Chapter 14-Texas Style
(Your POV)
Around the room, I felt everyone staring at me and the hole in the ceiling, giving me confused looks as to why I did that. It was a horribly awkward silence, once that I couldn't take anymore. So I decided to say a phrase that should only be used to identify friend from foe in the most dire situations.
"Hello there..." I say, waiting for the other half, but to no avail until someone spoke up.
"General Kenobi..." The blue haired guy from earlier finished, signifying that he was an ally of meme culture.
"Hi (Y/N)!!" Tohka shouted at me and waved, which I returned lazily.
"Oh god, don't tell me you responded to a possible intruder with a reference?" The red headed girl commented with a facepalm. "So tell me Intruder, what is your name."
"(Y/N), Sea Prince, been doing this introduction crap a lot lately." I whined before looking at the girl. "Mind introducing yourself and your allies?"
"I'm Kotori, Commander of Ratatoskr." The newly dubbed Kotori introduced herself before introducing the tired girl and Legolas. "The Vice Commander is Kyouhei and my assistant here is Reine."
"And what about my fellow man of culture here?" I pointed to the guy from earlier, who was looking left out.
"Oh, that's Shido, my no-good brother." Kotori introduced Shido, making me feel kind of bad for him. "Now what brings you here?"
"I actually came here to ask you guys that." I explained before pointing to Shido. "You're brother's not really all that discreet, and he caught my attention, so I came here out of curiosity."
"So you followed Shido, somehow flew up here, tore open the roof, and used the opening to create a portal inside because you were curious?" Kotori asked, raising her voice a little.
"Well, everything except for the flying part was spot on." I said while pointing at the roof. "I actually fired a spear up there and teleported to the spear."
"Kotori, look at this." Reine handed Kotori her tablet, allowing the red head to read it. "(Y/N) has defeated the British Representative without an IS, and his other feats are rather impressive."
"He leads a peerage full of exceptional people." Kyouhei pointed out, causing screenshots of all my peerage members, except for the fallen angels, to show up on a holographic screen in front of Kotori. "That, combined with his natural water affinity, he would be perfect for this mission. Plus he can actually fight."
"He doesn't have any sealing abilities, so he's useless in that sense." Kotori then handed the tablet back to Reine before giving me a stare. "(Y/N), is there any chance you can control massive amounts of ice and water?"
"Depends, mind giving me further details?" I request, to try and pry for more information.
"To over summarize it; the spirit known as 'Hermit' is somewhere in the city and Shido needs to seal it." Kotori explains as I put my hands in my pocket, not seeing where she needs my help. "Hermit is a spirit that uses water and ice, something you're specialized in, so we need you to protect Shido should the Hermit decide to attack."
"Alright, so what does this spirit look like anyways?" I ask, not really knowing much about the situation. "Maybe I can redirect the water to them."
"Well Hermit appears to be a 13 year old girl with blue hair and wears a green dress that has a large hood." Reine describes, and that description sounded rather familiar...
"Wait, Yoshino and Yoshinon?" I asked, just to be certain. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted a rabbit."
"Wait, you know Hermit?" Kotori asked, obviously confused.
"Yeah, never would have guessed she was a spirit though." I then began pondering how Shido will seal her. "So how does Shido's power work? By looking at her, using a scroll?"
"By kissing her." Kyouhei says flatly, causing an audible shatter to be heard behind me.
"Well that sucks, any chance you can elaborate more on why kissing works?" I asked, trying to see I I can somehow help Shido improve his admittedly stupid ability. "It could be something extremely useful and versatile, but we won't know unless you guys get an expert on different kinds of magic."
"Well, his kissing ability opens a pathway of Reiryoku between him and the spirit, sealing the spirits abilities inside of Shido." Reine explains, already giving me an idea. "However the spirit must trust him in order for it to work."
"Oh, So you guys just haven't expanded your plates, is that the issue?" I snickered at the organization, receiving a glare from Kotori.
"You have a better idea?" Kotori asked, not expecting much from me apparently.
"Yeah, you guys work with Shido to see if his powers can somehow expand a certain way, that way he won't have to nonconsensually kiss every spirit he needs to seal." I advised before pointing to the holograph picture of Sujin. "I already have someone who can seal powers. So take my advice and train Shido better, something tells me you guys have been training him in the wrong subjects."
"Why should we take orders from you?" Kotori challenged, completely unaware of how many steps I am of her.
"Simple, I can tell none of you have an experience with sealing abilities." I explained in a calm manner, trying not to brag. "In fact, something tells me you've been focusing on giving the poor man advice by using dating sims."
"That was a guess?" Reine asked, surprised by my observation skills.
"I was right?" I asked the girl, who nodded. "That certainly explains why there's not a single wedding ring in this room, despite most of the people being adults."
"So are you going to help us or not?" Kotori asked, getting in a fussy mood.
"Yep, just train Shido better while me and Sujin make temporary substitutes." I then turned away and began walking away. "One other thing, if you guys use dating sims as a reliable again, I'm training him myself. BYE!!"
I then summoned my [FEIFOM] combo to shoot Areadbhar out the hole I just made and into the sky. I gave a peace sign before warping to Areadbhar, noticing a group of military-looking vehicles in the middle of the city in the distance. I used [Chat] to inform my two golden generals about Yoshino and Yoshinon and ordered for them to meet me there.
After I dismissed my [Chat] pop-up, I redrew Areadbhar with Failnaught. This time, I aimed at the top of a building that was close to the location where there were military-looking helicopters. I then released the bowstring and dismissed Failnaught, warping to the lance to find it was already at the top of the building.
I looked around at the various kinds of helicopters looking for the girl before noticing some girl with white hair. I didn't realize it at first but I think she was a girl from my class, so I proceeded to walk up to her in order to get some intel out of this.
"Hey, aren't we in the same class?" I walked up to the girl, who gave me an emotionless stare. "What brings you out here?"
"(Y/N), you have no business here." The white haired girl seemed to know my name, but her voice was emotionless and reminded me of a robot to be honest. "Please leave to prevent any injuries."
"Can't do that, you see, I'm searching for a friend of mine." I only half-lied to the girl, I am looking for Yoshino, but I don't think we're friends just yet. "Have you seen her?"
"Her?" The girl asked, tilting her head in confusion. "I haven't seen anyone who fits that description."
"Is that so?" I asked the girl, before her neck suddenly turned at breakneck speeds at a certain building, which looked to be a clothing shop. "Then what are you looking at?"
The door to the shop suddenly cracked open, allowing me to see a speck of green cloth before the white haired girl suddenly opened fire on the doorway. I wasted no time in summoning [Bow of the Clever] and [Sword of the Creator] before intercepting all of the rounds with both my weapons. The girl then looked at me like I was committing the crime of the century while I just smiled at the challenge.
"Well, it appears I've found her and so have you." I pointed my blade at the woman. "Now care do me the honor of allowing me to know your name?"
"Origami." The girl plainly said before firing her gun again, and I intercepted it again. "What are you doing?"
"You know, taking in the fresh air, listening to the birds chirp, and making sure none of those filthy bullets go anywhere near that girl." I answered honestly, giving a toothy smirk and a challenging stare to Origami. "So I'm going to give you two options; leave and promise never to got anywhere near Yoshino, or you can play a game with me."
"Sorry, but all spirits must die." Origami bluntly said and fired her bullets once more, only for me to shoot them out once more. "Why do you have sympathy for them?"
"Simple, 'Judge not the sword, but the individual behind it." I informed the girl, already knowing her response. "So I take it you wanna play a game with me?"
I then noticed some attack helicopter opening fire at me, giving me an idea. While Origami was focused on me, I threw the [Sword of the Creator] above the doorway of the store, dismissed [Bow of the Clever], and summoned [Aymr] plus [Trident of the Oracle]. I then threw [Aymr] at the helicopter before throwing the Trident at Origami.
Obviously, Origami dodged the Trident, but that was all according to my plan. I warped myself behind the girl and kicked the gun out of her hands before dismissing it into my inventory. I then warped over to Aymr, which lodged itself in the front of the chopper, allowing me to use a skill.
"Use skill: [Displace]!" I shouted as I punched the glass of the helicopter, completely destroying it and sending the metal into my inventory and forcing me into the air. "Use Skill: [Build Mini Sentry]!"
(Only difference is that instead of red it's your favorite color)
After I said that, a mini sentry was summoned in front of me, getting a confused looked in return before the sentry opened fire on the girl. The mini sentry was still in midair as it fired, along with me before I landed on the rooftop. Now Origami was distracted by the sentry and forced to play on the defensive, while her allies fell on the ground and are now unconscious. I dismissed [Aymr] and [Trident of the Oracle] and jumped off the top of the building and onto a balcony.
"Use skill: [Build Sentry]." I calmly used the skill and created a sentry in front of me before summing [Wrench].
(Same thing as the mini sentry, red=favorite color)
Thankfully, I had over three thousand pieces of metal in my inventory thanks to the helicopter, granting me more than enough metal to fully upgrade my sentry to it's max level. I crashed my wrench with the metal of the sentry, somehow not breaking it in the process. I kept this up until the sentry was at its max lvl 3, I then picked it up and it somehow encased itself in a (f/c) toolbox. I put the toolbox in my Inventory before using a different skill.
"Use skill: [Water Breathing: 9th Form, Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent]!" I activated the skill and began running up the wall of the building.
As I ran, I turned right so I'd go around the building. With every stop I took, water erupted from that spot like I stomped into a puddle and kept running. The walls on the building didn't seem to be affected, so I kept this up before reaching the other side. I then heard my mini sentry get destroyed as I ran to the side of the building, so I mimicked Yoshino's voice while breathing heavily, making it sound like she was running behind Origami.
Once I was fully on the other side of the building, I ran upwards to the room while keeping up the act. I then leapt up from the edge of the building before dismissing [Wrench] and equipping [Scepter of the Pious] while in midair, I looked at Origami to see she now has a different gun and surprised eyes.
I then landed on the room of the building and started charging at Origami, dodging gunfire coming that was shot by the girl. I then reached Origami before preparing to swing my Scepter at her. Origami then closed her eyes, bracing for an impact that will never come, until she opened her eyes to see me with a smug grin.
"You're next line is: 'What are you doing?" I predicted before dismissing [Scepter of the Puois].
"What are you doing?" Origami asked, seemingly ignoring my prediction.
"Simple, I just needed the metal in order to guarantee you won't follow me inside." I answered honestly whilst putting my hands on my hips. "If you had trouble with that smol gun earlier, then you do not want to get in range of my next toy."
"Why is that?" Origami asked, regaining her composure.
"Let's see...higher rate of fire, missiles, larger ammo clip..." I listed off, not getting much of a reaction. "I'm sure there's more that I'm not listing, but in the meantime, boop!"
After tapping Origami on the nose, I proceeded to warp over to the [Sword of the Creator] I threw earlier, before building two mini sentries on either side of the door before pulling the [LVL 3 Sentry] from my inventory. Oh, you see those bars on either side of it? That means this fucker is permanent. Nice. After pulling the sentry from my inventory, I placed it directly in front of the door before entering myself.
Inside the store, it was dark obviously, but it still looked to be a clothes shop inside. It was pretty creepy in my opinion, thanks to all the mannequins scattered around the room looking down at me like they were alive. I kept on walking, not seeing anything until I saw some puppet staring at me. It was a white rabbit puppet with an eyepatch. Wait...
"Hey Yoshinon." I greeted the puppet, kind of thrown off by the puppet's sudden appearance. "I'm looking for Yoshino, have you seen her?"
"Why, you wanna date her?" Yoshinon asked in a teasing tone, with me just giving a sigh in response.
"No, some classmate of mine is hunting her down for whatever reason, and now I have three sentry guns outside defending the place." I informed the puppet, realizing that the rabbit was attached to an arm with a green sleeve on it. "My exact plan is to wait for my peerage to arrive so Sujin can seal off Yoshino's powers, just to make sure those idiots outside won't attack her."
"But why, are you doing this?" Yoshinon talked while I proceeded to look up to see Yoshino standing upside down, most likely using magic or powers. "I mean, you stand nothing to gain from this."
"Well from what I heard that Yoshino is a water and ice spirit, kind of like me." I started while me and Yoshino stared at each other. "I'm a Sea demigod, so I feel obliged to help someone like me. Plus it appears I've inherited my father's habit of throwing himself in danger, something that drives my mother crazy."
"Wait, you're a sea demigod?" Yoshinon asked as Yoshino hovered back to ground level. "Who're your parents?"
"Zeno the Ouryu is my father and my mother is Saorise the Queen of the Seas." I explained before realizing I have two godly ancestors. "So I'm a descendant of both the Yellow Dragon and Ryujin."
"Alright, so we can trust you." Yoshinon breathed a sigh of relief before giggling. "Me and Yoshino know how people from the Ryujin family are horrible liars, and that they always show their emotions."
"Wait, you've met members of my family?" I asked the rabbit, who nodded.
"Yeah, we met Ryujin himself 35 years ago and he helped us learn more about Yoshino's powers." Yoshinon explained before I suddenly heard the door open. "Who's there?!"
I immediately summoned [Mace of the Fierce] and prepared myself while Yoshino and Yoshinon hid behind me, obviously scared of the person who was entering. I stood still for a minute before I realized the people who entered were Sujin, Sora, Mira, Ilpyo, Ethan, and Joe. After realizing it was them, I dismissed [Mace of the Fierce] and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Yoshino, Yoshinon, don't worry, these people are in my peerage." I reassured the girl before moving out of the way to show that Yoshino was clinging to the back of my shirt like a little kid. "Everyone, this is the Hermit Jihan and Sung told you about. Yoshino is the girl and Yoshinon is the puppet."
"Aw, how cute." Mira commented as she walked up to Yoshino and kneeled down to her level. "Hi there Yoshino and Yoshinon, my name's Mira."
"Name's Joe." Joe introduced himself as he put a shirt on, supposedly after transforming.
"I'm Hardcore Leveling Warrior, the greatest gambler that ever lived." Ethan bragged as he pulled out a gold coin from his pocket. "But everyone calls me Ethan for some reason."
"It's obvious we call you Ethan because it's shorter." Ilpyo stated before walking up to the girl and standing behind Mira to give a friendly wave. "My name is Ilpyo Park, just Ilpyo will be fine."
"We're glad you two are safe." Sora stated as she walked up to me with Sujin before turning to Yoshino. "Oh, I'm Sora, and my friend here is Sujin."
"So I'm sealing this girl's power?" Sujin asked, straight to the point as usual. "Also, why does she have that puppet? It looks pretty stupid."
"Hey, I am no puppet!" Yoshinon shouted angrily while Yoshino pouted. "I am Yoshinon, the best friend and protector of Yoshino."
"You named that puppet yourself?" Sujin asked, white, crossing her arms and giving me a bad feeling in my stomach. "You just added an N"
"You got a problem with my name sister?!" Yoshinon asked, getting more and more pissed off as the conversation went on. "At least my name is cute, unlike yours, Sujin!"
"Grow up you child." Sujin then proceeded to take the puppet and held it up so Yoshino couldn't get it. "Use your own voice."
All eyes were now on Sujin, who glared at the spirit and caused the spirit to almost start crying. Everyone was staring at Sujin in shock, even me, that was until I remember Sujin's childhood, and that she doesn't know how to act around children at all. Yoshino tried jumping up for Yoshinon, who remained limp while in Sujin's grasp.
"ZADKIEL!" Yoshino suddenly shouted, summoning a giant rabbit as she rode on top of it.
The room temperature suddenly dropped by fifteen degrees Celsius, way more than anything I can do right now. I looked at my peerage members, worried that they might be hindered by the cold, but Ilpyo quickly countered that by activating his charyeok, Nine Tails Guardian.
The seemingly dubbed 'Zadkiel' created frost around the room, on the floors,walls, and even the windows. Thankfully, the space around Ilpyo wasn't affected by this and my two knights stayed close to him in order to stay warm. Joe on the other hand turned into a saber tooth tiger and Sujin didn't look bothered in the slightest by the cold. As for Ethan, he somehow managed to sneak behind Zadkiel and looked at me, which I shook my head to signal no.
The rabbit then opened its mouth to fire icicles at us, to which most of us dodged, key word was most of us. I on the other hand activated [Water Bending] and turned the icicles into water before they could hit me, having the water hover around me so I can be prepared to use it at a moment's notice.
Ilpyo attempted to deliver a sweeping kick below Zadkiel, but the rabbit jumped outside. That's when we all heard gunshots and got worried, so I used the water I collected to create a giant icicle to pierce through the wall of the building. I opened a hole in the building, allowing us to all quickly exit the building to see multiple attack helicopters shooting at Zadkiel. I was about to summon [Failnaught] before the attack helicopters were suddenly shot down with high pressurized water, a red spear, blue mana arrows, and a giant fireball.
We would have chased after Yoshino, but she was too far away from any of us to reach her. I then sighed and dropped all the water I was controlling, and Ilpyo deactivated his charyeok after I did so. I then walked over to the sentries I placed in front of the building to see only the [LvL 3 Sentry] was still there, slightly damaged. I then picked up the sentry, somehow encasing it into a (f/c) toolbox and putting it into my inventory.
I then saw Endorsi running towards me with Bam close behind, curious to hear how the mission went I'm guessing. I then saw Dawei run up to Mira as everyone else walked up to me. I was most surprised to see that Joe's clothes weren't damaged at all, a good sign in my opinion.
"So what happened?" Endorsi asked me after reaching me and Bam caught up. "Where's the Hermit?"
"Well we almost sealed her powers, until SOMEONE messed it all up." I passive aggressively say while eyeing Sujin, who rolls her eyes, or eye thanks to that eyepatch. "Now Yoshino's somewhere riding the giant rabbit I'm sure you saw."
"Well it's not my fault that puppet she used pissed me off." Sujin replies honestly, shrugging her shoulders. "Don't tell me you thought it was real."
"Sujin, you look me dead in the eyes and tell me a living puppet is too out of the park to be true." I challenged the girl, who then shook her head in annoyance. "In any case, you're still getting a punishment."
"What, Why?" Sujin loudly asked, offended that I'm punishing her for this. "I did nothing wrong!"
"Sadly, while you did mean well, your actions did cost us the mission." I pointed out before delivering the punishment. "Relax, my punishment if just for you to double your usual workout regimine. If you run 10 laps around the property, you now run 20 for the next week. You got it?"
"I understand." Sujin bowed before standing straight again. "So what's your plan now?"
"Jihan, Sung, any chance you two can summon golems and shadow soldiers to find Yoshino?" I ask the two, which they both nod. "Alright, Sung, your shift is going to take place during the night since your shadows will have more freedom then. Jihan, you take the day by creating small golems that don't attract attention."
"What about the rest of us?" Jihan asked curiously.
"The rest of you just make sure Sujin does her punishment, I'll go around town looking for Yoshino after I gain a couple new skills at home." I told John, who nodded before Seraphina had a question.
"What game are you going to play now, Sonic the Hedgehog?" Sera jokingly asks, while I smiled a bit.
"Sonic's speed is good for open areas, but not cities." I explained before telling her the game I'm going to copy. "I'm going to copy Shadow of War."
"Watch out Sung, you might have a rival in the undead business." Jihan joked with the hunter, who rolled his eyes with a grin.
Once we finished our conversation, we all made our way back home. Some of us were hungry, some were pissed, and I was worried for Yoshino. She didn't fight back during that entire endeavor, that rabbit did all the fighting for her. I thought about adding some Odyssey in the mix so I can have eagle vision and Alexios' spear. I then remembered Origami, and how she had no emotion in hurting or even killing Yoshino, like a piece of paper. If I'm going to help this kid, I can tell Origami is not going to back down, so I guess I'll have to show her what happens when paper meets water.
(A/N: Hey there Kings, I'm thankful you read this chapter and got a better introduction of Yoshino. Before you ask, no she's not going to be in the harem. She's honestly going to be more like an adoptive daughter to you. As for Origami and Ratatoskr, don't worry, you won't kill them. Another thing worth noting is that you may think you're getting too many skills, but don't worry, all that will cease after the time of the Phoenix. Have a good day!
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