Pov: School is gonna begin again
Main brain: School is gonna start tomorrow guys
Observant bitch: Uh oh...
Anger: WHAT??!
Lazy: No way! We're not going!
Chill: Where's positive me...?
Observant bitch: She died...
Chill: Again? ... Oh wow-
Disgust: It's like the 100th time already. Can't life just give us something fun? It disgusts me with all the stress we've been feeling.
Stress: Yeah... I need help... *Dies*
Main brain: *sigh* Who's gonna revive her?
Disgust: Can we not? She only causes us problems! It disgusts me!
Positive: Guys- *dies immediately*
Main brain: *sigh*
Lazy: Can we just stay home and just sleep??? I'm too lazy for this shit!
Main brain: No lazy, we don't wanna die!
Lazy: Ugh... I'm too lazy for this.. *sleeps*
Everyone here: ...
Main brain: Welp..?
Anger + disgust: I hate school!!
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