Old Friends
Sunlight shone down warmly on her dark skin as she slept soundly, her long curly black hair sprawled around her head like a halo, her large, three teared black wings were lazily laying about, one set was over her small body, the other hanging off the bed.
Music abruptly cut through the silence, loudly blaring from her nightstand. Her face scrunched up in disdain as her small hand patted the table for the loud device. Once she found it, she opened an eye to see who she'd have to kill for waking her.
She sighed softly, "G'morning, Lijah.." she hummed, sleepily, lazily holding the phone to her ear, "Good morning, Grace. My apologies for waking you." her best friend mused, making her smile.
"Mm.. it's fine. What do you need, Lijah?" she inquired, reluctantly pushing herself up, her free hand rubbed her tired eyes before moving the warm blanket off her petite figure. "How would you feel about being my date to a ball?" he questioned.
"Lord.. we haven't been to a ball together in ages!" she giggled, "I'd love too, what's the occasion?"
"I've finally been able to wake my siblings. Did I not promise to let you meet them once I had?" the second eldest male Original chuckled, she squealed in delight, "Oh! Lijah, I'm so excited! Text me the details, I'll be down there soon!"
He laughed, "Of course, I'll see you soon." "Bye-bye!" she chirped, happily rocking on her heels as they hung up, she excitedly tossed her phone onto her bed and rushed to get ready.
She quickly showered and dressed in light washed jean shorts, a white tunic top, and sandals. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail before packing a bag and snatching her phone.
Her smile grew at the text her best friend had sent, her heart fluttering in excitement.
In the midst of her exhilaration, she teleported to the address he'd sent. She tilted her head in amazement at the beautiful mansion that towered over her.
The small woman padded up to the front door and gently knocked on the door.
Seconds later the door swung open, revealing a brunet man in a suit, he smirked down at her and leaned against the door frame, "Hello, who might you be darling?" he mused, she gave him a warm smile, "Charlotte Dusk.. is Elijah home?"
"No. But I could keep you company if you'd like~" he purred, she tilted her head with furrowed brows, "Kol, leave her alone." a blonde snapped, whacking the brunet upside the head, he huffed and walked off. Charlotte looked to the blonde with an expression of child-like wonder and awe.
"Charlotte, yes?" the blonde mused, making the ebony girl nod with an innocent grin, "Mhm!" "Come on, you can wait for Elijah inside. He'll be a while."
Charlotte obliged, "You're.. Rebekah, right?" she inquired as the blonde shut the door, "Correct." she confirmed, the smaller woman beamed, "It's nice to finally meet you, Rebekah!" she chirped, earning a soft smile from the Mikaelson girl.
The elder of the two guided the younger to a foyer, where Kol stood in front of a mirror, and another man stood leaning against a wall.
"It's nice to finally have another girl around here." Rebekah sighed, sitting down so a compelled woman could continue painting her nails.
Charlotte giggled as Kol mocked Rebekah by using his hands to copy everything she said. The youngest Mikaelson male smirked at the achievement, his interest in Elijah's friend was piqued and it wouldn't cease until he learned more about her.
"Who might you be?" Finn inquired, eyeing the small dark-skinned girl, "Oh, I'm Charlotte Dusk." she smiled warmly, padding over to the eldest Mikaelson male, "You're.. Finn, yes?"
He nodded, watching as she smiled happily and clapped her hands together, "Elijah's told me so much about all of you. I'm so happy to finally meet you!" she chirped excitedly.
Finn couldn't help but smile at the small woman. 'Maybe being a vampire isn't so bad..' he thought to himself, watching the dark skinned girl start rocking on her feet.
"Rebekah, Charlotte? Tell me how handsome I am." Kol mused, staring at Charlotte through the mirror, she giggled, "I can't be compelled, Kol." she teased, Rebekah laughed whilst Finn stifled one of his own with a grin.
Before Kol could respond, Klaus stormed into the room and stopped in front of the youngest Mikaelson, glaring at her. "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?!" he growled, Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Here we go." Finn lightly pulled Charlotte behind him, not wanting her to get hurt because of his brother.
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" the hybrid threatened, Charlotte frowned, "That one must be Niklaus.." she mumbled, "He sucks at first impressions." Finn chuckled softly at her comment. The three younger siblings looked at the two with wide eyes.
Klaus glared at Charlotte, "Who are you?" he demanded, flashing in front of her, she yelped at the sudden action and disappeared, reappearing beside Kol.
"Do not attack her, Niklaus." Elijah warned, wondering into the room, Charlotte squealed happily and launched herself at her suited friend.
The Noble Original laughed as he caught his small friend. To say it was a strange sight for the siblings was an understatement.
"It's nice to see you too, my friend." Elijah mused and lightly kissed her head, she giggled, "It's been so long, Lijah. About three centuries I think?" she pondered after pulling away, "Two and a half." he corrected, earning another giggle from her.
"How did you two meet?" Rebekah inquired, eyeing the two friends, "Charlotte saved my life." Elijah stated, "Mikael had cornered me when I was alone, and she had gotten rid of him."
"How?" Klaus exasperated, eyeing the seemingly harmless girl, she looked at Elijah, "Should I show them?" "It would be wise." he nodded, she hummed and flashed in front of each of the siblings, lightly touching two fingers to their foreheads.
"What was that?" Kol inquired, tilting his head, she smiled and snapped her fingers, revealing her wings to them.
Rebekah gasped, "Y.. You're an angel?!"
"Well... I'm only half. My Mama was an Elemental, but my papa was an archangel. Speaking of which, have you gotten a lead yet, Lijah?" Charlotte inquired, looking up at the Noble man with wide wonder-filled eyes.
"I've gotten into contact with two hunters who might be able to assist us." he informed, she beamed, hugging him once again, "Thank you, Lijah!"
Elijah pat her head as he took in the confused and astonished looks his siblings bore. He inwardly smirked, "Charlotte has yet to meet her father. She's been looking for him her entire life." he informed, earning nods from the other Originals.
Charlotte pulled back, "Lijah, is there any place in town to eat?" she inquired, tilting her head, he nodded, "Let's put your things in your room before we head out."
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