Yes that's Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder. At least I've heard so.
But let's pretend that's just Harry and Scarlett for now 😂
This chapter made me sad :((((( oh whale. Also, PLS READ THE A/N AT THE END😉
Movie 🎥 Southpaw (2015)
Happy Reading xx
H A R R Y 🔫
"Harry you need to get some rest, you've been at this for the whole day," Jade pestered me, trying to pry me away from the laptop.
"I have to find her," I repeated the phrase I've been using to respond with to everyone's comments.
"C'mon man, Damien and I will keep looking. Just go get something to eat and fucking sleep, you look like hell," Max persisted, his hand landing on my shoulder, squeezing to get my attention. My weary eyes flickered up to his, before I let out a sigh and nodded.
"C'mon," Jade encouraged me, wrapping her fingers around my bicep to help me up.
I stood up tiredly, rubbing my strained eyes with my knuckles as we walked out of the conference room. Jade wouldn't leave my side once we made it into my apartment. She thought I was fragile and highly emotional and insisted to stay and take care of me.
"Stop mothering me, I can take care of myself," I hissed softly, as she turned on the faucet and filled up a warm bath for me. She was always too good to me, what did I ever do to deserve a good friend like Jade?
"Stfu you frog, I'll mother you all I want," she teased with a chuckle, tossing in a Lush bath bomb.
"That's Scarlett's favorite one," I murmured, noticing that it was heart-shaped with small rose petals stuck to it. Jade didn't say anything; instead she just shot me a sympathetic glance before standing up.
She approached me, crouching down in front of me where I was seated on the lid of the toilet with my head hung low. She tucked her fingers under my chin and lifted my head up to lock gazes with my eyes.
"She'll be okay, Harry," Jade told me in a hushed tone, trying her best to reassure me.
"How do you know that?" I questioned with a scowl, hating how people were trying to reassure me that Scarlett was fine. Jade didn't answer, instead averted her gaze to the floor. "Yeah you fucking don't."
"She's strong okay? She will get through it. You just have to hope for the best Harry, you can't keep being pessimistic like this," Jade scowled lightly.
"I know she is, but I-I just can't help but think about what he's doing to her," I whimpered all of a sudden, my voice breaking halfway through the sentence. My head hung low, a single tear slipping from my eyes. "He could be raping her for all I know," I uttered, before Jade swiftly lifted my head back up.
"Don't speak like that Harry. Just don't think about it for God's sake. It'll ruin you," Jade sighed harshly, knowing that there wasn't much she could do with reassuring me. Whatever she said didn't make me feel any better. We sat in silence for a minute or so before I spoke up lowly.
"I'm gonna to take a bath," I murmured, standing up from my seat and tugging my shirt off.
"Okay," Jade nodded, straightening her back before heading towards the door. "Harry?"
"Yeah?" I looked back at her.
"You know I'm always here for you right?"
"I know," I nodded slightly. "Thank you."
"If you need me, I'm just next door okay," and with that she left.
A heavy sigh fell from my lips as I undressed myself lazily, tossing my clothes into the hamper before lowering myself into the warm bath. The warm water and rosy smell of the bath bomb allowed my mind to fade into dullness and everything turned into a foggy illusion. I felt all the tense nerves in my body finally relax as the sensation of the steamy water calmed me. Jade had turned the lights of the bathroom off and lit a few candles around the tub, with the exception of the bathroom door open so I wouldn't get suffocated in here.
I sunk further into the water until it was up to my chin, my knees bending as my eyes fluttered shut. The smell of the bath bomb so painfully reminded me of Scarlett. There had been a couple of times were we'd come back from training and take a warm bath together rather than a shower. She would always use this bath bomb and ramble on about what the shop lady told her about this particular bath bomb. Tisty Tosty it was called apparently, an enchanting rose-scented spell for lovers, the shop lady had told her.
I would usually just roll my eyes and haul her in for another kiss, squeezing her irresistible ass while her delicate fingers would run through my damp curls. The more I thought about having baths with Scarlett, the more I began to imagine her actually in the bath with me. I could almost imagine the weight of her on my lap, strangely comforting me as we made out slowly as if we had all the time in the world. I was so caught up with my 'dream' I felt myself slide lower and lower into the water until I was completely underwater.
My tongue rolled against hers hotly, her nose nudging mine every now and then as her fingertips dug into the nape of my neck. The warmth of her body seared into the skin of mine straight to the bone as she pressed her naked chest against my hard one. Her legs straddled my lap, my large hands gripping her smooth thighs as she continued to kiss me slowly and sultrily.
I felt myself fall into a daze, the feel of her lips and tongue against my own taking over my senses. It all felt so heavenly. One of my hands glided down from her thigh, before sliding my fingers through her already wet folds. She moaned into the kiss, the sound of it encouraging me further to circle her clit slowly. She broke away from the kiss for a breath of air, her swollen lips brushing against mine ever so lightly as she exhaled heavily when I rubbed my fingers against her gently.
Her hand made its way to my erection, grasping it firmly and sliding her small palm down the shaft agonizingly slow. Her other hand gripped the side of my neck, forehead resting against mine as we both exhaled breathlessly, touching each other slowly and fervently. My other hand gripping her hip suddenly tugged, urging her closer. She moved a little, close enough for me to grasp my own cock and brush the head against her entrance.
She shivered, a whimper leaving her lips as I circled her entrance now with the tip of my cock. Before I knew it she was already riding me, lifting and dropping her hips in a slow rhythmic pace that had low throaty moans leaving both of our swollen lips. I could feel her intense heat and wetness surround me as she dipped down on my length again and again.
Wanting to be even closer to her, I curled an arm around her torso, pulling her further into my body. One of my arms held her to me while the other traveled down to her ass, gripping the supple flesh. Her sweet moans resonated through my ears as I aided her with her movements on me, allowing her ass to roll back on me with every circle of her hips.
Her lips touched my ear, whispering sweet nothings into it as we continued to make love to each other for what seemed like hours but was only minutes. The phrase 'I love you' was shared between us repeatedly, as if saying it a million times couldn't seriously justify the amount of love we had for each other.
"Harry," she moaned breathlessly, her hands sliding down my bare chest as she brushed her lips against mine lightly. "I love you baby."
"Fuck, I love you so much Scarlett," I groaned in pleasure, screwing my eyes shut. We were nearing our orgasms. She moaned out my name continuously, the way it rolled off her tongue urged me closer to my release.
I shot up out of the water, a loud gasp leaving my mouth before I started to cough vigorously. It was all just a dream. I pathetically glanced around the bathroom, as if I was expecting Scarlett to be there, but she wasn't. I breathed heavily, my crazy eyes darting to every corner of the bathroom as I tried to calm myself down. But I couldn't. I could still hear her voice echoing in my ears. It felt so real, as if she was right there, on my lap, making love to me.
I let out a groan of frustration; my fist lifting up high in the air before it came crashing down onto the scented water, creating a loud splash. For fuck's sake. Just thinking of Scarlett drove me insane. This wasn't the first time I had a 'dream' of Scarlett. Some of them were nightmares, of her getting tortured by Andrei. Thankfully none of them have been of her being sexually assaulted by him. Touchwood. I wouldn't have known how to handle it if I ever had a nightmare about that. I would probably go on a rampage or something.
I pulled myself out of the bath, drying myself before wrapping a towel loosely around my waist. I stood in front of the sink and reached for my toothbrush, squirting some toothpaste onto the bristles of it and moving it to my mouth. I studied myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, noticing how weary my features were. I had terrible dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep; my skin was pale and my usual bright forest green eyes had faded out into a more light washed-out green.
I spat, and rinsed my mouth and cleaned my toothbrush. My eyes examined the rings on my fingers, focusing on the silver one with the word 'Always' engraved into it. I lifted my hand up, holding my fingers out as I stared at it. My eyes watered as the memory of the time she gave it to me played in my head. The first time we made love. A lone tear glided down my cheek, before a few others joined it.
Before I knew it I was crying. Crying harder than I ever had in my entire life. I cried as I carried myself to bed, my endless tears soaking my pillow as I buried my worthless face into it. It was all my fault. If only I didn't leave her alone, she wouldn't have been abducted. I promised myself I would never let her go, but here I was, crying in my bed while she was holed up in God knows where! I knew that crying my eyes out was obviously not going to help get her back, but I just couldn't help it.
I needed her. I never realized it until she wasn't physically with me. I was dependent on her, sadly enough. I was losing every bit of my sanity while I was looking for her. She was everything I never had, and even more. She was gone, and the idea made me absolutely insane. These last few days had been frustrating as hell, every day Andrei would send us a short video of him leaving more and more bruises on her.
Vlad didn't let my watch any of them though, he was afraid they would trigger the hidden rage inside of me, causing me to go on a rampage and murder everything and everyone in sight. That was partly true I suppose, it was better for me not to watch those videos. They promised me it was just assault and not sexual assault, which was somewhat relieving I guess. If he sent us a video of himself sexually assaulting her, I wasn't sure about what I would do if that ever happened, but I knew it wouldn't be good at all.
My tears eventually dried up. My throat was raw from all the desolate sobs I had let out, and from all the pained cries of her name I had let out. Scarlett. My baby was with that monster. I knew she was strong, but she was still my baby. Words couldn't describe how angry I was at myself for not being there to protect her, even though there were justifiable reasons for it. I just couldn't find a way to disintegrate the heart-wrenching guilt I was facing from just not being there to protect her.
I felt like I had failed her. All my promises were just lies. I knew that at this point she would disagree with everything I had said, and would just kiss my cheeks, nose and lips and tell me that it was all okay and that she would forgive me. She always forgave me even though I never deserved her forgiveness. I never deserved her, yet I was blessed with this beautiful goddess of a woman I loved ever so much. God it just hurt my heart thinking about her.
I soon felt sleep and exhaustion calling me. Just thinking in general exhausted me; my mind had never been so loud before. I stared blankly at the empty space beside me, trying my hardest not to tear up again at the sight of it reminding me that she was probably sleeping on the floor or something.
To push me further to sleep, I just thought about the promise I made her, the promise that I was gonna get us out of here and we were gonna fly out to some random country and live normal lives. That was a promise I was determined to keep, once we rescue her and Niall, I was going to fulfill that promise for sure. Images of a future with Scarlett ran through my head as I finally fell into a deep slumber.
S C A R L E T T 💣
Day 4...
"Niall," I breathed in relief as soon as I walked into the hospital room.
There he was lying in bed, hooked up to a saline drip. He looked much better than he did in the cell. I walked over to him, wincing every time I moved because of the amount of bruises I had all over my body. I didn't even know where it hurt the most, I felt like my ribs were damaged and my breathing was labored. Basically my whole body hurt, but I was slowly healing myself due to the Adamantium I was injected with.
"Scarlett," he responded weakly, tugging up his blanket up to his chin.
I approached him as quick as possible, sitting down by his side. My hand landed on an empty space where his leg should've been, which had me confused for a moment. My eyes darted to his body, noticing the outline of his right leg through the blanket but for his left leg only half of the outline was actually visible. A horribly feeling settled into my stomach as my eyes darted to meet Niall's, noticing how he swallowed thickly and pursed his lips. My fingers slowly grasped the blanket, lifting it up to peer underneath it. A gasp immediately left my lips at the sight of what was under the blanket.
Where the rest of Niall's left leg was supposed to be, there was nothing. His left leg ended up halfway through his thigh, where the infected wound was originally. Niall had lost his leg to the surgery they did on his wound.
"The infection had spread too far and I lost a lot of blood," Niall spoke grimly, his hand coming up to touch my arm. "Scarlett it's okay, don't cry," he whispered softly with a light-hearted smile, rubbing my arm soothingly. I never even realized I was crying.
"But Niall, you lost your leg," I sniffled, wiping my tears away as I covered what was left of his leg and turned to face him.
"At least I didn't die eh?" he chuckled humorously, grinning toothily at me. I managed a laugh, dragging the back of my hand across my cheek as I stared at this cheerful adorable person.
"How are you so optimistic now?" I couldn't help but ask, remembering how pessimistic he was being while we were in the cell.
"I don't know, I think it was the heavy medication speaking and not me," he shrugged lightly. "Apparently, they're gonna get me the best prosthetic leg money can buy!" he told me excitedly, grabbing my arm and tugging childishly.
"That's great! It's the least these shitheads could do after taking out your freaking leg," I smiled a little, loving how cheerful he was right now. It was refreshing to see in a certain way.
"Yeah! But it'll probably take me a while to learn," he pouted.
"It's okay, I'll help you once Valkyrie rescues us and we're back at The Organization," I promised him quietly, right before looking around to see if anyone was listening in.
"Really?" he grinned widely, his bright blue eyes filled with hope.
"Of course, Niall," I patted his cheek, squeezing his hand when he smiled so hard his cheeks flushed.
"Thank you Scarlett, you're honestly the best," he told me, as I blushed and shook my head modestly. "But y'know," he whispered all of a sudden, his expression turning serious. "I don't think I'll be coming with you and Andrei and his gang to the 'secret location' for when Valkyrie will hand over God's Eye."
"Oh yeah, I've been thinking about this lately. I'm pretty sure Valkyrie devised a plan where they'll be able to get me back and keep God's Eye. But with you, I'm sure they've already thought about it advance about Black Arrow leaving you here, because what's the point of taking you to the 'secret location' right? So Valkyrie will probably send someone here to get you," I explained to him in a low voice, cautious of anyone who would've have been listening in.
"Wow you've already thought this out haven't you?" Niall chuckled, while I nodded with a laugh.
"Indeed I have," I laughed lightly, before sighing remembering the last time I was in a hospital bed like Niall was right now. It was when I had fallen into a temporary coma after the Adamantium surgery.
"What's wrong?" Niall immediately noticed, furrowing his brows a little.
"I just hope nothing goes wrong," I said before realizing how ironic that sounded. Something always went wrong during the missions I was on.
"I hope so too, be careful Scarlett. I won't get to see you off tomorrow, nor the next day," he pressed his lips together.
"I know. I'll try to see you tomorrow. I will-"
"Time's up, let's go," the exotic man outside the room with caramel skin yelled, gesturing for me to hurry up.
I quickly pulled Niall into an awkward hug, whispering into his ear not to worry and that someone from The Organization will come for him while the deal was going on. I left a kiss on his cheek before giving his hand a squeeze, leaving him to rest as I exited the hospital wing. As I was not so kindly escorted back to my cell, thoughts of 'the deal' flooded my head. I had that gut feeling again. I was scared more than ever now, and all I could do was pray that nothing would go wrong and that no one would get injured or seriously, or worse. Killed.
-damn it's been about a week or something since I've posted. good lord the amount of work I'm getting it killing me RN 😫🔫
-anywayssss, what did y'all think of that chapter? Scarlett's abduction is taking quite a toll on Harry isn't it?
-if y'all really enjoy this story, I hope you wouldn't mind voting for me for 'The Spring 1D Wattys' by 1DWattyyAwards !!!! I was nominated by ElleD03 💘
The link is here 👉
I'll also put it up on my 'gold' reading list to make it easier for y'all 😊 just check out my profile!
Until we meet again...
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