Tangled Strings
It's been around a week since Arthur had found out. And life couldn't be better. Since he knew of both Merlin's and Morgana's powers they were able to tell Arthur when things were trying to kill him, which made protecting him much easier.
But nothing stays perfect forever.
Merlin was currently walking towards the stables when Leon saw her.
"Merlin!" He cried. She turned and smiled waving at him.
"Good morning Leon." Merlin's smile turned into an amused questioning glance when she noticed he had a bouquet of flowers. "Flowers?"
Leon blushed and looked down. "Oh it's not what you think!" He rushed. "They're for Gwen, she's sick and I wanted to make her feel better."
Merlin nodded, her smile flattening a little at the mention of Gwen, she was fine just sick with a little case of the flu.
"Would you like one?" Leon asked noticing her shift in mood.
And as quickly as her smile flattened it grew once more as she nodded.
Leon then took out an orange sweet pea and placed it behind her ear. "Orange suits you."
With one last wave he walked off towards Gwen house. And Merlin made mental note to see Gwen later that day.
When Merlin followed Arthur into the council room she knew something bad had happened.
She noticed that Leon, Ewan, and Lance were standing next to Morgana and Gaius.
"Father." Arthur said with a polite nod.
"Arthur." He responded. When he looked at Merlin he nodded. Uther was weird when it came to her. He ignored her presence some days but others she was his center of attention.
"The dragon has started act out." Uther told them and everyone but Leon looked more confused than upset.
What was he doing?
"Act out?" Morgana asked her eyebrows furrowed together.
"He has been roaring loudly and demanding to speak to someone." Uther said and put his head in his hands.
"Who?" Gaius asked sharing a concerned look with Morgana.
"Oddly enough. It was Merlin. I don't know what he wants or how he even knows that Merlin exists. But he is demanding her presence immediately." Uther said looking at her expectingly.
"You want her to go?!" Arthur asked outraged.
Uther went to reason with his son but was cut off my a small voice.
"I'll go." All head turned to Merlin who looked rather calm about the entire thing.
"Merlin you can't. Who knows what he'll do to you! He could fry you the second you enter the room." Leon said walking up to her.
"What if I don't go alone? What if I take Ewan and Lancelot?" Merlin said and looked at Leon.
"The dragon will not rest until he sees her." Uther pushed. "I will not force you. But if you agree, Camelot would be grateful."
"It's settled. I'll do it, and I'll bring. Ewan and Lance." Merlin said and smiled.
"I don't like this." Lance said as they walked down into the dungeons. "He's planing something."
"What do you mean?" Ewan asked opening the door to the stairs towards the Kilgharrah's cave.
"Well," Lance started as they walked down the dark staircase. "Why be so vocal? Why cause a scene? He has always been so quiet and discreet before."
"Maybe he needs something from Uther but doesn't want us to get in trouble." Merlin suggested, but the moment it left her mouth she heard how unlikely it was.
As they entered the cave Kilgharrah smiled. "You got my message."
"No. All of Camelot got your message. What were you thinking?" Merlin hissed through gritted teeth.
"I cannot use my magic." He admitted quietly. They all stared at him shocked and worried. "Something is wrong with your destiny."
"What do you mean?" Merlin asked confused.
"Everything is wrong. You were supposed to kill Nimueh alone. The young Druid boy was not supposed to die. And Arthur is certainly not suppose to know of your magic." He told her.
"I don't understand." Merlin said and tilted her head.
"The strings that hold destiny are unwinding and you must stop it." He then lowered his head. "I must show you something."
They all stared at him shocked. They slowly climbed on top of his head. He flew them all to a small ledge of the cave.
The caves wall was covered in some sort of ice looking sheet.
"This is Urln. An magical element that dragons can create to see people's destiny." Kilgharrah said as we all hopped of his head. "But look."
The three of us turned to the wall to see a boy walking over a hill. He had black hair and blue eyes and prominent cheek bones. Who looked a lot like- "Is that supposed to be Merlin?" Ewan asked pointing to the boy.
Kilgharrah nodded. "Yes. The proficiencies all spoke of a male Emrys. There is more."
The next thing we all saw was Ewan getting killed by one of Valiants snakes. Both Merlin and Lance put a hand on Ewans arm, as if to make sure he is alive. Then they saw Morgana claim male Merlin loved Gwen, which made Merlin want to gag, when she found out about Merlins powers.
Meaning Morgana never found out in this version. They then were showed Morgana getting Mordred out of Camelot, meaning Mordred was still alive.
Then they saw male Merlin holding a dying Morgana in his arms.
The next thing they saw was Morgana, with a very evil look on her face, smile as a crown was placed upon her head.
They saw Lancelot walk into a bright light and never be seen again.
They saw Mordred and Morgana do thing after thing to try and kill Arthur and Merlin.
Then they saw a happy Arthur and a happy Gwen kiss each other, both with crowns on their head. Both Lancelot and Merlin looked at each other in pain.
They then saw male Merlin touching heads with what looked like to be a dead Arthur.
They all looked up to Kilgharrah, all with tears in their eyes.
"That was supposed to be our future." Merlin said her voice cracking at the end.
"We died." Ewan said looking at Lancelot.
"But, things have happened to cause all of this to never be. Something changed your destiny Merlin, and because of it destiny will try and balance itself back out." Kilgharrah told them and they all tilted their heads once more.
"Balance itself back?" Lancelot asked.
"Yes, it will cause people you care and love to slowly die." He said with sympathy in his voice.
"But no ones dyi-" Merlin froze and turned wide eyed to Lancelot. "Gwen."
Lancelot's face became incredibly paler. "How do we fix this?"
"I do not know." They all deflated. "But I know who does."
They all looked at him hopefully. "There is another dragon." Their eyes bulged. "She is much more knowledgeable when it comes to destinies and futures."
"How can we find her?" Merlin asked.
"All I know is that she is living in Cendreds kingdom." Kilgharrah said and secretly smirked to himself, for she was not the only one Kilgharrah hoped for her to meet.
"We must tell Morgana and Arthur." Ewan said and turned to Kilgharrah. "May we- can you-"
The dragon smiled and lowered his head.
"Cenreds kingdom?" Arthur deadpanned after Merlin finished telling him as Arthur was getting dressed for bed. "Why is it always Cenreds kingdom?"
"I wish I knew." Merlin chuckled. "But we need to figure out a story to tell your father and go find this dragon."
"Alright. What can we say?" Arthur asked and they both thought for a moment.
"We'll figures that out in the morning. For right now, sleep." She told him and forced him into bed.
"Goodnight Merlin." Arthur mumbled, already half asleep.
"Night Arthur." She said with a smile and left the room.
"An ancient flower?" Uther asked from his thrown.
Arthur nodded. "Yes. He never specified why but, he said it was of great importance."
"Who will be going with you?" Uther said standing.
"The journey will consist on me, Lancelot, Ewan, and Merlin." At Merlin's name Uther's eyebrows raised.
"Wouldn't it be improper for Merlin to join you on your quest?"
"I am from Essetir. I know the land, without me their journey could double in time." Merlin explained and Uther nodded.
"You will set out immediately. Good luck all of you." With that they all left.
When Merlin entered Gwen's house she felt her stomach drop.
Gwen laid in her bed, so pale and sweaty. She looked deathly ill.
"Merlin." Tom greeted with a nod.
"Tom, how is she?" Merlin said taking a seat at their dinner table. She smiled when she saw Leon's flowers in a vase.
"Gaius says she should be getting better soon. I can only hope." Tom said tearing up.
"I know she will get better. It's Gwen, how could she not." Merlin said and Tom smiled.
"I must go. Arthur's going on a crazy quest that I need to accompany him on." She said standing.
"Farewell Merlin. Wait I have something for you..." Tom said running to a separate part of the house.
"Here, for your travels." She then was handed a brand new cloak. "It's from Gwen, she was going to make Morgana on a as well, but never got the time."
"Thank you." She said with a hug and left to collect her things from Gaius's chambers.
Arthur walked up to Gaius's chambers and stopped as he heard voices.
"Are you sure you have enough food? I have more, you can bring the bread too." He heard Gaius say and shuffle around the room.
"Then what will you eat while I am away?" Arthur could hear the amused smirk in Merlin's voice.
"Well I'd eat... the... I do not know." He admitted with a sigh. Arthur smiled, for their relationship is so loving and caring.
"I'm sure Uther has arranged for food to be sent as well for the knights. And I'll have three expert hunters with me. I do not believe I will go hungry." Merlin said with a chuckle.
Arthur decided then was when he should make himself known. He knocked on the door and entered. "Are you almost ready?"
He smiled at the sight of her. She had on her normal red shirt, brown jacket, and black pants. With her signature neckerchief. Her hair was in a braid down the back of her head, much like Morgana's when she was battle ready, he must have asked her to do it. She was beautiful.
Just like she always was.
And always will be.
"Just about. Should I bring my magic book?" She asked herself turned get to her room, where said book was kept. "No. No I should not. So yes I am ready."
"Come on. Let's go meet a dragon." Merlin smiled wickedly
They had only left a day ago when Uther and Gaius met for lunch in his personal chamber
"I figured since Merlin and Arthur are away we could keep each other company." Uther said as he pored himself wine. "Wine."
"Yes, I was beginning to become rather lonely. And yes please." Gaius took the bottle with a smile.
"So Gaius. How did Merlin end up being your apprentice?" Uther asked both for the sake of making conversation and out of genuine curiosity.
"Well, her mother is my niece. Me and my sister were never close until they both moved to the city and Hunith, my niece, started to study under me." Gaius said with a smile on her face.
"Why did they leave?" He asked trying to remember the girl. He could vaguely. She had brown hair and a nice smile. But he couldn't remember ever speaking into the girl.
"Once the purge began she left. She didn't agree with your views." Gaius said and Uther frowned. "She herself never studied magic but, had nothing against it."
"Does Merlin share her beliefs?" Uther asked sitting forward in his chair.
Giaus hesitated, already answering his question. "Yes." He said slowly. "But I do know that she is incredibly loyal to Camelot."
Uther nodded. "Why send her daughter to a kingdom she hates?"
"Well, you see Merlin is a bastard. Her father left before even Hunith herself knew of the child. I believe she wanted a better life for her daughter. And a father figure." Gaius said truthfully.
"Well, you are doing a wonderful job." Giaus smiled at his words.
"Merlin?" Arthur asked. She turned to face the prince. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
"I am pretty sure. I cannot guarantee but, I do not know. I can..." She trailed off trying to find the right word. "Feel it." She finally finished dumbly.
"Feel it?" Lancelot asked from next to her.
"I know it doesn't make sense. But something in me is telling me that their is another dragon. And that it's this way." She said pointing the way they were trotting.
"What ever you say." Ewan said and continued his horse onward.
"Uther." Morgan said with a sad smile as he entered her chambers. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Uther looked around the room to see its blue walls and white curtains. She had a vase of flowers on her table, lilies, her favorite.
"Where is your handmaiden? Um... Gwendolyn?" He asked looking around the room, noticing it's slightly messy appearance.
"She is ill. I have been doing just fine on my own." Morgana and then she sassily added. "And her name is Guinevere."
"I was close." Uther defended. And Morgana did agree, at least he had the 'Gwen' part right.
"Is there something I can do for you?" Morgana asked getting back in topic. "Sure you didn't come all this way for a handmaiden?"
"Well. In all honestly I did. Just not yours." Uther said feeling embarrassed. "I'm here to speak about Merlin."
"Merlin?" Morgana asked sitting down. She gestured for Uther to do the same.
"Yes. I understand you two have become close?" He asked sitting across from her.
"I consider her one of my closest friends. She and Gwen have helpless me tremendously. With both my personal problems as well as my contributions to Camelot." She said with a smile.
"And Arthur's relationship with her?" He asked and Morgana smirked internally.
"Their relationship goes much deeper than meets the eye."
Uther nodded. "I don't not blame him. Merlin is quite something."
"Indeed. Very kind, brave, smart. Not to mention beautiful." Morgana said with a smile. "And your thoughts on their 'relationship'?"
"I cannot say." He answered honestly as he stood. "Good night Morgana. I shall see you in the morning."
Morgana looked at the window and frowned. "It's quite early." She said and turned to Uther once more.
"I'm feeling under the weather. I'm going to see Gaius and then I'm heading off to bed." He kissed her forehead and left.
They had been traveling for hours. They were all tired and hungry. But none wanted to stop, they had to save the king.
"I say we break for the night?" Ewan asked before the sun fully went to sleep with the rest of the world. Groans of joy were heard throughout the group as they all hopped of their horses. It took some time but they eventually got all of the camp set up. They had a fire with beds wrapped around it, and a pot above the fire.
"Im starving." Arthur said as Merlin handed him a bowl with soup in it. He mumbled a thanks and stuffed his face.
"Merlin!" They all froze. That was Morgana's voice. Merlin smiled and ran over to her horse.
When she sat back down around the fire she showed the rest of the group, it was a mirror. Merlin had enchanted two, one for Morgana and one for the group to keep in touch.
"Merlin. Thank god. I've been trying this for almost an hour now." Morgana said with relief.
"What's happened?" Merlin asked. Arthur looked over Merlins shoulder to see Morgana in her room, looking incredibly worried.
"It's Uther." She started and Arthur took the mirror.
"What's wrong with father?" He asked suddenly looking paler than he had a moment ago.
"I fear that he is getting sick like Gwen is. He said he didn't feel well, and it could have been an average headache but, please just hurry. I have to go now. But I'll try and talk to you soon." Morgana's picture faded until it was just Arthur's face.
"We need to hurry. Quick the faster we rest the faster we can get going tomorrow." Lancelot said already getting his bed ready.
"Night guys." Merlin said and closed her eyes.
By the time Morgana reached Gaius's chambers she feared that he was already asleep. When she entered his chambers he wasn't in sight.
"Gaius?" She called quietly.
"Is someone there?" He called from the back room.
"Oh your here. I'm worried about Uther." Morgana cut straight to the point.
"As am I. He seems to have the same illness Gwen did. But it's still too early to tell." He said and Morgana frowned.
"Ewan! Ewan!" He woke up with a start. He went to shout but was stopped by a hand over his mouth.
Ewan looked up at the blur that was attacking him and flailed his arms in hope of waking one of the others. "Ewan is me! Lance!"
And just like that his tired vision focused on an annoyed Lancelot. He finally stopped struggling and waited for Lancelot to speak.
"Look." He said nodding towards where Merlin and Arthur fell asleep.
Ewan picked up his head and turned. And immediately started to quietly laugh.
They were cuddling. Arthur had his arm around her waist and Merlin had her hand on his chest.
"How did that happen?" Ewan whispered.
Lancelot only shrugged. "Come on."
As the walked over to the pair on the floor Arthur's eyes flew open.
The boys froze. They watched as Arthur slowly realized where he was and what he was doing. He jumped off of Merlin as if she burned him. He stood up and stared at her for a moment before turning to the pair of boys.
"Not a word of this. Ever!" Arthur threatened raising his finger at them.
"Understood. Lover boy!" Ewan said and ran as Arthur chased after him.
"What are you three doing?" They all stopped at the voice.
They all slowly turned to Merlin. Who was standing next to her bed roll with her hip to the side and arms crossed across her chest. Looking rather intimidating.
"Nothing!" They all shouted together, only causing Merlin to raise an eyebrow so high it would have made Gaius proud.
"Alright. I'm going to head to the river, You three can go hunt. And by the time your done hunting I can cook while you three bathe." Merlin said and left without another word towards the river.
"Come on lover boy. Let's go shoot a dear." Ewan said and got ready to run off, but was stopped when Arthur grabbed his shirt.
"Since Merlin is going to bathe, me and Lance are going to need a servant. You know, to carry the equipment." Arthur said with handing Ewan his crossbow. Lance smirking behind them.
"Lance?" Ewan pleaded but Lance only smiled and followed after Arthur.
They had now been traveling a total of three days. Arthur, Lance, and Ewan, following Merlin blindly.
"How far away are we?" Ewan asked.
"Close. I think..." Merlin said and looked up, studying the mountain. "I think she's in there."
The knights looked at the mountain to see a cave in the side, around half way up.
"I think we could climb that in a half day."
They urged their horses to go faster towards the mountain.
"Gaius?" Morgana called as she entered his chambers.
"Morgana. I could use your help." Gaius said holding a number of what looked to be heavy bags.
"What's wrong?" She asked taking some of the bags.
"Uther. I believe he is sick just like Gwen. He couldn't get out of bed this morning he felt so ill."
They rushed to his chambers, picking up some maids to help on the way. When they finally arrived Morgana felt tears in her eyes.
He looked awful. Worse than Gwen. But that could be because of her dark competition.
She placed the bags down and ran to her chambers, she needed to tell Merlin.
"Merlin!" Merlin pulled out her mirror to see Morgana.
"It's Uther. He looks awful. Please Merlin go faster." She pleaded and her image faded.
"Come on guys." Merlin said and they climbed faster.
By the time they reached the cave it was nearly sunset. They all entered wearily.
"Who dares to enter my cave?" A smooth (and oddly sexy) voice echoed off the walls.
The knights all took out their swords while Merlin inspected the cave. The cave was dark. And damp. Like you'd expect it to be. But it was warm. And inviting. She felt that she belonged. It was the same feeling she got when she was sitting with Gaius is his chambers reading, or when she was eating dinner with her mother.
It felt right.
"Emrys." The voice said, sounding both surprised and amused. "To what do I owe the honor?"
"I've come to ask a favor." She said weakly. She reached out behind her trying to find one of her knights.
Arthur noticed her hand and grabbed it, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
The voice gave a chuckle as she breathed fire along the walls, lighting torches along the way. Revealing her long, tall, dark red/slightly purple skin. She was beautiful. Shape similar to the great dragon but her stance and aura was different.
"What do you need?" She asked.
"My destiny has changed. Things that were destined to be are now impossible." Merlin said walking toward the dragon.
"It is not possible to change destiny." She replied sounding annoyed.
"I should have been male. Mordered should have lived. Morgana should have never found out about my magic. Lancelot should have left Camelot. Ewan should have been killed." Merlin told her and slowly the dragons face became grave with realization.
"And because of it, the people I know and love are suffering for it. Please. Tell me how to fix it." Merlin plead.
"The solution is simple. A simple spell, that can be done now. But, with great repercussions." The dragons voice became echoey and the four watched in awe as she slowly faded into nothing. "For the Once and Future king must not know of your Magic Emrys. For he shall be the last Pendragon you tell."
"I have to forget?" Arthur asked Merlin who only shrugged.
"Oblitus est arcanum, quod non habet. That is the spell you need. Now be gone. And untangle the strings of destiny." With that the lights in the cave went out.
"That was awesome!" Ewan yelled breaking the tension.
"That was pretty cool." Lancelot said laughing.
"Yes. We must get to Camelot. Quickly." Merlin said and started towards the exit of the cave.
"Why can't you make him forget now?" Ewan asked.
"Because. How can we get him home if he doesn't remember?" They all nodded in understanding.
They were home faster than they expected. Though Lance did suspect Merlin used some magic on the way back to make the ride shorter.
"You have to make Arthur forget about your magic?" Gaius asked not understanding how that would fix anything.
"Well, from what I understand something is wrong with Merlin's destiny, and some things are undo able. But having Arthur forget just puts the scale of destiny closer to balanced." Lance said and Merlin set up Arthur's cot.
Merlin handed Arthur a sleeping draught. He stared at it oddly. "What's this for?"
"Just take it." She told him with a smile. "Night Arthur."
He smiled at her and drank the entire bottle. Just before his eyes closed he watched as Merlins eyes glowed and hear "Oblitus est arcanum, quod non habet"
Uther and Gwen got better the next day. Gwen was even well enough to go back to work.
When Arthur woke up he was beyond confused. The last thing he truly remembered was going out to fight the Questing beast. Well, he remembered little things. He remembered Merlin and him going into a vault of some kind, filled with treasures. He remembered watching Merlin humiliate a street magician. He remembered him, Morgana, and Gwen laughing as Merlin grabbed his crown and made fun of him.
He remembered watching her then, smiling brightly, and wearing a crown. And just for a moment, imagined what it would have been like, if she was his queen. His wife.
But, he can't remember anything else.
When he finally opened his eyes he was met with a very bright light. "Welcome back to the land of the living!"
He could hear her smirk. "Merlin what the hell happened?"
"Don't you remember? The dragon called for us and wanted us to get him this ancient flower. But it was guarded by deadly miragilens. One of them through you back and you hit your head. We arrived back yesterday. Does your head hurt?" Merlin rambled.
"No. It feels fine." Arthur said and sat up. "But I am tired. So I think I'll go back to sleep."
Merlin laughed. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." She stood and gave his forehead a kiss and left the room. Leaving Arthur to fall asleep with a smile on his face.
"I'm honestly impressed Morgana. I though when you said that you haven't had a replacement, that this room would have been a mess. But this is quite clean." Gwen said as Merlin walked in.
"Gwen!" Merlin sighed in relief as she hugged the girl. "I, so glad your feeling better."
"It's a miracle. One day I'm on my death bed the next I'm feeling better than I did before I was sick." She said with a huge smile.
"We both are happy to have you." Morgana said and placed a hand on both girls arm. "Now, come on. Lets go for a walk."
"Just let me put this away before we leave." Gwen said picking up a basket and walking into the antechamber.
"Was it difficult?" Morgana asked Merlin in a hushed voice.
Merlin tilted her head. "Was what?"
"Having Arthur forget." Morgana replied as if it were obvious.
"Yes." She said and looked on the direction of Gwen. "I'd rather have a happy healthy Gwen and have Arthur not know. Than have Arthur know and not Gwen."
"Okay. I'm ready!" Gwen said running back into the room. She than rapped her arms through both Morgana and Merlins. "Lets go."
Oh my god! Two post in one day? After being dormant for three billion years! I know I know. I'm an awful person.
But I've gotten back into Merlin fanfics and I'm feeling my creative juices flowing! I know this chapter was on the shorter side but hey! You got two today. Two.
Again if you have any ideas for plot points, characters, or anything like that, tell me! I'm open to suggestions. I have already taken some suggestions and have placed them into the plan I have written out for this book.
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