"We need to talk."
"I'm about to head to work, can't it be other time?"
"No, Brianna. Now. Please, it's important." - I insisted, trying to stop her from walking out of the house.
"You got tired of playing Dad and you want to give up? Is that it?"
"What? No. C'mon, it's important, and it involves Freddie."
"Fine." - She sighed. - "You have five minutes until my cab is here."
"Okay, look, Harry asked me to go to the daycare yesterday. Something Freddie draw got him worried."
I took the drawing out of my bag and showed it to her.
"He said Freddie told him it was anger and blood. And that this could be because of our argument the other day."
"Freddie did this drawing yesterday at school. Don't you think is a bit different from what he always do? Because I believe we need to talk about this. It's... Worrying."
"I don't understand what you mean."
"He draw this. It's a way of expressing himself or his fears and traumas. Harry believes it could have been triggered by us."
"By our argument?" - She snorted.
"Yes. We should have been more careful. I know we don't get along very well nowadays. But we should try and be more... Calm around each other. For his sake."
"You aren't making any sense." - She laughed.
"See? Can't we just have a civilized conversation?" - I sighed. - "I'm really trying here."
"Fine. What about this drawing then? We stop arguing in front of him? That's it?"
"To start somewhere, yes. But also, Harry suggests we should get Freddie a therapist." - I said and Brianna bursted into laughter.
"Harry believes, Harry suggests, Harry says, Harry this, Harry that. Harry isn't his father. Alright? Look at him." - She pointed at Freddie. - "He's completely fine! I'm not going to get a therapist for him."
"Hey! Don't yell. We're talking. What did we just agreed to? No arguing in front of him." - I told her, lowering my voice. - "I'm just telling you what his teacher, who I remind you is a professional and knows about this things, told me Freddie could be bottling up his feelings and that he needs therapy to help him cope. With us, with our separation. He's not telling us how he feels, does he ever talk about us not living together? About our constant fighting?"
"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't care. I'm not sending him to a shrink."
"God, you're so damn stubborn." - I sighed.
"Well, that would be it. My cab is here." - She said, going to where Freddie was and giving him a hug and a kiss. - "Bye, baby, see you after school."
Freddie shrugged and continued sipping on his glass of milk, not even hugging his mother back.
He heard it all.
It was nearly eight pm on that Tuesday night.
Niall and I were sharing a beer while lying on either side of the couch. Both of us too tired to even move to our bedrooms yet.
When my phone rang, we both groaned.
I had had a really long day at work, and Niall, well he had skipped his shift at the bar because he was still crying over his heartbreak.
Both of us looked miserable really.
But when I stretched enough to get my phone from the table, I saw it was Harry texting me.
Somehow it made me smile.
I have an idea of what we could do. Totally not awkward.
What is it?
Arcade games.
Hahaha, Really?
Why are arcade games not awkward?
Because we will be worried about winning and not our 'inappropriate relationship '.
Alright. Is Thursday after work good for you?
I'd usually suggest on the weekend, but it's my time with Freddie.
Thursday is perfect. :)
"Why the fuck are you smiling so much at your phone?"
"Not of your business."
"Yes, my business. You're my best friend."
"You literally have no one else to share your life with but me."
"That's not true."
"So, you aren't going to tell me who texted you?"
"Ok, I'm gonna ask again. Who texted you and why are you smiling?"
"Not of your business."
Niall rolled his eyes.
"Once more. Who texted you and why are you-"
"Ok Fine!" - I interrupted him. - "It's Harry."
"Who's Harry?"
"Harry, Freddie's teacher."
"Wait what? Are you still texting with him?"
"Yeah, quite a lot actually."
"How? What for?"
"He's nice. And he wants to help me, so..." - I shrugged. - "We text. Nothing wrong with texting."
"Nothing wrong with texting." - He mocked. - "Are you for real? He's your son's teacher!" - He yelled, sitting up straight with big eyes.
"Yeah. But we got along from the very first day. So."
"He's your son's teacher!" - He insisted.
"I know." - I said. - "He texted me to invite me to the arcade with him."
"We're just... Getting to know each other. As friends. I'm sure you would like him if you met him."
"You can't go to the arcade with him."
"You can't go!"
"Because it's weird!"
"It's not! We agreed it wouldn't be awkward."
"It's practically a date."
"No, it's not! We're just hanging out. As friends!"
"It's a date. And it's wrong!"
"It's not a date!"
"You clearly like this guy!"
"No, I don't! What are you saying?! He's a guy!"
"And last time I checked, I liked girls."
"Maybe it's time you check again, then."
"Oh, shut the fuck up." - I said, punching his arm and standing up from the couch.
Walking towards the fridge, I snatched another beer, in desperate need of alcohol, I almost gulped it down in one go.
Niall stared at me from the couch, still looking annoyingly at me.
"You shouldn't go."
"I said shut up."
"I'm only being your friend here."
"You need to shut up."
"Fine." - He rolled his eyes, resting back on the couch and ignoring me.
The flat fell into a complete silence.
I looked down at my bare feet pressed against the cold tiles of the kitchen floor.
I looked at the remaining liquid inside my bottle of beer.
I gulped it down, swallowing hard and forcedly.
Then, silence.
A consuming silence.
A silence that got me thinking.
I don't usually fight with Niall.
I actually never fight with Niall.
Not like this.
Why was it all for?
Harry, a guy I met only weeks ago.
A guy I was really intrigued about.
A guy who got me smiling at my phone.
And that led to another thought.
The thought that maybe, just maybe Harry was igniting something inside me.
That maybe, this awkwardness we were trying to avoid was because...
"You're right." - I spatted at Niall.
Niall looked at me again, tiredly.
"You're not going then?"
"Yes, I'll go." - I frowned. - "It's just... I think I like Harry."
"Ha! Told you." - Niall smirked.
"I don't know."
"You don't know what?"
"If... If that's what I feel? I mean, he's a guy."
Niall rolled his eyes, standing up and walking to me.
Placing his hands on my shoulders, he sighed.
"Louis, do you think he likes you back?"
"Maybe?" - I shrugged.
"And you like him."
"I think?"
"Then, what you're feeling is correct. Though, It's still weird, mate. He is the teacher of your son."
I shook my head, avoiding direct eye contact with Niall.
"You aren't bothered by it? By me liking... A guy?" - I bit my lip.
"Nah. But I still don't think you should go. It's a way too compromised situation."
"You think?"
"Yes. Believe me. You don't want to go there. It'll only cause you problems with the school, with Brianna, with Freddie. You need to stay away from him."
"Then that's settled, you're not going out with Harry." - He grinned. - "We will be both single and miserable together. Best plan ever."
"Yeah, such a great plan."
Tapping my feet on the ground, I started to feel nauseous.
Nervous, anxious, out of place.
Thinking over what Niall told me.
He thought this was a bad idea. He specifically told me not to do this.
Yet here I was.
At the entrance of the arcade, waiting for Harry.
Practically hiding behind a column not to be seen, but still looking everywhere for him, panicking.
With a tremble in my hands, I took out my phone, typing.
Harry, I won't make it today, I'm sorry.
I pressed send, breathing deeply and calming myself down before walking back to my parked car.
I couldn't even reach the door when I felt the phone vibrate.
What are you saying? I literally just saw you.
"Shit." - I whispered to myself.
Turning around, I saw Harry now standing at the entrance, right by the side of the column I was just hiding minutes ago, waving softly at me with his stupid warm and sweet smile.
He looked different.
More... Inviting and soft.
He looked cozy and casual.
Nothing like how I'm used to see him.
He didn't have his smock on, nor his usual trainers.
He looked stunning with this look and I couldn't stop myself from staring at him.
Boots, jeans, and a fluffy yellow sweater.
I sighed.
If I had doubts before, now they cleared out.
I did like Harry.
"Hey, were you about to ditch me up?" - He asked, shaking his phone in his hand.
"Uhm... Shit. I'm sorry." - I said, walking towards him with my shoulders down. - "I wasn't sure about all this. But since you're already here..."
"We don't need to do this if you don't want to."
"It's the fact that I want to that makes me unsure."
Harry snorted and nodded.
"Believe me, I get it. But we should give it a try, yeah? I'm sure we can have fun in here." - He said, pointing at the building behind him.
"I guess, yeah." - I shrugged.
"If you show a bit more of enthusiasm, maybe I'll believe you." - He joked.
"Fine." - I rolled my eyes. - "Let's do this!" - I exclaimed, passing by him and pushing the door of the arcade open. - "Are you coming or not?" - I asked him, holding the door open.
"Thank you." - He smirked. - "And they say chivalry is dead."
"I can assure you I'm a gentleman."
"I don't have a doubt."
Harry was right.
Playing these video games was fun.
We bought some candy and drinks, we won some coins that then we could change for prices - which Harry insisted needed to be a pair of identical tshirts of Mario bros so we could match - and after changing our shirts in the bathroom of the arcade, we teamed up to play air hockey against two teenage girls.
Then we also competed against each other, and even if I wouldn't admit it out loud, I let myself lose most of the times so he could make fun of me.
It made me feel more at ease knowing he was comfortable enough to joke and mess with me like that.
It was... Fulfilling.
And I, for once, let myself enjoy just that.
No worries.
We didn't have much time to talk deeply, to know about each other or to let things get awkward.
We were too busy having fun, laughing and bantering with one another that, in the end, the evening had gone by super fast.
Faster than I'd had liked.
And soon enough we were practically being kicked out by the workers that were closing the place, leaving both of us standing on the sidewalk, facing the awkward moment of goodbye.
"So..." - Harry started, hands buried in his pockets and his shoulders up to protect himself from the night breeze.
"Was it fun?"
"Hang out with you? Yeah, of course." - I smiled, shrugging as if it wasn't such a big deal.
"Was it weird?"
"No. Not really. I expected worse."
"See, told you."
"I know, I know. You were right. Happy?"
"Very." - He beamed. - "You just needed to relax. Promise next time will be better."
"There's going to be a next time then?"
"I hoped so. We didn't get to talk much. You know... Like actually talk. Like uhm... Like friends do."
I looked at the ground, hoping I wasn't blushing. And even if I was, that it wouldn't be so noticeable.
"Maybe next time we can meet at a cafe or something." - I said, hopeful.
"That would be great, yeah."
"Yeah?" - I asked, looking up at him with a smile.
"Of course, yes. Next week? I'm free anytime."
"Don't you have work or something?" - I joked.
"Oh, right. That." - He laughed. - "Well. Anytime, just after work."
"We wouldn't want you to ditch your students."
"Nope, we wouldn't want that." - He grinned. - "Especially if they come early in the morning with their handsome dads."
"Right." - I snorted.
"Sorry. I've been trying to not let things get awkward all day and I just ruined it."
"No, it's fine." - I shrugged, looking at the ground again. Still not sure how to function in front of him. - "Well, I guess that's... All, right? We should get going."
"Oh. Okay. Yeah." - He nodded, frowning. - "Actually, wait. Before leaving, can I ask you something?"
"Maybe I'm misreading the whole situation here. But, would it be insane if I wanted to ask you out for real? Like on a date."
I laughed, finally looking up at him and his nervous expression.
"You are completely sane, Harry."
"So, it's a yes?"
"Sure, yeah. Just..." - I sighed. - "Just know that I've never dated a guy before, so yeah, there's that."
"Oh." - He stopped for a second, biting his lips. - "I'm flattered then." - He grinned.
"Don't get too cocky, though." - I huffed, hitting his arm playfully. - "Isn't it awkward for you?"
"No. Not at all. We all have our firsts. Do you feel awkward?"
"Let's just say that I like it awkward." - I shrugged with a tiny smile forming on my lips.
"I think I like it too." - He smiled, leaning towards me and kissing my cheek. - "I'll text you, yeah?"
"Yeah. Goodbye, Harry."
"Goodbye, Lou."
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