(Chapter 18) Regret, In A Way Yes And No...
As I woke up on this beautiful morning, all I could think about, was last night.
The amount of love my husband showed me, in every way possible.
Smiling to myself, I suddenly noticed that this morning felt different from my other mornings, normally when I wake up, I am always tucked into Kellen's chest as he holds me, thinking I am asleep but I am really awake.
Pretending like I am asleep, he always wakes up, kisses my forehead, then goes to shower.
Today I awoke very early but he isn't here, why?...
Waking up and looking around, I noticed Kellen was standing in front of the mirror putting his tie on.
Mumbling "Good morning" to him, he just ignored me.
I watched as he carried on doing things around the room as he got ready.
When he was ready to leave, I asked him, "Are things fine between us, Kellen?"
"Why?, Did you suddenly feel since I spent the night with you, I would want to have something to do with you afterwards?" he questioned.
Keeping quite as I looked down, I heard him say, "You shouldn't have any expectations from me. I did you the favor of marrying you, so the least you could do is satisfy my needs, unless you prefer me going and looking for someone else."
With a heated glare on my face, I told him, "Why don't you do that then", with that said, I got up from the bed covering myself up and went into the bathroom.
What did he think of himself, the bloody nerve of this man.
I brushed my teeth and turned the shower on, as I was about to go in, I heard the door opening.
Looking at Kellen coming in, I opened the shower cubicle door and was about to step in, when I felt Kellen, come and grab me, pushing me against the shower door, he kissed me, on my neck, murmuring, I am not entirely sure what, between kisses, as his hand moves between my legs.
Stretching my legs apart, he said "You see my dear wife, everything on you belongs to me, it's mine, so I won't be finding someone else, I will take it from you and you will give it to me?", he whispered in my ears as he stroked and teased me.
Feeling like putty in his hands, I nodded my head as I was on the verge of coming due to his skilled fingers tormenting me.
He then carried me up and placed me on the sink, as his fingers continued torturing me.
Taking my nipple in his mouth, he sucked it and then bit down, causing my wall to tighten around his finger inside me, doing the same on the other side, which caused me to moan loudly.
Not being able to take it any longer, I gripped his hair as I finally let go of my orgasm as I came right there on Kellen's fingers.
After coming down from my high, he put me down, washed his hands with soap and simply walked away, closing the door behind him.
Feeling so stupid for allowing him to have that effect on my body, I went into the shower, allowing the water to rain on me, as I felt the tears run down my face.
How could I allow him to have that effect on me?
Why was I so weak that I couldn't stop him?
Did I regret what we did, Yes in a way but did I regret the hold he has on my body, Hell No, I did not, because I loved that man with every part of me and my body was made only for his taking.
Feeling so cheap and used, I knew I had to make myself stronger, I had to fight these feelings and take a stand against his treatments towards me.
With those last thoughts in my head, I scrubbed myself and got out.
Going out, I noticed that Kellen was no longer there, feeling abit of relief, I got dressed and went out.
Going into the kitchen, I made myself something to eat.
After I was done eating, I cleaned up my mess, then went up to my room to fetch my bag before going out.
I still had to find Bianca a new home. I remember seeing an ad for a rental near town, so I decided to go and see it.
Going to the palace driver, I asked if he could take me into town, because I needed to do something there.
Fetching me from the entrance of the palace, he drove me into town and I got to work sorting out the place for Bianca and her daughter.
Once I was done and received the keys to Bianca's new house, I went to the shelter to find her.
After finding Bianca, I asked her if she would like the job of being my private maid in the palace. Telling her how much I am willing to pay her, I then took her to her new house to show her it.
Looking at me with utter happiness, she and her daughter came and hugged me.
Smiling at them, I asked the little girl if she wanted to go to school from tomorrow and she jumped with joy at that.
She told me, she wanted to and I told her to come with her mother tomorrow to the palace and I will take her to her new school.
Due to it being lunchtime, I told Bianca to clean up herself and her daughter, then I will be back to take her to the hospital for her ultrasound and straight after for lunch.
Loving that idea, they both agreed as I left.
Walking into town, I started looking at the people around, examining their daily life activities.
Going up to a few people, I spoke to them about this country, letting them know that I was a tourist visiting, they started opening up about the problems they were dealing with.
Making a mental note, I listened for a while, before excusing myself.
Seeing a clothing store, I went in to purchase some some clothes for Bianca and her daughter to get them started.
I knew that the money I was using was the money my dad had given me to start up my own practise after I had completed school, but since I dropped out, I felt maybe it would be better to help Bianca sort out her life with part of the money.
When I had questioned Bianca about their situation, she had told me a couple months prior to us meeting, her husband passed in a car accident, then she lost her house and everything, so she and her daughter ended up on the streets, only after a few days she found out she was pregnant.
For both her unborn and her little girl's sakes, she decided she was going to find a way out but things just getting tougher for her.
I knew she was speaking the truth, because the investigator that Kellen, hired reported back to us that same evening, the exact information that Bianca was telling me.
Thinking about her story, I knew I made the right choice in doing this for her. Deciding to check a few more shops for stuff for Bianca, I shopped a little more, then went to pick up Bianca for her appointment after showing her all the stuff I had gotten for them.
After showing me their gratitude, I told them it isn't needed, I am only glad to help them.
Walking them to my car, I asked the driver to please take us to the hospital where I had booked Bianca's scan.
Going in with her, her ultrasound showed she was having a baby boy and that just thrilled us all in the room present.
Taking Bianca's hand in mine, I told her how happy I was for her and I truly wished her baby would bring her endless luck.
After we were done, I asked Lucia to tell me what she felt eating.
Jumping up and down, absolutely ecstatic, she told me "Pizza please"
Asking Bianca if that was fine, she agreed, so we went to find a pizza place to eat.
Having found one, we sat down and ate.
Finishing up, I gave Bianca some money to get something for them for supper, then proceeded to take them home.
Getting them home, I told Bianca, I will arrange for them to be picked up in the morning, then left to go back to the palace.
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