Dylan O' Brien is my spirit animal 🤘🏼
Movie 🎥 The Hit (1984)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T💣
"Where are you going?" A very sleepy Harry grumbled softly, his voice muffled by the pillow where his face was buried in. I was already up and dressed with breakfast ready for the both of us. "Come here," his hand lifted, before flopping back down.
I kicked my shoes off before climbing onto the bed before lying down next to Harry. He immediately crawled into my open arms, his limbs wrapping around my midriff while his head was resting in the crook of my neck. My fingers gently weaved through his thick curls, sorting out the unruly mess that had occurred due to his sleeping position.
"Now, where are you trying to run off to?" he asked me again, his tone low and gravelly, causing my stomach to do backflips at the sound of it.
"I was going to visit Dexter and Louis. Haven't hung with them properly in a while."
It was true. I was always with Harry, making it seem like he was the only person I spent all my time with. That was true for the last few days until I decided to around visiting Spencer and Liam at work, going to the gym with Jade, and learning a few technical skills with Niall. Today I was going to chill with Louis and Dexter for the whole day and have a casual movie night as well.
"I thought you were going to spend the day with me," Harry couldn't help but frown, making me smile a little at how adorable he looked in the morning.
"I spend everyday with you, Hypno. I'm sure you'll be fine if I spend a day with my best friends," I chuckled lightly, causing him to scowl a little before he shifted, climbing off me.
"Fine," he grumbled, his tone hard to decipher, whether it was playful or not. "Have fun with your fucking 'best bunnies'," he said, his tone now slightly harsh as he walked straight into the bathroom without giving me another glance.
I sat up on the bed in slight confusion and irritation. Was Harry jealous? He shouldn't have been because he shouldn't feel threatened by Louis nor Dexter. Nah he wasn't jealous. Maybe he genuinely was upset with me spending the whole day with my two best bunnies, rather than with him. I wanted to go and apologize but I felt that I shouldn't because honestly, I was allowed to do whatever I pleased and I was constantly around Harry. I needed to see other people too, even though I loved spending time with Harry and being around him.
With a heavy sigh falling from my lips, I got off the bed. Leaving a note, I decided to just leave instead of sticking around and talking to Harry. Plus I was sort of annoyed that he literally spat out 'best bunnies', in that harsh tone he always used to describe Dexter and Louis. It angered me a bit. I tried to flush out all my thoughts about stubborn Harry as I left the apartment and headed to Dexter's and Louis'.
"Scarlett!" Louis literally yelled as soon as he swung the door open.
A surprised gasp flew out of my lips when he jumped onto me all of a sudden, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and legs around my waist. My hands immediately went to grab his thighs, trying to balance myself as he clung to me, hugging me tightly.
"Louis what the fuck," I muttered as he refused to let go, as if he was a five-year old child. "You're surprisingly light, by the way," I noticed, wondering how the hell was I still managing to carry him. I had noodle arms, as Harry would say.
"Let go Louis."
"No," he spurned, holding onto me even tighter.
"Jesus Christ," I mumbled under my breath as I decided to just carry him into the apartment.
With Louis in my arms, I somehow managed to find Dexter and force him to rid me of Louis, as much as it was an adorable sight to see him curled up in my arms. Apparently Louis had more of that chocolate The Organization's mess hall always served, and he was just 'high' on that, as Dexter would say.
"So what are we doing first?" I questioned as I plopped down on their comfy sofa.
"Black Ops!" Dexter exclaimed cheerfully, switching on the TV and setting his PS4 up. "We're going to teach you how to play it," he grinned at me, picking up two remotes and handing me one as Louis came to sit down next to me.
"There's no need. My Dad and I played all the time," I smirked, watching Dexter's eyebrows shoot up, sending a nod of admiration towards my way.
"Let's play Black Ops 3: Zombies, Dexter!" Louis explained, bumping me as he shifted on the couch, trying to get into a comfortable position.
We spent the whole morning playing Black Ops, Minecraft and Last Of Us. I practically relived all my tomboy days where all I'd do was stay home during summers and play video games with my dad and Spencer. I was living the dream. I was a bit rusty when I started playing again, due to the years that have passed by without playing any video games. But I soon got the hang of it once I played a couple of rounds.
"What the fuck Louis! Why didn't you revive me?" I exclaimed in annoyance, smacking his bicep with a cross expression.
"Because I have about twenty zombies crawling up my motherfucking ass," he snapped back.
"Ugh I lost all my guns!" I grumbled angrily, my thumbs aching from continuously moving the control sticks of the controllers.
"Lettie help! I need reviving!" Louis yelled loudly, jumping up from his seat, looking to me. I glanced back with a smirk.
"Yeah right, I've got twenty zombies crawling up my motherfucking ass. Soz Lou."
"Bitch!" he screeched, catching me completely off-guard when he tackled me to the floor.
"Louis!" I shouted in surprise, as my controller dropped from my hands when I felt his heavy body collide with mine all of a sudden.
We were caught up in a mini-wrestling tournament, which mostly consisted of Louis pinning my wrists above my head several times before I managed to knee him in the crotch. A groan left my lips when he trapped me again; this time holding my wrists with one hand while the other came around to tickle me.
"Louis! Stop!" I screamed in laughter, my voice coming out shrilly and out of breath as he tickled my sides relentlessly. "I can't breathe!"
"Oh no!" Louis panicked, his hands letting go of my wrists, pulling me up along with him. "No Lettie! Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! You can do this!" he cupped my cheeks, inhaling and exhaling in an exaggerated way, telling me to follow him.
"Oh Louis, you're so fucking cute," I laughed breathlessly; clamping my hands down on the sides of his face and squishing his cheeks as if he was the most adorable baby I've ever seen.
"Stop," his voice came out muffled, his hands grasping my wrists to pull them away.
"You're like the cutest brother I've never had!" I cooed, ruffling his copper-colored hair, causing him to frown hard and pout.
"Jesus Scarlett, you make me sound like I'm a 2 year-old," he grumbled, folding his arms over his chest.
"That's 'cause you are one, you idiot," I poked his cheek playfully. He grabbed my finger quickly, twisting it sharply all of a sudden, causing me to squeal in pain.
"Ow! What the fuck!" I yelled out all of a sudden, my other hand coming up to smack his head.
"Hey that hurt! You ho-"
"Enough fighting you two! Holy shit you guys are like a pair Rottweilers fighting over a piece of meat!" Dexter exclaimed loudly, setting up the dining table while doing so.
"Need any help, Dex?" I questioned, untangling myself from Louis before heading over to the kitchen. "Smells amazing in here!" I groaned, the smell of grilled chicken and all sorts of delicious aromas.
"Grab some plates and utensils," Dexter instructed, making me nod my head before rummaging through the drawers for some forks and spoons.
We had an appetizing lunch that Dexter had prepared for us. It seemed as if most of the men in The Organization knew how to cook, rather than the women. It was nice to see how non-stereotypical this place was. Dexter had created some sort of incredible dish that was mainly filled with cheese, chicken and pasta. It had me groaning with every bite, my eyes fluttering close at the succulent feeling of the cheese melting in my mouth.
"Dexter what on earth is this piece of art?" Louis questioned with a groan, shoveling more of the incredible food into his mouth.
"I call is Dex's Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Pasta!" Dexter exclaimed happily, an ecstatic grin plastered on his face.
"I'll need to exercise after this, Harry will be disgusted if he saw me eating this," I chuckled to myself, remembering the amount of times he had scolded me for eating so unhealthy. Living with Harry has forced me to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which I suppose I could be grateful for.
"What did you get him for his birthday?" Louis asked me all of a sudden, his words causing a frown to appear on my face.
"What?" I questioned, baffled.
"It's his birthday today Scarlett. I'm sure you knew that," Louis said, mirroring my expression before his eyebrows shot up when I shook my head.
"Shit! He never told me when his birthday was! I asked him like a million times, but he refused to tell me," I exclaimed, feeling utterly horrible for leaving him all alone on his own birthday. No wonder he was making such a fuss about me leaving.
"He probably didn't tell you because he knows you would make a big deal out of it. We never celebrate Harry's birthday for some reason," Dexter explained as I sat there and chewed at my bottom lip.
"How do you know that? Maybe he's never really had anyone care enough to celebrate his birthday with him," I suggested, making them both shrug.
"Maybe. He was always an asshole, people wouldn't have given a shit anyways if it was his birthday," Louis said, his words sounding harsh to me, but I let it go. He had a point.
"We should do something! At least bake a cake, get a gift and surprise him tonight!" I said excitedly, already imagining the look on Harry's face when he'd see all his friends there to celebrate his birthday with him. He'd be happy.
"I don't think he'd want that Scarlett," Louis said uneasily.
"Why not?"
"I don't know! He just puts up with all of us because of you. Before you came, he never spoke to either of us. Never to me nor Dexter. Jade was just an acquaintance, and Liam was probably the only friend he had. Other than that, he lived quite a lonely life," Dexter finished with a tight-lipped expression.
"That's not true," I retorted weakly, knowing very well that it was.
"Oh Scarlett, we know Harry hates us, especially me," Louis pointed to himself with a cheerful grin.
"But that's not fair, you never did anything to him," I objected.
"True, but you can't change the way Harry feels about us," Dexter reasoned, making me sigh before nodding in understanding.
"It's just that you guys are important to me, and so is he. It would've been amazing if all of you bonded well enough," I muttered, lifting my gaze up to meet their soft ones.
"At least we somewhat bond," Louis grinned weakly. "Now c'mon! Let's finish lunch so we can go out and get Harry a present!"
Louis and I left shortly after lunch to buy Harry a gift. I racked my brains for anything I could buy him, thinking about how I got him that ring which he seemed to adore immensely. I thought I should get him something similar to that, maybe a cross necklace of some sort. So, Louis and I visited the jewelry shop and purchased a beautiful silver necklace with a simple cross.
We bought a few other gifts, mainly because I loved giving a cluster of small gifts rather than just one big expensive one. Harry was apparently out on a mission, according to Max, who said he'd be back by around ten or so. Once we got back, we headed to Harry's apartment and started cleaning up. I wanted
the place to be spotless by the time he got back, so we all aided in clearing up the place.
We spent a couple of hours baking the cake and decorating it beautifully. I made sure it was red velvet, which was Harry's favorite flavor with buttercream icing. Dexter and Louis even managed to find birthday decorations in their apartment, blowing up a couple of balloons and hanging up a "Happy 5th Birthday" banner.
"Harry is not five years old, Louis," I rolled my eyes, nevertheless smiling as I watched Louis hang the baby blue banner up.
"His immaturity suggests otherwise," Louis retorted sassily, arching a brow at me before jumping off the chair he was standing on. "What time is it now?"
"8:30," I answered, checking my phone.
"Damn, time sure flew by quickly," Louis blew out a breath before he pulled me into a hug. "Well, we better get going before he arrives. I hope he likes the surprise!"
"Thank you Louis, for all the help," I smiled, kissing his cheek before ruffling his hair, causing him to scowl. "Thanks Dex for the cake," I engulfed Dexter in a warm embrace, squeezing his shoulders before also pecking his cheek.
They left soon enough, wishing me good luck with my mini surprise party before departing. I chilled out for an hour, cooking dinner for myself before sprawling out on the sofa with my favorite blanket wrapped around me, binge-watching House Of Cards. At around 10, I felt my eyes droop low, nevertheless I pushed myself off the couch and turned the TV off.
A yawn escaped my lips as I checked all the decorations, gifts and the cake that were all sitting on the table. I smiled lightly at the sight of the cake, my somewhat decently drawn icing frog plastered on the top of it with Dexter's neatly written 'Happy Birthday Harold the Frog' message. I pulled my gaze away from the cake, glancing at the time on my phone once again before climbing under the table, which was my hiding spot.
Max told me that Harry was going to be back at around 10, so I sat there under the table, ready to surprise him when he arrived. But after an hour or so, he never came. I was starting to feel anxious, my teeth chewing at my bottom lip continuously as I waited and watched the door. Where was he?
Another yawn tumbled from my lips, a more audible one. I was exhausted, and all I wanted right now was to cuddle up against Harry in our bed and just sleep. I called Max, trying not to cringe when he swore at me for waking him up. The man slept early apparently. But then I started rambling about how worried and antsy I was, making him soften a little. He reassured me Harry was okay and he was going to come. It was just that the place Harry's mission was situated at, was a bit of a drive.
Minute by minute passed by as I sat and waited under the table, determined to be here to surprise him when he arrived. My eyes were threatening to droop low, sleep and exhaustion fighting to take over my body. Before I knew it, I was already falling asleep under the table, on the carpeted floor. The last thing I remembered was setting an alarm for a ten-minute nap.
-I wrote this chapter during the time of Harry's birthday :)))
-the amount of comments I got for the last chapter was a bit disappointing, since all chapters usually get at least 100 comments
SO COMMENT YOU GUYS! Comments motivate me and make me think more about the book and how I could improve it and etc. So I would really appreciate it if y'all comment, even the ones who don't do that; it would hurt to leave one every now and then ;)
I love y'all to death, this week has been stressful asf for me so sorry for the late-ish update :////
Until we meet again...
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