CYNTHIA approached the Macher household, bottles of alcohol in a bag dangling from her hands, and a purse with some lipgloss and her cellular inside. No one was there yet as she was early. She rang the doorbell, waiting for Stu to answer it. She had already tried to open it but found it locked.
She saw the faint outline of the boy in the stained glass window before he opened it. He leaned against the frame, as his eyes raked up and down her person, "God, baby, you look beautiful."
Cynthia hummed, "I have people to seduce." She was wearing a short black dress, one side longer than the other and exposing the skin of her lower hip. She had paired it with knee-high black boots, which gave her some height. She had worn Billy's leather jacket over the top that he had left at her house the night before. In addition, her eyes had been done in smudged eyeliner, making her face seem more angular than it already was.
Stu gripped her hand and pulled her into his body, "Me I hope? Billy already had his fun."
"Who else?" Cynthia smiled, lifting her head to kiss him. He was still miles taller than her but with her platform heels, it was slightly easier for him.
He kicked the door closed and lifted her with ease without disconnecting their lips. Cynthia's legs wrapped around his waist as he carried them into the living room. Cynthia dropped her bags onto the chair as he sat, causing her to straddle him. Stu's hands nestled on her waist, though one began to wander downwards.
Cynthia didn't object, allowing his hand to roam as she kissed him back, her own hands cupping his jaw.
"Did you enjoy your escapade last night?" he whispered against her lips.
Cynthia hummed, "It was very enjoyable."
"I'm sure I can top it," Stu informed.
"I'm sure you can darling," Cynthia smiled, pecking his lips gently.
Stu shifted, laying her body against the sofa, "I'm taking that as a challenge." He began to kiss down her body, his fingers gently tickling her sides causing her to giggle. He bunched her already short dress at her waist and trailed his fingers over her legs.
Cynthia's body tensed in anticipation and he raised a brow. She rolled her eyes playfully, shifting around in his hold.
Just as his finger hooked around her underwear the door opened, Billy's voice calling out, "Stu, Cyn?"
"In here Billy-boy," Stu called, rolling his eyes comically at Cynthia. She chuckled as Billy entered the room.
"Really?" Billy questioned, taking in their position.
Stu looked offended, "What? You got your chance, it's my turn."
"I'm not a toy, you can play with."
Stu leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Of course not, baby. You're way more important than a toy. You're our whole world."
A smile broke across Cynthia's face and she kissed his cheek. She turned to look at Billy who stood there waiting for them to finish, "I dropped the keg off. I'll be back later."
Cynthia sat up abruptly to look at him as he approached the door, "You're not staying."
"No, I've got some stuff to sort, but I'll be back later," Billy promised. He came back over, leaning down to kiss her. She pulled him closer, kissing him with a newfound passion.
As she pulled away, she whispered against his lips, "I love you too."
He smiled brightly. He saluted Stu before he exited the Macher home. Cynthia turned back to her current lover who pouted, "You didn't tell me you loved me."
Cynthia leaned forward peppering kisses around his face, "I. Love. You." She punctuated each with a kiss and a giddy smile spread across Stu's face, along with a light blush.
"I love you too," he kissed her gently and she melted back into the softness of his caress.
Now, without interruption, Stu pulled Cynthia's underwear from her legs. He kissed along her thighs teasingly, his blue eyes darker in the low lighting. The blonde shuddered under his touch and lurched as the pad of his thumb came into contact with her clit.
Cynthia bit back a moan as his finger slipped inside of her. His mouth connected with her clit and the sound escaped. Though doing the same actions with Billy, it was completely different. He was like a man starved whereas Stu was slow and purposely teasing her in all the right places.
As his tongue moved against her Cynthia's legs clamped around his head. He shoved a hand between them, prying them open and keeping them that way. His slow and tortuous licks were a gift and a curse all at once upon her pleasure.
She could feel the orgasm budding and she was sure he could too. But he was holding off. He would recognize the change in her breathing and his fingers would slow. And then he'd push her to the edge again and just stop.
After the third time, she was becoming impatient. She tugged at his hair, "Stop."
"What are you asking me to do?" he questioned.
"Just let me come," she pleaded, writhing around.
He chuckled against her skin and attached his lips to her body once more. His fingers began a faster pace and it was pulling moans and gasps from her lips.
Ultimately as he crooked his fingers against her G-spot, she came undone, her legs going weak. She was sure if she was standing she'd collapse. Electricity crackled beneath her skin as the pleasure washed over her so strongly she gasped for breath.
When she came down from her high, she panted lightly, laying against the sofa tiredly. Stu licked the remains of her orgasm away and sat up with a satisfied smile, "Bet Billy-boy couldn't do that."
Cynthia merely shook her head in exasperation. She sat up, pulling her hair away from her damp back. She sighed, her breathing returning to semi-normal. The doorbell rang and Cynthia swore, "Shit the party!
Stu nodded and Cynthia warily got to her feet. She picked up her underwear that had been discarded on the ground and looked at him, "Finish setting up. I'll be in your bathroom, fixing myself."
"You do that, baby. We'll finish this later," Stu called after her.
Cynthia slowly mounted the steps up to Stu's bedroom. She entered, going into the en-suite bathroom and clicking on the light. She sighed. Her hair was dishevelled and her dress was askew.
As she fixed herself, she heard the party start as people came and the music turned on. She reapplied her lipgloss before she left and stalked downstairs, leaving her purse in Stu's bedroom for safekeeping.
As she descended the steps she saw that a few of Stu and Billy's friends were there, guys from the basketball and football teams respectfully. She was glad she didn't see Jesse anywhere around.
Randy was there with a bunch of movies in his hands. She noticed them to be his favourite horrors and shook her head at the bad timing.
She turned, feeling a presence behind her. Stu smiled, handing her a beer, "For you, my Lady."
"Thank you," she kissed his cheek. She noticed that he was wearing some type of robe. It was dark red, with a black lining. She chuckled at it as he showed it off.
"Come on, help me with the drinks," Stu stated, pulling her off into the kitchen. Cynthia sat on the kitchen island as Stu and a few of his buddies began to use a funnel to pour beer down Jason Carpenter's throat. The boys were yelling, "Chug! Chug! Chug!" As Jason drank without taking a breath.
"Caterer's here!" Tatum shouted, as she entered the kitchen causing the party to cheer, "Oh that's mature," she drawled looking at their activities.
"I'm here to make sure they don't kill each other," Cynthia smiled.
"You guys were tardy for the party so we started without you," Stu responded. Jason finished off the beer and Stu chuckled, "My man!"
The boy belched loudly and Cynthia groaned. She hopped off the counter and rounded around to the two girls, "Hey."
"Hi, sweetie. How long have you been here?" Tatum questioned.
"About an hour. I came early with whiskey and vodka," Cynthia smiled brightly. She had taken a few drinks as she watched the boys mess around and the buzz was starting to settle in.
"Hey, we're taking a vote for the movie," Randy yelled from the living room.
They entered, Sidney going over to the lanky boy and the other three settling themselves into the couches. Stu pulled Cynthia into his lap, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"How many Evil Dead?" Randy questioned. A few raised their hands, "How many Hellraisers?"
Shouts echoed from the room as Stu jabbed his finger into Cynthia's side, causing her to yelp, "My Hellraiser right her." She smacked his arm lightly and he chuckled.
"How come Jaime Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?" Sidney asked after looking through the selection.
"She's the scream queen," Randy stated.
"With a set of lungs like that, she should be," Stu replied, his fingers dancing on the exposed skin of Cynthia's thighs.
"Tits," Tatum deadpanned, "See? I need another beer."
The doorbell rang and Stu hopped up, "Oh, I'll get it." He jumped over the sofa, failing to land on his feet and falling to the ground, "Hey, Tate, grab me another beer would ya? In the garage." "
"What am I the beer wench?" Tatum rolled her eyes, moving slowly to get up.
Stu came back excitedly, "Guys you are not gonna believe who's here! It's that chick from Top Story."
"Gale Weathers?" Randy questioned, his eyes lighting up.
The girls groaned in annoyance.
"Here. Yeah," Stu said. The party whooped and Cynthia turned on the couch, looking at the entrance. Gale and Dewey entered the foyer, Dewey jokingly taking a bottle of beer off one of the football players
"Dewey?" Tatum called causing Cynthia's eyes to flick to the other blonde. She motioned for her brother to come over, "Dewey? What is she doing here?"
"She's with me," he said excitedly. Sidney tensed and Cynthia frowned, "I'm just checking things out."
"So you did. Now leave and take your media muffin with you," Tatum stated. Gale walked through the doorway as Sidney rose to leave. They walked past each other, Sidney sending her a dirty look.
The woman walked past one of the girls who commented on how 'awesome' she thought Gale was. Cynthia felt the complete opposite. This woman had badgered Sidney for the past year about her mother, advocating for her killer's innocence.
The blonde walked toward her brunette friend, Dewey on her heels.
"Hey, you okay? I know her being here is weird," Cynthia said.
"Yeah," Sidney nodded. She sighed deeply as Randy walked past, muttering that he needed to find a camera, "Did they find my father?"
"I'm afraid not," Dewey replied.
"Should I be worried?"
"Not yet," he said before he walked off. Cynthia sighed and rubbed her friend's arm.
"I got another one," Sidney whispered. When Cynthia's brows furrowed, she elaborated, "Phone call. Earlier, before the party. He threatened to gut me like my mother."
Cynthia sighed, "Oh Sid," she pulled the girl into a hug, "I promise you we'll find this person and we'll lock them up. And then no one can hurt you again."
"I'm ruining the party, let's get back," Sidney forced a smile and they walked back to the party.
Cynthia and Stu stood at the door, showing a few people out. The party had raged for about two hours so far and people were starting to flock home for the curfew. Their main friend group was staying for a little bit longer to just hang out and a few people from the various sports teams were still hanging around. Cynthia was thinking of staying there that night.
Stu's head rested on hers as he spoke, "Happy curfew," to a few leavers.
Sidney walked past and called up the stairs, "Tatum come on!"
"Nobody here but us, chickens!" a girl yelled back.
"Do you know where she is?" Sidney questioned the two.
Both shook their heads, "We haven't seen her," they spoke in unison. Stu giggled in his usual way as he poked Cynthia in the ribs.
Suddenly, a figure appeared, screaming at them from the doorway. Cynthia and Sidney yelped in surprise, the blonde clutching her chest.
"Jesus, Billy, you could've given me a heart attack," she groaned, slapping him on the arm.
He rolled his eyes, shooting a look at Stu.
"Oh, Billy. Hey," Sidney said, looking between him and Cynthia, who had stepped into a hug.
"Billy. Hmm. What are you doing here?" Stu wondered in faux surprise. Cynthia rolled her eyes. Both obviously knew he was coming, they just hadn't told anyone. Cynthia was pretty sure Stu had told Tatum that the Loomis boy wasn't coming.
"I was hoping I could talk to Sid alone for a minute."
"You know if Tatum sees you here, she'll draw blood," Sidney responded.
"I'll tell you what. Why don't you guys go up to my parents' room? So you guys can... talk," Stu stated, lifting his eyebrows suggestively at Cynthia. The girl pinched him, causing him to yelp, "Ow!"
"Subtlety Stu. You should look it up," Billy sighed, "But before that, Cyn, can we talk?"
Sidney looked between the two, jaw clenching. Cynthia nodded, "Sure, darling." She gripped his hand and pulled him further into the home. Billy smacked Stu in the stomach on his way. As they entered the kitchen, Billy turned her toward him, planting his lips on hers.
Cynthia smiled, kissing him back gently. His fingers danced on her skin as they trailed across her body toward her hips. She found herself drawn to him, melting into the comfort she had grown familiar with. Their desires were palpable in the air as their kiss intensified, and Billy's hands roamed over Cynthia's body.
The girl pulled away, "What did you want to talk about?"
"Absolutely nothing. I just wanted to kiss you," Billy murmured against her lips as he leaned forward once more. Cynthia allowed the kiss but stopped there.
"And Sid?"
"Talk about our break up. Tatum called me last night raving about how I broke her heart and that she's so pissed with me and how Sidney was the best girlfriend I'll ever have. I know the last part isn't true because I have you," he smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. So you want to tell her that...?"
"That she was right in assuming I loved someone else."
"Aren't you just cute," she said amused, "Well go. Break her heart further."
He kissed her once more and exited the kitchen. Cynthia went into the living room, peeking into the foyer and watching Billy and Sidney walk up the stairs. Stu walked in and the two settled onto the loveseat as they began Halloween.
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