It was so hard not to snap at anybody. People calling him 'useless' people calling him 'weak' but there was nothing he could do about it. He was by far the strongest person in this classroom right now, and he wasn't allowed to show it. He had to change his appearance to escape, even his personality. What was worse is that he was stuck in a hero school. He had to try to be a good guy, which he wasn't trained how to do. Killua had accepted a mysterious power for some reason, he broke his bones every time he used it. The only upside was that he could have immense power and everybody could see it. Thankfully the broken bones didn't hurt much because if his training though. "today we will be doing internships" he groaned inwardly, he would have to make a good impression on whoever he was going to. "and one more thing" he glanced up with a fake intrigued expression, he usually pretended to listen in class and instead practice ren or something. "there is hostage situation that none of the pros can deal with, they're deciding to send some of you to attempt it"
He had to stifle a gasp when the description of the victim matched Gon's appearance. This is my chance. He raised his hand. "can I please go!" Mr. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at him for a moment. "yeah sure whatever, I was planning on sending you anyways" his smile was genuine this time. A few other people raised hands, "the team will be Midoria, Tsu, Todoroki, and Bakugou" damn it. Now he had to deal with that bitch too. He liked to call him kacchan because it made him furious when he called him that, and he couldn't just tell him to fuck off so he would keep calling him that. "I'll send you more details later after class" he was lost in thought, scribbling in his notebook. He liked to take notes on people in his spare time because he had nothing else to do. He jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "hey Deku!" he glanced up and saw Uraraka. "oh! Hey Uraraka" she glanced at his notebook and blinked. "wait, that looks like who Mr. Aizawa was describing in class today" ah shit. I let my mind wander and drew Gon without thinking. "o-oh, well I just estimated what he looks like" part of that was true, he hadn't seen Gon since they were both 14 so he had to try to imagine him older. "but he didn't say anything about his eye color or his face" he blinked, trying not to snap at her. "I just guessed"
They were dropped outside of a store house. He used En to see where people were, he usually did this and then made a plausible reason for his 'assumption' it made him come off as insanely smart. Honestly he wasn't as smart as people gave him credit for, but he was smarter than his entire class that was for sure. "ok, here's the plan-" Kacchan was about to start yelling and he wrapped a hand around his mouth. "shut up" he hissed. "listen, I'm going in. you guys back me up" he let go and activated Zetsu as he made his way to the door. "why do you seem so, different?" he grinned over his shoulder, which got him a few alarmed looks. "you'll find out soon" he used his lockpicking skills to break in, which the other three gaped at. Stealth missions happened to be right up his alley, curtesy of being a trained assassin. As he peeked in, three people where surrounding Gon who was on a chair with handcuffs. He nearly snorted when he saw the look on his face. He looks so damn happy, what an idiot. He strolled in to his companion's horror, looking absolutely careless.
"hey guys! Nice to meet you" the three guys whipped around and aimed their guns at him. "woah, woah, chill out" he was currently in a civilian outfit right now, so he tried to play himself off as a clueless idiot. "so yeah, I have no idea where I am I just kinda stumbled in on ya" he glanced over to Gon. "is this a kidnapping?" in reality he already knew the three guys quirks, but he played the innocent bystander for now. "and what if it is?" the one who was obviously in charge said. "well, you see I happen to be a hero in training-" he dodged the bullet with ease. "now, back to what I was saying-" he caught a dagger that was thrown at him with two fingers. "do I need to get violent?" two of the villains scattered and the third tried his best to hold his ground. "those cuffs must be uncomfortable, you must want to remove them" he locked eyes with Gon and he smiled brightly, breaking the cuffs and standing up. "that feels so much better" the last guy bolted as well but Gon caught him by the arm and used the neck chop that Killua always did. He slipped the dagger in his pocket and the others came out, not saying a word.
"thanks! I wasn't sure how strong they were so I didn't try to escape" he rubbed his head and Killua felt himself blushing slightly. Damn it not now! "you were so cool!" he smiled, "your welcome" Gon was about to walk away when he grabbed his arm. "w-wait!" he got odd looks from the other three but he didn't care. "this isn't the first time you've been kidnapped has it" he paused for a moment at his confused face. "Gon" his eyes went wide and he froze, locking eyes with Killua. "how do you know my name?" there were gasps from behind him to but he couldn't care less. Killua let go and rubbed the back of his head. "well, I don't exactly blame you for not recognizing me" he snorted, "I can't wait to see the look on your face when you put the pieces together dumbass" there were more gasps from the people behind him but he didn't care. Gon watched him intently as he made his expression as blank as he could. He put his hands behind his head and Gon's hand went to his mouth. "Baaka~"
Gon stared intently at his face. It was really familiar but he couldn't quite place it- he put a hand to his mouth as his went to the back of his head. No way, no fucking way. "Baaka~" tears fell from his eyes and he nearly tackled Killua with a hug. "KILLUA!" he cried for a moment into his shoulder then pulled back. "took you long enough dumbass" he grinned. "you dyed your hair to look like mine because you missed me so much" he sputtered then looked away. "ok maybe I did, so what?" he giggled and then paused. "hold on, can I just do something to be 100% sure you're the real one?" he blinked. "I mean sure?" Gon happened to have Killua's taser in his pocket. "if you don't do this I won't believe you" he pulled out the taser and the three people who had followed Killua in gasped. "don't you dare" Gon smirked at Killua. "I'm gonna do it" he turned the taser on and aimed it to his own arm. "if you don't stop this from happening you're not the real one" Killua yanked the taser from him. "fine, god" he sighed, activating the taser again. "I can't believe I'm doing this again-" someone put an arm on Killua's shoulder. "hold on, what are you doing?" Killua removed the hand. "listen Todoroki, I have to do this. Now shut up and be quiet" he pressed it into his arm for a few seconds, then dropped it. No signs of pain. He's real! Gon squealed and gave him another hug. "it is you!"
Killua groaned, "get off idiot" Gon only hugged him tighter. "if you let go I'll go roof jumping with you" he pulled back with eyes shining. "really?" he nodded. "sure" suddenly Kacchan's hands exploded. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" he grinned. "I've been wanted to say this for a long time" he glanced at Gon and smirked. "fuck off bakabitch" Gon smacked him, "what did I say about swearing and being mean?" he laughed at the shocked expressions on everybody's faces. "that was so funny oh my god-" Gon smacked him again. "hey!" he snickered and shoved Gon a little. "oh c'mon it was hilarious!" Gon shoved him back. "no, it was rude" he rolled his eyes. "yeah but he's a bitch" there was another explosion from bakugou as he recovered. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU-" his legs were knocked out from under him by Gon, who stuck his tongue out. "good luck trying" he grinned. "you tell him Gon!" Todoroki squinted at him, "your entire personality changed" Gon glanced at him, then at Todoroki. "what do you mean? This is his real personality" Killua sighed heavily, "well you see, in order to get away from my family I had to completely change how I looked and acted. I'm known as a goody two shoes type person" Gon burst into laughter. "I can't imagine you being nice to people" he blushed slightly and looked away. "h-hey! I'm not a complete asshole"
Gon walked over and grabbed his arm, "I heard you say you go to a hero school. I doubt you've saved anybody with your mindset" that one kind of hurt a bit. "excuse me, I have saved- uh- I'm in training!" Gon giggled. "sure" he suddenly got an idea. "hey Gon, arm wrestling contest?" he nodded excitedly and dragged over a table. "game on!" they struggled for a few moments and the table started to crack. "what the hell?" he tried his hardest but Gon was too damn strong. "how the hell are you so strong? If I remember correctly I have more muscles than you do" Gon grinned at him. "that was two and a half years ago" his hand was slammed into the table and he gaped for a few seconds. "wow" suddenly Todoroki cleared his throat. "ahem. Shouldn't we get back to class?" he groaned. "I don't wanna keep being the nice kid! You don't know how hard it was not stabbing Monoma in the face" Gon walked over and yanked his arm up. "you go to school? I've never been to school before!" this got him concerned glances from two people. "how old are you?" Gon rubbed the back of his head. "honestly I lost track-" Killua snorted, "were the same age" he put his hands behind his head again. "it feels so nice to act like myself again. My contacts are killing me too" he took out his contacts and slipped them into their containers.
Gon's eyes gleamed as he looked at his face. "I forgot how pretty your eyes are!" he blushed slightly and looked away. "oh! Something worth mentioning" he powered up one for all in two of his fingers. "so, I kind of got this ability. It's super strong but it breaks my bones" he demonstrated this by snapping his fingers and a hole appeared in the ceiling. "why did you do that for no reason? Doesn't that hurt?" Gon snorted, "he only broke a bone. It's not like he was used as a human dartboard-" he smacked Gon. "hey! That was one time!" he shrugged. "anyways, not really. My pain tolerance is through the roof" Gon smirked and dislocated his shoulder. There were horrified gasps but he just stood there. "Gon, what did I say about doing that in public?" he clicked the bone back in place and rolled his arm. "anyways, how do I get you to come to U.A" there was a few ways he could do that. He could either request it from principal Nezu, or he could just bring him and nobody could say no. "what if you just like, break into the school in the middle of the day and come to our room?" Gon nodded, "ok sure!" Bakugou started yelling at that. "hey! That school is the best in the country! There's no way even I could do that!" Killua gave him an icy glare, which made him back away a step in shock. "Gon is stronger than everybody else in the class. I'd bet on it" he added the last part with one of those cat faces Gon loved.
He promptly got hit on the back of his head. "what did I say about gambling?" he sighed, "ok fine" he glanced around the building and caught sight of something. "hey, is that our tags?" he and Gon walked over to see their hunters exam tags sitting on a table. He grabbed his and stuck it to the front of his shirt, Gon copied him. "enough delaying, you're coming to my house!"
A few minutes later he and Gon walked into the door. "hey inko!" his 'mother' came down the hallway. "yes Izu?" Gon snorted, "what did she just call you?" Killua shushed him. "so this is Gon, you don't need to pretend to be my mother around him" she nodded. "ok Killua, so who is this?" Gon smiled, "I'm Gon! This is Killua, my best friend in the whole world!" Killua blushed and looked away. "stop embarrassing me baaka!" when he looked up inko looked like she was thinking hard. "his hair kind of looks like your hair dye" Gon giggled, "I think he dyed his hair to look like mine, also I can't believe that his fake personality!" he gave Gon a glare. "don't talk about me like I'm not here!" inko sighed, smiling a little "ok, he can stay if you want"
2307 words
To be continued...
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