Weekend was over, it was almost ten pm on a Tuesday night and, even though I didn't want to admit it, I missed Niall's company.
I missed sleeping in my own bed and honestly, the hotel food was so terrible it almost made me miss the countless nights of ordering pizza for dinner because we were too lazy to cook.
I missed going to his pub and have some beers after work before heading home.
I missed the bantering and drunken nights.
I even missed staying on that worn out, dirty couch in the back of the pub when we were both too drunk to drive back to the apartment.
I've received enough calls from Niall for the past days always reminding me of his existence.
I, of course, ignored every single one of them.
Maybe because I was still mad, maybe because I wasn't ready to talk to him first.
But tonight, as I took another spoon of the disgusting soup I ordered at the hotel restaurant, I've decided I had enough.
I wasn't even resting well. I had stupid bags under my eyes and even my boss was noticing the lack of sleep.
Enough was enough.
I took my car keys, packed all my belongings, checked out of the hotel and drove directly to the bar.
That motherfucker was going to listen to me.
First, because I really needed my half of the apartment back.
Second, maybe because Harry was right and Niall had to explain himself.
Third and last, because he was my damn best friend. Which didn't mean I would forgive him easily.
I was going to fucking make that idiot squirm with guilt.
With my chin up, I entered the bar.
As soon as the door closed behind me, Niall lifted his head, his eyes finally founding mine.
"The one and only." - I shrugged.
"What? What are you doing here? Did you get my calls?"
"Had to turn off my phone not to get them." - I said, sitting on one of the stools in front of him.
"Yeah. Sorry. I just... I really wanted to apologize."
"Then apologize." - I raised an eyebrow in a provocative way.
"Right." - He nodded, twisting a cloth nervously behind the bar. - "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For how I acted on your date."
"How did you act?"
"Like an ass?"
"Yep. Why did you act like an ass?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?" - I laughed bitterly. - "Then why the fuck are you apologizing for?"
"Because you got mad at me."
"Of course I got mad at you!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Yeah, well, that doesn't minimize the way you treated Harry! Tell me, why you were such an ass with him?"
"I don't know." - He sighed, letting his arms fall in defeat. - "I'm just sorry."
"Being sorry sometimes isn't enough. Even less when you are clearly apologizing without knowing where your mistake was."
"I do know my mistake."
"Enlighten me."
"I was an ass. I said that already."
"Yet you're not telling me your reasons."
"Because I don't have a reason!"
"You don't have a reason?" - I laughed. - "You can't just be a dick to my date without a reason!"
"I don't know what happened to me, Louis."
"Alright." - I shrugged. - "Call me again when you do know." - I said, standing up from the stool with the intention of leaving.
"Wait." - He stopped me by my wrist.
"I just don't like him."
"Give me one good reason not to like him."
"He's Freddie's teacher."
"Oh right. Well, neither Harry, me nor Freddie care about that. It shouldn't be your problem."
"It really could cause you trouble. I'm just looking out for you."
"Again, not a reason to be a dick."
"Fine! I don't like to know you're dating someone, okay?!"
"What?" - I frowned.
"I have just got out of a relationship! We should be both single, enjoying life!"
"This was all because your breakup?"
"You should have been there for me! Instead, you're now too busy with Harry to even care!"
"Niall, are you listening to yourself?" - I laughed. - "I've been single since I got my divorce. Three years without dating. Anyone! Now I finally found someone who is interested in me and that... That is making me question everything I ever knew. And you, my best friend, just decided to try and ruin that because you're a selfish prick!"
"You knew what I was going through. I'm still hurt, and you..."
"Me what? Took away your spotlight?" - I laughed bitterly. - "I deserve to have someone in my life too."
"I didn't say that!"
"No, but you showed me how little you care about me with your attitude at the diner with Harry. Even when I told you I liked him. I get that you're heartbroken, but it wasn't a reason to sabotage my date. Also, I've been there for you. You can't tell me I didn't."
"I told you I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well. It won't be enough this time." - I shrugged, now turning around and heading to the exit.
"I gave you a chance to explain yourself and apologize. You don't need to call me anymore, you've said enough." - I said, now leaving for good.
And that's how I found myself with nowhere to go.
No best friend, no hotel and no home.
I was screwed.
I couldn't believe what I was about to do.
I even felt embarrassed of myself for knocking on that door, practically ready to beg for a bed for the night.
Embarrassed of not being able to think about any other options first.
Angry at myself for having checked out of the hotel that late at night.
Ashamed of coming back to this house like a lost puppy.
Defeated and still crazy mad about my argument with Niall.
It all made a huge emotional tornado inside my head that was stopping me from thinking clearly.
Because I couldn't be thinking clearly if I was knocking on her door.
"Get out of here, Louis."
"Brianna. Please. I need a place to sleep tonight."
"Ha. You think you're welcome here after what you've done?!"
"What?" - I frowned. - "What did I do?"
"You thought I wouldn't find out?"
"What are you saying?"
"Freddie told me." - She huffed. - "Sleeping at his teacher's house? As if that would go by unnoticed by him. And then you show up here." - She laughed. - "Asking to stay the night? You're clearly out of your mind. Why don't you go to Harry's house again, huh? Since you took my son there, you must be very close to him, don't you?"
"What did Freddie tell you?"
"Why does it matter?" - She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms on her chest.
"Harry and I are friends... And he offered us to stay on his guest room. That's all, Brianna."
"That's all?! Why were you there in the first place? Freddie now is asking to go to that guy's house this weekend too. It's his teacher!"
"Harry invited him to go whenever he wanted, alright? I know it's weird, but I can assure you that Harry is great with him. He actually helped a lot with his tantrum the other day."
"That man wants my son to go see a shrink! I told you I didn't want him to brainwash him anymore and you go and take him to his house! What did he make up now?"
"Nothing." - I sighed. - "He just helped me talk to Freddie. He knows about these things."
"I want him away from my son. And until you come to your senses, I want you away too." - She nodded. - "Goodnight, Louis."
"Wait. What?" - I said, but it was useless, she had already shut the door in my face.
And for the second time that night, I found myself knocking on a door ready to beg for asylum.
But this time the person behind the door was so much more adorable than the last one.
It almost made me slap myself on the face for waking him up that late.
He clearly was sleeping already.
I should have thought this through better.
It was past midnight already, and he worked early the next morning.
I was just as inconsiderate and selfish as Niall was.
Harry opened the front door barefoot, with some pajama pants, and no shirt on. It was a pretty awesome view.
He was cutely rubbing his eyes and covering a yawn with his palm.
All his tattoos on sight, and his hair tousled. He looked gorgeous.
Simply gorgeous.
"Louis?" - He side smiled. - "What are you doing here?"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to bother you but I didn't know where else to go. I woke you, didn't I?"
"Yeah." - He yawned. - "But it's okay."
"It's not." - I shook my head. - "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. What happened? The hotel kicked you out?" - He smirked.
"I didn't want to stay there anymore. Tried with Niall, but it's a lost case." - I let my shoulders fall, finally showing my tiredness. - "Can I stay here for tonight?" - I pouted.
Harry chuckled and nodded, stepping aside and letting me in.
"Let me prepare the guest room for you."
"I can do it. You were clearly in bed already. Don't want to keep you up. Go back to bed." - I smiled.
"I'm not going if you're here."
"Why not?"
"I'm the host!" - He exclaimed, smiling at me. - "Love being a host. Now let me prepare your room." - He said, bumping his hip with mine and walking past me.
"Harry." - I said, stopping him on his tracks.
"How can I help you sir?" - He grinned.
I rolled my eyes, amused.
"It's just." - I sighed, looking down at my hands. - "I could always sleep... You know, with you and it'll imply less work." - I shrugged, looking back up at him.
"I know you love being a good host and all." - I smiled timidly. - "But it's kinda late?"
"I mean..." - He frowned. - "It is kinda late."
"Yeah." - I nodded.
"And we also work tomorrow morning."
"We do."
"And my bed is already made, we wouldn't waste a second."
"We wouldn't."
"Would I still be a good host?"
"The best."
He chuckled and nodded, looking down at his feet.
"Time to bed?" - I smiled, extending my hand to take his'.
He nodded and guided me to his room, his eyes still lingering on me, making sure it was alright.
And it was.
When he pushed his bedroom door open, I let go of his hand and faced him completely, cornering him against the door, pushing it closed.
"I haven't kissed you yet." - I whispered, leaning closer and brushing my lips with his'.
"What are you waiting for?" - He whispered back.
I smirked, ending the distance between us and capturing his lips in mine.
Savouring every inch, touching delicately over his bare torso, sensing his careful hands holding onto my waist.
"We'll just sleep, right?" - Harry asked softly.
"Right." - I nodded, my forehead still pressed against his'.
"Good. We don't need to rush anything."
"We don't." - I whispered, still close to his lips.
"Good. Now let me show you your room, Mr. Tomlinson." - He grinned, pushing me backwards and making me fall on the mattress.
I rolled my eyes, grabbing him from the waist of his pants and pulling him down with me.
Harry laughed, laying on his side next to me.
"I see you've tested the bed. Is it okay for you, Mr.?" - He said, making me laugh.
"You're an idiot." - I shook my head and he shrugged.
I got closer to him and took his cheek in my hand.
"But you're also beautiful." - I whispered, bringing his face closer to mine.
"That comes from the guy who looks like an Armani model"
I snorted and then leaned to kiss him softly on the lips.
"Do you really think that?"
"Yes, Louis."
I stared at him with desbelief in my eyes. Shaking my head, I just pressed my lips against his' once more, not getting tired of it.
It was magnetic.
I couldn't actually process what was happening to me when I was near Harry. He made everything simpler.
And I was finding that feeling completely addictive.
I had enough complicated stuff in my life, I had enough problems, lots of things to figure out yet.
But if Harry made things easier and simpler, then I would hold on to that for as long as I could.
"I am the big spoon." - I said, smirking into his lips.
Harry smiled too, stealing one last kiss from me.
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