𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
Thanks to all of you who read this fanfiction so far, I love you all, you're the best.
You are always invited to read my other stories if you liked this one.
New stuff coming soon.
Mag 🦋
Harry and I woke up on his bed, another happy morning where we found ourselves tangled around each other.
Hugs and cuddles until we were fully awake, soft touches and lazy morning kisses.
Just like every single day.
It's almost crazy to say that that's how it was for the past month, and to think how naturally it all evolved for us.
Honestly, I have never thought I could be this in love with someone, even less a guy. But here I was, falling each day a little more for Harry.
"Good morning, sunshine." - I said in between kisses.
"Good morning, you." - He whispered and kissed my lips again.
"Though I would love to stay in bed with you all morning just being lazy, we both have to get up. One last effort, c'mon." - I said, patting his back and moving away from him, standing up from bed. - "We'll have vacation soon."
He sighed, sitting up in bed and pushing the duvet away.
"I still can't believe it's the last day of school."
"Yeah, me neither." - I pouted. - "My baby is starting big kid's school in a few months from now."
"Oh love." - Harry chuckled. - "Are you sad because he's growing up?"
"No." - I lied and he laughed.
"It's fine if you are."
"Shut up. And get up, you lazy ass." - I huffed.
"I was going to get up anyway, it's my job. Remember?"
I rolled my eyes and he finally stood up, pulling me by my wrist towards him and kissing softly my lips.
Then, he went straight to his closet to put some clothes on, leaving me wanting more.
"I hate you."
"Sure you do."
The ride to the daycare was quiet. It was pretty early in the morning because Harry needed to arrive first and before all of his students and their families.
Since it was the last day of school, Harry planned a whole family day for the kids, activities and snacks for them to enjoy with their caregivers their last chapter before jumping into big kid's school.
I offered myself to help him, getting to the daycare earlier, setting everything up and getting the cold beverages to share.
The moment Harry went to the door to let the children in, I immediately searched for my boy and Brianna. Apparently, my son had the same idea, beacuse he came running to me, envolving me in a hug as I spinned him around the classroom.
"Hi, little lad. Missed you."
"I know! Missed you too, dad." - He smiled at me, hugging me tighter.
"Hi, B." - I smiled at her and she chuckled.
"Hey Lou. Harry made you wake up earlier I see."
"For your information, I offered to help him." - I said, putting Freddie down so he could go play with his friends, and stuck my tongue out at her.
She shook her head in amusement.
"You should act like an adult here."
"I am." - I stuck my tongue at her again.
She laughed and bumped my arm, looking around and finding an empty table for us to sit.
Freddie returned to us eventually, so I decided to stay by their side the rest of the morning, because well, Harry was organizing and hosting everything, so he was quite busy.
While we waited for all the people to turn up, Harry invited everyone to sit at the tables.
The tables were already full of snacks and drinks for everyone, some papers and crayons as a fun activity for the kids to do while sharing that time with their caregivers; and chill music on the background.
Harry was coming and going, walking around the tables and helping other families with the activity.
We played with Freddie for a while, painting with him, socializing with the other tables and children as well, and enjoying the first part of the morning until all the kids and their families were there.
When Harry finally closed the doors of the classroom, after the last kid showed up, he stood up in front of the class and asked for our attention.
Freddie sat comfortably in my lap to be high enough to see Harry from where we were.
"Well kids, caregivers, good morning to all of you." - He smiled sweetly, looking around and trying to make eye connection with almost everyone. - "Thank you for being here today to share this last morning of school together. I just wanted to say that I'm proud of all of my students. This class was incredible all year long, I'm happy I could be your teacher and that I got to help each of you during your last year of daycare. Soon you're all going to a big kid's school, and I couldn't be happier for you." - He said, now crouching down next to one of the kids and smiling directly at them. - "Please enjoy this moment, share with your children, friends, and hopefully you'll remember this day in a few years when these wonderful children become the adults of the future." - He said now to the adults.
All of them were smiling after Harry's words, already nostalgic for their kids to end this chapter and start a new one.
"We have a lot of activities planned, both inside and outside. You all are welcome to eat the snacks and use everything on our craft station to play with your kids. Everything here today is for you, to bond with your child and to have fun!" - Harry continued. - "Before we can move to our outside activities though, I want to thank my boyfriend, Louis." - He smiled, looking in my direction. - "Who helped me all morning today to make this event perfect and for you to enjoy."
Some of the parents were looking in my direction in horror. Some started to whisper in judgement, and honestly, I was as shocked as all of them.
I didn't know why Harry was outing us all of a sudden, and in front of all these people.
It's not that I wanted to hide, but with Freddie in the middle, we all had agreed to be cautious at the daycare.
"That is my dad!" - Freddie shouted and clapped.
I snorted, ruffling his hair a little and hugging him closer in my lap.
"Thanks, H." - I smiled at him, nervously. I looked at all the people who were staring at me, still uncomfortable with the feeling and the judgment on their faces. - "This event was an amazing idea and I'm glad I could help you." - I said, directed to Harry. - "And to all of you who don't know me, I'm Freddie's father yes, but I'm also Harry's boyfriend and I know most of you are going to judge me, but I can't do much about that. I'm happy to be here, happy for how this year turned up, and happy that Harry was part of my son's education." - I nodded.
"Okay." - Harry was astonished, but he managed to continue. - "Thanks again for being here. All of you." - He smiled politely. - "You can go play outside if you want. We have footballs, swings, a trampoline and more."
People started to dissolve, moving outside of the classroom and into the playground area, some were still doing crafts on the tables with their children, and one lady, she came straight to our table with a disgusted expression on her face.
"That's what you're teaching your kid?"
"Excuse me?" - I asked, holding Freddie tighter, almost trying to hide him from her view.
"My dad is teaching me good things. Mama too. Harry too." - Freddie interrupted, smiling at her.
"Oh my God, he's already brainwashed. You shouldn't believe what they tell you, dear."
"What are you trying to say?" - Brianna jumped, clearly annoyed at this woman already.
"He's going to grow up like a brute." - She shook her head. - "I'm so sorry for your dad, dear." - She said, now directed to Freddie.
"What?" - Freddie frowned, turning in my lap to look at me.
"Oh, this poor kid." - She said, looking at Freddie.
"I really need you to stop talking to my son. Get back to your table." - I said, now standing up in front of her and leaving Freddie behind me on the chair.
I felt Brianna by my side, standing up as well.
"Just go enjoy your day with your daughter, leave us alone." - She added, standing by my side.
"Whatever." - The woman huffed. - "I just hope the kid knows his dad is the equivalent of wrong."
"Miss?" - Freddie said, peeking from behind Brianna and I. - "You are wrong."
"What?" - The woman snorted.
"My dad is free."
"Excuse me?"
"Dad's free because he loves Harry and that's okay. That's not wrong." - He shrugged. - "And I am free too."
"Yes, you are, buddy." - I smiled down at him, picking him up in my arms.
The woman huffed and shook her head again.
"Good thing my daughter is going to a different school."
"Oh yeah, we wouldn't want her to be in the same class as Freddie again, honestly. We don't like bullies." - Brianna spat. - "Better this way."
She arched an eyebrow, ready to say something else, when Harry showed up, winking smoothly at me as he slid his arm around my waist.
"How's everything going, love?"
"Wonderful." - I smiled, ignoring the woman.
Freddie extended his arms for Harry to pick him up immediately. Harry happily agreed, accommodating Freddie on his hip as we all watched the woman turn around and walk away, offended.
"Well... I guess there's always going to be a person like her out there, right?" - I chuckled.
"Yeah..." - Harry shrugged while he made funny faces to Freddie, making him laugh out loud. - "But you handled it well, love."
"Thanks." - I sighed. - "And thank you, buddy." - I told Freddie. - "Were you standing up for me there?" - I smiled as he continued poking Harry's cheeks for more silly faces.
"Of course, dad." - He shrugged, unaffected.
"You were really brave to do that." - Brianna said to him, smiling.
That seemed to catch his attention because he let go of Harry's face and turned to me and Brianna.
"Really?" - Freddie frowned. - "Is that good?"
"It's a very good thing, little lad." - I nodded, smiling at him.
"Who is brave is free." - Harry replied.
"And I am both!" - Freddie exclaimed, bouncing in Harry's arms.
And I couldn't agree more.
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