to join my peerage.
(A/N: HELLO AGAIN! It's me again, with another chapter. Guess Yoshino's your adoptive daughter now, which shouldn't be that surprising considering how much I made the two have in common. In the meantime, see ya!
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