Gon's eyes started to gleam, but Ritsu looked slightly alarmed. "can we?" he growled, then smacked him. "No idiot! I don't want to have to explain why you broke something if you don't land" Gon pouted. "but you said I could! You never let me go cliff jumping anymore!" he snorted, "and for a good reason. You rely on me to catch you, so you forget how to properly land." he huffed. "well fine, get off my lap" Killua flushed as he realized he was still sitting on Gon and quickly removed himself. "o-oh sorry" he turned away to calm his face, then turned back with a small glare. "stop it" Gon giggled, then grabbed his hand. "I said stop it" he hissed, fighting the blush. "it's been a while since I got to do something like this" he blushed even more and tried to wrench his hand away. "NO!" Gon tackled him in a hug, making him writhe around trying to get free. "NO! STOP! I DID NOT GIVE CONSENT!" he protested, blushing furiously. Goddamn it!
He finally decided on dislocating his bones to get free, slipping away from Gon and leaping up into a tree. He turned with a hiss and Gon giggled, pointing up at him. "You are a cat!" Killua scowled, "you're a fucking puppy and a frog combined. Maybe some squirrel in there was well" Gon beamed up at him, "you know full well I can climb up there and drag you down here right?" he hissed again, "I have a knife on me" Gon smirked, "so do I" he said, pulling out his own 20 KG knife. "you can't stab me" he taunted. He chuckled, "no, but I can carve 'Killua's my best friend in the entire world' on every tree in this forest" he flushed. "d-don't you fucking dare!" Ritsu laughed, "well, I'm gonna go now. You two have fun" then she winked out of Gon's phone. Damn it. "so" Gon said, putting his knife away. Killua dropped back down with a huff and slipped his bag off. He proceeded to reapply his concealer and eyeliner as he spoke. "who's your favorite classmate?"
How do I get out of this? Then he smirked slightly, "you" Gon sputtered for a few seconds. "you know what I mean!" he sighed, then tried to think. Who is my favorite classmate? "what about Karma? I think you two would get along pretty well" he growled. "that strawberry prick gets on my nerves!" Gon blinked, "really?" he huffed, "calls me weird ass nicknames and I swear he fucking stalks me, whenever he's around it's like he's always looking at me." Killua scowled. "he's not a complete asshole like I thought he was at first, but he's still irritating" Gon thought for a moment. "what about Kayano? She's nice" he sighed. "too fucking happy. Also, she kind of acts like you a bit. Not sure if I hate her for it or like her for it" he frowned slightly. "what about Nagisa? He's nice"
Killua fidgeted, "mixed feelings" he muttered. Gon squinted a little, "what does that even mean?" he huffed. It means I don't know how to fucking feel. Emotions are so WEIRD. "I mean, he's pretty cool I guess. Also, he can use bloodlust pretty effectively" Gon's eyes widened slightly, "really?" he nodded. "I don't think he knows he's using it. During combat training one time, he scared the shit out of Karasuma." Gon frowned slightly, "how?" Killua shrugged. "well he wasn't visibly scared, but Nagisa snuck up behind him and he got flipped way harder than usual. Plus his eyes were slightly wide." Gon thought for a moment, "you said mixed feelings, but it sounds to me like you only have positive feelings about him" he sighed, "he's so... nosy. Like, always tries to ask me questions and tries to tell me what I'm doing wrong" he slipped his gun out of his bag and held it with one hand. " 'you gotta hold it with two hands' type of shit. I know what I'm fucking doing! "
Gon poked him sharply in the shoulder, "it just means that he's trying to help you, and trying to get to know you a bit better" he growled. "it's annoying!" Gon scoffed. "you think most things are annoying!" then Gon paused. "wait a minute, what time is it?" Killua slipped his phone out and checked the time. "fuck, we've been out here for twenty five minutes" Gon giggled, "we could play a prank" he frowned slightly, "like what?" he giggled again, "I could kill an animal and pretend I got stabbed, then use animal blood" Killua scowled. "no! your terrible at acting. If anyone's getting stabbed it's me" Gon pouted. "but that wouldn't work! And I wanna jump up and hug you afterwards" he hissed, "if you get any blood on my favorite shirt I'll burn your ugly ass boots and shove the ashes down your throat" Gon was silent for a few seconds. "you've gotten that thing ripped and bloody so many times, why would it even matter?" he growled. "it's my favorite one!"
He was about to speak again when Gon threw his knife into a tree. A poor bird fell down with a thump and he grinned, "we're doing this" he sighed heavily, "if I get suspended again I'm blaming it on you" Gon giggled, "but we need someone else in on it, or this won't work" there was a chuckle and Killua's eyes snapped over to Karma as he walked out of the trees. "sounds fun" he shot a glare at Gon and pointed in his direction. "I told you he's stalking me!" the strawberry shrugged. "me and Nagisa were sent to come find you guys in case, and I quote. 'so you didn't kill him' " Gon snorted, "as if" he then took his knife and cut his jacket a little, which Killua watched in confusion. "how do you willingly destroy your favorite jacket?" Gon shrugged. "you'll fix it for me" damn it he's right. "you'll need a bigger animal though, I'll get one" he said, then activated En. Just my luck. He thought, as he climbed up a tree and readied his knife. Killua stabbed the knife into the tree, using Nen for a cleaner cut. He heard a squeal of the racoon he had sensed, then cut open a hole to drag it out.
"Damn" he glanced down at Nagisa, who had been standing behind the tree. "oh right, strawberry said you'd be here too" then he jumped down with the carcass and grabbed his arm, dragging him to where Karma and Gon were. "never thought you'd be a troublemaker" Karma was saying to Gon, as he was waiting for Killua to come back. "well I want to help boost Killua's confidence in himself. This will be perfect!" Killua blushed a little, "well I found blueberry" Gon blinked. "blueberry and strawberry" then he giggled. "snowberry" Killua flushed even more, snowberries were white berries that are poisonous. "Damn you and your big ass forest knowledge!" he snapped, before whacking him in the face with the racoon. "Ack!" he snatched the dead animal back and pointed further into the forest. "there's a stream that way, let's go" they all started walking in silence, until Nagisa broke it. "so, you guys know each other?" Gon nodded, "yeah! Me and Killua met at the hunter's exam when we were 12!" he shot Gon a glare, "they won't know what that is dumbass"
He shrugged, "so?" Killua sighed. "I'm not explaining it" they arrived at the stream, and Killua pointed to the water. "when you hear footsteps, hold your breath and put your face in the water" Nagisa looked alarmed, "is that safe?" Gon beamed. "I can hold my breath for more than seven minutes! That should be plenty of time" he huffed. "can hold his breath for seven minutes, and carry two people on his back at the same time" Gon shook his head. " it was three. Leorio, Kurapika, and Ponzu" Killua scoffed, "if I was there I could have carried all four of you and I wouldn't have needed to hold my breath" he bragged. Gon stuck his tongue out. "not everybody's immune to sleeping gas!" he rolled his eyes and slashed open the racoon's stomach, then kicked Gon into the ground. "ow!" Karma and Nagisa watched in silence as they bickered, "shut up and act dead for a minute! Don't hold your breath though" Gon went limp and activated Zetsu, which was smart. If he does that then you can't sense his presence, he can also hear footsteps sooner.
"perfect, now stay still while I make it look like I murdered you" he said, then stuck his hands into the dead racoon. "what the fuck?" Karma said. "it has to look realistic" he protested, then scooped as much blood in his hands as possible and poured it over the ripped section. Then he paused, "wait a minute, I did that wrong" he quickly washed his hands off and then grabbed Gon's legs. "Killua what are you doi-" he yelped as Killua lifted him up and then brought him a bit into the forest. "use Ko, and protect your clothes. I have to make it realistic" Gon obeyed, then he started dragging him by the legs. Gon protested the entire way, but otherwise didn't fight it. "I got dirt in my mouth!" he yelled as Killua dropped him near the river. "sorry, but if I didn't do that then it wouldn't look real enough." Karma shifted a little. "you're a little too good at this" he grinned, "what can I say? Acting is my forte" Gon moved a little. "have you ever faked a murder before?" he shrugged. "once, I accidently screwed something up and wound up next to a dead body and a few people who didn't want to be framed"
He dug his hands into the racoon again, trying not to snag his hands on intestines. "sorry if I get a bit of guts on you" Gon yelped. "Ew!" he snickered and cupped his hands, then bit his lip. "can you lift your chest up a bit?" Gon did what he said and Killua pressed his bloodied hands into that area. "I hope nobody walks in on this. Wait, we need a lookout!" Gon worried, then Karma chuckled. "you go Nagisa, this is kind of fascinating to watch" Nagisa gulped and nodded, then walked away. "thanks" he picked Gon up into a standing position, then dropped him. "Oof" he landed face first into the water, then pushed himself up a little with a single hand so he could breath. "this good enough?" Killua nodded in satisfaction. "perfect, gimme a sec" then he wiped his hands on his own shirt. Gon was right, it could be easily cleaned. Suddenly he heard a voice, "hey guy-" he glanced over at his phone, which had Ritsu on it with a horrified expression. "we're gonna prank the class" he explained. She nodded slowly, "I have to say, as a computer AI I couldn't tell the difference" then he grinned. "you in on this?" she nodded. "yes" perfect.
1865 words
To be continued...
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