(Chapter 2) Getting To Know Each Other, OUR BEGINNING
"Hi, my name is Rayne", she said
Clearing my throat, I told her my name was Kellen.
"Kellen wow, what a lovely name you have", she replied
Smiling at her, I said "But not as lovely as you are"
Blushing at my words, she asked if we could carry on swimming, to which I replied, "Definitely"
It felt like hours we were out in the water, fooling around before we decided to head back to our towels and stuff.
Climbing up first, I held out my hand to give her a lift up, which she gladly accepted and I pulled her up.
Going for her towel, she took it and wiped off her wet skin, thereafter she placed her towel down on a flat surface and laid on it. Going next to her with my towel, I sat down beside her.
Together we sat, spoke about ourselves and got to know each other a bit better.
We took turns asking each other questions.
By the time it was time to leave, we parted as friends after learning all that we could about the other.
Going our separate ways or should I say the same way, we didn't seem to take notice.
Arriving at our houses, we went in without looking back.
For the next couple of days we met each other in the same place and spent our time together having fun. Rayne was a very adventurous girl and I soon learnt about how much she loved exploring.
She told me that she lived with her parents and her brother and I told her about my parents accident and about my sister and grandma as well and just like that the days went by... .
After spending weeks together at the beach, one day, I told Rayne I would give her a lift home, to which she agreed to.
Jumping into my car, Rayne directed me to her house from the beach.
Noticing we were going in the same direction as my house. I stayed silent and waited for her to tell me when to stop....
As we approached my house, she asked me to stop.
Looking at her like she was playing a prank on me, I waited for her to speak.
She pointed to the house directly opposite my house and said that was her house. Kissing me on the cheek, she opened her door and stepped out, waving goodbye.
She then opened her gate and went into her house, closing the door behind her.
Trying to get over the fact that we were neighbors and didn't realise it, I drove into my driveway, parked, then jumped out my car and went inside.
As I got to my room, I couldn't help looking out my balcony glass door and into her bedroom window.
I saw her light on and the silhouette of her as I have seen every night since I have moved here. It's just that I could never have imagined it could possibly be her....
Face-palming myself, I carried on watching her silhouette as she was undressing herself.
More days went by and we still met each other at the beach, but it was on that one particular day that I decided to push my fears aside and do what I really wanted to do.
As we were both swimming together, I grabbed her around her waist and made her stop.
Looking at me to see what I was doing, she was about to say something but I didn't give her the chance to, before I pulled her body against mine and locked my lips with her's.
Opening my mouth a little, I applied abit of pressure on her bottom lip, causing her mouth to open enough, to allow my tongue entry.
She did not pull away but instead kissed me back. After what felt like minutes only, she pulled away. Looking into my eyes, she smiled at me, then turned around and swam to the surface before picking herself up and climbing up the rock to where our towels were.
She took her towel and wiped her hair before wiping her face and neck.
By that time, I was already out and walking towards her. Picking up my own towel, I brought it to my face, wiping away the water droplets from me, all the while my eyes not leaving her's.
She took her towel and placed it down, then went to lay on it. As she laid down, she closed her eyes but I wasn't having any of it, I went to her and captured her lips once again, this time she tried to push me away but I held her hands down, so she had no choice but to open up for me.
As our tongues fought for dominance, I let go of her hands and she wrapped it around my neck.
Soon my lips left her lips and moved down to her neck, biting, sucking and licking her skin, while my hands caressed her breasts. Thinking back to how I watched her every night undress, I couldn't seem to find control over my lust for her as my hands soon found its way down to her thighs as my lips kissed the top of her cleavage.
I guess feeling my hands move up her thighs, made her fully aware of where my hands were traveling to and she managed to push me away.
Getting up from her towel, she told me she has to go.
Without waiting for my reply, she grabbed her bag and ran off.
Coming down from my high, I picked up my stuff and walked to my car to go home. As I walked into my balcony that night, I watched her arrive home and go to her room, switching on her light and undressing herself.
With a major erection in my pants, I went to shower before bed.
As I lay in bed, I thought to myself about the person I was becoming, waiting every night to see a girl undressing, waiting for her at the beach every single day, just to spend time with her, wanting to know more about her, just listening to the things that fascinate her, got me more intrigued in her.
It's like I wanted to know more about her and the person she really is more and more.
I loved listening to her voice as she told me the things she wants in life.
Finding out about her wanting to become a gynaecologist and wanting to help so many single mother's cope and deal with pregnancy issues.
It's like she is meant to be with me.
The compassion, love and sincerity in her eyes, everytime she spoke of her goals, kept me hooked.
Since we were friends, we both shared our goals and dreams in life with each other and I found that she loves helping others around her.
Giving her the best advice, I could give anyone, I told her to never give up on her dreams and it will definitely manifest one day.
Thinking back about today, how I forced myself on her until she decided to walk away.
I was becoming obsessed with her and I had no control over everything I was doing, still I feel I should apologise to her and let her know my feelings for her.
The very next day I went to the beach to see her again, but she didn't come, everyday after that I went but she did not come until finally after a week, I decided to go to her house to speak to her.
As I knocked on her front door, a lady who looked like Rayne but an older version instead opened the door. She had dark brown wavy hair and green eyes, I am guessing that it is her mother.
"Hello", she said
"Good day Mam, can I please speak to Rayne" I said
"Rayne isn't here!" "And who may I ask, are you?" the lady questioned
"Mam, I am Rayne's friend and just wanted to speak to her" I told her....
"Sorry she isn't in", the lady said and shut the door on my face.
Turning around and walking back to my house, I knew Rayne was avoiding me so I just needed to find the right time to get to her where she would not be able to hide from me.
That night I remember waiting for her but she didn't come home or most probably was already home in her room.
Finally giving up, I went to bed and got up early in the morning when I heard her voice outside.
Going to my balcony, I saw her jumping out a car, I couldn't see inside the car because of the tinted windows, so I have no idea whose car that was.
Watching her go inside her house, I knew she was going to go and change before going for her classes.
Within no time, I took a quick shower and dressed before hearing her voice again, telling someone she was leaving.
Jumping into my sister's jeep, I followed the car that she got into.
Seeing her jump out, I waited until the coast was clear and she was alone before exiting my vehicle and running up to her.
"Rayne, Rayne", I called
Turning back with a surprised look, she stopped and waited for me.
"What are you doing here, Kellen", she asked
"I need to speak to you", I told her
"About what?" she asked
I avoided answering her question and asked instead, "Is there any place, we could go to for about 10 mins, to just talk, nothing else please, I have something I need to tell you urgently" , I said
"I do know of a place" , she answered back
"Lead the way then."
Walking behind Rayne, I watched her sway her butt as she walked.
Feeling the growing length inside my pants, I quickly tried thinking of something else to ease it down.
Finally reaching a small room, Rayne stopped and turned to me,
"So Kellen we can talk now, what did you want to tell me?", she questioned
"Well Rayne, I wanted to speak to you about my side of things, I want to explain myself"
"What's about it?", she asked
"Well you see, Rayne, I love spending time with you, everything about you fascinates me, and each day that I spend with you, I want more of those days, I want to get to know you more.
Getting to know you and the person you are, brings about feelings in me, that I can't explain.
I have never felt like this before and as much as it scares the shit out of me, I want to also see where it could lead. So what I am saying is that, I really like you and would like to date you", I proclaimed confidently
Looking at me, she said "Kellen firstly what happened between us was a mistake, it can't happen again, and about you wanting to date me, sorry but I don't date" she stated
"Why, give me a good reason why, you can't give me a chance?", I questioned
"Kellen as charming as you are, I have values for myself, I believe in saving myself for my husband and when I do meet him, I will know, till then, I am not dating!"
"What if I can make you change your mind?", I said
"Nothing would change my mind, Kellen", she laughed out
"Never say never baby" , I smiled and told her.
In my mind I knew I would go to any length to make her mine and I already had a plan in mind.
We both thereafter went our separate ways.
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