Bisky sighed, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. It's been nearly thirty minutes. "Do you think that...they're alright?" Rio asked, Nagisa bit his lip. "I'm sure they'll be fine, Killua's capable..." Kayano made a worried noise. "But then why have they been gone so long?" Karma sighed, leaning on the wall. "I wouldn't be too worried" But Hinano glanced at Bisky. "What happened though?" She stopped tapping her foot. "I don't know if you all know this, but my little sapphire is...very, insecure" Rio and Hinano's eyes widened, not knowing this. "He obviously has a crush on Gon" Kayano said, Bisky nodded. "I guess Gon likes him too, if he kissed him" Rio said, and that's when Hinano shook her head. "Ms. Bitch was teaching him the art of seduction, I'm pretty sure he was just copying what she did" Nagisa and Karma both paused, thinking. They knew a great deal more about the two than anyone else from their little stalking session about a week or two ago. Bisky looked out into the forest. "Killua's self esteem is way lower than you'd think, while he projects confidence he isn't very sure of himself" Kayano gasped, "Do you think...that he thought Gon doesn't like him? That he was just doing it to perfect the technique?"
There was a worried silence for a few moments, and then Bisky heard something. She activated En, and when she did her eyes shimmered. It was Killua and Gon, walking back towards them. And they were holding hands. EEEEEEK!
Killua struggled a little, but Gon insisted on keeping his fingers locked firmly around Killua's. "G-Gon..." He grumbled. Gon beamed at him. "Yes Killua?" he blushed. "let go" He pouted, then did this thing where he bit his lip and batted his eyelashes with puppy dog eyes. "B-But..." He blushed even more, then looked away with a groan. "Oh my god fine-", "YAY!" He started running, then Killua realized how close they were to the school. Out of sheer paranoia, he activated En. Killua froze. There's 6 people- He yanked his hand from Gon's and shoved them both in his pockets, Gon was about to protest when he hissed. "6 people up ahead!" He pouted, but accepted his wishes. "Aw fine" Killua and Gon both walked out of the tree line. Bisky was waiting with Karma, Nagisa, Kayano, Rio, and Hinano. She cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted. "No need to be shy about it lovebirds!" Killua blushed furiously with a yelp, covering his face with his hands. Gon snickered and then proudly stated. "Killua is not single anymore" He hissed, then smacked Gon. "SHUT THE HELL UP! DON'T JUST TELL THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD MORON!"
He heard laughing, but ignored it. Gon blinked, as if confused. "Why not?" He took a few deep breaths, then pointed to Gon. "I don't want everyone to know about that just yet. It's been ten damn minutes" He sighed, then grabbed Killua's hand. "Ok fine, but since they already know that means I can hold your hand right?" Killua blushed a little, but mumbled. "I....mh.....sure" Gon led him up to the others, and he refused to make eye contact with any of them. "I have a gift" Karma said with a smirk. Everybody glanced at him. "A...gift?" He said, skeptically. He nodded. "Yep, like a wedding gift. Except you know, just for dating" Killua shot him a glare. "Fuck off" He was looking at Gon though. "A gift? Alright!" he let go of Killua's hand and bounced over. The others, including Bisky, glanced over his shoulder in curiosity. Killua placed his hands behind his head and rolled his eyes. "Baaka" Karma smirked a little, then suddenly both the girls from his class and Gon squealed. Bisky snickered, Nagisa looked nervous. "What the hell is this 'gift' thing?" He said, eyeing Karma. Suddenly Gon looked up and he saw that he was blushing. "I can't believe you wore a dress!"
He froze, then his face turned bright red and he made an unidentifiable noise that sounded vaguely like a choking animal. Literally the only thought going through his mind, was; I THOUGHT HE GOT RID OF THE DAMN PICTURE. "You look so hot in a dress Killua" His brain short circuited. Against all odds, his face got even redder. The gay panic he was having was so intense that neither his brain or his legs worked properly for about 10 solid seconds, causing him to collapse with his hands covering his face and another odd noise. This time it was longer, a kind of half groan half sob. "K-Killua!" Gon ran over and shook his shoulder. "Are you alright?" Once again there was quiet laughter, but he was too embarrassed to pay attention this time. It took a whole 30 seconds for his brain to respond. "I...you are so dead" Karma gulped, then tapped a little on his phone as Killua sat up with a dark look. The look's intimidation was cut down by the blush, but it was still pretty terrifying. "Alright alright I got rid of it this time" He said, Killua snatched his phone. "hey!" He scowled, then snapped it in half. The 5 of his classmates were speechless for a few moments as he dropped the pieces. "Killua!"
Gon smacked him, a few of them flinched but Killua crossed his arms. "Serves him right, nothing in this world comes without consequences" he grumbled. Gon smirked, and Killua stiffened. "Ne Killua" he took a step back, then blushed a little. "Y-Yeah?" He said, cursing himself silently for stuttering. "Nothing in this world comes without consequences" Then, he jumped at Killua. Killua struggled, hissing. "You get your shitty little hands off me!" He snapped, but Gon had already latched his hands around Killua's abdomen from the back and he blushed furiously. "Your actions have consequences Killua" Gon more or else repeated. Then smirked and said, "Consequences you need to be punished for" Karma covered his mouth, Bisky smirked, Kayano giggled. Killua blushed harder than he ever had in his entire life, his heart was thumping in his chest. P-Punish me... All sorts of dirty thoughts bubbled to the surface, not just his face was red anymore but his ears were as well. He was so put out of it by Gon's words that his brain didn't register the words he was saying. "Punish me all you want to" He mumbled. His entire vision had gone as red as his face was, he didn't register anything in his surroundings except Gon.
Gon suddenly blinked. "Why would you want to be punished? Aren't punishments a bad thing?" Bisky burst into hysterical laughter, folding over as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Killua suddenly realized what he just said, and against all odds, his face got even redder as the redness from his vision faded, almost like it was transferring from the world around him to his face. "I can't believe I just fucking said that-" He groaned, his face in his hands and falling into a crouch with a choking noise. "I don't understand..." Gon mumbled, everyone else was laughing as well. Although, not as hard as Bisky was. He felt utterly embarrassed. "God just shoot a damn bullet through my skull" he dry sobbed. Thank god Gon's innocent, else I mighta died on the spot. "Killua I'm sorry did I do something? Are you...ok?" Bisky laughed even harder as Gon knelt beside him. "No...no you didn't. I blame my dirty ass mind more than I blame you" He grumbled. Gon blinked. "How can a mind be dirty? It's inside your body and can't get dirt on it right?" Nagisa laughed. "Your probably better off without you knowing what he means by that" He said dryly.
1297 words
To be continued...
I finally finished moving this story over! :D And if any of yall noticed, I actually fixed Korosensei's name. I had previously spelled it as Kurosensei, was a pain in the ass to fix but I did it UvU
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