Jisung looked angrily into his victim's eyes, annoyed with the latter for all the pain his victim had caused to people all over South Korea. He raised his hands and dragged the helpless man by his throat and threw his body on the wall.
"Careful, Sung. We can't have him dying yet. First we need to know who he's working for. Then you have to kill him." Chenle's voice filled his ears through the earphone in his right ear.
Jisung grumbled, he wanted this man to suffer. He didn't deserve to die so easily after all the pain he had caused others. Keeping that in mind, Jisung leisurely strolled towards the said man and drew out his own pocket knife. He kneeled down to the man's level and whispered, "Scum like you deserve to suffer Hanuel."
Hanuel visibly shook with terror, watching his own house be engulfed by flames behind the young man whose name he never did catch, the same young man who played with the pocket knife too close to Hanuel's face as though it were some toy.
"What are you thinking about?" Jisung asked as he tilted his head, pointing the knife at Hanuel's neck.
"N-nothing" Hanuel stuttered, moving his neck behind in fear of the knife tearing through his skin.
"You're lying." Jisung stated as he slid the knife's edge on Hanuel's face, smiling wickedly as blood started to ooze out of the cut he had made.
"Jisung, just ask him and be done with it." Jaemin's stern voice scolded through the device.
"Yes hyung." Jisung replied, his intimidating aura changing into that of a kid for just a second, before going back to the same dangerous one he had shown Hanuel.
Hanuel noticed this change in Jisung's manner, no matter how small it was, Hanuel noticed it. Jisung's eyes flickered over to the wall for a minute before going back to glare at Hanuel. "Who do you work for?" He hissed, pressing the knife against Hanuel's neck.
"No one" Hanuel whimpered from the feel of the cold knife pressing on his warm skin.
"You're lying again. Do you remember what happened the last time you lied?" Jisung reminded, pressing the knife even harder against Hanuel's skin.
"Y-yes" Hanuel gulped, the irony taste of blood coating his mouth.
"Then this shouldn't come as a shock." Jisung spoke, as he stabbed Hanuel's arm, cutting through flesh. Hanuel screamed in agony, but no one was there to hear his screams of help. "Now, tell me the truth."
"I-I already t-told you!" Hanuel stuttered, grabbing his wounded arm.
"Wrong answer." Jisung stated, and slit Hanuel's throat, watching with glee as the light left the latter's eyes.
Jisung got up from his position on the floor and headed towards the washroom of Hanuel's house. He dusted of his clothes, proud to have not a speck of blood on him or on his gloves. He switched the faucet on and cleaned the blood off of his knife.
The blood dripping from the knife made Jisung feel happy, for he knew that today, he had erased a bad man from the face of the Earth, making the world a better place.
Jisung dried the blade of his knife and pocketed it once more as he took out another device from his pocket and set it on the wall. He pressed one button on the device and dusted it before strolling out of the beautiful mansion that unfortunately, Hanuel called home.
Just as Jisung reached two steps out of that house, it went up in flames, a bomb bursting inside it. He didn't seem fazed, he expected this to happen. He took his phone out and called up Chenle, telling him the job was done. "Yes, do the send the van" Jisung spoke, cutting the call.
As he waited for the car to arrive, he took off his gloves and threw them into the fire raging behind him. This was his usual routine after a kill. Leave no trace of yourself ever being there.
But this time, Jisung screwed up.
He didn't usually blow up houses of his targets; he always made sure to come to the house or location at such a time when he knew there would be no one around, and then he'd give that person a painless death, sometimes after questioning them for information. The routine was always the same, and the main motto was to leave no trace of him ever being there.
Blowing up the place was only done when you've managed to spill your own DNA, or damaged the house in any way. Unfortunately for Jisung, he did the latter.
When Jisung sneaked into the house, he didn't know Hanuel was cooking. So, he carefully made his way through the house and found Hanuel heading into the washroom. Jisung reached the house's circuit board and switched off all the lights in the house, letting anyone remotely near Hanuel's house think that Hanuel was going off to sleep.
Little did Jisung know, gas had leaked, and him switching the lights off caused a big spark in the kitchen. Within minutes, half of the mansion went up in flames. Because of this, Jisung had the chance to make Hanuel suffer for his crimes right before he killed him. And Jisung savored it.
Jaemin emerged from one of the bushes that didn't burn down and walked over to Jisung, grabbing the younger's shoulders from behind and watched in glee and Jisung froze. "Follow me Jisung-ah" he smiled and walked back into the bushes from which he emerged. Jisung ran after him.
"You really tortured the poor guy" Jaemin chuckled, using his hands to dust off a cobweb. Jisung looked down in terror, searching if there were any spiders living on the web that might be roaming the ground now.
"He deserved it. Human trafficking and drug dealing doesn't exactly scream good guy"
"True, true, all's fine, but, boy, you need to know first get the information before giving him justice!" Jaemin scolded, stopping for a minute to ruffle Jisung's hair before going back to finding his way back to the van.
"What did he say?" Jaemin stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Jisung with a quizzical eye.
"No one." Jisung sighed.
"As I expected." Jaemin sighed in response. "Anyway, how's the other mission going?" he asked, jiggling his eyebrows.
"I think I made her laugh. Or smile. Or faintly smile? Or something more like her trying to smile? I don't really know." Jisung sighed in defeat.
"At least you now know she's not a robot?" Jaemin encouraged, smiling his usual radiant smile.
"How do you know I thought that?"
"I heard it from Jeno who heard it from Yangyang who heard it from Haechan who heard it from Mark who heard it from Yuta who heard it from Dejun who heard it from Hendery who heard it from Sicheng who heard it from Jungwoo who heard it from Doyoung who heard it from Jaehyun who heard you and Taeyong talk about it." Jaemin explained.
"News travels fast."
"It's NCT, what do you expect?"
"You're right. Wait a minute, didn't we cross this tree before? Jisung questioned, stopping as he pointed at the said tree.
"No we didn't" Jaemin dismissed.
"I distinctly remember you breaking off that cobweb between these two trees." Jisung motioned to the space between the two trees.
"Did I? Oh yes, it appears I did." Jaemin agreed after thoroughly checking out both the trees.
"Are we lost?" Jisung asked, grumbling as he checked his phone to see no bars or signal.
"No" Jaemin scoffed, "we're not lost. Come follow me, I'm know that this is the right way. I'm pretty sure I went wrong when I took that right from this tree the last time we crossed it." Jaemin spoke, taking off in some other direction with Jisung following close behind him.
~ 5 hours later ~
"Just admit it. We're lost aren't we?" Jisung whined, dragging his feet by the same tree he had crossed 15 times already.
"No, we aren't lost, that's the way back, I can see streetlights from here!" Jaemin exclaimed, walking into a new set of a bushes he hadn't gone through before.
"I'm a 100% sure that's the sunrise." Jisung deadpanned, dragging his feet towards where Jaemin just went.
~ 2 hours later ~
Jaemin and Jisung were sitting peacefully under the tree, choosing to rest themselves after all the endless walking around the woods on the right path home. Jaemin said he was positive that they were on the right path this time, and Jisung was positive they were walking around in circles.
Jisung's back was resting on the tree bark comfortably and he felt the need to rest his eyes for a minute. He closed his eyes and his head lolled back as he entered dreamland.
Jisung must have been asleep for about two minutes when he was awoken by Jaemin grabbing his shoulders and shaking them violently. "WHAT?! WHO DIED?!" Jisung screamed as he woke.
"No, no one died, Jisung, I just think the sun's rising." Jaemin told.
"Damn it hyung I have school!" Jisung whined, hitting his head on the tree. "Hyung?"
"Yes?" Jaemin asked.
"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU COME TO GET ME THROUGH THE FOREST?!" Jisung screamed, irritated and annoyed and just downright tired.
"They told me to come get you back to the van since we had to change its location cause someone was trailing us so we couldn't come back to pick you up but then I found this shortcut through the woods so now we're here." Jaemin spoke so fast it sounded like he was rapping.
"Admit it. We're lost." Jisung grumbled as he switched on his phone to check the time, his eyes widening as he realized something.
"Yeah we're lost." Jaemin agreed.
"HYUNG LOOK! I GOT A SIGNAL!" Jisung exclaimed, jumping around with happiness.
"Call someone, or use GPS, DO SOMETHING!" Jaemin exclaimed with happiness.
"Yes I'm calling Taeyong hyung."
"No- not Taeyong hyung"
"Yuta hyung?"
"Not him either"
"Jeno hyung?"
"I'd never hear the end of it, no we're not calling him."
"Kun hyung?"
"Yes yes yes, call him!" Jaemin agreed, both of them quieting down as Jisung dialed Kun's number.
"Jisung? Why are you calling me right now? Is something wrong?" Kun's groggy voice answered, his tone starting from tired, and reaching the end of his sentence had turned into panic.
"Hyung we're stuck in the woods."
"Oh, I see. Send me the location, I'm on my way." Kun spoke, and cut the phone.
i'm sorry for this shitty chapter
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