Me: Final Lock down chapter.
Billy: Finally...
Me: *plays the Animaniacs*
Kids: *shuts up immediately*
Y/N's P.O.V
We woke up to the sound on knocking, I got up and stretched, I looked at the door, the principal was there smiling at us. I got up and walked over to him "Good morning, Mr. Gunsmith." I said rubbing my eye, he smiled "I take it you and the kids had some bonding time?" he asked me. I nodded "Yes, sir, we had a great time too." I said and turned to the now awake kids, I glanced at Nugget to see his bandages were once again covered in blood. "What happened to him?" Mr. Gunsmith asked me pointing to Nugget, I had to think fast "He hit his head on the flood when he rolled off two nights ago." I said not adding the fact Buggs brought a weapon to school.
Mr. Gunsmith nodded "As long as he didn't lose another screw we're good." he whispered to me, Nugget walked up to us with Lily next to him "Good morning, Mr. Gunsmith!" the two said in a tired voice, Jerome ran and hugged his dad "Morn' dad!" he said. Mr. Gunsmith hugged his son back "Have you kids been good to (Y/N)?" he asked them, the nodded he turned to me "Have they?" he whispered not believing them. I nodded and he sighed "Good. Now I believe it's time for class!" Mr. Gunsmith said recrossing his arms.
The kids grouned and went to their seats yawning, except Nugget and Kid. I looked at Nugget, he seemed a little dizzy, I picked him up "Nugget, are you okay?" I asked him, he shook his head. I grew worried for him, Nugget slowly closed his eyes, I bounced him trying to wake him up.
He didn't.
I looked at the principal worried "I'm taking him to the hospital." I said, Mr. Gunsmith nodded "I'll get someone to substitute for you." he said. The janitor walked down the hall "Janitor!" Mr. Gunsmith said, the old man hobbled to us "Yes, sir?" "Janitor, please watch my kids I need to talk Nugget to the hospital ASAP!" I said, janitor nodded and I ran out, now I wish I brought my car, Kid and Lily was with me, I looked both ways "Follow me!" I said as I ran across the road since it was clear. They followed behind me really nicely, we finally came to my house, I put Nugget in the back with Kid and Lily, hopped in the front, and drove to the hospital.
Lily and Kid were crying, I readjusted my rear view mirror to see them "Shhhhhh he'll be fine." I said trying to calm him, I looked at him his bandages were very bloodly and some was drip onto the seat, it was hard to look at, I started to doubt myself about it.
We finally got there, and we ran inside the emergency room, a nurse looked at me "How can I-OH MY!!" she quickly took Nugget from me "What happened to him!?" she asked as she took the very bloodly bandages off, I covered the kids' eyes. "He fell of my desk and hit the ground hard." I told her. She nodded and pick up the phone on her desk, "Dr. James report to front immediately you have a juvenile male with severe head trauma." she said, a man with black hair and blue eyes ran over to us. "Let me see." he looked at Nugget, he checked his heart beat, his eyes went wide, he looked at the nurse "Ready a patient bay and request fibulater stat!" I covered my mouth.
The doctor ran off with him, it was just me and the kids now, Lily and Kid sobbed and hugged my legs, I kneeled to their height and cried with them.
We went to a waiting room, the kids continued to cry on me, I cried with them. A few people looked at us funny, but we ignored them, a little girl walked up to us "Miss why are you crying?" she asked me. I looked at her teary eyed. I sniffed "A student of mine hit his head hard on the ground, he was hurt very badly, and we couldn't get here till now," I said in a shaky voice, Lily hugged me tighter "He bleed through his bandages a lot, this morning he pasted put in my arms." I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes leaked more and more tears. The girl sat next to me and hugged my arm "Are you Mrs. (L/N)?" she asked me, I nodded to her, "So you're my brother's teacher, I'm Maya, Monty's older sister." I looked at her "How did Monty tell you?" "He texted our dad about Nugget, and that you would be coming up here." she told me, I smiled at her. The nurse ushered me to come to her, I told Lily and Kid to stay there, and went to her.
She came to Nugget's room "How is he?" I asked, she smiled "He'll be fine in a few hours, he just passed out from blood loss, but he will need to stay here overnight." she told me. Relief washed over me, "Question," I looked up at her "has he always been crossed eyed?" I nodded, she sighed in relief.
♡♡Time Skip by: the Janitor killing Monty at lunch (rip Monty you'll be missed... not)♡♡
I sighed some papers, they asked for any phone numbers for Nugget's parents. I shook my head "I don't have any numbers, I don't think he has any when I think about it." I said. I remembered the first day and saw how it was only him, on one dropped him off and there was no homes next to the school at all. She called the school and looked sad "Turns out he lives at a orphanage, his family was in a car accident and only he survived." she said in a sad tone. I was sad to hear that about such a sweet derpy boy "Maybe that's why his eyes are like that." I thought.
I decided to go to the orphanage for a second.
"Do you really want him? He's a trip and a half and is very annoying." the man at the desk told me, I nodded "Of course I mean it." the man sighed "Okay, I just need you to sigh here and here." I sighed the papers, he looked at me "Congratulations! I'll go get his stuff right away," he noticed Lily and Kid "Lily? Didn't I just get rid of you and your brother two weeks ago?" he asked.
Lily nodded "Yes, Mr. Sam." he glanced at me "Are you dropping her and red head off?" I shook my head "Never! These are my students!" I said, the man looked me up and down "Wait are you, Mrs. (L/N)?" HOW DO PEOPLE KNOW ME!?!? I nodded, he smiled "Nice to met ya, I'm Cindy's father, Sam, if my little girl is being bad you just call me." he said, then went up the stairs.
I looked at the kids as Kid pulled on my shirt "Yes, Kid?" I asked him, "Are you really adopting Nugget?" he asked me, I nodded and ruffled his hair. Lily smiled sweetly, "At lest I know you." she whispered.
Sam walked back down to us with Nugget's things, we put the in the car. I drove home to with them, and they helped me unpack and set up Nugget's room.
It was a guest room that I don't use anymore, I put up some of his Monstermon posters as Lily and Kid put some books and toys up. I put some clothes in the closet to be organized later. My (dog/cat) (name) came to see us "Hey (girl/boy) did you miss me?" I asked him/her as I rubbed her/his belly.
We got back to the school, it was show and tell, it was Monty's turn. They turned to us "Finally you're back! These little monsters nearly drove me crazy like they did to Jiggletits I'd be careful if I was you." he then hobbled away. I looked at them "Is Nugget okay?" Cindy asked, I nodded "He's fine he just passed out from blood loss." I said, Monty hugged me "My sister said you and the others were crying." He said holding out a phone "Is that Applegate's phone?" I thought. I shook it off "Yeah, we were scared for him." I said, everyone came around me ND hugged my legs. I smiled and hugged them back.
Buggs: Fluffbutt, it's 4:17 in the morning what do you expect?
Me: Don't call me Fluffbutt.
Monty: Fluffbutt can we watch Animaniacs?
Me: *puts on Animaniacs*
Yakko: Good night everybody!
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