Chapter 1-Reborn Potential
Sacred King's Academy, a prestigious academy that only the best of the best get into, but not in the way you're thinking. To get in here, you don't necessarily have to be "book" smart, instead, you must be...something.
There's no other way to describe it, there are devils, shinobi, huntresses, hunters, stand users, quirked, soul reapers, spirits, devil fruit users, and more kinds of people here. This is a special school, one that accommodates the needs of each of those people, mainly flexible hours and combat training for their respect abilities. Which makes me wonder...
"How on Earth did I get accepted?" I questioned, as I used my left palm to deflect my friend's punch, before using my right fist to hit her stomach, but no luck as she dodged the strike. "I mean, I have no useful powers or even a semblance."
I was currently sparring against Yang Xaio Long, an old friend from when I was little. She was basically a goddess when it came to hand to hand, but I could always keep up due my tendency to predict my opponent's next move.
The two of us were fighting in a clearing not too far from Yang and Ruby's house, we usually go out here for practice because we didn't want to break anything, again.
In any case, one thing I've learned from sparring against Yang, is that wearing loose clothing like I usually do in a fight like this is a massive disadvantage. So the two of us were wearing rather tight clothing, Yang was wearing yoga pants, a yellow sports bra, and chestnut colored track shoes. On the other hand, I was wearing a (f/c) t-shirt, gymshorts, and bracers that were on my wrists and ankles.
"I know Sacred King's is primarily a combat based school, but your grades back at (school name) were pretty good." Yang reminded, while jumping back from my strike, before moving around my arm to land a soft jab at my side. "Besides, why'd you fill out that paper if you didn't think you'd get in?"
"I didn't want us to get separated." I answered honestly, because I didn't want to deal with Yang's 'interrogation' tactics. "Probably doesn't help that all of my only friends just so happen to be going to Sacred King's as I don't have many options."
Sadly, my moment of hesitation gave Yang the opportunity to sweep her leg underneath my feet and knock me onto the soft grass beneath us. I fell onto my back and let out a quiet laugh that was joined later by Yang's loud, yet sweet laughter. Once she calmed down, Yang helped me onto my feet.
"Wait a minute, you have friends aside from me and Ruby?" She over exaggerated being shocked, probably forgetting about my friend who recently became a soul reaper, making me the only one of my friends without any powers.
"Yes, and their name are Ichigo and Issei." I huffed and crossed my arms, pretending to be insulted from Yang's comment as the two of us walked over to a branch with both our bags hanging from it. "Ichigo recently got his powers, which are soul reaper based, as did Issei from what I heard, but his powers are devil based."
"Wait, can we even see soul reapers, or stands?" Wonders the blonde out loud, to which I just sigh and shake my head. "I know they're rare, but I wonder if we can see them."
"Average people can't see them unless they're already a magic race, have a stand of their own, or something else occurs." I explain before my eyes suddenly change from (e/c) to (f/c). "WE can see both with a technique called 'Hunting Vision', which is incredibly easy to learn."
"Ugh, does that mean I'll have to fight a stand and soul reapers?" She asked, grabbing her flask full of water from her bag before downing it and dropping the flash into her bag. "They're impossible to see!"
"Yang, just focus your aura into your eyes and you can see not only the stand, but also the user's aura." I advised Yang, who just sighed a little before grabbing her phone and looking at the time. "I know you're usually rough with aura control, but you should still be able to see them."
"It's six, so we should probably head back to my place." She changed the subject, before the two of us began our way back to the Xiao Rose residence. "One other thing, you know I can't use my aura with precise stuff like that!"
"Then why don't we train your aura control a bit more instead of what little martial arts I know." I recommend, to which Yang quickly turned her face away from me as she held her nose high, accidentally hitting me in the face with her hair in the process. "What was that for?"
"For recommending such a crazy idea, your ideas are always bizarre, such as making a glass of water act like jelly?!" She turned her face back to me, hitting me with her hair again.
"That was one time!" I argued, stepping over a log in the process. "Besides, I based that method off of hamon training."
"(Y/N), aura and hamon are not the same things." She stated in a deadpan manner, pointing out the obvious while she pushed a branch aside.
"I wanted to see if I could combine the two." I justified, before Yang let go of the branch and it smacked me in the fact. "I admit, it was a dumb hypothesis!"
"But I can't say it wasn't creative..." She admitted as the two of us finally reached the house in question.
Outside this house was Yang's sister, Ruby Rose, playing with the dog named Zwei. As the two of us got closer, I could've sworn I could've heard the sound of a British battlecry coming from Zwei's back, but that was the last thing on my mind before I heard someone say my name.
"(Y/N), Yang!" Ruby shouted at us, wearing her casual clothes, as she ran over to us. "Where were you two, both of you should I put this without sounding rude??"
"Like you two got into s fist fight with a skunk and lost!" Shouted a small, high pitched voice coming from Zwei.
Yang and I quickly turned our attention to the source of the voice in question, which got closer as Zwei happily trotted over to us. As the dog got closer, we saw that there was a strangely dressed mouse on Zwei's back, riding him like a horse. It was then I realized it was my walking entity of sass of a familiar, named Arthur the Mouse.
"You two need to go shower!" Arthur exclaimed from the top of his mighty steed, who barked in agreement. "Well said, Sir Zwei!"
"What he said." Ruby sighed in defeat, stumped for trying to find a nicer way of saying what Arthur said. "Well, not together obviously, Dad won't exactly like it if you were to...
She didn't finish her thought before her face turned a bright red, I'm guessing she's thinking of what would happen inside the shower if we did shower together.
"Ruby, get those thoughts out of your head." I ordered, surprising the girl and snapping her back into reality.
"What's the matter (Y/N), embarrassed about showering with me~?" Yang wrapped her arm around my shoulders and proceeded to lean in closer to me, causing me to look away. "C'mon, we used to bathe together all the time~."
"We were children at that time." I reminded the blonde, doing my best to look Yang directly in the eyes. "Besides, you know how embarrassed I get about anything involving romance."
"Tsundere!" Shouted Ruby as she pointed at me, causing Yang to giggle and me to feel a tick mark appear on my forehead. "Well, best tsundere to be exact."
"I am not a tsundere!" I argued, turning Yang's laughter into a loud one that rivaled the laughter of Ruby's.
"Yang, (Y/N), go shower!" Taiyang could be seen at the doorway, covering his nose before he waved his hands in the air in a panicked manner. "Not together of course, but we have two showers you can use."
(A/N: So is any evidence of Tai being an abusive parent? I'm not insulting those who write abused/neglected stories, but the whole 'Tai being a shitty parent' thing is starting to become overused.
"See ya, (Y/N)!" Yang embraced me into a tight hug before happily skipping off into the house and past her father.
"So, (Y/N) any luck with your ability yet?" Asked Tai, As Ruby went inside with Zwei and Arthur close behind, leaving the two of us alone.
"I haven't discovered it, maybe I'll just use the overwhelming power of the sword and shield." I joked, while acting as though I had both weapons in my arms. "Though in all seriousness, I can probably get by just by relying on my Relic, Platonic Chance."
"While they all might be great in their own right, you can't rely on weapons that have only one trick up their sleeve." Tai advised. "Platonic Change's range and versatility may be fantastic, but they're fragile and literally glorified targets."
As he said that, I heard a rather loud roar coming from the forest me and Yang were just at, a roar loud enough to surprise even Tai and rumble the door a bit. It was then I saw my opportunity to prove Tai wrong, not that I hate the guy or anything, he's chill as hell, I just love proving people wrong."
"How about this, I take out that Grimm and you say I was right and you were wrong, deal?" I didn't listen for his response before I snapped my fingers, causing five items to fly out an open window of the house and leaned on the ground beside me. "Now, let's begin."
Each of the lighthouses begun glowing their respective colors before hovering beside me, I then hopped onto Universe and flew over to the source of the roaring. I could hear Tai yelling behind me, but I didn't care. I wasn't the best when it came to strength, agility, or defense, all I ever had was my intelligence, and I'll use that to defeat my foes, no matter how dangerous they are.
I reached the clearing where Yang and I were training to find a rather large animal snooping around the area. It wasn't until I was directly over it that I realized the beast was a kind of wendigo, I honestly didn't think those existed until now.
So, trying to play it stealthily, I quickly placed Fire, Air, Earth, and Water around the area specifically so the lighthouses would make a square around the area. Thankfully, the wendigo didn't seem to notice the lighthouses making their way to the tree lines, where they hid behind the bushes or leaves.
Once the lighthouses were in place, I leapt off of Universe and directly above the wendigo, then I used Universe to create a weapon. Rolling the dodecahedron, I got a 9, which gave me a broadsword. I landed atop the wendigo's head, before quickly pushing the sword through the skull of the beast and ripping it forward as I jumped onto the ground in front of it.
Under normal circumstances, I would think that would've been enough, but wendigos aren't known to die so easily. I looked at the spot where I cut it to see that a dark substance, similar to the body of a Grimm, was healing the part I cut open. Something tells me this is no ordinary wendigo, seems to have some grimm abilities with it, let's just hope it's weakness is still the same.
"Fire." I point where the heart should be before a fireball came from the shuberry and struck the wendigo in the chest, hopefully where the heart is so it would melt.
After the fireball struck the wendigo, there was smoke so I couldn't see if I killed it. Once the smoke cleared, I was relieved to see that the fireball went straight through the wendigo, but I was completely caught off guard from the same substance from earlier started healing it. That was when the wendigo's eyes focused on me and me alone. I was certain that struck should've melted it's heart, was I wrong?
"You are a smart child..." My eyes widened as the wendigo said this, it must've noticed my shock because it suddenly started laughing at my reaction. "Though your intelligence will not save you now, for I am immortal..."
"I know how to kill an immortal, it's really easy when you think about it."I pointed the broadsword at the wendigo, with Universe charging up behind me. "All I need to do is cut you up into small pieces and scatter those pieces around, not that hard now is it?"
"Hahahaaha!!" The wendigo began laughing uncontrollably, completely unaware of the trap I already laid out before him. "You're an amusing mortal, you shall receive a quick death."
The wendigo slashed down at me with it's claw, which Universe blocked as I used the broadsword to try to slice off the wendigo's arm. The wendigo disappeared and reappeared behind me trying to stab me from behind with it's fingers, thankfully, Universe created a portal where it would've landed and another portal right next to the wendigo's head.
The wendigo's hand went through the portal, surprising the beast as it clawed it's own eye before I made Universe close the portal in order to cut the wendigo's hand. The hand was cut from the wrist before I quickly grabbed it and threw it into the distance, then I used Air to shoot it farther.
I noticed that the wendigo was getting a bit more infuriated, to which I let out a sly grin before aiming for the legs this time with the broadsword. The wendigo suddenly vanished once more, but I decided to play a little trick by calling upon my lighthouses.
"Water, Earth, Fire, Air, barrier!" I ordered my lighthouses as they began glowing from the shrubbery before going around us at mach speeds.
As the four lighthouses began circling around us, a tornado made of rock, water, fire, and air begun to emerge until it was at least 50 feet high, thankfully, me and the wendigo were in the center so now the wendigo can't run away to get it's hand.
"I'll only need one hand to kill you anyways!" The wendigo boasted as it slashed at me with it's remaining claw.
Now was a moment I didn't predict when I arrived, I was about to block it wot my sword, but the broadsword started flickering out of existence before completely vanishing. I tried using Universe to get another weapon, but it rolled a 1, which gives me nothing.
I didn't expect the wendigo's claws to dig so deep before it reached my shoulder at blinding speeds, now each of it's fingers were digging a wound that's at least an inch deep as the claws slashed open my chest and caused blood to start spilling from my body like a waterfall. How am I going to get out of this?
"Your next line is...'Shouldn't have fucked with a wendigo'!"
"Shouldn't have fucked with a wendigo..." The wendigo stated as it turned it's back to me, before the realization suddenly hit him like a train. "What?!"
"I knew from the moment I saw you that I wouldn't be able to win this match, and why on earth would someone who knows they're weaker than their opponent intentionally trap both the foe and the user in a clearing like this?" I coughed up a bit of blood as I said this with a grin on my face. "Simple, I wasn't really trying to trap you, I just needed my lighthouses to roll perfects before I attack you with this next move."
"You tricked me?!" The beast was not happy with being tricked, evident from the fact that it lifted me from my shoulders before shaking me violently, obviously panicking. "How long have you been planning this?!"
"I knew you were trouble when your roar alone put Tai on alert, a licensed huntsman mind you, but I could also tell you're stupid because of the fact you gave away your position." I was forcefully thrown onto the ground as I chuckled at this beast's reaction before the wendigo stomped on my chest and held it's foot there. "So to put it in terms for someone like you to understand, we were playing my game from the start, now here's a little ability of my lighthouses..."
With that, the tornado's components stopped where they were before turning themselves into needle-like projectiles made of rock, ice, wind, or fire that were all pointed at the wendigo. A single needle appeared in my hand, but it appeared to be made out of stars, but I didn't care about that, so I just threw the needle at the wendigo. The needle went through the wendigo's chest and struck a fire needle. Then the original needle stopped and the new fire needle went through at the wendigo, and the cycle continued until all the needles went. When all the needles went through, the wendigo looked like Swiss cheese, but I'm not done yet.
"...Dance of Lust and Song of Chastity." I told the wendigo the name of this technique, before all the needles went at the wendigo and pierced him once more before exploding into their respective elements.
Now with the technique done, the lighthouses came out of hiding and began surrounding me before finally resting at my sides. Right now, my blood is pretty much all over the clearing thanks to that wendigo. I was losing blood from the scratch from earlier, which managed to scrape from my left shoulder to my right hip. I may be dying, despite the rather fast footsteps I heard running towards my position, and I didn't mind dying so long as Yang and Ruby would be safe and be able to achieve their dreams.
I listened to the footsteps with my eyes closed until I heard nothing, not the birds, squirrels, footsteps, just...silence. 'Was this what death feels like?' Is what raced through my mind before I heard the sound of creaking wood. I looked over at the source to see a much different looking wendigo, it didn't look like it meant any harm, but it was still pretty far and moving pretty slow so it was hard to tell. I turned my head to focus on the dead wendigo, which was just a pile of ashes and bones now, fearful that the new wendigo may try to take revenge for his brethren.
I closed my eyes and hoped to feel no pain.
My eyes opened again.
The first thing I saw was three (f/c) pop-ups.
Hello (Y/N) (L/N), you probably won't meet me for a while, but you should just know that I'm the one who resurrected you and gave you your ability. To over simplify it, all you need to do is say a keyword and a pop-up will appear. You can gain and use various skills and change your stats. Skills are techniques that you can use to make yourself stronger, while stats are what makes you who you are.
Now I have a request for you, get stronger and become the strongest on Earth, and we will meet again.
(Y/N) "The King" (L/N)
Race: Ocean Demigod (50% Dragon, 25% God, 25% Human.)
Age: 16
Lvl: 1
Titles: None
Class: None
Sub-Class: None
Personal Attribute: Video Game Physics
HP (Health Points): 200
MP (Magic Points): 150
SP (Stamina Points): 150
AP (Aura Points): 150
RP (Reiatsu Points): 150
CP (Chakra Points): 150
STR: 7
DEX: 10
CON: 5
INT: 21
WIS: 20
CHA: 2
LUK: 5
Spending Points: 0
Quest: Survival of the Fittest!
Desc: Consider yourself lucky, I gave you the potential to fulfill any role you want, whether it be Devil, superhero, soul reaper, or whatever! All you need to do is reach lvl 999 and unlock all of your slots!
Reward: Explanation, Warm Welcome
Failure: You'd have to be dead not to do this given your current situation, so...Death I guess?
After examining these pop-ups for a solid minute or so, I pretty much figured everything out, but figuring this out left me with more questions. I knew how to work this system and why this individual gave me this power, but that confuses me even more. How could they have given me this power, why would they? These thoughts plagued my mind until I heard the door open.
Looking at the door, I saw Ruby and Yang watching me, with Yang wearing her casual clothes and Ruby wearing pajamas. Both of them looked extremely worried for some reason, oh wait, I should be dead.
"(Y/N)!!" Both Yang and Ruby dove atop of me, embracing me into a tight hug while bawling their eyes out.
"Don't do that again, you idiot!" Yang scoured as she let go and began punching me in the shoulder, all while she was still crying.
"Oh my gods wesawagiantelementaltornadoandimmedietlyrealizeditwasyouandwhenwegottherethetornadodisapearedandwefoundyoujustinthenickoftime!" Ruby spoke way to fast as she cried into my chest, but I overlooked that.
I leaned forward, feeling no pain, and kept it up until I was sitting on the bed. I looked around the room to find I was in the Xiao Rose residence's guest room, where I usually sleep when my own parents are out doing work.
Speaking of whom...
"Oh my gods (Y/N)! YourmotherandIgotacallaboutyougoingoffalonetofightsomethingreallypowerfulsowerushedhereasfastaswecould!" My father, Zeno (L/N) burst through the door with his enhanced body before tackling me along with Ruby and Yang before bursting into tears as well. "Don't do that, you're not immortal!"
"Darling, girls, please get off of (Y/N) so he could breathe." My mother, Saoirse (L/N) proceeded to walk over to me with her flying fish, turtles, and jellyfish following close behind. "(Y/N), while I think you may have been brave, you shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard."
"He almost died." Zeno pointed out in a deadpan manner, to which Saoirse nods slowly.
"I am aware, but my wrath usually results in a sea storm so I'm trying my best to remain calm about this." Saoirse explains, while a clownfish and blue tang nodded in agreement. "If I could, I would punish (Y/N) by making him swim down to the Titanic and back."
"Mrs.(L/N), you're scary when you want to be." Ruby stated in a calmed state before she wiped her eyes.
"It's to be expected I guess, I represent the oceans itself as the Queen of the Seas and daughter of Ryujin." My mother proceeded to manipulate the water around the room in the form of a serpentine dragon, showing off her powers.
"Well I'm immortal and you don't see me showing it off." Zeno got off me, before walking over to Saoirse, who was 6"2 and towered over the 5"5 man.
"If you hurt yourself intentionally, I'll never forgive you..." Saoirse avoided eye contact with the male, who was trying to look into her eyes.
I let the two keep up the show for a while before so turned my attention to the nightstand to my right, well, I was more focused on the box atop of it. It was sleek and rectangular, it's (f/c) casing was clean as it reflected the light of the room off of itself. Thankfully my lighthouses were on the ground and unharmed, but the box still confused me.
"Lord (Y/N), where in the name of Ryujin did you get that box?" Saoirse's favorite jellyfish, a man o'war by the name of Amaro, asked me as he hovered above my bed, "it looks like a..."
"Gah! Flying jellyfish!" Ruby panicked and hid behind Yang, who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, where did you get that box anyways?" Yang pointed at the (f/c) box, gaining Saoirse and Zeno's attention.
"It's likely that's his peerage set." Saoirse responded before walking over to it while I examined her fish swimming above me in midair. "How odd."
I looked over at my mother, who opened the case, with a mildly confused expression. She then showed me my set that consisted of (f/c) shogi pieces instead of the usual chess pieces.
"I think the reason you got shogi pieces is because Ryujin or Ouryuu made them?" My father guessed, causing Saoirse to give him a confused look. "Well, they are technically his grandparents and neither ever visits maybe this is their way of making up?"
She then closed the case and handed it to me before looking at the doorway. The door opened, so with curiosity getting the better of us, the rest of us turned our attention to the doorway to reveal that it was a member of Saoirse's peerage, Jinbei, her main rook.
"Master Saoirse, Lord Zeno, Young Lord (Y/N), greetings." Jinbei bowed respectively then Zeno did the same. "Master, have you explained the situation to (Y/N) yet?"
"I'm afraid not, because he just woke up." Saoirse responded as the sea turtles went over to the fish like dogs. "It probably doesn't help that he's been unconscious for three days."
"Three days?!" I shouted, falling out of the bed with my bizarre movement. "Why didn't you guys wake me up?!"
"Hold on, is it really that big of surprise you've been out that long?" Zeno questioned as he helped me to my feet, surprised by the fact I can stand on my own. "I mean, it takes up a day or two just to get here from the Coral Palace."
"We're getting off topic," Saoirse informed me and Zeno before turning her attention back to Jinbei. "Jinbei, anything to report?"
"Right, well we've already scouted enough people to fill out the entire peerage." The fish man reporting, shocking me, Yang, and Ruby. "Halibel scouted six individuals at the God of Highschool tournament, Zabuza recommended two indivudals he found the other day, Tanjiro found three people from the tower of Jahad who he thinks will be a good fit, Juvia found only one person, Esdeath found two she finds amusing, and Kisame fought three and found them satisfactory."
"Juvia only found one person?" Saoirse questioned, to which Jinbei dubbed the back of his neck. "Well, it was my fault for separating her from her husband, I'll tell her she can go home. However that's aside from the point, what are their names?"
"I've forwarded them to both you and Young Master (Y/N)'s phones." Jinbei informed us as I checked my phone to see a notification on it. "Will that be all Lady (L/N)?"
"That will be all, thank you Jinbei." She thanked the fishman before he bowed, and again my father bowed in response. "Safe travels."
"Safe travels to you and your family." Jinbei proceeded to walk out of the door before closing it, leaving the room in silence.
"Wait, why didn't I get a notification!?" Zeno shouted as his knees landed on the wood floor. "I thought we were friends, Jinbei!!"
"Zeno, sweetie, you're not going to Korea, so you having the list would be pointless." My mother reassured as she wrapped her arms around my father. "I only got it because I'm his boss."
"Wait, I'm going to Korea?" I was curious because Sacred King's is an island that is located...somewhere. "I don't think Sacred King's is in Korea?"
"It's not, but Korea acts as a kind of pit-stop for all the arrivals because Sacred King's is in Japan." Saoirse explains while making a perfect replica of Japan out of water, then she added another island not too far from it. "Japan has the most of these kinds of people, so they decided to place the island used for training close to Japan."
"So when do we leave anyways?" Yang asked the couple, none of us really caring about the island's location. "We still have to pack and get ready."
"You three leave tomorrow at 3 PM, since your plane leaves at 5 PM." Saoirse responds while some of her fish begin cleaning the room. "From the list Jinbei sent me, you will meet Seraphina and John at the airport, both of which are people who accepted the invitation after a while of convincing."
"In the meantime, your mother and I will be in the Coral Castle, which isn't too far." Zeno reassured before he whispered into my ear. "In truth, we're there because Saoirse wants to be close and keep an eye on you."
"Zeno! We're leaving." My mother was already at the door and turning a bit red. "So long (Y/N), Yang, Ruby, we'll visit more but the seas are going through a bit of trouble right now."
"Alright, hope it gets better!" Ruby waved to the woman.
"Later, Mr and Mrs.(L/N)!" Yang held up a peace sign.
"Have a safe trip." I bowed in respect similar to how Jinbei and Zeno did so earlier, earning a slight chuckle from my mother before she and Zeno left.
"Wait, where's Arthur, my familiar?" I asked before looking around the room. "Please don't tell me he tried to fight whatever you guys found over there."
"TALLY HO MOTHER FUCKA!" I heard his voice coming from above me,I leaned back to see that he was holding a pencil as he leapt from the fan in the ceiling. "This is what you get for making me worry about you!"
Before Arthur had the chance to reach my face, I grabbed his tail and held it away from my body in a sarcastic manner. It wasn't unusual for him to pull something like this, but that's because he doesn't like worrying about others and he can't help himself when he does. Totally a tsundere.
"How dare you hold a knight like me from the tail, have you no honor?" He asked as he began swinging the pencil in my direction.
"Look, I'm sorry for worrying you, but I wouldn't have to catch you by the tail if you learned how to cool it." I scolded my familiar, who dropped the pencil before I put him down next to my new evil pieces.
Should they really be called evil pieces though? I'm more like a dragon, god, immortal, hybrid thingy? Screw it, I'm calling them Draconic Pieces now.
"So...are you a devil?" Wondered Arthur, while Ruby and Yang looked at me with curious eyes.
"I'm a direct descendant of Ryujin of the Sea, that's all I know." I shrugged, causing everyone to nod understandingly. "Any more questions?"
"I have one more." Yang stepped up, with concern appearing on her face, looks like her interrogation face. "Did you unlock your ability?"
"So you guys saw it?" I looked down in defeat, to which the three nodded. "Well it's no semblance, but it's something, [Stats]."
The (f/c) pop-up appeared in front of me, I then gestured to everyone to look at it as before putting Arthur on my shoulder. I then explained to the trio on how this ability of mine works and the mysteries that lie behind it, and even how I got it.
"So you basically have this ability that allows you to get stronger and grants the ability to use different abilities such as stands, Sacred gears, zanpakutos, and so on?" Yang questioned, I nodded in response. "Geez, you got an OP ability."
"Well it needs some work, since this ability is kind of like a video game anyways." I then looked at my suitcase on the floor before realizing what needs to be done. "My newfound ability aside, I think we should start packing. After all, we're gonna be there for a while."
"Alright, later (Y/N)." Yang proceeded to walk over to the door with Ruby following close behind, probably off to head to their rooms.
"Stay safe!" Ruby ordered while I waved as they left the room.
After they left, me and Arthur began packing. I put my peerage set and Relic inside my [Inventory] for safekeeping. Just to play it safe, I decided to put my clothes and other belongings inside a rather large suitcase before researching more on my power. After some research, I decided to bring my consoles and games with me to see if I can use them in some way to increase my ability's effectiveness. Let's see how tomorrow goes, it's time to assemble my peerage I guess.
(A/N): Thank you for finishing this chapter, I'll try to improve my writing a bit as I work on this story. Also, there won't be many original skills so the name's of skills will either be from video games or will just make sense.
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