Chapter 10-Deals with the Priest
(Your POV)
New Skill acquired!
Water Bending
Cost: 2 SP per second
Desc: You can control water using your movement as a conductor, more specifically the martial arts,led Tai Chi Chuan. It's a slow style that may seem effective in combat, by ita fluid movements make you a force to be reckoned with.
Me and Tanjiro trainee for the rest of day just for me to have a basic understanding of water bending. It wasn't much, but it was honest work. Me and Tanjiro still practiced with my new waterbending skill to test it's efficiency, and it turns out I'm a natural. I was able to keep up with the water Tanjiro did and send it back to him just as hard.
I noticed that my peerage was also doing quite well, out of the corner of my eye I saw a kick from Mori was intercepted by Yoruichi's own kick, then both of their intercepting legs turned into blurs, sending shock waves around them. Bam on the other hand was doing something different, he was actually fighting Yuri while he used some sort of needle in his arms. While I could tell he wasn't the best at it, I could tell he was improving.
Ethan on the other hand was having no trouble at all, it should probably be worth noting that both Inosuke and Zenitsu belong to my father's peerage, and that they're Knight pieces. Sung and Jihan on the other hand were summoning shadow soldiers and shooting mana arrows respectively, then getting advice from a man with glasses.
Back on the subject of my training, Tanjiro was impressed with my progress, and was about to teach me water breathing, but the school bells rang before he could teach me, so the two of us used the other platform that was on our island to transport ourselves back to the base level. I noticed that everyone else was doing the same before they walked towards the exit.
I started walking to the exit with my hands in my pockets, I wasn't even halfway towards the exit before my phone started ringing. I pulled my phone out of my inventory, then I questioned how I was able to tell it was ringing when it was in a subspace. I looked at the screen of my phone to see that it was Issei calling me, though I couldn't help but laugh a bit to myself since I set the name to 'He who thinks with his lower head'.
"Hello there." I answered the phone in my best Kenobi impression.
"General (L/N)..." Issei replied in his best Grevious impression, reminding me of why he's still my friend. "...I need help with something."
"What is it?" I questioned as I held open the door for Sung and the deer from earlier, both of whom thanked my and I gave a thumbs up as a response.
"Rias is sending me on a mission to some house a little walk from here, and I just have a bad feeling about it." Issei admits, which I know is difficult since he's actually quite prideful sometimes. "I kind of developed this sense when peeking on girls, I call it 'the Oppai Sense'."
"So it's basically a spider-sense for perverts?" I deadpanned while walking down the hall, getting a confused look for Sera and John before they shrugged it off. "I'm gonna have to ask that you elaborate a bit more."
"Long story short; this sense alerts me when I'm in danger." Issei informed me, giving me one more fact to put in my library of 'how the fuck' facts. "So can you come with me? I know people in a peerage aren't supposed to get help when they're on a job, but I just need to be there in case something happens."
"Alright, I'll meet you at the front gates." I gave him my answer, since you should always help a homie. "Wait, Rias makes you do crap?"
"Um...yeah?" Issei answers before an awkward silence occurs. "Don't you give your peerage members jobs?"
"" I reply, remembering the fact that Saorise and Zeno only have a peerage to help people in need and to protect the palace. "Me and my grandfather have never sent anyone on a job alone like you are, but my parents do have the occasional job for people who experienced disasters."
"Damn, I wish I could have joined one of your guy's peerage." Issei whines and I just shrugged. "Alright, but I have to go, someone's calling."
"See ya." I responded before Issei hung up and I put my phone in my [Inventory] before turning my attention to my peerage members. "Hey, any of you wanna come with me and Issei to help protect him so he can do a job, he's got a bad feeling about this one?"
"I'll have a lighthouse go with you." Khun offered, which I graciously accept as a blue cube flew behind me. "As for your backup...Crocodile, Seungchul, you two are up."
"Blue Turtle!" Rak shouted angrily, not exactly happy with the fact that he was just thrown under the bus.
"Please, you do nothing around the house and Seungchul does a little bit more but still not a lot." Khun justified while I just sighed, accepting that I would have to listen to Rak's whining the entire time. "I'll have everyone on standby should the worst come to happen."
With that said, we finally reached the front gate of the school to see Issei was waiting for us, speaking of the guy, he looked up from his phone and saw us before waving. Me, Rak, and Seungchul then branch off from the rest of my peerage to meet up with Issei while the others went home. Issei was glad to see us, but he was understandingly confused by the sudden appearance of my lancers.
"Hey (Y/N), thanks again for accepting my request." Issei responded before pointing at my companions. "Though was it really necessary for you to bring backup?"
"Meh, never could be too careful now can I?" I reply. "So what's this job you need to do anyways?"
"I don't get details until I arrive at the location." Issei responds in a tired tone. "The job itself shouldn't be too difficult, usually pulling weeds or helping some guy with a magical girl cosplay."
"If it's that last one I'm going to destroy the house." I threaten, causing Issei to laugh nervously and my two companions to look at the two of us with questioning looks. "Either with my trusty flamethrower or grenade launcher."
"King Turtle, what is a magical girl?" Rak questioned, making all of us sweatdrop.
"To sum it all up, they're cute until the neckbeards arrive, then they're traumatizing." Seungchul answered as we began to follow Issei to the house.
"Also, why do you even have a peerage if you guys don't do jobs?" Issei questions.
"Well I suppose that has something to do with something that lurks at the bottom of the Sea." I then remember a tale Zeno told me about when he first got his peerage. "Though I heard it has something to do with some sacred treasure that's kept in the deepest regions of the Mariana Trench. From what I'm told, the people from the ocean decided to avoid the Great War just to protect this sacred treasure from someone. So when Ryujin defeated Leviathan, he decided to take this opportunity and hire the strongest individuals he could find to help defend this treasure. Since then, my entire family decided to hire the strongest people we could to help defend his item."
"I'm glad my talents will not go to waste!" Rak laughed proudly, thinking he'll actually be part of the main force, which probably won't happen for any of us until a few years.
"That sounds like foreshadowing right here." Issei comments as he holds a flyer in his hand. "Also, you want a flyer?"
"Why would I want a flyer?" I rhetorically asked my friend, who persisted. "If I wanted you to do something, I would make you do it."
"And what if I refuse?" Issei challenged back, supposedly forgetting the fact that he decided to move onto my property.
"Simple, I'd kick you off my property and force you to live with your parents again." I responded nonchalantly, causing Issei to turn pale. "One other thing, you also won't be able to peak at the girl in the bath house."
"I already can't do that last one!" Issei rebuttals, not surprisingly. "Those huntress girl's caught on immediately after I found a hole to peak through and almost shot me!"
"Does it really surprise you that Ruby brought her Crescent Rose with her to the bath?" I questioned the pervert, who just groaned in response. "Not really sure what that was but I guess it counts as an answer."
(Timeskip brought to you by John and Sera sneaking into (Y/N)'s room and playing Final Fantasy on your console)
Me, Issei, Rak, and Seungchul all reached the location, which was a somewhat run-down apartment building. Now that I've arrived here, I can see why Issei was pretty hesitant about coming here without backup. Despite that, Issei tried entering the building but I held him back.
Before I allowed Issei to enter the building, I made Rak go to the top of the building across the street so he could have a vantage point. As for Seungchul a, I had the bookworm placed directly outside the door, hiding off to the side so the guy inside can't see through the peephole. Finally, I decided to go with Issei towards the inside of the building.
Issei carefully opened the door to find the apartment was empty and dark, putting me on edge as I stood next to the door entrance and Issei proceeded to look around the apartment. I had Khun's lighthouse light up the room for us with a light blue hue, revealing the room was an absolute mess, with torn furniture and a broken TV scattered around the place.
Issei then pointed at a room that had some light coming from it before proceeding to walk over to it. I decided not to interfere since devils aren't supposed to receive help when they're on jobs, which is good for Issei, since he might develop other skills aside from sneaking around to peek at girls.
"Gah!" I snapped out of my train of thought to see Issei staring at a room with an ominous light coming from it. "W-Who are you?!"
"Well well well...looks like the devil has finally arrived!" Some man's voice said in the other room, causing Issei to back up in fear. "Punish the wicked...good words to live by!"
I then noticed Issei starting to run towards me while getting shot at with some gun. Fearing for my friend's life, I summoned [Shield of the Just] and warped between Issei and the source of the gunshots. I then used my shield to block at of the bullets, which was easy considering my shield took up most of the doorway. Then bullets stopped coming once the gunner realized it was pointless, so I put my shield away with a (f/c) flash of light.
I then glared at the assailant, who was some guy with gray hair and crimson eyes. In his hands were a gun and a sword, all white his tongue was held out like a madman and his eyes were going wild. It honestly reminded me of a boar with the way he was acting. I then noticed something on the wall behind him, it was a human whole was crucified upside down, there were many cuts across the poor individual's body, dripping blood everywhere.
(Keep in mind this fucker is 5'3 or 160cm)
"You idiot, how dare you get in the way of divine judgement!" 'The boar' shouted wildly, further supporting my opinion of him. "How dare you?!"
"So we're not even going to introduce ourselves, are we?" I jested before summoning my [Terra Blade] and [Dead Ringer] with a flash of (f/c) light. "Either way, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and you just tried to kill a friend of mine."
"Hah!" The man laughed hysterically, pissing me off further. "A human and devil getting along, you should die too!"
The man proceeded to lunge at me with his sword, whilst laughing maniacally. I simply sighed and put my Dead Ringer in my pocket so I can still use it. Then I gently pushed my arm forward belfre violently pulling it back. This sudden movement caused the blood from the corpse to rise and freeze into the shape of a needle before impaling the man's chest. This obviously caught him of guard because the man then got onto his knees and began clasping at the wound. Meanwhile, I simply stared him down with the tip of my sword pointed at his neck.
"It appears I wasn't clear, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), Prince of the Sea." I then noticed my tone getting quite a bit more disrespectful and disappointed. "Well you stupid boar, don't you know that not telling your opponent your name is disrespectful?"
New Quest!
Get that Mofo!
Desc: Look, I doubt anyone likes this Freed guy, so let's just fight him.
Reward: +10 respect from Seungchul and Rak, new skill, 600 EXP
Failure: You, Issei, ???, and Seungchul die.
"My name is Freed, and I'm a holy priest!" The newly dubbed Freed seemed to be faking the pain because he quickly grabbed his sword and impaled my chest before I could react. "Now die sinner!"
I was thankful I had my dead ringer on me, because that would have killed me. After Freed stabbed me, a realistic decoy of my corpse took my place while I turned invisible and gained a speed boost. Freed didn't seem to notice the fact that my sword was now missing but he didn't care, he was happy to have killed me.
"(Y/N)!!!" I heard Issei shout from the doorway, just before he past right past me and towards Freed, completely unaware I was right next to him. "I will avenge you! Boost!"
Issei then summoned a red gauntlet with a green gem on his left arm, maybe that's his sacred gear. The gem in the middle of his gauntlet then started glowing, then I felt a boost in his power. I then deactivated my invisibility and noticed that Seungchul started to come inside to help us. The two of us charged behind Issei, with me having my Terra Blade and Seungchul wielding his metallic bat.
Freed attempts to slash at Issei, who blocked the sword by using his gauntlet as a shield, but a gun tried shooting at him. The gun's bullet managed to graze Issei's shoulder, causing him to stumble back while gripping at the injury. Freed was about to strike Issei while he was vulnerable, but Seungchul blocked the strike with his bat as if it was nothing.
"You have good speed, but your intellect is lacking." Seungchul pointed out, giving me time to disperse my weapon in bright (f/c) flashes before summoning my [Medic Gun]. "While you may be faster than (Y/N) and I, you're extremely predictable."
"What is it with you sinners and looking down at exorcists!?" Freed shouted before laughing maniacally. "Oh, I know! You're devils! Yes, that explains the magic and strength!"
"Unfortunately for you, we're actually the opposite of devils." I corrected as I used my [Medic Gun] on Issei, healing him. "The only Devil here is my friend here. Seungchul, Rak, and I are demigods."
"Who the hell is Rak?" Freed got out before a crimson spear pierced through the ceiling and struck Freed in the left arm before returning through the hole in the roof. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
"You turtles better not die on me!" Rak ordered, most likely forgetting that he's a part of my peerage. "You Silver Lizard better not hurt any of Rak's friends!"
"Oh look, a talking crocodile!" Freed pointed out before getting hit I the chest with Seungchul's metallic bat. "Ack!"
"That's what you get for losing focus." Seungchul deadpanned and I finished healing Issei.
Once I finished healing Issei up, he was about to charge head on again before I stopped him and pointed to his sacred gear. He seemingly understood instantly because he just held back and boosted his power while letting the three of us distract Freed. I switched the medic gun for my [Shield of the Just] and [Soda Popper] before rushing over to Seungchul's side.
Freed tried shooting at Seungchul, but I blocked the bullet with my shield before retaliating with my Soda Popper, which was dodged. The spear made another appearance but Freed blocked it before it could hit him and tried shooting at Rak, but the shot was blocked by Seungchul's bat before it hit Freed dead in the face, sending him barreling towards the door.
I dismiss my Soda Popper but I keep my shield, just in case. I signaled for Rak to get over here through the hole he made with that spear of his. Seungchul on the other hand walked over to Freed and pointed the end of his bat towards the supposed priest. He then raised his bat above his head and sent in barreling down before we heard a tiny gasp coming from the doorway.
The three of us, minus Rak because he was too busy climbing down the building, all turned our attention towards the doorway to see a familiar girl with emerald eyes and blonde hair. I didn't recognize her at first, but that's when it hit me. This girl was Asia Argento.
"S-Seungchul, w-why are you beating up father Freed?" Asia asks in fear, before she noticed blood was starting to soak the floor. "W-What's that? Is someone hurt?"
Quest Completed!
Get that mofo!
Reward: +10 respect from Seungchul and Rak, New skill, 600 EXP
New Skill!
Speed Run
Cost: 5 MP per second
Lvl: 1
Desc: You can limit play through video games incredibly fast. As of right now, you can get an hour's worth of your normal amount done in half an hour.
Asia then proceeded to quickly make her way over to the room with the corpse, I was about to stop her but then I heard Seungchul gasp in pain. I looked over my shoulder to see that Freed slashed as Seungchul's side, causing him to lose blood. I wasted no time in switching to my [Medic Gun] and firing a healing beam at my lancer, closing the wound and other injuries he may have received. However that's when I heard a shriek coming from behind me, we all turned our attention over there to see Asia was as pale as a ghost and on her knees, eyes widened as she stared into the room with the corpse in it.
"What's the matter, Asia?" Freed asked as he stood right next to the doorway, thankfully not hurting the poor girl. "You are aware we have to punish sinners, right?"
"I-I know...but isn't this a little extreme?" Asia questioned, before realizing Issei and I were in the room the entire time. "Issei, (Y/N), what's going on?"
"Wait, you know these devils?" Freed asks, genuinely surprised, or at least as surprised as a maniacal madman can be.
"Demigod you prick!" I corrected angrily, but decided not to use a weapon Incase he might use Asia as a hostage. "Also, Asia, you know this guy?"
"Yes, he's the father of the church here." Asia answers, before Freed tried shooting at Issei but I block it with my Medic Gun. "Father!?"
"What? They're both devils?" Freed's ohso common maniacal smile, but now it was faced towards Asia. "You're not sympathizing with devils are you?"
"W-Well, yes, but t-they're my friends." Asia defended, before being held up against the wall by Freed. "Ow!"
"Put her down you freak!" Issei was about to charge in before I saw Freed put a sword against Asia's neck and I was forced to stop Issei. "What the hell?!"
"Issei, pay attention, hostage situations can't be solved using brute force." I informed, getting Issei noticeably more pissed while I just held a finger to my lips and grinned. "However, that doesn't mean I don't have a plan."
My plan was to wait for Asia to start sweating, weird I know, but I can water bend her sweat and use it to damage or at least distract Freed enough to let her go. To be honest, I hate my plan, but taking risks with a crazy person is always a bad idea. I had to painfully watch as Freed ripped Asia's clothes to reveal her chest, which revealed to be his undoing.
I outstretched my arm once more and began twirling my finger, causing an orb of water to appear above Asia's forehead. Thankfully, Freed didn't seem to notice the orb of sweat, because he was too distracted by Asia's chest, further reminding me I'm getting this girl therapy when this is all done.
Speaking of things being done, the orb of water was about the size of an eyeball now. I then raised my hand before flattening it and turning it vertically, then I violently cut diagonally and into Freed's face, cutting his forehead. This made Freed cry out in pain before letting go of Asia to put pressure on his new cut, allowing the girl to run into my arms. Once she was within range, I embraced her in a hug and put my blazer over her formerly exposed chest.
"Are you alright?" I gently questioned the girl as I hugged her, who shakily nods, then I turned my attention to Seungchul. "Seung, you can still fight, correct?"
"Yeah, since you healed me." Seungchul answered with his bat at the ready. "Why?"
"I'm probably going to have to ask that you and Issei fight this guy without me," I informed Seungchul, who nodded understandingly. "I'm going to prioritize keeping Asia safe, however, I'll still support you with my Bow."
"Understood, it's not like this boar is an actual threat when I have my eyes on it." Seungchul then walks up to Freed and attempts to strike him with the bat.
Seungchul's bat was blocked by Freed's sword, which was held in one hand. My lancer then noticed the gun that Freed was pulling from his pocket, but a flash of red appeared and someone else appeared with that flash. The new individual then stabbed Freed in the side. The individual in question was surprisingly Kiba, who was holding a sword.
"Is everyone alright?" A concerned but familiar voice, I looked somewhere behind Kiba to find the source was Rias, with the rest of her peerage at her side.
"Wait, someone's missing." I pointed out as I noticed Freed was raising his gun at Asia again, so I responded by summoning my [Bow of the Clever] and firing at his hand.
"I'LL KILL YOU, SILVER TURTLE!!!" Rak busted through the door, spear in hand and noticeably pissed.
"Alright, we're all here." I deadpanned at the devil.
"Well I recommend we all leave, there's a large amount of fallen angels coming this way." Rias then showed me some sort of device that kind of reminded me of a radar, and it showed multiple dots honing in on our location. "We came here to retrieve Issei and you, so let's go."
"Wait, what about Asia?" I questioned before Seungchul was sent stumbling back a bit. "We can't just leave her here."
"Well that's too bad, because me and my 'friends' aren't willing to let her go so easily." Freed mocked me as he managed to fend off Kiba, but Seungchul managed to land a good hit onto his lower back.
"(Y/N), it's probably best if we regroup with the rest of the peerage before rescuing Asia." Seungchul advised, causing me to feel noticeably more pissed. "I'm not saying we should just abandon her here, I'm saying we should catch up with the others."
"What the hell are you goin' on about?!" I shouted at my lancer, surprising him. "If we can't save her, then what good are we?!"
"(Y/N), calm down." Seungchul requested, but I wasn't having it, so Seungchul and he spoke into the lighthouse. "Do it."
I didn't realize what he meant at first, but then I felt pain in the back of my head. My vision started getting darker and blurrier, so I quickly turned around to see who the attacker is. I couldn't make out exact details, but I then noticed the figure had white hair and was very petite, so my only real option was Koneko. Of course, Khun could teleport with the lighthouse, but his hair has a blue tint to it and he's not exactly the strongest guy around. Despite this, I saw a look of regret filling Koneko's eyes, as if she hated doing this, so I decided to make it easier for her and not fight back. So I dismissed whatever weapons I had on me and fell asleep.
(Third Person)
Right after Koneko knocked you out, everyone was taken aback, even Freed. However, he didn't let this stop him and tried to stab Issei, but Rak blocked the attack with his spear before knocking the gun out of Freed's hands. The two continued a continuous cycle of blocking and attacking one another before Seungchul got between the two and swung his bat so hard it shattered the sword Freed once had.
"That's enough you two, if we were to fight now, a lot of needless blood will be spilled." Seungchul warned in a threatening tone, most likely reaching his boiling point. "It is possible for us to call backup, but illusions can't contain that much power."
"So what the hell are you suggesting, four eyes?!" Freed questioned, as he backed away from the duo.
"I am suggesting you simply let us go, and in exchange you can take Asia." Seungchul offered, pissing off almost everyone in the room, except for Freed. "However, doing this will most likely result in a devils, plus the Gods of the Sea, against the Fallen kind of war."
"So what if another war happens, that's when everyone's equal?!" Freed then began rambling about how war was essential for us to improve, but Seungchul didn't care because Rak was talking to him.
"What are you doing, Ox Turtle?" Rak whispered angrily, but Seungchul tried reassuring him. "Are you trying to piss off King Turtle?"
"No, I don't know how fast everyone can get here, so it's best if we just make it look like we're in control of the situation and try to escape." Seungchul explained in a hushed tone. "Once we leave, we raid their hideout at full strength, but we still need to recover some of our strength and gain support from the devils."
"Alright, but if this plan doesn't work, we'll be pissed." Rak threatened, causing Seungchul to nod understandingly.
"So are you taking the offer or not?" Seungchul asked the exorcist, who suddenly stopped talking. "Cause it just so happens we're on a tight schedule."
"Fine!" Freed whined as he and Asia began to walk out the door. "It's better to risk a war than dying."
Just before the two left, however, Asia looked back at the bat wielding individual, who mouthed 'I'm sorry, please wait' as clear as he could. While he didn't show it, Seungchul felt awful that he had to throw a defenseless girl in that kind of situation, but it had to be done for everyone's safety. Besides, she wasn't entirely defenseless.
The night before, Sung told Seungchul and Khun about his little safety protocol, which involved sending shadow soldiers into everyone's shadows. No one else knew about this little plan, but a soldier will still emerge from their shadow to protect them should some form of harm come to them. However, Sung placed average, disposable soldiers in everyone's shadows so he can't expect much from it.
Seungchul was about to talk to the devils about his plan, but they were already missing from the room. Rak on the other hand has already put your arm around himself to help carry him towards the base or something. When Seungchul saw this, he immediately offered help to the alligator.
"So what now?" Rak asked the boy, who thought for a minute before responding.
"I believe Rias and her peerage built some sort of base on (Y/N)'s property and are using it as a headquarters." Seungchul informed before he donned a determined glare. "But that doesn't matter, if they don't help us, then we'll raid their base ourselves."
(A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it. Also, this also kickstarts Issei's character development. So don't hesitate to comment how you'll think he'll develop (but he won't die), so have a good day!
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