Watch out for these words in this gif in the story 👀
This chapter contains the prologue. But it's also really long 😛
Movie 🎥 Mission Impossible II (2000)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
"A tranquilizer gun? Seriously Scarlett? What part of kill everyone at sight do you not fucking understand? Huh?" I tried my hardest to block out Harry's lecture for the past fifteen minutes now but it was so freaking hard. "Scarlett are you even listening to me?"
"No shit Sherlock, do I have a choice?" I retorted angrily, tired of his constant yelling.
"Don't you dare talk back to me like that," he snapped, his bright green eyes narrowing at me. If he weren't driving right now, he probably would've slapped me for saying that. "What do you suppose they'd do once those people you've shot wake up and find half their people dead? Hmmm? They'll go to the fucking cops and-"
"Don't you think I haven't thought about that already?" I snapped, arching my brows at him. "I'm not stupid Harry. I know the consequences, that's why I didn't use a sedative or an anesthetic or a paralytic agent."
"Then what the fuck did you use?"
"I created a serum where once injected into the victims bloo-" I started ramble
"English, Scarlett."
"I made a serum where it knocks the person out for several hours and once the person wakes up, he or she won't remember anything that happened during the last twenty-four hours," I summed up my explanation, staring at him with a smirk on my face. "They'll probably just think one of Pablo Escobar's many enemies came and killed them."
"Don't look at me like that. I'm disappointed in you," he said gruffly, glancing at me briefly. "You're so fucking pathetic. Honestly," he scoffed, staring at me in disgust. Disgust? Wasn't he the one who slit people's throats and snapped some guys head, half an hour ago?
"I don't know how you expect me to just kill, Harry. I'm not a stone-cold killer with no morals," I said quietly, keeping my gaze averted, trying not to feel hurt by his words.
"How do you expect to be an assassin if you can't do the most important thing of all, Scarlett? And may I remind you, that important thing is actually, killing the victim, which you can't seem to fucking do!" he exclaimed, before sighing harshly. He stayed silent after that, and so did I for about five minutes before I decided to speak up again.
"Harry," I spoke up in a timid quiet voice.
"What?" he snapped as usual.
"Please don't tell Vlad," I gently pleaded, pouting at him slightly. But it didn't work obviously.
"No. He needs to know. You're supposed to be our secret weapon. What good are you if can't kill anyone?" he reasoned, while I rolled my eyes.
"What do I have to do for you so you don't tell Vlad?"
"Kill someone," he smirked wickedly, making me glare at him and fold my arms over my chest in anger and frustration.
"I fucking hate you," I spat.
"The feeling's mutual, Scar," he snickered.
"Stop fucking calling me that!"
"I prefer Scar, rather than Scarlett. It doesn't suit you. Like aren't you supposed to be a red-head?" he said bluntly while my jaw dropped.
"Well I don't like your name, Harold," I retorted, a smirk growing on my lips.
"Shut up," he glared.
"It's so weird. Harry, Harold, Haz-"
"Scar, shut the fuck up."
"You're a wizard Harry," I said deliriously, trying to imitate the famous Harry Potter scene.
"I swear to god Scarlett-"
"You also kind of remind me of a pet frog Spencer had, he was called Harry too! And he was a really stubborn frog-"
"Are you sure you didn't snort any of that coke back there?" Harry questioned seriously. I gave him a blatant look before speaking.
"No," I grumbled. "I've never done drugs before."
"You sure about that?" he cocked an eyebrow. My face however didn't match my words. "You're lying," he stated.
"I tried weed once. But that's it," I said, before my eyes took in our surroundings as the car slowed down. We had arrived at The Organization. Suddenly I felt incredibly anxious, worried and scared about what's going to happen next when Harry tells Vlad about my fear of killing people. "Do you really have to tell Vlad?" I asked apprehensively.
"Yes," he replied curtly, before getting out of the car.
The talk with Vlad didn't go so well. It resulted with me talking back to him, him getting mad and practically abusing me before dragging me off to some place with Harry and the rest of the team following along.
A loud screech left my lips as Vlad tugged me harshly by my hair, dragging my body along the floor by it to a large metallic door. He kicked the door open and heaved my body inside, jerking my hair painfully as he did so. As soon as he let go, my hair fell over my face in a messy way, my scalp was stinging and there were hot tears running down my cheeks due to the pain.
The lights flickered on and my eyes slowly travelled upwards before they landed on the figure in front of me, I gasped in shock and horror at the sight. There was a teenager about the age of sixteen sitting on a chair; thick metallic chains bounded him from escaping. His sandy hair was caked with dry blood as my gaze moved down his form. His right eye was swollen to a point where it refused to open itself. Angry red blotches covered his entire face; his nose was bent in a weird angle and was coated with dried blood. His jaws were slack and covered in purple marks; I had also noticed that he was gagged with a dirty cloth.
"This here is Evan. He is a spy from one of the biggest mafias out there. Why is he spying on us? We don't know and annoyingly enough; neither does he. The point is, he broke one of our most sacred rules and that is the rule of trust," Vlad spoke loudly in his rough voice as he walked around the tied up boy.
Vlad pulled out a gun from where it was tucked in the waistband of his army pants; he loaded it as he spoke. I could already see where this was going, but I didn't understand what I had to do with all this. "Because of that, he's going to die." Vlad stopped in front of me, holding the butt of the gun out towards me with a grim expression on his face. Oh shit.
"No," I whispered, my eyes growing wide at what he was asking me to do. I couldn't kill him. I wasn't a killer. I didn't care about who the boy is or what he's done; I was not going to kill him.
"Yes Scarlett," Vlad responded calmly. Too calmly for my liking.
I shook my head vigorously, backing away now. I almost backed into Max who was standing right behind me. That's when I realized we weren't alone; Max was here along with Blaze, Jade, Seth, Damien. And Harry. My eyes met his jade ones briefly, the emotions in his eyes were difficult to decipher, before I could gaze any longer my eyes snapped back to Vlad when he knelt in front of me.
"You need to do this Scarlett," he said in a hard tone. "We are assassinators, bounty hunters, mercenaries, we all do one thing in common and that is killing. We kill and then we run. That's how it works. Now kill the damn boy!" he snapped, holding the gun out for me one more time. Instead of saying anything, I spat in his face.
"I will never kill!" I screamed at him when he dove forward and gripped my arms tightly.
He was grasping my wrists so tightly I was sure there were already bruises forming, he pushed the gun into my hands grunting while I thrashed around like a wild animal. At some point my leg collided with his jaw, making him growl in frustration and irritation. A loud cry of pain escaped my lips when I felt the cool metal of the gun he was holding; collide hardly with my jaw. I whimpered in pain. My hand moved to cradle it gently, looking up at Vlad with fearful eyes as I did so.
"Shut the fuck up. You will kill him," he spoke firmly and angrily, forcefully wrapping my fingers around the gun. I tried to unwind my fingers but he clamped a large hand over my two small ones while his other hand gripped my elbow tightly, heaving me up as he stood up.
"No, no, no I can't...I can't," I cried weakly, my knees wobbling. I stood in front of the terrified boy who was now shouting; the cloth muffled his shouts. I heard Vlad speaking words of encouragement, that's what he called them. I regarded them as death threats.
My heart was pounding so loudly I'm positive everybody in this room could hear it. Sweat trickled down my forehead as my fingers curled around the trigger properly, relaxing my hands like Harry had told me to when we had practiced together for weeks. The gun lined up with the boy's forehead, my arms were shaking making it hard for me to keep them aiming at the head of the terrified teen.
Was I really going to do this? I asked myself. It wasn't like they were going to kill me if I didn't. They couldn't. The worst they could do was to beat me up until a point I wouldn't be able to walk or even breathe. That was definitely better than dying. Or maybe it wasn't.
My eyes met the teenager's pale blue ones, or should I say pale blue 'one' as his other eye was swollen shut. They were filled with different emotions; hate, pain, fear and strangely enough; disgust. I disgusted him? How hypocritical. I remember Harry telling me the spy the found in The Organization was the most ruthless kid he's ever met. But something in his eyes had caused me to snap all of a sudden.
The gun fell out of my hands, dropping to the floor with a loud clatter before I parted my lips to speak, "I can't do it."
I heard a loud curse of frustration before Vlad himself walked up from behind me, shoving me to the side before he picked up the gun and aimed for the boy's chest. 7 shots rang through the air before one lone shot followed after, my knees buckled and I dropped to the floor. Tears were spilling from my eyes again, now mixing in with the blood of the teenager's, which splattered onto me while Vlad took his life.
A foot plowed into my spine heavily, making me gasp loudly in pain surprise as I arched my back. I felt like whoever kicked me hit a nerve as I fell to the floor, sobs leaving my mouth. The foot collided with my body once again, this time striking my ribs. I howled in agony, curling up into a fetal position as whimpers left my lips.
"Pathetic," Vlad spat; towering over me looking as menacing as ever. "You'll never live up to your father's legacy," he hissed in disgust before he threw the gun onto the floor, it landed near my face making me flinch. Footsteps echoed across the room, the door being swung open as everybody left the room, everyone except the dead boy and I.
Suddenly I heard the sound of heavy boots hitting the floor, coming in my direction. Before I could even turn my head, strong arms wrapped themselves around my body and pulled me up against a solid chest. Harry.
He stared at me with his mesmerizing green eyes that were filled with...worry? How queer, Harry was never one to feel emotions, at all. My lips parted slightly when I felt the pads of his fingers brush over the bruise covering my jaw. His arms were wrapped around my body carefully as my hand clutched his dark t-shirt. "Scarlett," he whispered, his hand now cradling my jaw.
"Harry," I murmured, as a lone tear rolled down my cheek. He quickly brushed it off as he dropped his forehead to mine, his hot breath washed over my face as he sighed deeply. "This is the life of an assassin, you gotta get used to it. Otherwise it'll be like hell," he said, gazing at me intently.
"It already is hell," I breathed. "Why can't they just let me die? They'd be better off without me," I spoke weakly. I felt myself slowly drift away into unconsciousness as the pain overtook me. But before I could go completely out cold, I heard Harry say something that made my heart leap in my chest.
"I wouldn't be."
My eyes fluttered open involuntarily. A small groan escaped my lips as my vision blurred once before clearing. I slowly examined my surroundings. I was in the infirmary, I wasn't hooked up to anything, I was just lying on the bed with an agonizing headache.
"How're you feeling?" A deep raspy voice spoke from beside me. I turned my head slightly, only to meet a pair of gleaming emerald eyes.
"Like you would care," I said weakly, remembering how awfully he treated me during the short mission we had. I was positive what he said to me before I passed out wasn't true, must've been a hallucination of some sort.
"You're right. I don't, but I need to know anyways," he responded, moving from his chair to sit on the bed.
"For what? To see if I'm fit for training tomorrow?" I asked bitterly, shaking my head as I looked away from his gaze.
"Why the fuck are you being like this?" he snapped all of a sudden. I just gave him a look indicating I didn't want to talk about it, before getting off the bed. Another groan immediately escaped my lips at the sudden movement. I glanced down at my body, noticing I was still in my previous clothes except for my long-sleeved shirt, which was changed to a short-sleeved one. My fingertips gingerly grazed my forearm, brushing against the small circular plaster set in the middle of the skin where my upper arm and forearm joined. I must've been given some sort of injection.
"Figure it out yourself," I muttered, once I realized Harry was still waiting for an answer.
I started heading back to the apartment, Harry trailed behind me silently, his intense gaze burning into the back of my head. Once we arrived at the apartment, I immediately headed towards the kitchen, feeling my stomach grumble loudly. I started searching for ingredients to cook dinner for myself, but Harry stopped me.
"I'll cook," he said lowly, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. His other hand reached for the pan I held, taking it from me, as his gaze never left mine. I didn't have it in me to put up another fight so I just let him.
"Fine," I mumbled, leaving the kitchen without looking at him.
I decided to take a shower, feeling uncomfortable and dirty in my clothes I wore for the mission. The hot steamy shower relaxed me greatly. They finally fixed the plumbing problem, so now I was free to take a shower whenever I wanted to, without worrying about using up all the water.
Once I got out of the bathtub, I looked for my towel and clothes, which I usually bring in with me. I cursed in frustration when I realized I didn't actually bring them in with me. That meant I had to leave the bathroom; naked. Was it a risk I was willing to take?
I slowly cracked open the door, allowing just my eyes to peep through the crack. The bedroom door was closed. I exhaled in relief and swung the door open, wrapping my arm around my bust as I did so. Before I could even begin walking towards my shared wardrobe, the bedroom door swung open abruptly.
"Scar, dinner's ready-fuck!" Harry freaked out as I shrieked all of a sudden.
I dove back into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. With my back against it, I slid down to the floor, clutching my chest, breathing heavily. Harry just saw me naked. Harry just saw me fucking naked. Oh my freaking god. This was so embarrassing. At least he didn't see my boobs right? Oh wait then that means he must've seen my... Oh fucking great! At least I shaved. With my face buried in my hands, I waited until I got any kind of indication that Harry had left the room.
"I-I'll be in the living room," I heard him mutter against the bathroom door awkwardly before he left, slamming the bedroom door shut.
I exhaled once again in relief, leaving the bathroom cautiously before quickly running over to the bathroom to grab some clothes. There were many times Harry had accidentally walked in on me changing, but never has he walked in on me naked, completely. Shaking my head, I threw on my black tank top along with my favorite sweatpants. A deep breath drew into my lungs as my fingers wrapped around the door knob, a million thoughts running through my mind about how to enter the living room.
I set foot into the living room swiftly, trying to ignore Harry hustling and bustling in the kitchen. I felt his gaze fall on my figure, as I sat down on the sofa and set my legs on the coffee table. I watched TV for a few minutes until Harry set up the kitchen island for dinnertime, I would've helped him but it would've been way too awkward for me. Once he had announced dinner was served, I stalked over to the kitchen island, propping myself down on a stool, with Harry sitting in front of me.
He made lemon-grilled chicken breasts, a seemingly healthy yet delicious dish. Harry was an incredible cook, better than I was. I only knew how to make simple dishes, whereas Harry knew how to make more complicated extravagant ones. But he never did since he was on a strict diet. His body was already amazing, why go on a diet?
We ate in silence until halfway through the meal Harry decided to speak up.
"I think this is the longest we've gone without one of us starting a fight," he chuckled all of a sudden, causing me to pause my hands movements and stare at him.
"I guess so," I muttered dryly, uninterested in the conversation. Harry frowned, noticing how unenthusiastic I seemed tonight.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked bluntly, cocking at an eyebrow at me.
"I'm always mad at you," I replied sourly, carrying on eating.
"Scar," he warned lowly, while I finally looked up at him, giving him a questioning look. "What did I do wrong?" he asked quietly.
"Seriously?" I scoffed, my eyebrows shooting high. "I can't believe you right now," I shook my head at him, looking away as I aggressively cut my chicken in half.
"What?" he asked in confusion. I lifted my gaze to lock it with his once again. He was really clueless as to what he did wrong. Unbelievable.
"Hmm okay let's start from the beginning shall we? First of all, you tell me that you'd never hurt me and that you only want to protect me. Yet you shove me, slap me, and freaking spank me!" I yelled all of a sudden, losing my temper. His eyes widened slightly before narrowing at the tone of my voice.
"I'm not done yet Harry," I held up a hand to silence him, which he clenched his jaw angrily at. "Second of all, you kiss me and hold me at night like you care about me, yet you abuse me and call me weak and pathetic, indicating that you don't actually give a fuck about my feelings or my health!" He rolled his eyes at that, which infuriated me even more.
"I only say those thin-" he started before I cut him off again.
"I'm not finished. Lastly, what the fuck is with you and Natalie huh? Why do you kiss me, finally giving in to me, yet hurt me and go fuck Natalie? I don't know what's up with you Harry but you're confusing as hell!" I exclaimed. I was out of breath by the time I finished my small rant.
"Guess I lied to you about a lot of things huh?" he asked quietly.
"You sure did," I said through gritted teeth, before I let out a small sigh. "Why Harry? Why lie to me like that?"
"Because I was willing to say anything to make you stop crying. You're so gullible Scarlett. You'd believe anything I tell you," he snickered, glancing up at me before shoving a piece of chicken into his open mouth.
"I still don't understand half the things you do," I muttered under my breath. "Like why did you kiss me? Was that to reassure me that someone actually does care about me, even though you're lying?" I questioned angrily.
"Yeah I guess so," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Out of all the annoying things you do, I hate it when you cry. I guess I was willing to do anything to stop you from doing that," he looked at me. Why was he being so casual about all of this?
"So you don't care about me at all then?"
"No for fuck's sake," he sighed in irritation, as if this conversation was making him uncomfortable. "I've never cared about anybody in my life, what makes you think I'll just change that for you?" he questioned harshly, making my heart hurt slightly.
"Then why do you act like you care about me?" I asked quietly, looking down at my plate.
"Scarlett. I merely did whatever had to be done to get you to stop crying and freaking out and all that. If you thought all those actions were out of care, well, you were clearly mistaken," he snapped in irritation as I felt his words stab me right in the heart. "Oh and about Natalie-"
I couldn't even hear what he said next because I had left the kitchen by that time, deciding it was too much for my heart to take. My feet thudded against the floor as I ran towards the elevator, slammed my hand against the button before entering the empty box. Before the door closed, I could see Harry looking around for me in the distance, his gaze falling on my figure just as the elevator doors came to a close.
My heart felt heavy, tears were still streaming down my cheeks and my mind was too over-whelmed to comprehend anything. I pushed all my thoughts away to a dark corner of my mind as I headed towards Dexter and Louis apartment. My fist slammed against their door continuously, tears of frustration leaking from my eyes as I continued to knock, wondering why the hell weren't they answering. Then it suddenly occurred to me that they were out on a mission in a different part of Las Vegas. Fucking great.
A sob left my lips as I leant my back against the door, sliding down against it until my bum hit the floor. My head drooped low as I cried quietly, unsure about what to do now since my best bunnies weren't here and I didn't want to go back to Harry.
"Scarlett?" A masculine voice spoke from in front of me. I looked up through my blurry eyes, recognizing the figure immediately.i
-What did y'all think about that chapter? Do give some feedback, I always like to know what I can improve on☺️
-Life kinda sucks rn but I'm dealing with it. what about you guys? how's life?
-Thank you for getting this book to 11K reads You guys are honestly the best. 💞
-Love you to the fridge and back💘
Until we meet again...
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