(Chapter 6) My Poor Sweet Sister
Around lunchtime, seeing that I hadn't come down, Abigail brought my lunch to me. As I was going to take my first bite of my yummy ravioli, my phone rang, so putting my fork down, I answered the call.
What I heard next shocked me to the core. Aunt Mady told me that Everly was in the hospital and I should rush there as soon as possible.
Dropping my phone down, I felt my chest tightening as my heart raced with dread.
Racing to my car, I called aunt Mady to ask which hospital was Everly in and she told me.
Driving at a super high speed, I raced to the hospital and went to the information desk to find out where Everly's room was.
After finding out, I ran straight to her room and was in a state of shock seeing her.
She had just come out of theatre and was going to be placed on the bed in her room.
Going to the side of the bed, I helped to place her on the bed, then went outside the room to speak to the doctor who informed me that Everly had broken both her legs, from a fall.
"Broken her legs, but how?", I screeched
"Sir that is a question that you would have to ask the person who was with her", the doctor calmly replied.
Running to aunt Mady who was sitting outside, on one of the benches near Everly's room, I maintained a calmer demeanor, before bending down to her level as I asked,
"Aunt Mady, do you know what happened to Everly. Why is she in the hospital. What happened to her legs, where were you when this happened...." I kept asking as the questions kept coming out my mouth.
Taking my face in her hands, she said, "Kellen, Everly attempted to kill herself, I am so sorry but I really don't know anymore than that"
"What!, why would she do something like that to herself" I screamed because I finally reached my limit with holding my temper.
"That, is a question, you will have to ask Everly yourself my dear", she whispered as she started crying once again.
Rising up, I started pacing up and down, thinking to myself, how long more would it be before Everly wakes up... to get the answers I need.
Panic stricken and filled with absolute grief, I went to call my grandma from my car phone to let her know what was going on.
I knew my grandma would question me about where I was when this happened and I decided to tell her half the truth, that I was at our family home leaving Everly here alone.
Filled with guilt, I thereafter sat by my sister's bed side chair and cried for being a useless elder brother. Instead of taking care of my sister, I was more interested in nursing my own broken heart.
Questions kept running around my mind about what made Everly do this, what drove her to it, where was her boyfriend when this happened, could he have possibly have done this to her, where was Aunt Mady when it happened, why didn't Everly speak to me about what was going on?, the questions just refused to stop coming.
I stayed with Everly that night and woke up in the morning when I felt her moving her fingers away from mine to wipe her eyes.
Taking her face in my hands, I placed my forehead against hers as we both cried at her situation.
By lunchtime, she started speaking to me, asking if grandma knows what happened to her, to which I told her "Yes"
Straight after, her tears wouldn't stop.
After a few moments, she finally told me the entire story of what happened, how her boyfriend cheated on her and how she decided to end her life.
Wanting to kill him for doing this to her, I calmly asked her," Why did you not come to me Everly, why did you decide to deal with this by yourself, if you only decided to speak to me, we both could have found a solution together.
I would have helped you baby. Why did you not trust me enough to help?", I sobbed to her.
Holding each other, after a little while, we managed to calm each other down before letting go.
Getting up from the chair, I walked to the window and gazed outside at a little girl with a bandage around her head, covering a chunk of her skull that was missing (it was obvious from seeing the dent on her head), walking with her mum, giggling at whatever her mum was telling her.
I felt my heart constrict with sympathy for the little girl. She is so young and I wonder, what is wrong with her, why she has a part of her skull missing.
Still somehow her mum, made her feel better and despite her situation, she is laughing.
Smiling to myself, I couldn't help thinking of the wonders a mother can do for her child.
Maybe if my mum was alive, Everly would have spoken to her and not tried to end her life.
At the end of the day, Everly only has me to speak to, but it seemed like I was not good enough.
I should never have left Everly alone, I should have held back my own feelings and stayed with my sister, I really was the worst brother ever.
Turning back to Everly, I knew I needed to be a better brother and I was going to be because she was all that mattered to me, nobody else.
Looking at her, I told her, I will be back a little later because I had somethings to sort out.
After calming her down and getting her to sleep, I left.
Going to my old home, I parked my car and went inside to see aunt Mady. As soon as she saw me, she started crying.
Getting her to calm down, I asked her if she knew where Everly's boyfriend stayed. Pointing straight to Rayne's house, she told me that was where he lived, and that he was my girlfriend's brother.
Feeling like steam was literally coming out my ears, I went up to my room and thought about this whole situation, both brother and sister have fooled my sister and I.
I needed to think carefully about the right way to solve this matter. On how to get Everly and I, the justice we deserved.
The weeks went by fast and finally Everly got discharged from the hospital.
I paid extra attention to her when she came home and watched her helplessly get use to being permanently in a wheelchair.
I couldn't help feeling pity for my sister as she battled around.
Every night, when I went to bed, I could not stop the pain from overpowering me, over the state my sister was in.
When I become King, I would make sure I found Everly a good guy who would love her regardless of her disability or if she was fine with staying with me, I would spend my life caring for her every need......
It came to me one night, as I was sitting in my balcony, how I could help my sister get her revenge on Rayne's family.
I just needed to put my plan into motion, starting with Rayne. I was going to make her suffer for what she and her brother did to my sister and I.
I went into my bedroom and messaged Rayne, letting her know, I was back in town and wanted to meet up with her. I ended my message with I loved and missed her so much.
I waited for her reply but nothing came. Feeling defeated at the moment, I went to bed.
The next morning, there was still no reply from Rayne, so I decided to go and find her.
That afternoon I went to her college to wait for her. Seeing her coming out, I felt my blood boil thinking of her deception towards me and what her brother made my sister go through.
Putting all that aside, I went up to her. When she realized I was there, she walked past me, ignoring the fact that I was there for her.
Going behind her, I reached out and pulled her hand to stop her.
I guess she didn't want to cause a scene, so she stopped and waited until we were alone. Then she looked at me and told me there was nothing left to be said between us.
I just up and left her without a word about when I would return.
Asking if I could explain myself, I could see the conflict she had going on with her thoughts, so I pressed further to get her to agree, finally she agreed to let me drive her home.
Once we got into the car, I drove us to the park, where I lead us to the nearest bench. I then told Rayne how sorry I really was and further explained about my grandma being ill and I had to rush to go and get her treated.
A little white lie won't hurt, I thought to myself, once I succeed in my revenge, it would then be worth it in the end.
I played my sympathy card with Rayne so well, that she forgave me instantly and asked me to promise to never do it again.
That night I took Rayne out for dinner and showed her the surprise fireworks display I had arranged for her.
Soon after as we went into my car to head home, I pulled her face towards mine and I started kissing her, moving onto her neck, whilst letting my hands explore her breasts.
I noticed she was enjoying it, because of the moans that escaped her lips.
Putting my hands inside her top, I proceeded to pull one of her breasts out but she held my hand to stop me.
Looking at me, she told me, it was getting late and we should head back home, which I reluctantly agreed to.
Once she reached home, she opened her door to jump off but turned to me and said she would like me to meet her family on Saturday.
Telling her I would love to, she kissed my lips and jumped out.
That night, I laid awake, looking at my ceiling, while my thoughts of Everly consumed me, until I fell off to sleep.
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