"So... who exactly is our new teacher going to be?" Kayano asked nervously. Korosensei had just announced they were getting a new teacher. It was going to be tomorrow, it was currently the last period. "A P.E teacher" Killua's eyes narrowed, "Remember how the last one went?" A few of his classmates looked uncomfortable, or worried. But some of the girls actually scooted a few inches towards Killua. As terrifying as Killua was, they remembered what happened when Takaoka tried to hurt them, and when the girls got harassed he didn't hesitate. Korosensei grinned. "Nufufufufufu." He raised a tentacle. "I took every precaution this time, and she's going to be teaching both P.E and art." Killua huffed. Great, a woman. I hope she's not anything like Ms. Bitch. "She's worked her way up to the head of defense, remarkably she exceeds Karasuma's rank" Karasuma's left eye twitched slightly and he shot Kurosensei a slight glare. "How have I never heard of this woman?"
"Um...Sensei? How old is she?" Hinano asked. Korosensei waved his tentacles in the air. "Nobody knows! She refused to tell anyone. She appears to be quite young though" I'm already not liking this. Killua thought grumpily. Gon smiled. "Can't wait to meet her!" Killua looked down. Of course you do. He internally grumbled.
The next class period, they were outside in a line. Killua had his hands behind his head and was facing the other way, broadcasting his disapproval. Gon tugged on his arm with a slight whine. "Killuaaa, c'mon I'm sure you'll love her" He scowled, and suddenly Karasuma sighed. "That's her" he said, pointing. Killua didn't turn but Gon did, and when he did he gasped. "Hi!" Gon leapt in the direction that this new P.E teacher was in but Killua refused to turn around. No. "Killua! Look!" He rolled his eyes, a few of his classmates exchanged awkward glances. "If it isn't my little sapphire" Killua froze, eyes going wide. Karasuma, Karma, and Nagisa all noticed. He whipped around, only to see Gon hugging a short blonde girl in a pink dress. "Oh hell no!" He snapped, hissing. A few of his classmates looked confused, then Gon beamed. "it's Bisky! Ne Bisky, what're you doing here in Japan?" Kayano gasped. "Wait, you guys know her?" Terasaka squinted. "Why is a 10 year old teaching us?" Killua tried to hold in a snicker, but failed miserably and burst into hysterical laughter. Bisky's left eye twitched. "I'll have you know that I am at least twice your age brats" She snapped.
The rest of their jaws dropped, then Killua strolled up and put a hand over her head, which was quite a few inches shorter than his. "I am 3 damn inches taller than you." He said, still snickering. Gon blinked, then stopped hugging her and stood next to her as well. "You didn't grow...like at all" Bisky growled. "Listen here brats I-" Karasuma frowned slightly. "How exactly did someone both younger and less skilled than me get a higher rank?" Killua snorted and Gon giggled, the class looked slightly unnerved for the most part. "She's 58 years old'" there were a few gasps and Bisky's eyes went dark, then she delivered a solid punch to his back and sent him crashing into a tree. "NEVER ASK A LADY HER AGE!" The tree cracked down the middle and the class flinched, Killua sat up with a cough. Damn...
Gon laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "She's a little...sensitive about her age, you look as beautiful as ever Bisky" She smiled in satisfaction, and class 3-E sweatdropped. Killua stood up with a scowl. "Old hag" he muttered. Bisky's left eye twitched. "What was that Killua?" He stiffened a little, then placed his hands behind his head with an innocent smile. "Yes Ma'am" Karma hummed, then looked her up and down. "so, if your teaching us, does that mean you're a professional assassin?" Bisky shook her head, but crossed her arms. "I may not be an assassin, but I am a professional." Terasaka scoffed. "A professional what? Child's clothing model?" Killua covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing as Bisky's forehead grew a tic mark. Gon shook his head. "She's a double star hunter" Confused glances all around and Killua sighed. "Gon, they have no idea what that means" Bisky pulled out her hunter's license, a few of the class recognized the symbols as Killua and Gon's native language. "This is a hunter's license. I've been a hunter for many years, the number will not be specified but it's definitely more years than you've been alive"
She snapped her fingers. "Boys" Both Gon and Killua slipped out their own licenses, a few jaws dropped. Bisky smiled. "Those two have only had their licenses since they turned twelve. If you ever wonder why they seem so much more capable than you lot it is because they are also hunters, although new ones with little experience" Karma looked thoughtful as the others seemed skeptical. "Ma'am. Does there happen to be a test of sorts to get this said license? Possibly called, 'The Hunter's Exam?' " A few people glanced at him in shock, and Bisky's eyes narrowed. "Alright, which one of you two opened their mouth?" Gon laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "S-Sorry..." She snapped her fingers once more. "Drop and give me 500" he groaned, then started doing pushups. Bisky cleared her throat, then turned to the rest of the class. "the rest of you, I want to watch you spar" A few people grumbles, other grinned, a couple sighed.
Killua rolled his eyes, then sat on Gon's back as he kept going. A few of his classmate's jaws dropped as Gon didn't so much as slow down in the slightest when Killua placed his hands behind his head and crossed his legs. "Killua get off me" he huffed. He smirked. "nah" Karma chuckled, then came over and sat down as well. A few people murmured in shock as Gon still didn't seem hindered. "H-Hey!" Gon complained. Bisky snickered, then stepped up right between then both. Gon let out a fake sob, jaws dropped as he didn't slow one bit at that either. "H-How the hell are you doing that with three people on your back!?" Sugino exclaimed. Gon blinked up at him. "Huh? Oh. I carried 3 adults on my back before during the hunter's exam a while ago. It was pretty hard, got stronger though and now it doesn't feel like all that much of a workout" there was a shocked silence, and Killua scoffed. "I bet I could do twice as many and with just one arm"
Gon finished with his pushups and Bisky stepped off as well as Karma, Killua however was shoved off and onto the ground. "Oi!" he smacked Gon and Gon smacked him back, then they both stuck their tongues out at each other.
Gon and Killua kept annoying each other all throughout the day, none of the teachers could get them to focus despite their best efforts. The class was doing a group project for science, but Killua and Gon were bickering again. Karasuma sighed. "Killua, Gon. focus" Gon grinned and put his hands behind his head. "Baaka" he mocked. Killua growled, then batted his eyelashes with a high pitched voice. "Ne ne Killua" he mocked back. Gon gasped. "I do not sound like that!" Karasuma's eye twitched. "boys" Killua rolled his eyes, "I bet I can do a better impression than you can" Gon scoffed. "Oh really? Of who?" The rest of the class was glancing at them every now and again, though a few were just staring at this point. Killua cleared his throat. "Oh wow! You guys are so strong!" Gon's jaw dropped. "Holy crap! That sounded just like Zushi!" Killua smirked with his hands behind his head. "beat that dumbass" Gon hummed for a moment, then rubbed the back of his head. "Big brother, pat my head" Gon said, and Killua's eyes widened. H-Holy shit he actually pulled that off decently- "That actually wasn't awful" Gon beamed and he blushed a little. "Enough messing around" Karasuma snapped.
Killua ignored him and spoke to keep Gon from looking at him. "When're you gonna wear anything other than that hideous jacket of yours?" Gon scowled. "It's not ugly!" Killua threw his hands in exasperated and pointed to his outfit. "it's a crime against fashion!" Gon growled. "You're not the fashion police!" Killua scoffed. "I sure as hell could be. And let me tell you. If I was, I'd change those ugly ass school uniforms in a heartbeat. Their so damn tacky, why the hell do you think I flat out refused to wear one?" Gon rolled his eyes. "You're so picky when it comes to makeup and clothing. Just like...pick something" Killua scowled. "Listen here you little shit, image is everything. It changes the way people perceive you, the way people think about you, hell it even changes how much respect you have" he pointed to Gon and looked down his nose. "Looking fashionable aint just throwing on nice looking colors, there's a lot more to it. It has to match your hair, your skin, compliment your eyes, your figure, your-" Gon groaned. "Why do you care so much about how people see you?" Killua scoffed. "Because it's the difference between being respected and treated like a child. People don't mess with me, people talk to you like you're a 5 year old. See the difference?" Gon giggled. "Then how does Karma get away with calling you adorable nicknames?"
He flushed, then hissed. "You shut the fuck up" Suddenly he caught Bisky lifting a finger out of the corner of his eye. Gyo slammed on and he lifted a finger as he copied the number and stood straight. A few of his classmates glanced at each other in confusion as Bisky smirked. Gon stiffened, then whipped his head around and whined. "hey! That's not fair!" Killua laughed and pointed. "Suck it loser!" Bisky grinned. "you know the penalty" Gon groaned and started doing pushups again. Karasuma glanced from them to her and back again. "How did you get their attention so quickly? I've been trying for the last 4 periods" Bisky laughed. "That's because I'm the one who trained them" A few jaws dropped, Karasuma's eyebrows raised. "You taught...them? Both of them?" She nodded, and Kayano frowned slightly. "Does that mean you taught Killua how to be an assassin?" Killua rolled his eyes and she shook her head. "No, just smoothed out a few kinks and worked on discipline and basic combat such as awareness and hand to hand combat"
Bisky waved a hand. "Boys, go do that project your teacher's been trying to get you to do for the last 25 minutes of class" Killua scowled and was about to open his mouth when she smiled. "it's either that or 1 on 1 training after school today. " She said, pleasantly. Gon and Killua both jumped, then seemed to teleport right beside Karma, Nagisa, and Kayano. "you mix the red one with the blue one after you put it on the hotplate" Killua said, glancing nervously over at Bisky. The others were wondering how she did it, but also kind of worried about what this '1 on 1 training' was. Korosensei watched with interest as well, and Gon nodded. "Right! So..." He picked up the red one and Killua hissed, then swapped the two and moved Gon's hand to the hotplate. "I said the blue one dumbass! If you did it the other way it might've fucking exploded!"
1939 words
To be continued...
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