(Chapter 25) Finding Her
Arriving back at the palace, I knew that Rayne must be asleep, so I went into my room to shower and sleep as well.
Looking at the made bed, I checked inside the bathroom, but she wasn't there, going inside her closet, I decided to check there.
Stepping inside, I saw that her clothes were gone, not all but her casual clothes were not there, just her evening gowns and shoes, were there still.
Feeling myself panick, I ran to grandma's room to ask her if she had seen Rayne, but she said she hadn't, running to Everly's room, she said the same thing, she didn't see Rayne at all.
Telling Everly she must have gone to get ice-cream, so I would just wait for her in my room, I left her room. Outside, my heart was beating so fast, as I went to the security guards at the gate, but they said they didn't see her go out.
They only saw Everly's car drive out.
Knowing it was definitely Rayne, I jumped into my car and sped off checking around for Everly's car, but nothing was seen. Going back to the palace where I had forgotten my phone, I picked it up and dialed my investigator, asking him to track Everly's car.
Telling me he is on it, I cut the call.
Fearing that Rayne has finally had enough of me and left me.
How am I going to live without her. My fear soon turned into anger, anger that she dared to leave me before I could finish my revenge on her.
With those thoughts, I went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up and called my investigator who told me that last night around 1pm, the tracker on the car was thrown in an open field about 5 km's from the palace.
Fearing something bad could have happened, I jumped out of bed and ran to where the tracker was found.
Looking around, I didn't find any evidence of a struggle or anything strange.
Actually I found no evidence of Rayne being there.
Going back to the palace, I decided to drive back out, to Bianca's place.
Getting there, I knocked on the door. Bianca came to open and saw it was me.
Stepping outside, she pulled the door behind her as she got ready to speak.
"Look Prince, I know why you are here" she said
"Is she here?", I asked
"Yes she is here, she came here early this morning and hasn't stopped crying, it's only been a few minutes now that I got her to calm down and go to sleep, so I suggest you leave before things gets worst. I don't know what could have happened between you both, but you really did a job on her. Please just leave and I will let you know when she is awake and feeling better, then you can come and speak to her."
Nodding my head, I told Bianca to please notify me when she is awake.
Walking back to my car, I couldn't help feeling depressed and angry that she thought of leaving me....
Waking up this morning, I got out of bed and saw Dario and Aria at the breakfast table.
Looking at them, once again the tears threatened to fall, because I really wished for what they had.
Looking away, I told them that I needed to go and thanked them for allowing me into their home.
Asking me if I won't eat, I replied "No, but thank you for your generosity towards me."
Aria rushed to me and gave me a hug as well as Dario who kinda like pressed my breasts against him, when he hugged me before I pulled myself away.
Saying goodbye, I walked out, got into the car and drove to the only other person I know besides the palace people.
Once I got there, I noticed the time was 4am, so I apologized and ended up crying to Bianca, asking if I could stay there until I knew what to do with my life.
Agreeing, she held me in her arms as I cried my heart out, telling her, "I know I am supposed to be strong but I am not, over and over again."
Telling me to harsh now, I placed my head on her lap, as she ran her fingers through my hair, trying to calm me down. After what felt like hours, I finally managed to calm down, as I felt myself fall asleep.
When I awoke, I felt all my problems hit me at once.
Crying out loud, Bianca came running to me, holding me tight.
Trying to calm me down but I didn't stop, it felt like hours had past and still I could not get over the pain he caused me, by being so horrible to me.
Once I managed to calm down, Bianca came and sat in front of me, taking my hands into hers, as she looked at me, she said, "Rayne, i need you to speak to me and tell me, What happened, please so I can understand what is going on?"
Gazing up at Bianca, I told her about what a lovely weekend, I had with Kellen and how loving he was, then suddenly last night after we ate dinner, his mood changed towards me, when I went to the room, he squeezed my neck so tight and after that he raped me.
I told her about how I begged him to stop but he didn't, I couldn't even go on because I was crying so much from the hurt and pain I felt.
Holding me tight, Bianca kept repeating over and over, how sorry she was.
She then told me about Kellen coming over to check if I was there and she telling him, I was asleep and she will let him know when I wake up.
Looking at me with tears in her eyes, she asked me if I was hungry but I said I wasn't, then she said why don't I sleep, she needs to sort out some stuff then she will be back.
Letting her go I went back to sleep because that was the only thing that stopped the pain from coming back.
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