For those who don't remember, Blake is that guy who Scarlett helped when Harry shot his leg. Blake had/has some kind of interest in Scarlett, which was sexual at first but now more than that 😊
He is played by Colton Haynes 👅👅👅
Movie 🎥 Red 2 (2013)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
"Blake?" I murmured weakly, before raising my hand up to rub my cheeks.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked in concern, crouching down before me before his hand extended to touch my shoulder.
"N-No I'm not o-okay," I choked, letting out another sob before gasping slightly when I felt arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Shhh hey it's alright," Blake murmured quietly as he held me to his chest. I wept quietly, burying my face into his dark sweater, hugging his strong body tightly as I cried my heart out. "Louis and Dexter aren't here?" he asked softly, rubbing my back in a soothing manner. I shook my head. "Are you going to go back to your apartment?"
"No, I don't want to," I muttered, feeling anger boil in my veins now. But I had to go back; I had nowhere else to go.
"You can stay with me if you want?" he offered, gazing down at me with soft concerned eyes while I felt a small smile grow on my lips.
I nodded slightly; he pulled me up along with him, his arm wound around my shoulder as he led me to his apartment. But before he could do so, I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly, burying my face into his chest. I just really needed to hug somebody at that moment, and Blake happened to be available for that. He responded my throwing his arms around my shoulders, squeezing them lightly before pulling away to gaze at me.
"Let's go," he murmured, taking my hand as he dragged me along with him.
We entered his apartment, it was dark and cold, and he must've left the air-conditioning on. I rubbed the sides of my arms as I stepped in, exploring his apartment. It was similar to Dexter's and Louis, but the way he styled it was very much like Harry's all dark hues of blue and grey, they all somehow managed to match and look perfect.
"I like your place," I said softly, running my fingers over the soft material of his couch as I explored his living room.
"Thanks," he chuckled breathlessly. "Are you tired?" he asked me all of a sudden. I spun around to face him, shaking my head slightly, furrowing my brows. "I just figured, maybe we could watch a movie or something before going to sleep," he shrugged timidly, scratching the back of his head, averting his gaze.
"Sounds nice," I laughed gently, smiling at his awkwardness. He shot me a toothy grin before sauntering over to where I was standing.
"Okay, DVDs are in that rack. You check those out or you could check the TV if anything good's going on," he told me, stumbling over his words as he pointed at the rack before showing me where the TV remotes were kept. I didn't pay attention most of the time because I was busy watching him, how nervous he was acting just because I was spending the night in his apartment. "Yeah that's about it, I'm just going to go make some popcorn," he said hurriedly.
"Why are you so nervous?" I asked him in an amused tone, grabbing his wrist before he could run off to the kitchen. He stared at me with flushed cheeks.
"Nervous? I'm not nervous," he laughed uneasily.
"Blake," I gave him a serious look, which made him sigh in defeat.
"Okay, I've never actually done this before?" he grumbled making me frown.
"Done what?"
"The whole movie night thing. I don't do that with girls, I never have. I'm a one-night stand kind of guy, you probably know that anyways," he muttered lowly, making me smile anyhow. My fingers rose up to gently grasp his chin, pushing his face upwards for me to stare into his sky blue eyes.
"Blake, you don't have to be so nervous with me, honestly. I think it's sweet your doing this for me, so thank you," I smiled sincerely, speaking in a genuine tone while the corner of his lips curved upwards. "Now go get that popcorn while I pick a movie," I snapped playfully, full on grinning now as he chuckled softly before leaving the living room.
After minutes of rummaging through Blake's huge DVD collection, I found a movie I have been longing to watch: Mr. & Mrs. Smith. It had come out 2005, and for some reason I still hadn't watched it, no matter how many great reviews I've heard about it. By the time I figured out how his DVD player worked, the popcorn was done and soon we were on the couch with the big bowl of buttery goodness as the film started playing.
"Mr. & Mrs. Smith, huh?" Blake cocked a dark eyebrow at me in amusement.
"Brangelina are my OTP," I simply said, making Blake chuckle quietly.
"What's ironic is that this is a story about assassins," he laughed, making me laugh along too. Assassins. How ironic indeed. "Anyways, Angelina is pretty hot in this," he shrugged, throwing popcorn into his mouth.
"Yeah, so is Brad Pitt," I responded, before hushing him when the man of the movie came on screen. Oh my heart.
The movie ran smoothly, neither Blake nor I spoke much during it, only leaving a few comments here and there, mostly me obsessing over how amazing Brad Pitt looked and acted in that movie. As the movie played, I felt Blake inch closer to my side, before he finally threw his arm over my shoulder as he yawned, pretending he was stretching. I stifled a laugh, causing him to look down at me in confusion.
"What?" he whispered, making me laugh more.
"That's the oldest trick in the book," I giggled.
"What is?"
"Blake, if you want to put your arm around me you didn't have to pretend your stretching while doing it," I rolled my eyes playfully at him, my laughter ceasing when he pouted slightly.
"I'm sorry, like I said before I'm kind of new to this," he said lowly, like he was actually hurt that I was making fun of him. I surprised him by pinching his cheek quickly, shooting him a small smile.
"It's fine. I found it cute anyways," I laughed softly, before cuddling into his side.
I wasn't sure with what I was doing, I waited for some sort of guilty feeling to come while I cuddled with Blake, but it never came. Harry and I weren't even together, so why should I feel guilty while spending time with Blake? Harry doesn't care about me anyways, he said so himself. My mind reminisced to the conversation we had about two hours ago, his words confused me greatly once again, and his reasons didn't make much sense to me. It was like he was trying to make up pathetic excuses for his actions, he was trying to avoid spilling out how he actually feels about me. I just hoped, one day he would tell me how exactly how he feels about me. But by the time that happens, I'm afraid I would have already moved on.
Pushing my thoughts away, I focused on the movie once again; it was nearing the end now. It was the scene where Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith were trying to kill each other, literally, and then came the scene where they were heavily making out. Blake shifted awkwardly next to me, making all of this even more uncomfortable.
Suddenly our gazes locked. He had a certain look in his eyes, and if I'm not mistaken, I was pretty sure it was lust. But there was also hesitation; as to whether I was going to reject him or not. After what he had done for me, taken me into his home, cheered me up by watching a movie with me, something he was uncomfortable with, strangely. I felt as if he was actually serious about me and didn't want just 'sex', he wanted more than that.
I was caught off-guard when he pressed his lips against mine. All my thoughts vanished in an instant as he moved his lips against mine for some response. Once I had gained my composure, my hands rose to cup his cheeks gently as I molded my lips gently over his, relishing the feeling of its softness. There was something nagging me at the back of my head as I kissed Blake. It was one small thought flowing around my head; irritating me again and again; muttering something. He's not Harry.
I tried my hardest to push that thought away, as Blake deepened the kiss suddenly, grasping my hips and pulling me onto his lap as his tongue entered my mouth. This was all very arousing, but my mind couldn't help but imagine it was Harry underneath me, holding me, caressing my hips in his large calloused hands as his tongue danced with mine.
I was so caught up with thinking I was with Harry, my hips involuntarily moved over him. A groan escaped his lips, muffled by our kiss as I unintentionally rocked my hips against his over and over again. My body flushed with heat when I felt his rough hands slide up my thighs and over my bum, squeezing the flesh gently before pushing down, grinding my hips against his bulge.
I pulled away to let out a low moan at the feeling, my eyes fluttering open. I was snapped back to reality when I realized it was Blake I was kissing and grinding against the entire time, not Harry. I stopped moving, due to shock and realization, but Blake took this opportunity to attach his lips to my neck, using his hands to move my hips against his. Jolts of heat and pleasure ran through my body as he moved my hips against his, sucking and nipping at the skin of my neck gently, while I sat on his lap, unresponsive physically.
Why was I imaging Blake as Harry all this time? What did Harry do to me? It was like I can't be with any other man without imaging it was Harry. This was unbelievable. My thoughts were cut off when Blake lifted me up all of a sudden and laid me back down on the sofa.
His lips met mine once again, even though he was dominating the kiss the whole time while I just sat there like a rag doll, unsure of what to do. I didn't know if I should go ahead with this, or stop it. I liked the pleasure I was getting, oh who was I kidding? I craved it. But I wanted it from Harry. But the problem was he wasn't willing to give it to me, but Blake was.
"Scarlett?" Blake spoke breathlessly, gazing at me in confusion as to why I wasn't responding at all. "Are you okay with this? Do you want to do this? Because if you don't, I'll stop-"
His words were abruptly cut off when the front door of his apartment flew open all of a sudden. His face snapped in the direction of it, his eyes widening and jaws slackening. I stared up at him in confusion, trying to get him to move so I could get a look at who it was who just entered the apartment. Maybe it was his roommate?
A gasp flew out of my lips when a familiar figure grabbed Blake by his shoulders and pulled him off me. It was Harry. A million thoughts ran through my head as I watched him in shock, slamming Blake into a wall before swinging his fist at him.
"Harry!" I yelled all of a sudden, finally snapping out of the trance I was in, and getting up from my place on the couch.
I wasn't paying attention to what Harry was saying to Blake; instead I just wrapped my small hands around his large bicep, tugging on it. Harry refused to budge, still growling incoherent things at Blake while I slammed my fists against his side, trying everything I could to make him move. My ears perked up and my movements ceased when I heard him say my name in that low voice of his.
"You stay the fuck away from Scarlett, or else I swear to god I won't hesitate to rip your head off," Harry growled angrily, seething to a point where the vein in his neck was visible. "Do you fucking understand me?" he roared, pulling Blake back before smashing his body against the wall one more time, quiet harshly too.
"Yes," he groaned in pain, his eyes closing as blood trickled down his lips from his nose.
"Harry let go of him!" I screeched, shoving him hardly to get him to move. Fortunately this time he moved to the side, still keep his eyes on Blake, glaring at him furiously.
"Oh my god, Blake," I whispered worriedly, crouching down in front of his crumpled body that sat up against the wall. My hands gingerly cupped his cheeks, trying to get a good look at his busted nose, but he pushed my hands away.
"Just leave Scarlett," he muttered with a hint of anger in his voice. Sudden confusion appeared on my features, my hands went up to touch his cheek again but this time he shoved my hands away. "Leave!" he snapped, as I stumbled away from him, trying to look away from his glaring eyes in slight hurt and shock.
"Come on, Scarlett," Harry muttered behind me, grabbing my forearm before tugging me towards the front door. I cast one last glance at Blake before he slammed the door shut at our faces.
I immediately snapped, tugging my arm harshly from Harry's grip. He held onto my forearm even tighter, turning the skin white as his fingertips dug into it. I whimpered as I used my other hand to pry his strong grip from my arm, once I managed to do it successful; I bolted. Unfortunately Harry caught me by my hips, snapping at me to stop moving. He spun me around; I caught him off guard by delivering a harsh slap to his cheek.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled at him, angry tears streaming down my cheeks. "Why do you always have to-HEY!" I shrieked when he dove forward and lifted me up, throwing me over his shoulder as he walked towards the elevator.
I screamed and thrashed around like a wild animal, only for him to slap my bum sharply multiple times, I was sure it was bruised right about now. My angry shouts died down by the time he entered our floor with me on his shoulder. I settled for crying softly due to anger and frustration as he carried me all the way to the apartment. Once we were in it, he set me down on my feet, giving me a warning glare before he walked around me and went into the bedroom.
My throat was raw from all the screaming, so I just silently followed him into the bedroom, diving under the covers, not bothering to change or brush my teeth. I sobbed into my pillow, still over-whelmed by what had just happened. It was like he was trying to control me in every way, even though I was not his. I just didn't understand him at all. I was confused to a point where I was crying from frustration I had with figuring out this impossible puzzle known as Harry Styles.
-after the next chapter, things will change between Harry and Scarlett for the better.
-how did y'all like that chapter? any thoughts on cruel Harry? it makes me extremely happy when people feedback on chapters 😊
-if any of y'all love Harry and heavy smut, check out my h.s. smutty one shots book! I'm open to requests 👅💦
-other than that, I have a question, who's your fav character/s so far in the book?
Scarlett is my mom. Lou and Dex are my babies. Harry is obvs daddy 😉😊
Until we meet again...
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