no Scarlett is not dead, just to confirm that for everyone
sorry to scare y'all with that cliffhanger ☺️
Movie 🎥 X2: X-Men United
Happy Reading xx
H A R R Y 🔫
My eyes flew open at the sound of sirens echoing in the distance. A soft groan escaped my lips as I slowly pushed myself off the floor. Pain flooded my body when I moved my legs, my eyes drifting down to the shard of glass that was sticking out of my right thigh. It hadn't gone in too deep, thankfully. With gritted teeth, I wrapped my hand around the shard tightly, feeling it cut into my skin, before yanking it out with a harsh grunt, barely wincing. It fell from my hand to the floor with a clatter, my hands moving to unbuckle my belt. I used it to wound it tightly around my thigh, and the area of the wound. I stood up in agony and semi-blindess amid a chaos.
The whole left side of the room that was once made of glass, was now completely bare, allowing strong winds to blow into the room. The huge conference table was upside down and against the right side of the room, blocking the door. There were dead bodies every where, three of them I recognized to be not dead and part of Valkyrie. That was when I remembered everything that had happened before this scene.
"Scarlett," I whispered in realization, remembering all the horrific events that had occurred before the disastrous aftermath of the explosion.
"Fuck," I cursed as I tried to move towards the window.
I came closer to the edge, trying to stay balanced as I gingerly peered over to see what was going on below. My breath got caught in my throat when I saw a blurry image of a body that had crashed into the hood of a car. Scarlett.
I felt anxiousness, fear and worry fill me up all of a sudden, tears pricking at the back of my eyes as I turned around limping and moving towards the closest body I recognized. Max.
"Max!" I yelled, even though my voice came out weak and strained. I tried harder, determined to wake him up. He wasn't injured, probably sore and aching but nothing serious. "Wake up!"
"Harry?" he groaned wearily, his eyes fluttering open, focusing on me.
"What the fuck happened?"
"They threw a bomb," I breathed, trying not to break down. My baby was down there, and she was hurt, she could be dead for all I know. No Harry. Don't fucking think that; I scolded myself. "I-It landed next to me, and I didn't know and Scarlett saw that, a-and she just shoved me to the side. I was so confused and I didn't know what she was doing and oh my fucking god it exploded right next to her and now she's literally lying on a car, and I don't know if she's d-dead-"
"Hey! Calm down, son. She'll be okay, you gotta hope for the best. Come on, we need to get going, and get her to the hospital," he told me with another groan, pushing himself off the floor.
I found Seth and slapped him to wake him up quicker, while Max got Vlad going. Together we moved as fast as we could, using the stairs to get down quicker. It was slightly hard for me, but all the worrying thoughts about Scarlett made me forget about the pain. Halfway through the staircase, Vlad got a call from Damien. Apparently, him and Jade had already taken Scarlett back to The Organization, and told us to go there.
In an instant, we were in the car, speeding off down the roads and highways. I sat in the back seat, trying to ignore the throbbing pain of my leg as I continuously ran a blood-stained hand through my tousled curls. My fingers tugged at my lip ring as I felt my eyes tearing up, the more and more I thought about Scarlett.
Apparently she was still alive, as Damien had told us, but she was unconscious and she was in a seriously bad condition. The doctors there were waiting for us to come back, apparently waiting for Vlad's commands on what to do because she supposedly wasn't going to make it. That scared the fuck out of me.
The amount of worry and fear I was feeling at the moment made me realize how much I cared for Scarlett. I cared for her so fucking much. I also realized why it took me so long to actually tell her that, it was because I was scared that she meant more to me than any other person. She was everything I thought about, everything I needed, everything I wanted. I still needed to tell her that, to reassure her that I cared for her deeply and that I would go through anything just to keep her safe. All I had to do was hope and pray that by the end of day she was going to be alright.
I jumped slightly when I felt someone touch my shoulder, I snapped my head to the side, narrowing my eyes at Seth who was sitting next to me.
"She'll be fine, man," he tried to reassure me, his words surprising and confusing me slightly. I stared at him for a few seconds, before turning away. I could only pray that she was going to be okay.
"Harry!" Louis' voice was heard throughout the dark corridors. I saw his figure standing in front of the doors to the hospital wing, his features filled with worry, just like mine.
"She's in the ICU," he told me quickly, walking alongside with me as we made our way through the infirmary.
I moved a little more faster than Louis, despite me being injured. I was desperate to see her, just so my mind could rest a little if I saw her alive at least. I wasn't allowed into the ICU, but I could look through the window and see her. My heart literally broke at the sight of her.
There she was, her slim body laid limply on the hospital bed, blood was staining her cheeks and her hands, which were now wrapped in bandages. She was hooked up to many different types of machines, an oxygen mask covering part of her face. My eyes drifted to her neck, feeling my blood boil with anger at the sight of the cut on it. It was a minor cut but it was enough to leave a scar.
"Harry," A voice spoke up from behind me. I turned around, finding myself gazing at Sullivan and Liam, along with Vlad and Damien.
He gestured me to follow him and I did. I glanced back at the window, I wanted to stand there and watch her, to be close to her in some way but we needed to discuss what was going to happen to her. Normally in a situation like this, we would leave the person's fate in Sullivan's hands. But at the moment, it seemed like Sullivan was unsure of what to do for the first time, which honestly scared me.
"Right, how bad is it?" Vlad asked in a gruff tone, folding his bulky arms over his chest.
"She's broken a lot of things. Shattered her collarbone, fractured her skull, there's some internal bleeding. At the moment, she's still alive, but I'm afraid she hasn't got much time," Sullivan spoke in a grim voice, making me lose my hope all of a sudden.
"No," I spoke up in a strained voice. "There has to be some way to help her," I pressed on, even though the rational part of me knew that there was no hope.
"Harry, the internal bleeding, it's too much. I mean, it's mostly the broken bones that'll take ages to heal but there's obviously the internal bleeding; mostly in her back and torso area but-"
"No, Sullivan, don't fucking tell me she's going to die. I don't want to hear it!" I yelled all of a sudden, slamming my fist down on his desk hard. He jumped slightly, his eyes wide as he stared up at me with shock.
"I'm sorry Harry. There's nothing we can do," he spoke firmly, tired of trying to sugar-coat the truth. Scarlett was going to die.
"No," I whimpered all of a sudden, feeling the tears building up in my eyes. Don't cry, Harry. Don't you fucking dare. "She can't die," I choked, dropping down on the chair as I felt my heart shatter to a thousand pieces. Just as the tears were on the verge of escaping, Damien spoke up.
"Wait a minute," Damien said all of a sudden, making me lift my head up to gaze at him. "Liam, didn't you make that serum, adamanium or something?"
"Adamantium, X-02," I whispered, remembering how Liam showed Scarlett and I the serum that made the bones of the human body invincible.
"Right, and didn't he tell you and I about how he developed it to heal injuries and stuff," Damien spoke hastily, trying to get Liam and I to see his point, which was beginning to dawn on me.
"So what you're saying is, we should inject Scarlett with X-02, and hopefully that'll heal her internal bleeding and mend her bones?" Liam said in a tone that indicated what Damien was saying was the craziest and most risky shit ever.
"Yeah! It's worth a shot!"
"Damien, this is serious, we can't try X-02 on a human without even doing human trials. It has only worked on monkeys!" Sullivan exclaimed, pulling his brows over his eyes.
"What choice do we have? Scarlett is dying, we have to take a risk here. It could save her," Vlad spoke up loudly, supporting Damien's idea as I sat there still mulling over it.
"B-But we don't even have her consent, this is completely unethical-" Liam stuttered.
"The woman's dying! Who the fuck cares about ethics right now?" Vlad snapped roughly as Liam, causing him to jump slightly and move away from Vlad.
Honestly it was Sullivan's and Liam's call on whether to do it or not. I wasn't sure about Damien's idea either. The rational part of me agreed with Sullivan and Liam, it was dangerous to even try this sort of thing out without it passing through clinical trials. But the other part of me, the part of me that wanted her to live so I could finally tell her how I feel about her, wanted to do it. It was definitely worth a shot. If X-02 ended up killing her, she was bound to die anyways, as harsh as that sounded in my head.
"Do it," I uttered, making all the arguing between one other die down instantly.
"What?" Liam breathed, surprised I actually agreed with this.
"I said do it. Do whatever it takes to save her," I snapped, standing up from my seat. I stared at Liam, deep into his eyes, knowing that he too cares for Scarlett and wanted to save her almost as much as I did. "You can do it, Liam," I told him reassuringly.
"Fine, we'll do it. But it's gonna happen tonight, we can't waste any time. Liam I need you to go get every supply of Adamantium we have," Sullivan started giving out orders, him and Liam leaving the room to get everything ready for the operation.
I wanted to go into the ICU and see Scarlett properly, but they weren't fucking allowing me to do so. Instead, I went to one of the nurses to ask them if they could help me out with my thigh. If I was planning to wait here in the hospital all night so I could see Scarlett after the operation, then I might as well get my thigh fixed up before it started getting worse.
Minutes later, I was sitting on a hospital bed with a pair of shorts on and a bandaged thigh. I got off the bed slowly, making my way to the waiting room. I saw Louis and Dexter sitting there, along with Jade. My heart dropped all of a sudden when I realized something related to Jade. Blaze. Blaze was fucking dead the last time I saw her. I didn't know what happened, but she got shot and Scarlett managed to survive somehow. By the looks of it, Jade didn't know that Blaze was dead yet, because if she did, she would've been bawling her eyes out.
"Hey," she greeted me softly, getting up from the plush sofa.
She walked over to me, surprising me with a warm hug. I responded slower than normal, wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning my chin on her shoulder. She hugged me for a few seconds, which during that I tried contemplating on different ways of breaking the news to her. She wasn't that sensitive, which was good. But how the fuck was I supposed to tell her her girlfriend died?
"She'll be okay," she whispered into my ear, patting my back before she pulled back with a soft smile. "Oh and, do you know where Blaze is? I need to find her," she chuckled lightly, waiting patiently for my reply.
I was speechless. My mouth opening and closing as I tried to sort out the mess of words in my head.
"Harry?" she questioned expectantly, a frown appearing on her face as she noticed my strange expression. "What happened? Is she hurt?" Jade panicked slightly, her face becoming pale all of a sudden.
"Uhhh..." I trailed off, finding it extremely uncomfortable to tell her the news.
My eyes drifted behind her to Louis who was watching me intently. I was practically begging him to do something. Thankfully he stood up from his seat, walking over to Jade and I. He touched her shoulder gently, pulling her into a hug that confused her greatly. I saw his lips moved as he whispered quietly into her ear, but by the look on her face. I could tell he had just told her the news.
"No!" she screeched all of a sudden, her face contorting with shock and sudden grief. She started yelling angrily, pushing Louis away. But he resisted as much as he could, taking in all her hits before she grew weak and eventually broke down.
It was actually painful to see her react like this, never have I ever seen Jade cry before. It somewhat made me think about how I'd react if I found out that Scarlett had died, honestly, I couldn't even form any proper thoughts on that idea because it was just too painful. I'd rather not think about it, and think about what I would do when she goes through the operation and comes back alive and newly improved, I would say.
I'd treat her a hundred times better, just the way she deserves. I would finally tell her I cared about her, I would tell her about how she makes me feel, and how she affects me in every way. The more and more I thought about it, the more it distracted me from the negative thoughts I was thinking about earlier. I wasn't sure about how long the operation was for.
So, I spent the whole time trying my best to comfort Jade, only making her cry even more because I apparently can't comfort someone to save my own life. Ha. If only they saw me what I was like with Scarlett whenever she needed comforting. Like I said before, Scarlett turns me into a completely different person whenever I was with her. I was considerably nicer, and caring, also more affectionate and playful, which she seemed to adore a lot. God, I'd miss her to death if she didn't make this surgery. Why the fuck was I even thinking like that? I had to think positively, I had to hope and pray that Liam's serum would be a success. It was the only hope I had at that moment.
Two weeks later
The operation was a success. Scarlett was very much alive, but still unconscious, like in a short coma. Sullivan estimated about one and a half weeks for it to last before she would wake up. Apparently the serum worked better than expected. It had healed up all her injuries perfectly. Her bones were now made of Adamantium itself, which meant she had an increase in strength. She was obviously not invincible, but she could heal her own cuts and wounds and most internal injuries. This was obviously shown when all of her cuts had disappeared a few days after the surgery.
I spent that one week doing nothing but training. I tried my best to be a good friend and take care fo Jade, who seemed to be handling Blaze's death in a healthy way. She mourned for three days straight, but after that she let go. She allowed herself to move on because that was what Blaze would've wanted for her to do. We had a funeral for Blaze, we managed to retrieve her body and we buried it in our private cemetery. Ford attended the funeral too, mocking us for our mistakes and that if Russell were here this wouldn't have happened. He was cruel like that.
We were to hire someone new to join Valkyrie. Someone with abilities similar to Blaze's. People started signing up and we held exams and tests, physical and practical ones obviously. Before sending them off to the masters who they were to train with and pass their test in order to get into Valkyrie. I couldn't be bothered to be the one to organize the tests for the initiates, mostly because I didn't want to and that I was busy with Scarlett. I visited her a lot, I tried to do it as often because I wanted to be the first person when for her to see when she wakes up.
My feet thudded against the floor heavily as I sprinted down the hallways, dodging past moving people as I tried to get to the hospital wing as fast as I could. News had come out that Scarlett was awake, I cursed at myself repeatedly, hating that I had decided to shower right when Scarlett had woken up. Pain was evident in my heart from pounding against my rib-cage consistently as I paused right in front of the infirmary to catch a breath.
My hand rose up to run against my damp unkempt, pushing back from my forehead as I walked into the hospital wing. Knowing the exact way to Scarlett's room, I speed-walked down the ivory corridors. I started jogging when I reached the hallway where her room was situated. I approached the open doorway to her room, excitement filling my body as I entered the room, my eyes landing on the two figures in it.
There she was, talking to Jade with bright eyes and a soft smile. She looked healthy and good, her bruises and wounds were gone, her skin was almost glowing and she looked happy. My breath got caught in my throat when she directed her gaze to me all of a sudden, a small smile growing on her lips as she gazed at me with eyes full of adoration.
"Scarlett," I breathed, almost not believing the sight in front of me. It was like she had been resurrected, she was pretty much known as a miracle in these walls now.
"Harry," she greeted me softly, as I made my way towards her.
Jade mumbled an excuse about finding Louis and Dexter, leaving us alone. As soon as I reached her, I sat on the bed, immediately engulfing her in a warm hug. She wasn't attached to any machines of any sort, so she was able to wrap her arms around my neck comfortably. Feeling that I wasn't close enough, I pulled her onto my lap, wounding my arms slightly firmer around her torso, as if I was afraid I was going to lose her again if I let go. There was nothing but happiness I felt right at that moment. I had Scarlett in my arms at that moment, and I knew for sure, I was never going to let go.
-yayyyy Scarlett is alive!!! how many of you actually thought she wasn't going to make it?
-anywayssssss hope you liked that chappie. I have a feeling y'all are gonna love the next few chapters because they're full of Harlett scenes and all about how their relationship progresses 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
-oh and btw the last line contradicts what's gonna happen at the end of this book ☺️ have fun thinking about that, feel free to comment your thoughts.
Until we meet again...
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