"Why don't you ask your boss for help?"
"He's busy enough." - I said, then gasped in realization. - "Fuck, I completely forgot about our case." - I ran a hand over my face out of frustration. - "I'm an idiot."
Harry slid his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.
He sighed, softly stroking my stomach over the shirt and surrounding me in a tight hug.
"You are going through a lot, love. It's understandable."
I poured the hot water in the mug and took a sip, trying hard to relax on Harry's embrace.
"I should have a solution already." - I whined.
"You're human." - He chuckled. - "Not a robot, okay?"
"But it's like my head is blocked and I'm... Like having all these emotions at the same time. They don't let me think clearly."
"What emotions, babe?"
"Anger. Fear. I don't know, it's just a lot." - I took another sip and left the mug back on the counter.
"I get it. It's good that you can put it into words though, you know?" - He pecked my cheek. - "The sooner you aknowledge your feelings, the sooner you'll control them and hopefully, it'll help you think of a way to get Freddie and Brianna to stay."
I dropped my head back on his shoulder, closing my eyes and sighing.
"It's been four days, Haz. And still she hasn't answered the phone or the door. I need to see him. She just can't continue with this, I can't let her move to another country."
"I know, babe. It sucks, I know." - He whispered, tightening his grip around me. - "But you need to try and keep thinking cold. You're going to find a way. I know it."
"I'm just... Ugh." - I groaned. - "I can't believe I almost forgot about the case! My boss isn't going to be happy."
"Your boss will understand if you explain to him what is happening." - Harry said, now making me turn around in his arms to face him.
With one hand he cupped my cheek and held my face so he could look into my eyes, with the other, he pushed me back to rest on the counter of his kitchen, cornering me between his legs.
"What, love?"
"What do I do?" - I whispered.
Harry smiled fondly at me, leaning down and kissing my forehead sweetly.
"You need a distraction, to take some distance from the issue and then start thinking with your mind clear."
I pouted, resigned.
"What distraction?"
Harry shrugged, looking at the ceiling as if he was thinking.
"Dinner date out?" - He asked. - "Just us for a little while."
"Just us?"
"Yes. No stress and no trouble. What do you say? Can we take tonight to not think at all?"
"I'd like that." - I whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips shortly. - "Let's do it."
And he was right, I needed to get out of the house, breathe fresh air and busy myself with something else.
It was a great idea.
arry and I found a really nice restaurant open just three blocks from his place.
It was a nice hand in hand night walk towards the restaurant. Quite romantic even.
Harry's hand in mine, swinging between our bodies under London's night sky.
When we got there, we chose a table next to the window, him sitting in front of me, our hands still intertwined over the table.
Harry smiled at me as he saw me finally relaxing.
"At least I can see a smile on your face now." - He said.
I shook my head, looking at him adoringly.
"Thank you for making me do this."
"You're welcome."
I squeezed his hand.
"Order whatever you want. I pay tonight." - I said.
"Oooh, so can I order the whole menu?" - He smirked.
"Anything you want, love." - I smiled, making him chuckle.
"Alright." - He shrugged.
With a gesture he called for the waiter who immediately took our orders.
We settled for a dish each and then one more to share.
Harry caressed over my knuckles to catch my attention again once the waiter went away.
"Yeah?" - I smiled.
"I know things are hard now. So, I just wanted to make sure you knew that you have me here. Yeah?"
"I know." - nodded.
"Also, if you ever need a place to spend the night. Don't doubt asking me. I'm always happy to have you, don't think like you're a burden or anything."
"Really?" - I frowned.
"You shouldn't have to sleep in a hotel or your office just because you're in bad terms with Niall."
"I know, I have to start looking for an apartment." - I sighed.
"Don't. Lou, you're dealing with something serious and that's stressing you and you shouldn't add more problems to that. Maybe you could try and talk with Niall again? You need someone to rely on, and maybe he changed his mind, he could surprise you."
"He never called again, Harry. He didn't change his mind."
"Didn't you ask him to stop calling?"
"Yes. But only because he doesn't like you."
"How do you know if he changed his mind then?"
"I thought this date was a distraction from the problems."
"I know, but this is important. Don't you want to recompose your friendship with him?"
"I want. But not if he's going to throw hate at you all the time." - I said, crossing my arms.
Harry bit a smile and shook his head.
"Fuck, you're so sexy." - He breathed out.
"Shut up." - I blushed.
Harry chuckled, reaching for my hand again, lifting it to his lips and kissing my knuckles.
"I'm just saying, try talking to him. Tell him everything you've going on. Tell him about me, about Freddie, about your work. Let it all out. You need to have people there for you too. I know I'll be here for you for whatever you need. But you could use another friend."
"I don't know." - I shrugged.
"I also been doing a bit of thinking myself."
"And I've come to the conclusion that I don't want me to be another worry for you."
"Why would you be a worry?" - I frowned.
"I know I'm part of your problem with Brianna and also the cause why you argued with Niall. So, I want to know and make sure that you really want to be with me. I don't want to be... You know, the cause of more problems in the future."
"You're not a problem. You're wonderful Harry. You're the only one who can make me smile lately, you're... Fuck. I definitely want to be with you because I've never felt this way for anyone ever before."
"So..." - He smirked. - "Can we become official then?"
"Definitely." - I smiled.
"You're incredible, Lou. I know it'll probably be a tough time for you until you find a way to solve things. But be sure I'll be by your side and help you as much as I can."
"Come here." - I said, opening my arms.
Harry giggled and stood up, walking around the table until he came close enough to sit on my lap, rounding my neck with his arms.
"I'm here." - He smiled as I surrounded him with my arms.
"I see that." - I smirked, leaning up and pecking his lips. - "Mmmm, so... Boyfriend?"
"That sounds about right."
I laughed, kissing him once again, and again and again until Harry started laughing from how stupidly in love we looked.
So immerse in each other, on our recent happiness and our new status, that we couldn't care about anything else in that moment.
It was just us.
Like Harry said.
"It's stupid, but I really hate the fact that I have no one to share this news with." - I said, resting my forehead against Harry's.
"You want to brag about me already?" - He smirked.
"I kinda do, yeah." - I sighed. - "You're amazing, and I really don't understand why you set your eyes on me, but now that you're mine, I'd do anything for you. I want to tell everyone about you."
"Maybe you can tell Niall?" - He smiled.
"Why are you so insisting on me talking with a guy that hates you?" - I said, taking some distance from him.
"Because from what you told me, he was just looking after you. He cares about you, and to me that's what's important in a friendship. He just wants to protect you." - He shrugged. - "If you mend things with him, we can go on another date so he can warm up to the idea of me being yours. I can even find him a date too!" - He said, enthusiastically.
"You're offering to go on a double date?" - I laughed.
"I have a couple of single coworkers at the daycare." - He shrugged. - "We can set them up."
"You're something else, Harry Styles."
"Are you going to talk to him, then?" - He grinned.
"Anything for you."
"Good." - He pecked my lips. - "When did the food got here?" - He laughed, looking back at the table and seeing all the dishes placed neatly on it.
"I don't know." - I laughed.
"Okay, time to eat, then." - He kissed my lips again.
"And I guess we'll have to apologize to the waiter if he came and saw us making out."
"I'm not apologizing for kissing my boyfriend." - Harry shrugged, grinning. - "They can look away if they don't like it."
"You know? You're damn right, baby."
He smiled, winking at me as he started eating his dish.
And God, this was definitely the best distraction.
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