Terms, Gear and Aspects
A/N: If I'm wrong comment me on it and I'll fix it lol unless it's a red-herring I intentionally put in for those who don't read the book 😏
N/C: Stands for Non-canon, I implemented it.
The Black Rose Society (N/C): With Maven's rise to power to Jarl she created the Black Rose Organization to spy and/or assassinate people she doesn't like. The organization is dwarfing the Dark Brotherhood and provides stiff competition for both the Thieves Guild and the Brotherhood. (The MC never worked for the Brotherhood.)
(N/C) War-shock: TES equivalent to Shell Shock. Shell shock was PTSD during WW1 when the tendencies of recovering Shell Shock victims were deemed "unmanly" by some.
(N/C) Old Nirn: Lets be honest, if you tried to read a real Old English book, Bible, whatever you'd have trouble finding out what it said. This was just a playful jab at this really insignificant plot hole. It's the TES equivalent to Old English.
(N/C) Crocodile Tears, though there might be crocodiles in the oasis' of Hammerfell or the Ali'kr: dragons, when feeding or in great pain, like being hit with dragonrend, have this semblance of crocodiles.
The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey, and as such is present in many modern languages, especially in Europe where it was introduced through Latin. While crocodiles do have tear ducts, they weep to lubricate their eyes, typically when they have been out of water for a long time and their eyes begin to dry out. However, evidence suggests this could also be triggered by feeding.
(N/C) Daedric Fire: TES equivalent to Greek Fire
Bound armor: Just like the weapons it's daedric in design and glows an ethereal blue. Bound items during the 3rd Era (Morrowind game) came with boosts like bound boots increased speed.
Old English (N/C)
Wherefore: for what? Or why? (i.e. Wherefore don't you understand old English? Just an example lol)
Thou:—pronoun,singular, nominative thou; possessive thy or thine; objective thee; plural, nominative you or ye; possessive your or yours; objective you or ye. (i.e. "THOU SHALT NOT PAAAASSSS!" Lol)
Dos't- don't (i.e. Wherefore dos't thou not understand Old English? Lol)
Doest: do or doing but it's rather flexible, (i.e. What kind of fiend doest this sort of evil? Or What doest thou?)
Important Deities
Akatosh: God-parent of dragons and Dragonborn, Alduin boasted of being the firstborn of Akatosh and was esteemed somewhat as a deity or equivalent to Akatosh until he was slain. Auri-El is another interpretation of Akatosh, and is mentioned mostly in the Dawnstar DLC.
Hermaeus Mora aka Herma-Mora: Prince of Fate, Memory and Forbidden Knowledge and his world of Apocrypha is a pool of ALL knowledge. The knowledge of the path to immortality is undoubtedly in Apocrypha and at Hermaeus Mora's disposal. He is the oldest of the Daedra formed by the scrapped ideas of the Aedra when creating life.
Meridia: Is a daedric prince of purity
Boethiah: Daedric prince of deceit, conspiracy, treachery and sedition
Mara: the deity involved with love and matrimony.
Nocturnal: The deity that watches over thieves, provides luck, and is patron of the Nightingales. The High King, aka Talion is a Nightingale.
Talos: Hero deity who supposedly was once Tiber Septim but ascended. Two stories of his Ascension are told in conflict with one another but both are relatively the same. Tiber Septim started the empire, was Dragonborn and conquered all Tamriel. In the Nord Version he was a Nord, but in the Imperial Version he was a Breton... just like Talion.
Molag Bal: Father of rape, and vampirism. He rules over Coldharbour and Daedroth amongst others are servants to him.
Clavicus Vile: Creator of the Rueful Axe among other powerful weapons such as Umbra.
Hircecne: Patron of werewolves and the Wild Hunt. Hircecne's last BloodMoon was in Morrowind is he going to call another?
(N/C) Altraius Morax: an illegitimate son of Hermaeus Mora with (spoiler.) This is a teaser...
(N/C) Medieval coif, mail worn on the head that helps to protect the neck. The MC has a mail shirt and coif hood under Ebony plates but his Ebony Mail is a special armor from Boethiah. Here's a pick of a coif:
The two-handed Bloodskal blade. After experienced use the MC has developed the ability to briefly use the sword in one hand to cast a fast spell.
The single handed weapons cause lesser undead to flee and have a chance to cause an explosion when killing undead. They also deal fire damage.
The Rueful Axe (Two-handed)
Dragonbane (one-handed) {two handed for Paarthurnax Jr.}
Ebony Mail
List: Volsung, Vokun, Otar, Morokei, Rahgot, Nahkriin, Krosis, Hevnoraak, Konahrik, the wooden mask, and Zahkriisos.
The Wooden Mask
Enchantment: Its labeled as "Bromjunaar's Mystery" and besides the time travel at the Labyrinthian there are no special abilities... unless corrupted by a powerful force...
Chaurus + Chaurus Hunters
Winged Twilight
Golden Saint
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