Updating cuz it's Christmas here in Dubai!!! Merry Christmas y'all ☃❣
Movie 🎥 Blackhat (2015)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
"I thought I lost you," he whispered, breaking the comfortable silence as we continued to hold each other tightly. I sucked in a breath at his words, surprised by his tone that sounded so uncharacteristically vulnerable.
"You didn't," I told him, pulling back slightly to lean my forehead against his.
He stared deep into my eyes, not making an attempt to loosen his arms around me as I shifted slightly. My arms unwounded themselves from around his neck, sliding down for my hands to cup his cheeks. We gazed at each other for what seemed like eternity, his gleaming emerald irises burning into my dark chocolate ones. My thumb rolled over his cheekbone slightly; his eyes fluttering close at the feeling of the action. My thumb unconsciously moved down to trace his bottom lip, feeling the velvety curve of it before gliding over his lip ring.
My lips parted slightly when he puckered his lips against my thumb, kissing it gently before he pulled back, allowing his eyes to lock with mine again. He immediately leaned forwards to press his lips against mine, the softness of them feeling like heaven against my own lips as he kissed me gently. It was one of those rare innocent kisses, where we held each other dearly, our lips gently molding over each other's, kissing for reassurance and care rather than out of lust and anticipation.
We broke the kiss for a breath of air, resting our foreheads against one another's while we inhaled and exhaled quietly with no words spoken. I noticed him staring down at my arms, his hands moved to touch the tiny injection scars that were on my forearms. That was how they had injected X-02 into my body, unfortunately the injection left scars that even the serum couldn't heal.
He traced the outline of it slowly, solely focused on that as I watched him out of curiosity. His actions were confusing me slightly; he was being more affectionate than usual. Was it because my near-death experience had frightened him? Then again, why would it have? He didn't care for me as much as I did for him, which was a lot.
"You literally sacrificed your life for me," he spoke in a deep voice, his thumb still tracing my scar, causing me to shudder slightly. "I mean risked."
"Yeah," I murmured, not really knowing how to respond.
"Why?" he asked me simply, lifting his head to lock gazes with me. He had a genuine look of confusion on his face.
To be honest, it was on instinct, what I did for him. It was like on instinct I had to sacrifice my life just to save him, just to protect him. My care for him had grown even deeper
"Because I wanted to protect you," I told him honestly, my hand moving to lace my fingers with his. "Because I care about you," I added, knowing he wouldn't reply with the same words anyways. He would've done so when I told him I cared about him in the cemetery.
"Scarlett, I-I care about you too," he whispered all of a sudden, his words causing my lips to part in slight shock.
Okay, I was literally just thinking about how he was not going to say it, but he did. This meant a lot to me, since Harry was never someone to admit such things like caring about someone. He couldn't even admit he had feelings for me before, the way he dealt with that was horrible. But now, he had finally sorted his mind out, something must've made him realize his feelings for me.
"Really?" I said in disbelief, almost finding it hard to believe this was actually happening. Harry Styles cared about someone. He cared about me.
"Yeah, I mean, Jesus, I was scared as fuck after the explosion. I was worried about you; the fact that you took a fucking bomb for me shocked me. Nobody has ever done something like that for me, I don't think anyone would, not even your father," Harry mumbled timidly, averting his gaze as I tried to stop the smile from appearing on my face. He was always so shy whenever he admitted things or talked about his feelings. It was too adorable.
"I don't think anyone cares enough."
"Harry," I called out softly, cupping his cheeks firmly and tugging his face upwards to meet my gaze. "I care. I will always care," I told him firmly and sincerely, meaning every single word that came out of my mouth.
"Always?" He couldn't help but ask.
"Always," I confirmed with a nod and a sweet kiss to his lips.
My heart lifted when the corner of his plump lips curled upwards into a lop-sided grin, making his dimple pop out, his gorgeous smile making an appearance.
"Baby, I don't deserve you at all," he laughed bitterly, his words making me frown slightly. Why was he thinking like this all of a sudden?
"I've hurt you in so many ways, I've disrespected you, I've abused you, I was cruel to you. The list is endless. I truly don't deserve you, Scarlett," he whispered to me sorrowfully, his eyes holding guilt and sadness now.
From experience, I knew that when someone in a relationship said this, this meant they want out of the relationship. In this case, I didn't think that was the situation. I think it was just Harry feeling guilty over the way he had treated me when we first met and from then on. He obviously didn't want to break up, mainly because he's selfish like that. But also because he knows himself he has potential to change that, but he was unsure of himself.
"Harry, that was the past," I told him gently, running my thumb over his knuckles. "You're different now, at least to me you are, and you make me happy now. Honestly, you deserve me as much as I deserve you."
"That's bullshit, Scar," he scowled immediately, his harsh words causing me to widen my eyes slightly. "You deserve the world baby, and I...I can't give you that," he told me honestly, his words trying to change my mind about where all of this was going.
"Look, when two people care about each other, they always find a way to make it work. No matter how hard it is. We can make this work, Harry. Stop thinking so highly of me, I'm not that great, and you're not that bad," I told him firmly, before I realized how the last sentence sounded kind of rude. "Okay I didn't mean that last part-"
"I'm not that bad eh?" he cocked an eyebrow at me, speaking in an amused tone. He wasn't taking that part of what I said, seriously.
"You're alright," I laughed lightly, squealing when he started to tickle me. "Harry! Stop!" I squealed breathlessly, landing on my back with him hovering over me. "Okay okay! You're better than bad! You're amazing!" I gasped, my face bright red and my chest heaving up and down heavily.
"Thank you, I know I am," he grinned cheekily, lying down on the bed next to me.
He wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me to his chest to press a kiss to my forehead. I sighed heavily, burying my face into his chest, before lifting my head up a few seconds later, to kiss his jaw in return.
"Please don't think so lowly of yourself," I pleaded gently, looking up at him patiently.
"It's just that I'm scared I'll do something to hurt you, y'know? I'm scared this won't work out," he admitted quietly, averting his gaze as usual while he twisted a lock of my hair around his ring-clad finger.
"I'm sure I can handle it," I chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn't working. "Don't worry, it will work out as long as you try, and honestly what you're doing right now is more than enough," I told him honestly, making him finally gaze back down at me in interest.
"Yeah, the person you are now is a huge contrast to what you were like before, which makes me more than satisfied with how you are now," I told him with a smile, making him chuckle deeply.
"I still am that person, just not when I'm with you," he said with a toothy grin, making me mirror his expression as usual.
"You should be the better person even when you're not with me," I advised, making him scoff.
"Only you deserve to see me like this, others aren't worthy enough," he stated as he played with my hair, still keeping his gaze away whenever he admitted something. His words made me laugh a little.
"The way you think of me, it's like I'm a saint. Please do remember I used to cook meth and sell it on the street. I'm also guilty for money laundering," I told him seriously, making him laugh out loud.
"Those are petty crimes, Scar. It's not like you've killed or tortured anybody," Harry jeered, making me roll my eyes at him, shoving his shoulder slightly. His expression went somber all of a sudden, his laughter died down as he remembered something grim enough to make him go back to being serious.
"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.
"What happened to Blaze that night?" he asked me suddenly, his question catching me off guard. Memories of Blaze and I running through the hallways flashed before my eyes, her pushing me to the side, sacrificing her life for me.
"She needed help taking down this bulky man. So, I ran over and helped her but I never killed the guy, only threw a knife to his shoulder. As I was helping her up, apparently the man had gotten up and just as I turned around, Blaze literally shoved me to the side. The man shot her, Harry," I told him as I felt the emotions creeping up my throat, making me choke on my words slightly.
"That could've been me, but she sacrificed her life for me! She even called me Scarlett, and not Lil Bitch! It's all my fault, Harry," I whimpered, my eyes watering a little as I stared up at him.
"Hey, look at me," he muttered firmly, his hands coming up to cradle my cheeks as the tears slipped out. "It is not your fault. Where did you even get that idea? She chose to sacrifice her life for you, and that is not your fault. Nobody is at fault here, baby," he told me gently, his thumbs brushing my cheeks to wipe the tears away.
"B-But I could've helped her! Only if she let me I could've helped her!" I sniffled quietly, burying my face into his chest like I normally did. He held me to him as I tried to calm myself down, trying to control my breathing as I clutched his t-shirt tightly.
"You can't always save everyone, Scarlett," he told me gently, his words making more and more sense every time I repeated it in my head. "Jade isn't upset with you, so neither should you be. Blaze chose to save you, I know she would never do such a thing if she wasn't sure."
"I just wished I knew why she did that though. She was about to tell me until she..." I trailed off, feeling my throat closing up again. I don't know why I felt guilty, but obviously that guilt was stressing me out now and causing me to act over-emotional.
"Okay enough of this depressing conversation. Let's get you out of here. I want to take you on a date," he told me firmly, getting off the bed with my hand in his.
"Wait what? Are you serious?" I gasped, his words completely shocking me now. I wish he would stop doing that, saying things that always caught me off-guard and shocked me a lot.
"Of course I am. What kind of a boyfriend am I when I haven't even taken my baby out on a date?" he winked cheekily at me, his words making me blush slightly.
"Fair enough," I giggled, squeezing his hand as he tugged me along.
I couldn't wait for this 'date'; I was sure as hell excited for it! I already knew Harry was going to make it turn out amazing, even though he was new at this kind of stuff. I wish he didn't think so lowly of himself; he was such a great guy now whenever he was with me. He was fully committing himself into our relationship, he was trying hard as well, and he did things to show that he cared about me, even though if they were small things like saying the words itself, or comforting me and reassuring me when I was down. As I have said before, I was falling for him, hard, and I knew I couldn't stop myself from doing so. So I just had to go with the flow.
"He better take you to a real fancy restaurant. Y'all need to look back on this when you're old with five kids and tell them about how you guys had a disastrous date at a classy restaurant, due to their father's inexperienced self; but still fucked that night," Louis rambled continuously as he explored my Jade's make-up box, letting out 'ooo's and 'ah's every time he discovered something new.
"Seriously, Louis?" I muttered under my breath, trying not to blink as Jade applied a light layer of mascara onto my naturally lengthy lashes.
"Yes seriously! It's actually Harrys first date, like ever," Louis told me, his words surprising me a bit.
"Really?" I asked in curiosity, standing up to check my make up in the mirror.
As usual Jade had begged me to do my make-up for me, and of course I let her. She wasn't upset with me like I thought she would be about Blaze's death. She didn't seem any different to how she was like before, except that she seemed even kinder now and quieter. But it was nothing serious to worry about.
"Yeah! He was never the boyfriend type, so he's never actually gone out on a date," Louis told me with a cheeky grin.
"This was what he meant when he said he had a lot of 'firsts' with me." I smiled to myself, remembering the conversation we had about our relationship.
"Aw that's so cute!" Jade laughed softly, twisting the lid of the mascara tube, before setting it done. "I'm done!" she exclaimed, finally allowing me to look at the mirror.
As usual, Jade had done a splendid job with the make-up, going for a classy look with a simple cat-eye and nude lipstick. After Harry had gotten me out of the hospital, he accompanied Jade and I on a shopping spree, which he had grumbled about the entire time as we spent hours in the Versace outlet. I was wearing a red dress, which I had purchased earlier. It had short sleeves and ended right above my knees.
"Where is he taking you?" Jade asked me in interest, snatching the tube of rouge matt lipstick from Louis hands with a glare as she waited for my reply.
"This place called the Peppermill Fireside Lounge," I told her with a slight frown, trying to recall what else he told me about our up-coming date tonight.
"Damn that place cool as fuck! It's got great drinks and a flaming reflection pool there!" Louis exclaimed giddily, as if he was the one going on the date and not me. "The whole place has got neon lights and stuff!"
"Sounds cool," I hummed in reply as I strapped my gold sandals on. I was about to say something else but I was interrupted by a loud noise.
Harry was here.
-can't wait for y'all go read the date higher chapterr!!! there'll defo be some smut in the next two chapters😏😏
- did y'all like this chapter? Harry finally confessed his care for Scarlett, even though it was already obvious, but still!1!1!!1!11!☺️☺️
-oh and about the ending, y'all don't need to worry about that, there's still a load of chapters more to go. I did a stupid thing by not planning this properly so now the story is way too long and is gonna end at like 80 chapters or something, hope y'all are okay with that 😉☺️
Until we meet again...
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