Case 2 - Part 2
*Happy Fun Talk*
Monocrow: Well, comrades! It's episode 2 in Happy Fun Talk!
Parallel Larry: Finally! I was waiting for another case! I love Deadly Lives more than Daily Lives!
Monocrow: And yet you're enjoying free time events.
Parallel Larry: Only if people choose good ones!
Monocrow: Oh? And you blame people if they choose the wrong one?
Parallel Larry: Well, duh!
Monocrow: You really are in a good spot, comrade...
Parallel Larry: Do you want to know the funny part?
Monocrow: Hm... yes?
Parallel Larry: Firey's... wait hold on...
Monocrow: FireCatnap.
Parallel Larry: What the hell happened to Firey?! Why did some rip-off of Catnap take over this place?! Is it because of Catnap x Dogday ship?!
Monocrow: What? You hate that ship?
Parallel Larry: Oh no, no. I like that ship.
Monocrow: People have claimed that they are kids.
Parallel Larry: LIES! They're both adults! Did anyone pay any attention to the lore?! Theodore used to be 4 before turning into Catnap and it took decades before the game's current timeline began!
Parallel Larry: Why does anyone miss something so obvious?!
Monocrow: They are gamers. Gamer's purpose is to play the game, not theorize. Unless you are a Game Theorist.
Parallel Larry: Well, those two are overused. We need a new one!
Monocrow: Then go make one. Anyway...
Monocrow: Regardless, what is the funny part?
Parallel Larry: Ah! It's about FireCatnap's Instagram account. It's passed Killing For Universe's followers.
Monocrow: I had a feeling.
Parallel Larry: You knew?!
Monocrow: Smiling Critter community is very expansive and they found us.
Parallel Larry: Well, most people from it speak Spanish.
Monocrow: What?
Parallel Larry: Oh yeah. They speak mostly Spanish.
Monocrow: Hm... Fascinating.
Parallel Larry: Should we do something?
Monocrow: Make more Smiling Critter arts cuz I love getting more followers.
Parallel Larry: And about OUR account?
Monocrow: Meh. They will find us eventually.
Parallel Larry: What did you think about all the games coming from the trailer?
Monocrow: Well, as the Danganronpa enthusiastic the new game made by the same creators seemed interesting!
Parallel Larry: It's not new Danganronpa! I wanted one!
Monocrow: We haven't even had a chance to play it.
Parallel Larry: I don't care! I want new right now!
Monocrow: We are in one right now.
Parallel Larry: Right...
Parallel Larry: Anyway... Can I ask you something?
Monocrow: Sure.
Parallel Larry: Do you ever get the feeling that some creators will always end the episode when they are tal-
*Happy Fun Talk [End]*
Marge: O-okay... You are just joking, r-right? There's no way Girlfriend would try to kill Larry.
Stewie: Well, it's the only logical conclusion.
Uzi: Indeed. I had the same idea as Stewie.
Monokuma: W-well... the evidence is speaking for themselves...
Papyrus: T-that c-can't be! She couldn't do that! She's gorgeous!
Natsuki: (upset) I thought I was your queen...
Skid: Maybe there's a way to rebuttal it?
Pump: I don't think there is...
Uzi: Seriously? Why do you trust her? Even though she is dead, it doesn't mean she is completely innocent!
Monokuma: I agree. There is some precedent in this case.
Stewie: This has happened before?
Monokuma: Victim killed someone before they died? Yeah. That happened before.
Stewie: Huh. Interesting.
Larry: I-I.... I don't want to believe it...
Natsuki: You trust her too?
Larry: S-she... she was my friend... How could she even...
Natsuki: That bimbo was nothing but a manipulator, that's for sure!
Marge: Natsuki! What did I tell you about calling her with that word?
Natsuki: I don't care! I need to know the truth on what she was hiding behind that fake beauty of hers!
White Impostor: Not like you ever were beautiful at all.
Natsuki: (shocked) H-how dare you! I'm totally gonna punch you in the face!
White Impostor: (chuckles) Hehheheee... Try doing that, bitch!
Marge: No one's gonna punch anybody!
Izzy: (excited) Can I?!
Everybody (except White Impostor): NO!!
Monokuma: Uh oh... we're fighting again...
Papyrus: Nyahhh... I don't like our argument...
Flowey: Spongebob, do you think Girlfriend really went for Larry?
Spongebob: U-uh...
Flowey: There has to be more to this than it meets the eye! You have to think about this thoroughly!
Spongebob: Um... True...
Woody: (reassuring) Believe what you want to believe. I'm not judging you.
Spongebob: (They both are right... I need to think what I want to believe...)
Spongebob: (As much as I want to believe Girlfriend's innocence...)
Spongebob: (N-no... she... she wouldn't...)
Spongebob: (Would she...?)
Spongebob: (...)
Spongebob: (No. I cannot cloud my judgment!)
Spongebob: (If anything I have to make a decision here!)
Spongebob: (What should I do?)
> Indict The Girlfriend
> Defend The Girlfriend
>>> Indict The Girlfriend
Spongebob: (I trust Stewie's and Uzi's assertion)
Spongebob: (I need to accuse her right now! Even if she is dead...!)
Spongebob: I believe The Girlfriend drugged Larry and tried to kill him!
Some people were shocked while some people were nodding with agreement.
White Impostor: Wow. You actually made a bold claim. Well done!
Stewie: There you have it! Girlfriend isn't innocent here!
Papyrus: That's a bold claim!
Uzi: We presented evidence! You still believe her innocence?!
Pump: You got a problem with that?
Uzi: Of course I have! This case isn't going further if you keep stalling it!
Skid: We're stalling it?
Woody: Oh boy...
Monocrow: Hm... It seems that either side is satisfied with the truth they are presenting...
Monocrow: I believe it's time to argue through great teamwork!
Flowey: Are we doing a Scrum Debate here again?
Monocrow: Of course! What else did you expect?
Izzy: A challenge?
Parallel Larry: Wrong game, Izzy.
Spongebob: (Looks like we have to argue together again.)
Spongebob: (We will show others what the real truth in this case is!)
*Scrum Debate*
Should we suspect Girlfriend's actions?
Team Aggressor > "Yes, we should!"
Spongebob 'Contest'
Uzi 'Fake'
Stewie 'Drug' 'Frabricate'
Natsuki 'Friend'
Monokuma 'Reason'
Woody 'Lying'
Izzy 'Sleepwalking'
Monika [DEAD]
Handy [DEAD]
Team Defense > "No, we should not"
White Impostor
Alex [DEAD]
The Girlfriend [DEAD]
Larry: Y-you can't accuse Girlfriend like t-that! S-she was my friend!
Spongebob: Natsuki!
Natsuki: M-Monika was my friend too! And yet she turned out to be a fake one...
Papyrus: Girlfriend is too gorgeous to be a fake one!
Spongebob: Uzi!
Uzi: Oh trust me! As long as Absolute Solver is in this world, anyone can be a fake one!
Flowey: How do we know that Larry isn't still lying?
Spongebob: Woody!
Woody: Most statements he made have been cleared of any lying. (also aren't they both on the same side?)
Marge: Maybe someone else drugged Larry's drink?
Spongebob: Stewie!
Stewie: That's impossible! Girlfriend and Larry were alone after the singing contest, meaning that Girlfriend was the only one to drug Larry.
Skid: Could the killer have fabricated evidence to shift the blame on Girlfriend?
Spongebob: Stewie!
Stewie: No. The only ones to benefit from fabrication are Handy and Handy's killer. The killer didn't kill two people and there's no evidence Handy killing someone.
Pump: Maybe Larry was sleepwalking and he carried the body to the Gas Room's ventilation shafts?
Spongebob: Izzy!
Izzy: Naw! He wouldn't commit murder while sleepwalking, would he?
White Impostor: She was in the singing contest. Anyone from there could have drugged Larry's drink.
Spongebob: My turn!
Spongebob: Larry wasn't in the singing contest! Besides, no one else besides Girlfriend knew that Larry was going to play in the Game Room!
Larry: I won't believe what you are claiming! She had no reason to kill me!
Spongebob: Monokuma!
Monokuma: She had plenty of reason to kill you! The motive affected everyone. Besides she only cared about her boyfriend more than anyone else.
Winner > Team Aggression
"Should we suspect Girlfriend's actions?" The Answer = "Yes, we should"
Spongebob, Uzi, Stewie, Natsuki, Monokuma, Woody, and Izzy: "THIS IS OUR ANSWER!!!"
Papyrus: W-WHAT?! She only cares about her boyfriend?!
Monokuma: That's right. We had a conversation two days ago and she said that she had rejected boys with no regret and only cares about her boyfriend.
Marge: D-did she-?.... Did she actually say that?
Monokuma: Well... She didn't say only... but she did seem like she wanted to chain him to her foot and start bungee jumping together till they were both floating on air.
Natsuki: Sounds like a yandere relationship.
Skid: Pump, what's a yandere?
Pump: It sounds Japanese... maybe it means "perfect"?
Skid: Ah! It makes sense!
Flowey: H-hm... Now that you mention it... she did seem rather... sketchy.
Izzy: Oh yea! I can totally see her dropping boys down the cliff!
Woody: (nervous laughter) Aha... I don't think she's murdering her former companions.
Skid: W-well... if Ms. Girlfriend was a bad person then...
Larry: H-hold on...!
White Impostor: U-ugh... He hasn't given up yet?
Marge: Don't complain! Just listen to him!
Spongebob: What is it, Larry?
Larry: It's just... you all say that s-she planned to m-murder... right?
Woody: Yes. They have presented evidence from Game Room.
Larry: I-I know... b-but... was there any evidence... y'know... that she was doing it?
Papyrus: Evidence? I thought we had established that.
Larry: N-no... What I mean...
Marge: Larry, you are obviously in disbelief and you are exhausted. Maybe you should sit down and relax for a while.
Larry: N-no... h-hold on...!
Woody: ...I think I get what Larry is trying to say here.
White Impostor: How would you know? Body language?
Woody: No. But I do understand where he is getting at.
Stewie: Well, clarify to us then.
Woody: If Girlfriend was planning to kill someone, surely there would be proof of it. Only thing we proved was that she drugged Larry.
Stewie: Ugh... with concrete evidence again? This is just like Monika in the last trial.
Monokuma: I dunno, Stu. I think this is something not to overlook. I mean, what was GF's murder plan anyway?
Izzy: Good question! I have no clue!
Spongebob: (Hm... How did Girlfriend plan her murder?)
Spongebob: (Whatever her plan was... is it important to the case?)
Spongebob: (Maybe it is something relevant...!)
Monokuma: "It's time to use my bear instinct!"
Monokuma: Now, now. There is no question about it! Girlfriend's plan is VERY important to the case!
Monokuma: Because every piece of evidence is relevant!
Monokuma: Why try to make things harder for yourself, Spongebob?
Monokuma: Why don't you try to open up more and take the turn in a different direction?
Monokuma: Here! Let me show you the right way to drive at!
*Logic Refresh - Monokuma > Spongebob*
Monokuma: We know that Girlfriend planned to kill Larry
Monokuma: What we don't know is how she planned to do it.
Monokuma: Girlfriend drugged Larry at the Game Room
Monokuma: Then she moved the body.
Monokuma: Since Larry's shell marks were found in the Gas Room.
Monokuma: That means Girlfriend moved his unconscious body there.
Added > Larry's body was moved to the Gas Room
Monokuma: The important part of the murder plan...
Monokuma: Is none other than a murder weapon!
Monokuma: Flowey and Papyrus said that they hid the weapons somewhere.
Monokuma: But there are some weapons neither of them accounted for.
Monokuma: Unique Weapons, delivered by Monocrow!
Monokuma: We all still have them in our room!
Added > Unique Weapons could have been used in murder
Monokuma: Now then. What unique weapon on that list matches for the one at the crime scene?
Monokuma: It could be anything!
Monokuma: Toolbelt that Handy didn't have?
Monokuma: Sledgehammer?
Monokuma: Wire?
Monokuma: Which one Girlfriend had again?
Added > Girlfriend planned to use the wire
"Larry's body was moved to the Gas Room" + "Unique Weapons could have been used in murder" + "Girlfriend planned to use the wire"
> Girlfriend tried to hang Larry in the Gas Room
> Girlfriend tried to strangle Larry in the Gas Room
> Girlfriend tried to electrocute Larry in the Gas Room
= Girlfriend tried to strangle Larry in the Gas Room
Spongebob: "I knew I could count on you!"
Spongebob: That's it! That was her plan, wasn't it!? She planned to strangle Larry with that wire!
Monokuma: Well, well, well... It seems like Spongebob has finally found his spark!
Papyrus: I see... So she planned a strangulation. How horrible a way of thinking.
Natsuki: She sounds like a really sick person!
Larry: ...! W-wow,,, W-what gave you that away, S-Spongebob?
Spongebob: There is something that we have forgotten again to check out! Something that came up in the last trial!
Pump: We forgot something?
Izzy: AGAIN?!
Woody: ...! Y-You don't mean...? Unique Weapons?!
Marge: AH!!
Stewie: ...Son of a bitch! I forgot that one goddamn thing again!
Marge: Stewie! Language!
Stewie: Well, sooorrryyy!
Marge: No sarcasm either!
Stewie: Quiet, woman!
Marge's gaze on Stewie suddenly made Stewie flinch as her gaze was stronger than Stewie's intelligence.
Stewie: W-what the f-fuck?! Why is that eye burning me up?!
Marge: (gazing) Listen here, young man. No matter what you say here, you are still a child! No children is above humanity's ruling! No matter how intellect or dangerous they are. So you better listen to us adults, or else I will never leave you alone.
Stewie backed up immediately after hearing her "never leaving him alone".
Stewie: Gah! Fine! I'll listen to you!
Marge: Good!
Uzi: Okay... ignoring the lecture moment there...
Spongebob: With that set, we can now conclude that Girlfriend planned to kill Larry with that wire.
Woody: Yes... I recall Girlfriend having that wire as a weapon.
Monocrow: Correct! The wire that was used as a trap is indeed Girlfriend's!
Natsuki: I see... That confirms it then! She took the wire and brought it to the Gas Room.
Izzy: Wait, wait! Objection! OBJECTION!!
Natsuki: (exhausted) Why does everyone have to rebuttal?
Papyrus: Slow down, everyone. Let's hear Izzy out.
Izzy: My objection is that the wire was like thick, wasn't it? How on earth would one wire be able to strangle someone like Larry?
Flowey: Izzy is getting smarter... My brain has to be rotting right now...
Uzi: Actually, since Handy's leg was pierced by the same wire, we can conclude that a swift move can cut skin and flesh with ease.
Uzi: All Girlfriend had to do was tie the wire around his neck and pull both ends very quickly!
Stewie: Of course... with that wire, you can pierce through the skin and the flesh...
Stewie: Meaning that using the wire you can easily break someone's trachea!
Izzy: OOH! I see...!
Izzy: No further objections!
Stewie: With that out of the way... We need a new topic for our conversation!
White Impostor: And what that might be?
Spongebob: We still don't know who died first...
Flowey: Hm... I wonder if we can use this new information for the time frame...
Izzy: Come again?
Flowey: Okay... Let's see... Spongebob, Papyrus, Skid, Pump, Izzy, Stewie, and Natsuki left from Game Room around 7:00 PM. Girlfriend stayed in there and Larry came in.
Woody: Handy's Time of Death was... (checking his tablet) "8:28 PM".
Natsuki: An hour and 28 minutes... Too long!
Papyrus: Hold on! Larry! When did you drink that cola?
Larry: I don't remember...
Papyrus: Nooo! That could've been important!
Flowey: (disappointed) Papyrus. How on earth would Larry remember stuff like that? There was no time to check on the clock when Fortnite was playing!
Monokuma: Hm... In gamer's terms... Let me try a new angle!
Monokuma: Larry, where exactly were you in the game before you faded out?
Larry: I was in Tilted Towers...
Monokuma: Did you happen to land there at first?
Larry: No, I landed at Shifty Shafts, then I moved to north straight to the Tilted Towers. They were nearby.
Monokuma: Hm... And at what part did you start drinking that cola?
Larry: Hm....
Larry: (remembered) AAAH!! It was right after I got in Tilted Towers!
Monokuma: (excited) Right after, huh... That means, Larry fell asleep around 7:10-7:20 PM.
Natsuki: Wow... Just a simple game could reveal something like that.
Woody: Nice. This means Girlfriend was killed around 7:20-8:28 PM.
Skid: Hold on... Girlfriend died before Handy did?!
Uzi: If Girlfriend's wire was used as a trap, then she had to be killed before Handy.
Skid: Oh, I see!
Stewie: So our mission is to find Girlfriend's killer.
Natsuki: Alright then! Let's keep looking for them!
Larry: W-w-wait! W-what about Handy's k-killer?!
Izzy: Yeah! Who are they!? I need to know!
White Impostor: Handy's murder isn't important. Let's just follow the rules and get this trial over with-
Marge: Not a change! Handy's murder may hold a key to solve Girlfriend's murder!
Uzi: Let's figure them out first then...
Spongebob: (So now we are trying to find Handy's killer...)
Spongebob: (I need to prepare myself for the worst!)
*Non-Stop Debate*
> Handy's Helmet
> Handy's Wounds
> Gas Machine
> Flowey's and Papyrus' Accounts
Papyrus: We know that Handy was killed in the Gas Room with a sledgehammer.
Skid: And the killer found the weapon from somewhere.
Pump: Mr. Handy was chased by the killer.
Natsuki: Okay. But where does that get to us?
Natsuki: I mean, does the murder weapon reveal the killer?
Larry: M-Maybe whoever's alibi is wrong.
Uzi: Such a complicated case...
Uzi: Where are you hiding killer...?
Spongebob: (Hm... We haven't discussed one thing yet...)
Spongebob: (Let's go for that topic and see what happens.)
Papyrus: We know that Handy was killed in the Gas Room with a sledgehammer.
Skid: And the killer found the weapon from somewhere.
Present > Flowey's and Papyrus' Accounts [Mayo]
Spongebob: "I knew I could count on you!"
Spongebob: Of course! There is one topic that we should discuss next!
Spongebob: I believe that may reveal the culprit's true identity!
Izzy: WOAH!!! Looks like we got the killer, boys!
Spongebob: (nervous laughter) Ahahahaa... Not yet, Izzy. But we are getting close!
Flowey: What's the topic, Spongebob?
Spongebob: Where did the murder weapon come from?
Skid: Yeah, I was confused too! How did the killer get the weapon if Mr. Flowey and Mr. Papyrus hid it?
Marge: Flowey and Papyrus? Care to explain?
Papyrus: Nyeh heh hee! Now it's time to reveal our grand hiding place!
Natsuki: Don't waste time! Just tell us!
Flowey: We are getting there! Anyway, all weapons are hiding inside the slot machine.
Woody: What a hell'a place!
Pump: So that's where the weapons were?
Papyrus; Yes, the weapons were hidden inside the slot machine.
Larry: W-wow... I never would've g-guessed...
Stewie: But the killer found the weapon despite all that.
Monokuma: ...!
Flowey: So the killer was in Casino at some point...
Spongebob: That's right! We just need to know who went to Casino yesterday!
Papyrus: (excited) Hm... That's a puzzle, isn't it?
Spongebob: (Okay... let me think... If someone entered the Casino yesterday, that would put them to the suspect list.)
Spongebob: (How do I know exactly who went to the Casino yesterday...?)
Spongebob: (Oh, I know! There was someone in the Casino till 10:00 PM!)
Spongebob: (The person who was in the Casino was...!)
> Izzy
> Uzi
> Monokuma
>>> Monokuma
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: Monokuma! You were in the Casino yesterday, weren't you?
Monokuma: Ah, yes... I was in there.
Skid: So Mr. Monokuma is the culprit?
Natsuki: No way! Did you murder Handy, Monokuma!?
Monokuma: What?! I did not!
White Impostor: (smirking) Likely story.
Stewie: Everybody, shut the hell up!
They all shut their mouths as Stewie yelled. Marge stared at Stewie with a stern look.
Stewie: Monokuma, did you happen to see someone enter the Casino when you were playing with slots?
Monokuma started thinking hard what he saw.
Monokuma: Hm... I remember a certain someone who came in when I was playing...
Everyone: WHO?!
Monokuma: White Impostor.
White Impostor: ...!
Larry: Wha- WHAT?!
Everyone stared at White Impostor, who was unamused.
Natsuki: So you are saying that White Impostor was in the Casino?!
Monokuma: Yes! Come to think of it... he was looking for something from this one slot machine.
Stewie: (looks at White Impostor sternly) Oh REALLY? Well, care to explain, serial killer?
White Impostor: ...
Woody: So Impostor took the sledgehammer and killed Handy with it... I can see that happening.
Flowey: Of course. Why am I not surprised that he would kill someone?
Marge: Well, everyone. It seems like we have our prime suspect.
White Impostor: ...
Spongebob: Well, White Impostor? I think it's time you confess-
White Impostor: "Time to die!"
White Impostor: (laughing) Muahahahaa! Is that it? One word from Monokuma and you all suspect me?
White Impostor: Such an inconceivable tale! And the one who foolishly fell for a little farce was none other than the naive fool, Spongebob SquarePants!
Spongebob: (nervous) U-uh... You don't accept the accusations?
White Impostor: Hell naw! I'm the Ultimate Serial Killer! There's no way I would fall down like this!
White Impostor: Feel free to doubt me! But I will show you how foolish your claims are!
*Rebuttal Showdown - Spongebob vs White Impostor*
> Handy's Helmet
> Sledgehammer
> Wire
> Broken Monopad
White Impostor: So... I went to the Casino to obtain a sledgehammer? [Slash!]
White Impostor: Hah! How pathetic! [Slash!]
White Impostor: I never even went to the Casino! [Slash!]
White Impostor: Monokuma is the true killer of Handy! [Slash!]
White Impostor: He doesn't have an alibi! [Miss] [-1 Focus - 2 Left]
White Impostor: Don't tell me you took the eyes from him? [Miss] [-1 Focus - 1 Left]
White Impostor: Hahahaa! How pathetic! [Miss] [-1 Focus - 0 Left]
*Head-On Situation!*
*Cling!* *Cling!* *Cling!* *Cling!* *Clash!*
Spongebob: True, we haven't established Monokuma's alibi... yet.
Spongebob: However, like you said, you are the Ultimate Serial Killer!
Spongebob: If anyone is capable of killing someone without regret...
Spongebob: It would be YOU!
Spongebob: Tell me the real reasons not to suspect you!
White Impostor: Well, first of all... [Slash!]
White Impostor: You have no concrete evidence against me. [Slash!]
White Impostor: Monokuma was near the slot machine [Slash!]
White Impostor: That weapons were hidden [Slash!]
White Impostor: I, on the other hand, was in my room. [Slash!]
White Impostor: So you better say your prayers, punk! [Slash!]
Spongebob: (N-no... I need to fight back!)
Spongebob: (I need to prove his guilt with concrete evidence!)
White Impostor: Well, first of all... [Slash!]
White Impostor: You have no concrete evidence against me. [Slash!]
Present > Handy's Helmet
Spongebob: "I'll flip up your words!"
Spongebob: There is proof! Handy's Helmet.
White Impostor looked at Spongebob until he started laughing.
White Impostor: Ahahahahaa! What??? You can't be serious!
White Impostor: That's just a helmet! It doesn't prove anything!
Woody: (whispering) Don't back down. Keep going.
Spongebob: H-However! There is a slice inside the helmet and someone tried to cover it by smearing the blood!
White Impostor: Oh really? Well, that doesn't still prove that I'm guilty of homicide.
Spongebob: Nrgh...
Woody: I'm sorry. Our mistake!
White Impostor: Apologizing? How weak of you!
Woody: (smirking) By the way... where is your knife?
White Impostor: This is so-... Huh?
Woody: The knife you keep carrying with you... It's not in your possession any longer.
Woody: I wonder what might have happened to it.
White Impostor: (stammering) I-I don't know what you're talking about!
Stewie: Then why is your face in red? "It's hot in here" isn't an option any longer.
White Impostor: Hrm...
Natsuki: Well, killer?! Care to explain yourself?
White Impostor: ...
[Music Stops]
White Impostor: Ehe...heheheee!
Spongebob: Huh?
White Impostor: Muahahahaa! It is just as you say! I killed Handy!
White Impostor: And you are right! I don't feel regret at all!
White Impostor: This actually feels entertaining...!
Spongebob: ...!
Spongebob: (I-I don't believe... H-He actually killed someone...)
Spongebob: (And he feels no regret...)
Spongebob: (H-He truly is a monster with no heart...)
Larry: Y-you-!
Stewie: You son of a- (looked at Marge) ...birth certificate!
Uzi: Why you-! I swear I would tear you apart if this killing game didn't exist!
Monokuma: You just killed someone for fun?
White Impostor: Indeed I did! An entertaining one too!
Flowey: What. Were. You. Thinking?!
White Impostor: Aww what's the matter? I thought you hated Handy, Flowey. Don't tell me you feel regret!
Flowey: T-that's-!... Wait, am I?
Papyrus: (sad) But why? Why did you kill Handy?
White Impostor: Well, I wanted to make things more interesting!
Woody: How?
White Impostor: Well, the thing is my plan involved double victory for me!
Skid: "Double victory"?
White Impostor: I got to kill someone again for entertaining... and if my murder plan was successful... Papyrus and Spongebob would die from failing!
Papyrus: Why are you still after me?!
White Impostor: My pride won't be taken by likes of you.
Stewie: Your pride? My god! This is just pitiful!
White Impostor: E-excuse me?
Stewie: (angry) Murdering someone because those two humiliated you? My god, you really are nothing but a stupid asshole! Who the hell would even consider to understand your reasoning? Just because you are an impostor, it doesn't make you a fucking perfect killer!
Stewie: So how about for the rest of the trial, you will shut the fuck up and don't even make a peep until this case is over!?
No one said anything after Stewie said those words. He didn't care whether to follow Marge's orders or not. It took a while for someone to say something.
White Impostor: Fine, I keep my mouth shut. But you never know how the murder went~!
Stewie: Oh for god's sake-!
Monokuma: Fine, FINE! Just tell us everything!
White Impostor: Khehehee! Very well!
White Impostor: The thing is I knew someone was going to kill someone.
Izzy: Eh?! You knew the killer's plan!?
White Impostor: Nope! I only knew someone was going to die. So I decided to take advantage.
White Impostor: I hid in the Art Room and I decided to hear everything. Once I heard you guys leaving from the Game Room, I knew I just had to wait for Girlfriend to make her move.
Larry: Y-you knew Girlfriend was...!?
White Impostor: Well, duh! The person who I knew was going to kill was none other than Girlfriend!
Natsuki: U-whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
White Impostor: Yeah, I knew she was going to kill someone. And I decided to make my move after she did.
White Impostor: Then I saw Girlfriend dragging Larry's unconscious body.
Larry: Y-you... could have... stopped her-
White Impostor: Upupup! That's not what I planned, shell brat.
Larry: U-urgh...
White Impostor: That's when things got weird. When I didn't hear dragging noises any longer, I took a peek... but Girlfriend and Larry were gone.
Spongebob: G-gone?
Izzy: What?! They turned invisible!? How is that possible!?
Pump: Did she steal the cloaking device?!
Monocrow: Nonsense! I made sure no one would get their hands on those!
Uzi: Hm...
Monokuma: W-well... What happened then?
White Impostor: With a confused mood, I waited for a while! But then I was startled when I heard a loud clang noise.
Skid: Loud clang noise?
Woody: Must've been when Girlfriend's body hit the air conditioner lid.
White Impostor: Indeed it was. Then I waited a minute. After not hearing a sound, I decided to make my move. I went to the Gas Room with my sledgehammer and that's where I found the wire, next to the Gas Machine. Once I was there, I saw Larry unconscious just where the punctures were.
Spongebob: (I knew it...)
White Impostor: Then I did the trap. Afterward, I went back to my hiding spot, until I saw Handy walking. Then I ambushed him and he went running to the Gas Room!
Larry: H-he hit the t-trap then!
White Impostor: Correct! Then, I took my sledgehammer and hit Handy with it! After that, I took it and then hid it in the tent-
Uzi: What did you just say?!
White Impostor: Eh? Oh, I just said that I hid the sledgehammer in the tent.
Uzi: But the murder weapon was found in the Gas Room!
White Impostor: ...!
Papyrus: Eh?! How did that end up in there?!
Spongebob: I guess Girlfriend's killer moved the sledgehammer to the Gas Room.
White Impostor: Hm... That seems plausible!
White Impostor: Then I left the Inside Camp Room and went downstairs, straight to the bed!
Monokuma: What about the knife and the slice?
White Impostor: That's the strange part... When I entered my room, I noticed that my knife was gone.
Pump: Wait... you didn't do that slice to the helmet at all?
White Impostor: Of course not! Why would I leave such decisive evidence against me?
Stewie: It's ironic how you could leave your own knife at the crime scene!
White Impostor: I do not understand... How did I lose it?! I've done murders before and I've never been this careless...
Flowey: ...True... Ultimate Serial Killer losing his special tool... It feels weird.
Natsuki: Then whoever stole it must've been very stealthy! Like super stealthy, compared to Impostor's talent!
Skid: oooh! Is there a ninja among us?!
[Music Stops]
Spongebob: (...This kinda feels... familiar...)
Spongebob: (...Why do I get a distinct feeling that the killer's silhouette can be seen?)
Spongebob: (Sneaky... sneaky...)
Woody: W-why don't we move to the other part that was strange?
Pump: Other part?
Woody: White Impostor said that Girlfriend and Larry disappeared at some point. Why don't we discuss about that?
Marge: Yeah. I need to know why they were gone so suddenly...
Spongebob: (Mystery disappearing... Nothing of the sort should be possible with Impostor around...)
Spongebob: (Is there a blind spot everyone missed?)
*Non-Stop Debate*
> Broken Computer
> Wall Damage
> Bloody Knife
> Girlfriend's Wounds
Woody: Okay, Girlfriend and Larry couldn't just disappear like that.
Woody: It's not like they had an invisibility cloak or something to hide themselves.
Natsuki: Impostor must've missed them.
White Impostor: I have good hearing!
Stewie: But where the devil did they go then?!
Stewie: The crime scene was the Gas Room, wasn't it?!
Monokuma: Maybe the culprit covered Girlfriend's mouth so she wouldn't scream?
Larry: I-I don't know any longer...
Spongebob: (The blind spot...)
Spongebob: (Actually, there is one blind spot in this case!)
Spongebob: (The very room only a few checked!)
Woody: Okay, Girlfriend and Larry couldn't just disappear like that.
Woody: It's not like they had an invisibility cloak or something to hide themselves.
Natsuki: Impostor must've missed them.
White Impostor: I have good hearing!
Stewie: But where the devil did they go then?!
Stewie: The crime scene was the Gas Room, wasn't it?!
Present > Wall Damage [Ketchup] [+1 Focus Recovery - Total - 1]
Spongebob: "No! Your truth is wrong!"
Spongebob: Stewie, I think you are so fixated on the crime scene that you have forgotten one important fact.
Stewie: Oh really? And what is it?
Spongebob: The wall damage we found in the AV Room.
Stewie: ...Oh! That's right! Of course.
Monokuma: Wall damage? What happened to the AV Room's wall?
Stewie: How about instead of telling it, we will show it to you.
Stewie showed the picture of the damaged wall. Everyone (excluding a few people) was shocked to see that.
Papyrus: Nyaaah?! What is this?!
Natsuki: What happened to it?!
Woody: ...Oh lord...
White Impostor: ...!
Natsuki: B-but what does this mean?
Spongebob: (There is only one conclusion...)
Spongebob: (The reason why the wall is damaged is because...)
> Bomb exploded
> There was a fire
> There was a fight
>>> There was a fight [+1 Focus Recovery - Total - 2]
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: It's quite clear a fight was in there. Why else would the wall be damaged like that?
Monokuma: I dunno... This looks more like someone used a bazooka to hit this wall.
Natsuki: A bazooka? That's quite a wild guess, Monokuma.
Larry: T-there was a fight? B-between whom?
Uzi: Between the killer and Girlfriend, presumably.
Larry: O-oh...
Uzi: But you have to agree on about one thing, Spongebob and Stewie.
Stewie: One thing?
Uzi: This wall cannot be the only evidence to suggest such a fight. There is more proof, isn't there?
Spongebob: (More proof? Yes, there is more proof!)
*Choose Evidence*
> Broken Computer
> Glass Shards
> Broken Monopad
> Bloody Knife
Present > Broken Monopad
Spongebob: Well, what do you think? Doesn't this prove there was a fight?
Woody: Hm... My brain is fighting whether this evidence proves it or not.
Spongebob: And...?
Woody: ...
Woody: Looks like you lost. Your logic got knocked, kicked, and beaten to death.
Spongebob: (awkward) ...C-couldn't you just say that I was wrong...?
Woody: I could've... but I wanted to see your face when I said those words.
Influence Gauge damaged! [-1] [Total - 5]
Spongebob: H-Huh... (Well, if it isn't that one...)
Monokuma: Does such a proof exist?
Stewie: Of course it does! There's more proof!
Spongebob: (More proof? Yes, there is more proof!)
*Choose Evidence*
> Broken Computer
> Glass Shards
> Broken Monopad [X]
> Bloody Knife
Present > Broken Computer
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: There was a broken computer in the Monopad case.
Natsuki: A broken computer? What does that prove?
Stewie: The computer was smashed and we also found glass shards in the AV Room. It suggests that there was a fight in the AV Room.
Uzi: Yes. There seemed to be a struggle in there if a computer was broken and the wall was damaged.
Papyrus: Wowie... Girlfriend lost the fight and got killed...
Larry: Killed?!
Flowey: Well, Papyrus does have a point. If there was a fight, then Girlfriend could have died in there.
Pump: That would mean the real crime scene was the AV Room.
Izzy: Ah I see!
Skid: Hm...
Pump: Skid. You are thinking deeply. Does something matter?
Skid: It's just how Mr. Impostor missed sounds of struggle?
Stewie: Ah! Good thinking! Even if there was a fight, dipshit should have heard that.
Papyrus: Mr. Impostor? Care to explain?
White Impostor: How the hell should I know? I've got no clue on how there was no sound.
Izzy: Oooh! Maybe the damage was done at midnight!
Flowey: For what purpose? Girlfriend was already dead!
Larry: Maybe... er...
Larry: I have no clue... this is hard.
Spongebob: (...Hm...)
Spongebob: (I don't know... Any of the evidence doesn't help either...)
Spongebob: (There has to be a reason why White Impostor didn't hear it...)
Spongebob: (Think, Spongebob! Think!)
Spongebob: (...Ouuuh... Come on, Spongebob! Was there anything odd that had happened before?!)
Spongebob: (...)
Spongebob: (...)
Spongebob: (...! Wait, a minute...)
As Stewie went back to his seat, Marge sticked her head inside, looking very troubled.
Marge: Hey, you two! Do you know where's the first-aid-kit cabinet?
Stewie: In the first floor lobby. Why do you ask?
Marge: Pump just fell down from the stepladder and his nose is bleeding.
Spongebob: Oh no! That's horrible!
Stewie: Hold on. The pumpkin kid fell down?
Marge: Yes?
Stewie: Then why didn't we hear any sound of crashing or bumbing at sort?
Marge: You didn't hear it?
Spongebob: Nope we did not.
Marge: That's strange... but I will go find that aid-kit!
*Flashback end*
Spongebob: ...Wait, a minute! That's it!
White Impostor: Looks like dish rag seemed to solve our little mystery.
Skid: Don't be mean to Mr. Spongebob!
Monokuma: Well, Spongebob? What is it?!
Spongebob: Stewie! This isn't the first time something like this has happened! The same thing happened when Pump fell down from the stepladder!
Stewie: What are you talking about?
Spongebob: When Pump fell down, neither of us heard it! Remember when I asked you to join the singing contest?
Stewie thought hard and then he remembered.
Stewie: Oh that's right! Marge came in and told us about it but we didn't hear any bam noises at all!
Izzy: Now this doesn't make sense at all!
Uzi: hm... Wait... I feel like there's a word for it...
Spongebob: (A word? ...Wait... there might be!)
Spongebob: (You know my motto! "If you are loss for words... make a patty!")
*Patty Wording*
"Why didn't Stewie, Spongebob, and White Impostor hear noise coming from or going to the AV Room?"
A bun - F
A lettuce - T
A patty - P
A hot chili - X
BBQ-sauce - M
Ketchup - A
Mustard - E
Mayo - R
Pickles - O
Onion - B
An Egg - G
Bacon - N
Pepper-sauce - C
Garlic-sauce - D
Jalapeno - U
Chicken - L
The bottom bun - S
Use 1 Focus to reveal one letter {2 available}
Make the patty! > Bottom bun, pickles, jalapeno, bacon, garlic-sauce, patty, mayo, 2x pickles, bun = SOUNDPROOF [+1 Influence Recovery - Total - 6]
Spongebob: "Order up!"
Spongebob: Are we perhaps looking for... "soundproofing?"
Uzi: Yes! That's right!
Larry: Wait, what?! What does soundproofing have to do with anything?!
Pump: It could explain why Mr. SquarePants and Mr. Stewie didn't hear anything from the AV Room.
Spongebob: And... it could explain why none of us heard Pump when he fell down from the stepladder!
White Impostor: (chuckles) Aaaah! So that's what it was! No one could hear anything from the AV Room.
Monocrow: Ahuhuhuuu! It seems that our little secret about AV Room is out!
Monocrow: It is just exactly what you said! AV Room is soundproofed from any noise coming from outside! No sound can be heard from outside or inside!
Natsuki: Yeah, I get that. But why was the AV Room necessarily soundproofed?
Monocrow: AV Room has a stage. So it is used for concerts... Or used to.
Marge: Huh?
Monocrow: N-nothing! Keep going with your debate!
Spongebob: (That was strange...)
Natsuki: Well, that like solves one of the mysteries. But we still cannot explain the damage on the wall!
Monokuma: Maybe there is a hidden clue that we have yet to examine?
Flowey: And what it is?
Marge: Well, I'm not sure what to make out of it...
Marge: But let's keep our heads cool and think what the answer could be.
Pump: Whatever you say, Mrs. Marge!
Spongebob: (The truth behind the AV Room is starting to unravel!)
Spongebob: (Just need to solve what was happening behind the scenes!)
*Non-Stop Debate*
> Girlfriend's Wounds
> Glass Shards
> Wall Damage
> Broken Monopad
Natsuki: Well? Can anyone figure out how that wall got damaged badly?
Skid: I've got no clue!
Monokuma: I'm still thinking about the bazooka.
Uzi: That's all you think, do you?
Larry: S-surely there's something, right?
Stewie: Of course there is!
Woody: Well what is it?
Stewie: It's gotta be an item we haven't considered yet!
Natsuki: Real smooth, that helps.
Flowey: I'm going to say that fire did it.
Uzi: No, that's not it...
Spongebob: (Well, there is something that I haven't talked about yet...)
Natsuki: Well? Can anyone figure out how that wall got damaged badly?
Skid: I've got no clue!
Monokuma: I'm still thinking about the bazooka.
Uzi: That's all you think, do you?
Larry: S-surely there's something, right?
Stewie: Of course there is!
Woody: Well what is it?
Stewie: It's gotta be an item we haven't considered yet!
Present > Broken Monopad [Mayo] [+1 Focus Recovery - Total - Full]
Spongebob: "I knew I could count on you!"
Spongebob: Actually, Stewie has a point. Maybe a certain item might reveal what happened to that wall.
White Impostor: "Might"?
Monokuma: Well, what is it? Care to explain to this bear who seeks answers?
Spongebob: While we found the computer inside the Monopad case, we also found a broken Monopad in there.
Marge: Monopad was broken too?!
Stewie: Indeed. It didn't work at all.
Natsuki: Hold on a moment! Monopad is supposed to be indestructible! There's no way that thing should be broken!
White Impostor: It's almost indestructible. Monocrow said that it had one weakness.
Monocrow: Indeed. Monopad has been made with a strong material. I made sure that it gained heat resistance too.
Uzi: But in the end, it did break. That means the culprit had figured out its weakness.
Flowey: Well, how did they do it then?
Spongebob: Whatever the thing is that broke the Monopad, it could be from the same that caused the damage to the wall.
Stewie: I completely agree with you.
Papyrus: But what caused it?!
Spongebob: (Hm... When we inspected the wall, I did notice something strange...)
Spongebob: (And the strange part was...)
> How charred it was.
> The shock from it.
> There weren't any holes in it.
>>> The shock from it
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: When I touched the wall, I did feel a little shock from it. Like a jolt.
Woody: A jolt? Like an electric shock?
Spongebob: Something like that.
Woody: I see... Then the reason why Monopad is broken is because...
Uzi: ...What? It's electricity?
Skid: Isn't Monopad made of electricity? That can't be the answer!
Uzi: But there are cases when the device overdrives electricity. Using it too much may cause an electricity shock and then the wire is broken.
Stewie: The material may be indestructible. But the wires are a completely different story.
Monokuma: Puhuhuu! Well, Monocrow? Care to explain?
Monocrow: (disappointed) ...
Monocrow: I guess I'm left with little choice here...
Parallel Larry: Yeah. It's true. Lightning is its weakness.
Larry: W-what?! L-lightning?!
Parallel Larry: Well, it does overwrite the entire Monopad and wires can't handle that much energy... So it kind of blows up from the inside.
Stewie: That explains it.
Marge: Um... Excuse me but... how would anyone be able to make a lightning?
Izzy: Maybe it was maaagic~!
Stewie: Don't be ridiculous! Magic doesn't exist! There is always a scientific explanations-
Monocrow: Actually... magic is correct...
Stewie: What the douche?!
Larry: Wait... IT IS?!
Spongebob: Come to think of it... Papyrus managed to release bones from the ground when defending me and Flowey.
Papyrus: That's true. I can still do that y'know.
Flowey: If you can do bones... then that means...!
Flowey suddenly released a few white pellets in the air. Everyone was shocked to see this.
Spongebob: Woah! What are those?!
Flowey: Friendliness pellets. They are made of pure magic. Just like vines, I can create them and injure someone with it.
Marge: Oh dear...
Monocrow: The thing is, draining powers would be very difficult to do. So we only disabled guns and disabled Uzi's Absolute Solver since they are easy to hack.
Flowey: So that means Papyrus' and mine powers are still usable.
Monocrow: In theory yes. But we needed to take precautions just in case.
Woody: Precautions?
White Impostor: Those spears... they are your defense system in case someone tries to use magic.
Spongebob: Oooh! That explains how they appeared.
Monocrow: Indeed. They are also made of pure magic. We managed to harvest some so we ended up using it to defend ourselves from any violent behavior.
Parallel Larry: Although... we aren't exactly well prepared for everything, you know...
Monocrow: Which is why... there will be a new rule.
Natsuki: What?! More rules?!
Monocrow: It came up when Izzy destroyed the table.
Izzy: Oops! My bad!
Marge: What is this new rule?
Monocrow: Everyone! Check the Monopad, please!
Everyone rushed to check the Monopad, wondering what the new rule could be. Spongebob opened his Monopad and saw the rule.
Spongebob: "Rule 13 - Participants cannot destroy any property unless it is an accident or related to murder."
Spongebob: "Rule 14 - Monocrow may add more rules to the Rules Section if he can."
Flowey: What the hell?!
Monocrow: As you can see... Now we are even more secure from any attacks against us. Battling against us is futile!
Uzi: (groaning) Haaaargh... I wanted to use a freaking ninja star when I had a chance!
Monocrow: Ahuhuhuu! Great to know your intentions. But alas, it's now written in failed history.
Skid: So now we have to be more careful?
Monocrow: In terms of property safety... yes.
Pump: Okay, Mr. Monocrow...
Marge: That still doesn't answer my question. What does lightning have to do with the wall?
Monocrow: The thing is... and this MAY reveal too much in this case... but we don't have much choice here, do we?
Uzi: What?
Monocrow: The thing is... the thing that caused Monopad to blow up from inside and what caused such damage to the wall...
Monocrow: Was none other than... lightning bolt!
Natsuki: A-a lightning bolt?!
Woody: I read it a couple of times from manga... lightning, that comes in the form of a "ball" and once it hits the target, the choleric sparks of lightning scatter to its surroundings.
Skid: Choleric?
Stewie: It means violent lightning strikes around the area.
Skid: Oh I see!
Monocrow: That's right... And the one who caused that lightning...
Monocrow: Was Ms. Girlfriend!
Larry: S-she-... She did WHAT?!
White Impostor: So the girly had some magic to herself. Why am I not surprised?
Marge: How can she have magic?! She is just a young adult!
Monocrow: Ah! She is more than that!
Marge: Whaat?!
Momcrow: She is actually a demon! She has the powers of a demon!
Papyrus: Excuse me, whaaat?!
Spongebob: I know, right? That's insane!
Marge: But how could she be a demon?!
Monocrow: (smirking) Well, that is a mystery for another time. But she did have the power to create a lightning bolt.
Flowey: That-.., doesn't even make SENSE any longer! Why did she hide that and didn't use any magic to escape!?
Monocrow: Hm... Good question.
Flowey: Huh?
Monocrow: Like I said, that mystery is for another time. What matters is the murder, not her powers.
Spongebob: (Hm... Monocrow suddenly started to avoid that question...)
Spongebob: (That's weird, but...)
Spongebob: Fine. Let's talk about the murder then.
Spongebob: (Solving the murder is important right now.)
Flowey: I will never forget this part.
Woody: ...
[Music Stop]
White Impostor: Anyhoo... We have now established that girly and the killer fought in the AV Room.
Uzi: Despite Girlfriend's powers, she lost the fight. And the killer murdered her with a knife.
Spongebob: ...?
Spongebob: (That part... something doesn't seem right.)
Spongebob: The knife in question was White Impostor's knife. Right?
Uzi: Well, of course, it was-! ...!
Woody: Of course... another contradiction. At that time White Impostor had his knife in his possession. Which means the culprit had another knife prepared for murder.
White Impostor: ...What?
Papyrus: Another knife?
Larry: W-what? H-how?
Woody: Larry... It would seem...
Woody: The culprit knew Girlfriend was going to kill you beforehand.
Larry: Wha-
Spongebob: Whaaaat!?
White Impostor: ...!
Monokuma: Even Girlfriend's killer knew what was going to happen?! Is everyone god or something to know these things?!
Izzy: Ahh! Someone is a powerful eye!
Larry: L-like Dharkon?!
Pump: (curious) The enemy from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
Larry: Y-yes!
Stewie: Everyone! Stop panicking! God, why must everyone freak out from things like these!?
Marge: It's more of a shock to hear that. I mean, when I look at Impostor's visor... even he seems surprised from such a turn of events!
Spongebob: I know, right? It's like we're in a whirlwind of surprises and shocks.
Marge: Exactly! And now, with this new information, we have to find out who knew about the murder beforehand and had another knife ready for it.
Natsuki: Wait, wait! Are we now going to actually chase the culprit out?
Stewie: ...Yes...
Stewie: I believe it's time to rat out the culprit. We know White Impostor was the second... But we must find the first!
Spongebob: (So it begins...)
Spongebob: (The hunt for the culprit has begun!)
*Non-Stop Debate*
> Bloody Knife
> Natsuki's Account
> Gas Machine
> Camera
Marge: Okay, let's find the culprit now.
Flowey: The culprit knew beforehand that Larry was going to die.
Flowey: Which is why they intervened Girlfriend's plans by killing her first!
Papyrus: How did they do that?
Monokuma: They could have hidden somewhere and saw Girlfriend planning the murder.
Woody: And the knife? How did they get their hands on that?
Monokuma: Maybe they found the knife from the slot machine like White Impostor did!
Skid: That would make you the suspect.
Monokuma: Ngraah! Did I make myself a suspect?!
Natsuki: I get it! The bear wasn't in the singing contest...
Natsuki: So they waited in the AV Room and then ambushed cherry!
Monokuma: NOOOOO!!!
Spongebob: (The culprit knew Girlfriend was going to kill someone.)
Spongebob: (The problem is not how they knew...)
Spongebob: (The problem is how they knew WHEN to execute their plan.)
Spongebob: (With the AV Room being soundproofed they could not have heard what was happening in the Game Room from there.)
Spongebob: (So how would they know when the plan was going to take place-...)
Spongebob: (...)
Spongebob: (*gasp!* Could it be...?)
Spongebob: (I've got a hunch! And it's a bad one!)
Marge: Okay, let's find the culprit now.
Flowey: The culprit knew beforehand that Larry was going to die.
Flowey: Which is why they intervened Girlfriend's plans by killing her first!
Papyrus: How did they do that?
Monokuma: They could have hidden somewhere and saw Girlfriend planning the murder.
Present > Camera [Ketchup]
Spongebob: "No! Your truth is wrong!"
Spongebob: ...The culprit wasn't hiding in the AV Room during the singing contest...
Spongebob: The culprit was in the singing contest already!
Monokuma: Say whaaaat?!
Papyrus: The culprit was in the same room with us?!
Natsuki: That's absurd! How did they-?
Spongebob: The camera.
Natsuki: Huh?
Spongebob: The camera was set before the singing contest. Someone could have set the camera...
Spongebob: To keep and eye on Girlfriend and Larry!
Natsuki: E-excuse me?
Papyrus: They did what?!
Stewie: The culprit... was spying on them?
Spongebob: That's right! Thanks to the Bluetooth setting, anyone can connect cameras to their own Monopad!
Spongebob: This allowed the culprit to monitor Girlfriend's actions!
Marge: *gasp* Of course! The culprit could have taken advantage of it! And when the drug put Larry to sleep, the culprit just had to wait until Girlfriend was passing the AV Room!
Spongebob: Exactly!
Some people became quiet.
Marge: Huh? Why are you guys quiet all of a sudden?
Stewie: If Spongebob's theory is correct... then the culprit's identity is obvious.
Pump: Eh?
Natsuki: Like... Wait... Oh my GOSH?!
Papyrus: Is it... is it really HER?!
Spongebob: (...! Oh no... I think I remember now!)
Spongebob: (My subconsciousness must've blocked the memory of someone activating the camera...)
Spongebob: (Because it knew... that the camera would be the key to reveal the culprit.)
Spongebob: (...)
Spongebob: (W-well... No more backing down! I must reveal her name!)
Spongebob: I-indeed... There was a person who activated that camera... hence she's the culprit..!
*Choose Someone!*
Larry Koopa
White Impostor
Monika [DEAD]
Spongebob Squarepants
Handy [DEAD]
Alex [DEAD]
Girlfriend [DEAD]
Flowey the Flower
Marge Simpson
Stewie Griffin
Spongebob: "It's you!"
Spongebob: The one who activated the camera...
Spongebob: Was you! Izzy!
Izzy: ...
Larry: I-i...
Larry: IZZY?!?
White Impostor: The fuck? She is the one behind Girlfriend's murder?
Spongebob: Izzy was the one who activated the camera.
Spongebob: The memory of it is now clear to me.
Izzy: I'm going to connect the camera to my tablet now!
Spongebob noticed that there was a camera on the TV.
Spongebob: Camera?
Girlfriend: Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that we're going to use the camera to videotape our performance.
Spongebob: What gave you that idea?
Girlfriend: I want to see how you all performed and use it in my future concerts.
Spongebob: You can do that!?
Girlfriend: Totally! That's how the magic of my voice gets improved.
Spongebob: Cool!
*Flashback end*
Izzy: ...
Monokuma: So... Izzy activated the camera huh...?
Papyrus: (sad) T-that's correct...
White Impostor: Hm... So the crazy girl is the killer? Hehehee... Never expected her to do the deed.
Monokuma: Yeah... It's almost ridiculous...
Izzy: ...
Spongebob: W-well Izzy? I accused you as the culprit. Is there any rebuttal you would want to make?
Izzy: ...
Izzy: Sure, I did set up that camera...
Suddenly Izzy took glasses and put them to her face.
Izzy: (intellect) But you can't possibly accuse me for simply activating the camera, right?
Marge: What the-?
Izzy: Just because I used Monopad to connect to the camera, doesn't make me a suspect. I remember shutting down the camera right when the singing contest ended.
Uzi: Is that so? In that case, I can prove you are lying.
Izzy: Oh you do now, huh?
Uzi: Spongebob, why don't you explain the reason why that camera connects Izzy to the murder?
Spongebob: (The reason why the camera is important... is because...)
> It was on for too long
> It was outdated
> It was from the AV Room
>>> It was on for too long
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: Izzy, one question. When did you activate the camera?
Izzy: Why does that matter?
Uzi: Just answer the question.
Izzy: It was activated at 5:54 PM. Happy?
Spongebob: Not really, because according to the recording time on camera, it was on for an hour and 52 minutes.
Izzy: ...!
Skid: Eh?! You mean it was still on for over 40 minutes?!
Spongebob: That's precisely what I'm saying.
Izzy: ...
Uzi: Well, liar? Don't you think it's time to reveal yourself?
Izzy: ...
Izzy: (silly) Oh my gosh! I totally remember now! I went to the AV Room to test that camera much earlier and I accidentally forgot to turn off that thing. That's why it was recorded over 40 minutes before the singing contest began. My bad! Ahehehee!
People were dumbfounded by Izzy's claim.
Stewie: You're screwing with me, right?
White Impostor: You think we're believing you?
Izzy: (silly) Of course! These kind of things happen to me all the time! I forgot something and then it goes on and on!
Flowey: Ugh... Clearly, we're not going anywhere with this.
Stewie: Hm.. How do we convict someone who doesn't know the difference between knee and arm?
[Music Stop]
Woody: According to everyone's testimonies, the sledgehammer was at the corner of the Gas Room, a knife was used to slice Handy's helmet, and someone moved Larry to the Inside Camp Room.
Papyrus: That's correct.
Woody: I believe Izzy did that after White Impostor carried out his murder.
White Impostor: Yeah. That's easy to figure.
Monokuma: The real problem is how she figured that Girlfriend was planning to murder someone.
Flowey: Probably the same reason why White Impostor knew she was going to kill.
Uzi: Well, jackass?
White Impostor: Hrmp. I guess it can't be helped.
Spongebob: Huh?
White Impostor: A few days ago I received a letter. It told me that Girlfriend was planning to murder someone.
Marge: For real?!
White Impostor: That's correct. Come to think of it... it did sound like it came from the Mastermind.
Pump: T-The Mastermind?!
Flowey: Of course... They probably wanted a murder to happen.
White Impostor: I was uncertain when it was going to happen, but when I heard this singing contest from Papyrus-
Flowey: Papyrus?!
Papyrus: (nervous) U-uh... H-he surprised me a-and I find up telling him about i-it...
Flowey: (angry) ...Go on...
White Impostor: Well, originally I planned to tease Girlfriend in this case when she murdered someone. But then I started to plan something different.
Pump: The murder of Handy!
White Impostor: Well, not Handy specifically, but he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Uzi: And you believe that this letter was real??
White Impostor: Heh. I was uncertain, but after the motive, it became likely!
Uzi: Tch- Despitable...
Marge: But what about Girlfriend's killer?
White Impostor: I've got no clue how Izzy figured that out...
Izzy: (silly) I've got no clue! Just like I don't know where my keys are! One time when I lost my keys, I trashed my apartment with bare hands and then robbed my neighbor's house!
Izzy: It turned out that my keys were and get this... They were in my pocket! Can you believe it? Ahahahahaa!
Flowey: (pissed) We better figure this mystery out or else we all are going to Mexico after this!
Natsuki: Like... what about the motive?
Skid: The dreams?
Natsuki: Couldn't she like... saw a dream about Girlfriend being a demon and then she started to suspect her?
Izzy: ...! W-wow! You suddenly make good poem stories!
Natsuki: D-Don't mention what Monika did!
Spongebob: She has a point though! We never discussed the killer's motive! We know why Girlfriend and White Impostor wanted to kill... but what about Girlfriend's killer?
Izzy: Oh uh... Maybe they were jealous of Girlfriend's appearance?
Natsuki: Yeah, you better not suspect me, frenzy!
Skid: So you admit that you were jealous of her after all?
Natsuki: (stuttering) N-n-no! D-Don't make such a r-ridiculous c-claims!
Stewie: The dreams that we have must've been Girlfriend's one-part of motive.
Izzy: (nervous) O-one-part of the motive?
Stewie: Remember! Girlfriend's killer must've known that Girlfriend planned to kill someone. I believe you can figure out the other part of the motive as well!
Marge: Y-you mean... the killer wanted to save... Larry?
Larry: W-what?
Woody: I see... It makes perfect sense when we think about it.
Larry: (tearing up) N-no way...! I-Izzy... y-you really?
Izzy: ...
Skid: B-but what as the point of that many stab wounds?! And why did they have to push to the vents as soon as she was killed?!
Natsuki: Actually... that's wrong! They couldn't push the body down the vents immediately!
Skid: W-wait! Really?!
Natsuki: Cuz like... there was evidence of that!
Spongebob: (Evidence that no one couldn't be pushed down the vents immediately... It would be that thing... right?)
*Choose Evidence!*
> Gas Machine
> Warning Sign
> Air Conditioner Lid
> Monocrow File 3
Present > Warning Sign
Spongebob: "I got it!"
Spongebob: You're talking about the warning sign, right?
Natsuki: Well yeah! According to that thing you were supposed to wait for 10 minutes before you could open the vent.
Papyrus: The culprit had to wait for 10 minutes... Then they pushed Girlfriend's body to the air conditioner lid.
Pump: Guess this is the truth behind this case.
Izzy: (Silly) Awwww....! You guys are so silly!
Flowey: E-excuse me?
Izzy: (silly) I'm just a little surprised how detectives like you...
Izzy put the glasses back on.
Izzy: (intellect) Could miss such a contradiction.
Spongebob: What?
Izzy: (intellect) You don't see it, do you?
Izzy: (intellect) Allow me to elaborate.
*Non-Stop Debate*
> Gas Machine
> Air Conditioner Lid
> Broken Computer
> Monocrow File 2
Izzy: You all are missing a contradiction.
Marge: What contradiction?
Izzy: Girlfriend was killed in the AV Room.
Izzy: However, White Impostor was on watch.
White Impostor: Where are you going with this?
Izzy: It's simple. You never saw me?
White Impostor: Nope. I never saw you.
Izzy: If I went to activate Gas Room, you would have seen me when I waited.
Papyrus: Ack! She is right! White Impostor didn't see Izzy, Larry, or Girlfriend...
Papyrus: -entering the Gas Room!
Natsuki: Serial killer heard body hitting the lid!
Izzy: That doesn't prove anything...
Skid: O-oh... boy...
Spongebob: (So the contradiction is that White Impostor never saw three on Gas Room...)
Spongebob: (So in order to solve this contradiction...)
Spongebob: (I would have to prove that the killer could have dropped body without any issue for getting caught.)
Izzy: You all are missing a contradiction.
Marge: What contradiction?
Izzy: Girlfriend was killed in the AV Room.
Izzy: However, White Impostor was on watch.
White Impostor: Where are you going with this?
Izzy: It's simple. You never saw me?
White Impostor: Nope. I never saw you.
Izzy: If I went to activate Gas Room, you would have seen me when I waited.
Present > Gas Machine
Spongebob: "No! Your truth is wrong!"
[Music Stops]
Spongebob: Izzy, it's not a problem for you to stay hidden and drop the body in seconds.
Izzy: (intellect) Then I must be really talented to do something so impossible.
Spongebob: True it is impossible to drop the body on White Impostor's watch...
Spongebob: (continues) IF it was deactivated at that time.
Izzy: (shocked) U-whaaat?!
Marge: What do you mean, Spongebob?
Spongebob: What if the culprit had already deactivated the gas machine before the singing contest? Stewie: Right! The gas machine read that it was deactivated at 7:25 PM.
Papyrus: 7:25 PM?! That's 35 minutes before the singing contest began!
Stewie: Precisely. This means the culprit could have easily dropped the body straight to the air conditioner lid!
Izzy: ...!
Uzi: So, Izzy. I think it's obvious now. You deactivated the gas machine in order for your plan to work like a charm.
Izzy: ...
Larry: I-I don't b-believe it...
Woody: Any rebuttal, Izzy?
Izzy: OH oh! I got one!
Stewie: Shit... Now what?
Izzy: So like... you guys claim I fought with GF... right?
Flowey: Yes. Your point?
Izzy: But I've got no bruises or any signs of struggle in my body. Y'know...
Monokuma: Awww nuts...
Stewie: We have talked about shreds of evidence here. You activated the camera and shut down the gas machine.
Izzy: But that's not like... decisive evidence to prove me guilty.
Stewie: ...Again with evidence... I hate this...
Spongebob: Well, we just need to prove her guilty verdict.
Stewie: Okay, fine. Let's hear your argument.
*Final Non-Stop Debate*
Stewie: Explain why you aren't the culprit, Izzy.
Izzy: (crazy) YAAAY!!! This is like a final boss fight!!!
Parallel Larry: Are you dumb? Fight against hosts and the Mastermind is the final boss fight!
Monocrow: Let's not get carried away PL.
Izzy: (intellect) You claim that I survived the fight against Girlfriend?
Izzy: (intellect) As you can recall, Girlfriend was a demon.
Izzy: (intellect) She could have easily overpowered me.
White Impostor: Don't you always do your "aikido moves?"
White Impostor: Don't try to bullshit way out of this.
Izzy: (intellect) I wasn't planning to until you guys decided to frame me.
Stewie: That's ridiculous! The evidence is obvious!
Stewie: You are the only one to activate the camera.
Stewie: You deactivated the gas machine.
Izzy: (intellect) Now, now... I never did such a thing. And you can't prove that.
Izzy: (intellect) You guys are so ungrateful...
Izzy: (intellect) I tried my best to help you in this case.
Izzy: (intellect) I found the murder weapon that was used to stab Girlfriend.
Woody: How convenient that YOU were the one to discover it.
Flowey: I bet you planted that knife in the sink!
Izzy: (intellect) Ridiculous...
Izzy: (intellect) Back to the fight, how can you tell that I was the one Girlfriend attacked?
Izzy: (intellect) There no way it's possible,
Present > Broken Monopad
Spongebob: "I have you CORNERED!"
Spongebob: There is one way... We can determine whether you were attacked or not!
Izzy: (shocked) Whaat?!
Papyrus: It's possible?! How???
Spongebob: During the fight, the killer lost something important.
Natsuki: Lost something...
Skid: Important?
Uzi: ...! Ah! I see where you are going with this!
Spongebob: That's right! The Monopad we found... is it perhaps yours, Izzy?!
Izzy: ...!
Pump: Wait... What do you mean, Mr. Spongebob?
Spongebob: Girlfriend launched a lightning bolt towards the culprit. It hit the wall, but it also hit something else.
Spongebob: The killer's Monopad!
Skid: O-OOOOH!!!
White Impostor: Ah I see! That would make our job easier if we just checked whether it was Izzy's or not!
Izzy: (intellect) Ahem... But how? It is destroyed. You can't check a destroyed tablet.
Stewie: The killer took one Monopad from the Monopad case.
Stewie: And I know this because the broken computer was in there!
Izzy: ...!
Papyrus: So the killer replaced their Monopad with a new one! Fascinating!
Izzy: S-so?! That doesn't prove I took it!
Stewie: Oh really?
Stewie: In that case, we need to check your Monopad right now.
Izzy: What?! Why?!
Stewie: Monocrow had installed those tablets for us. If someone took a new Monopad after their own was destroyed...
Stewie: It doesn't allow you to use the new Monopad unless Monocrow activates it.
Izzy: U-uh...
Flowey: Give up. You lost.
Izzy: ...
Izzy: I lost?
Izzy: heheheee...
Spongebob: (Uh oh!)
Marge: Oh dear! She lost it!
Izzy: I lost?! That's not gonna happen! I will achieve my victory!
Monokuma: After every evidence against you?
Izzy: Well, you forgot to tell me how I transported the body to the Gas Room without any blood in the hallway!
Monokuma: That's easy! You... um...
Izzy: See? SEE?! You can't answer that puzzle! You can't get me! LALALAAA!! Ahahaa!
Spongebob: (She has completely lost it...)
Spongebob: (But she has a point... there are some things we need to clear with 100% certainty.)
Spongebob: (That's why we need to fight back!)
*Argument Armament - VS Izzy*
Larry: I-I can't believe I-Izzy is t-the culprit!
Woody: Relax Larry. We got her now.
Skid: But she couldn't kill someone in that state...
Monokuma: Let's see what she has to say...!
Izzy: I sang with you guys in the singing contest! I couldn't have spied on Girlfriend and Larry!
= Pump > I have the eyes of a hawk!
= Marge > You followed them!
= Papyrus > You set the camera!
Papyrus: Izzy! You are one to set that camera! The only way to see the video is through your Monopad!
Stewie: Then we can conclude that she knew when to murder.
Papyrus: Are you sure? We could be too hasty.
Flowey: Quiet you...
Marge: Let's not argue here.
Izzy: I couldn't have easily defeated a demon, y'know!
= White Impostor > You do Aikido moves!
= Uzi > You are an Ultimate Hunter!
= Monokuma > Maybe you can turn into Super Saiyan!
Uzi: You are the Ultimate Hunter. With your Ultimate, you wouldn't miss a target, no matter what they are!
Natsuki: So she did overpower Girlfriend with ease!
White Impostor: Clever way to do it, I must say.
Woody: She destroyed the table easily...
Larry: N-no... I don't wanna believe it...
Izzy: White Impostor should've seen me drop Girlfriend's body!
Flowey > He didn't want to get caught!
Skid > He was afraid of you!
Uzi > He was blind!
Flowey: He didn't want to risk getting caught by you! That's why he kept hiding till Handy passed by.
Woody: Hahaha! That's funny.
White Impostor: Don't mock me, you cur!
Papyrus: Come on, let's focus here!
Marge: I can feel her losing...
Izzy: I had no reason to move Larry to the Inside Camp Room!
Marge > You wanted to save him.
Natsuki > You tried to frame him
White Impostor > Perhaps I was the intended to get caught
White Impostor: I was supposed to get caught here. Since you saw me kill and I was the one to put blood on his hands, you wanted to move him from the crime scene.
Skid: Impostor placed that blood on Larry?!
Flowey: Ceez... Another thing we have overlooked...
Monokuma: Well, we can't do anything about it anymore...
Larry: I-I just want this to end...
Izzy: White Impostor moved Larry's body! There's no evidence that I would return back to the crime scene!
Natsuki > Sledgehammer
Marge > Bloody Knife
Woody > Wire
Natsuki: Sledgehammer! You moved from the tent to the crime scene! White Impostor had no reason to leave it at the crime scene!
Izzy: How did I move Girlfriend's body without dropping any blood?! There was nothing of the sort on that floor that could've been used to transport the body.
> Inside Camp's Sleeping Bag
Spongebob: There was a sleeping bag inside the tent! You could have used that to transport to the body!
Izzy: ...uh oh...busted...
Spongebob: Izzy... You had a way to move the body! By using that tent's sleeping bag!
Izzy: ...
White Impostor: The same place I hid the sledgehammer?
Flowey: Hold on. But White Impostor never said anything about there being bloodstains... Wouldn't he notice?
Papyrus: Y-yeah... Isn't he supposed to be the Ultimate Serial Killer or something...?
White Impostor: Hm... I never checked what was inside... and the smell of Handy's blood must've covered Girlfriend's.
Marge: Then we haven't checked the sleeping bag yet?!
Pump: Can someone check?
Izzy: T-this is absurd...! There's no way Girlfriend's blood is in ther-
Monocrow: I brought the sleeping bag in here.
Izzy: ...!
Monocrow showed the sleeping bag in question. Everyone was staring at it.
Skid: That was fast.
Monokuma: Of course, hosts would bring something that's important very fast. They don't want to waste any worthless time here.
Marge: Well, who is going to check it out?
Stewie: I'll do it. I have experience.
Stewie went to inspect the sleeping bag for blood. As he opened the bag, his eyes widened, before his mouth turned to a smirk.
Stewie: Well, well, well... What do we have here?
Woody: You found blood, didn't you?
Stewie: Indeed! And there's plenty of it!
Larry: W-what?!
Papyrus: S-so it's true? Girlfriend's body was inside the sleeping bag?
Natsuki: Well, cherry was... bleeding a lot from multiple stab wounds.
White Impostor: It was a beautiful sight...
Natsuki: Shut up.
Uzi: We can now confirm Spongebob's logic.
Skid: Yay! He did it!
Spongebob: (nervous laughter) Ahehehee... Thanks!
Woody: Well, Izzy? I don't think you can run around jungles anymore.
Izzy: ...
Uzi: Will you admit it?
Izzy: ...
Izzy: Okay. You got me!
Papyrus: Eh?! You admit it?!
Izzy: 'Course! Since you all found me out, perhaps it's better to go through everything y'know.
Pump: "Go through everything"?
Monokuma: You're talking about case summary?
Izzy: Totally! So people, get your brains working and end this case once and for all!
Larry: (shocked) ...
Woody: (surprised) ...
Natsuki: (uneasy) ...
Spongebob: (This moment of acceptance... is she really fine with this?)
Spongebob: (We all saw execution last time...)
Spongebob: (And yet here she is... smiling like everything's gonna be fine...!)
Spongebob: (Why is she accepting it...?)
Spongebob: (Does she wish this to happen...?)
Flowey: Hey, Squareboy. Are you gonna help us explain everything from this case?
Spongebob: (started) A-ahh! Right!
Spongebob: If Izzy wants this then, I guess it's time to end this.
Spongebob: This is the truth behind this case!
[Continue in Climax Reasoning - Case 2] >
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