Ty soursouls for the cool af banner 👌🏼
Movie 🎥 Kingsman (2014)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
Swimming only distracted me for a little while. I inhaled sharply when I shot out of the water, slumping down against the poolside until the water reached my chin. It was hard to keep all the confusing thoughts from flooding my brain as I inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath. But no matter how hard I tried, all those thoughts about Harry and Natalie bombarded my brain.
A dry sob left my lips when my mind drifted to thoughts about what they would be doing right now. I didn't even know why I was so upset with the fact Harry was with Natalie all of a sudden. We weren't together. He wasn't mine so why should I care if he wanted to see other women? I guess it just hurt me when he literally shoved me to the side when he set his eyes on Natalie. I get it if he wanted her, but did he have to be so harsh with me?
I had just realized how attached I have gotten to Harry during the space of around two weeks of living with him. It was strange, yet it felt right. That was the thing about Harry. Everything he did, he made it feel so right, even if it was killing people or having sadistic views on things, it was all okay if it was Harry Styles thinking or doing it. I knew that was pretty fucked up, but that's just how I felt, I didn't know how to avoid or stop it. Instead I just welcomed it.
A heavy sigh pushed past my lips as I left the swimming pool. My cheery mood has been scrunched up and tossed away just like that, leaving me feeling quiet and upset. I was considering staying over at Dex's and Louis' place just for the night because I didn't want to face Harry, but I didn't know if it was worth having a nightmare to avoid Harry. The last time Harry wasn't there while I was sleeping, I dreamt a horrific nightmare. I told Harry that Andrei had raped me in my dream, but I didn't tell him that Andrei tied up my father to a chair and raped me in front of him.
I shuddered just thinking about the nightmare. I have never had a nightmare as vile as that, and frankly I didn't want it to happen again. Deciding to distract me from my thoughts again, I pulled out my earphones from my duffle bag, which I had brought with me, and plugged them into the iPod Jade bought for me a couple of weeks ago. She was sweet like that.
Bulls in the Bronx by Pierce the Veil blasted into my ears as I cranked up the volume a bit more, blocking my thoughts and I from the outside world as I stepped throughout the exit of the warehouse. I preferred to listen to loud music whenever I needed to distract myself from any pain or misery I was feeling. I listened to slow music with meaningful lyrics relating to my situation, I tended to cry realizing how much the song would link with my problems.
My feet made soft thuds against the carpeted floor as I left the elevator and entered the floor of Harry's apartment. A faint smile grew on my lips, realizing that he probably wasn't home, which meant that I could peacefully have a shower and watch TV without him hogging the remote. The smile quickly disappeared when I figured out the reason for him not being home was because he'd probably be at Natalie's place. Fucking Natalie.
While changing the song to Let's Kill Tonight by Panic! At the Disco, I stepped into the apartment, noticing it was empty. I made my way towards the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice, sipping it as I sauntered towards the bedroom. The door was closed for some reason, shrugging off the confusion I tapped away on my iPod as I swung it open.
I looked up when I heard faint noises and talking, since my earphones were still on and music was playing. My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyebrows shot up at the sight in front of me. Natalie and Harry were both naked and on the bed, Natalie on her back and Harry between her legs. My cheeks burned brightly when I tore my gaze away from the sight, before I got a glimpse of the ropes tied around Natalie's body. He was into BDSM?
"I-I-I-I," I stuttered nervously, not seeming to make up any sentences due to my nerves.
I almost dropped my glass of orange juice when my gaze flickered up once more, widening when Harry simply smirked at me before I slammed the door shut, quite loudly might I add. I was scarred for life. I can't believe I had just witnessed that, and the fact that he smirked at me! He didn't even look shocked or surprised, obviously he wouldn't look guilty; he was amused.
Shaking my head I bit my lip, contemplating on whether I should stay the night with Louis and Dexter or sleep on the couch here. I definitely do not want to sleep on that fucking bed again, and I know for a fact Harry cares for his precious leather couch more than anyone so he won't allow me to sleep on that. It was settled then. I was staying with my best bunnies.
I headed back to the kitchen to keep my glass, pulling my earphones out of my ears as I did so. I immediately cringed when I heard a loud scream of pleasure. Words could not describe how awkward this was. Natalie's high-pitched noises were never-ending, I heard Harry cursing a couple of times, telling her to shut the fuck up. Shoving my earphones back into my ears, blocking out the sinful noises, I opened the apartment door and closed it with force, hoping they'd hear but I assumed they wouldn't because of Natalie's irritating moans. She sounded like a cat that just got thrown into a flipping blender.
"Lettie!" Louis yelled cheerfully once he opened his apartment door. I giggled softly when he envelope-hugged me, pecking my cheek before he pulled back with a grin. "What brings you here?"
"Harry Shit Styles that's what," I grumbled sourly. He chuckled, throwing his arm over my shoulder as he hugged me again. Louis was a very huggable person; he loved to hug people even though that wasn't a very 'manly' thing to do, as Harry or Vlad would say.
"Girl, you gotta tell me all about it," he gave me a look that made me burst out laughing, nodding as he led me into the apartment.
"Oh hey Scarlett!" Dex greeted when as he walked out of the kitchen. I waved back with a grin, feeling my mood instantly rise up at the sight of my two best bunnies. I can't believe I'm even calling them that; it's just too cute when Louis says it so you couldn't help but say it too. "As much as I love seeing you here, but what are you doing here?" he asked.
"Shithead did something," Louis answered for me, while Dexter frowned in confusion.
"Which shithead? There are many," he furrowed his brows while I let out a soft laugh.
"Shit Styles," Louis hummed in reply as we entered the living room. They had a very cozy apartment. It wasn't as big as Harry's but it was sizable. I sat down on the plush couch with Louis next to me; Dexter sat on the matching armchair, both of them looking at me expectantly as I took a deep breath.
I had already told them about my nightmares and how Harry magically calmed me down after every one of them, and how he held me at night, cuddling with me unconsciously, they knew it all. But what they didn't know was that Harry kissed me, they didn't know about the pool kiss, nor the kitchen one, nor the other ones after that. But I guess now was the time to tell them, they were never judgmental of my actions, they always understood my intentions and only sometimes advised me on them.
"Spill. Everything," Louis spoke up, cocking his eyebrows at me while I inhaled deeply through my nose and swallowed thickly.
"Promise me you guys won't do anything stupid and irrational?" I said, frowning when they simply looked at me with a blank look and then chuckled loudly.
"We're not going to promise you that Scarlett. Now tell us!" Louis whined, punching my arm playfully. Sometimes I wondered if he was an actual assassin. He seemed too sweet to be one.
So, I told them. I tried to keep it short, but my confusing thoughts happened to mix in with everything I was saying. I didn't tell them much about the intimate moments between Harry and I, even though they asked for more details about that. Pervs. They listened intently, making dramatic gasps and actions whenever I told them something shocking, but other than that they listened until I was done.
"He's so confusing," Louis commented, frowning.
"I know right!" I exclaimed before sighing heavily. "I know he wants it too. I can feel it every time he kisses me or holds me or whatever. Why isn't he giving in?" I asked quietly, to myself.
"Because, Scarlett, Harry is obviously new to all of this, even though he does it all perfectly. He's a very guarded man. I think he's not comfortable with what he's feeling and he's unsure of what's happening to him. I don't think he just wants you for sex or anything like that," Dexter explained, while I stared at him with wide eyes. I certainly didn't think of this.
"Yeah I agree with Dexter on this. He's different with you; we can all see it. We don't know why, and apparently neither does he, and usually for tough people like him, they don't trust what they're unsure of," Louis said softly as I nodded slightly, finally understanding all of this.
Harry had trust issues. He doesn't trust me to give himself to me, he doesn't trust what he was feeling because it was all foreign to him. He was trying to push it away, yet he was also welcoming it because he obviously found something pleasing about it. He always lashed out at me because he genuinely was bipolar, and he was probably avoiding changing himself just for me.
"I understand now," I murmured softly, leaning forwards with my elbows on my knees and hands in my hair. This was all messing my brain up, I've never really been in a situation like this before so all these feelings are confusing my heart and my mind.
"I forgot to tell you. The reason I came here is because I walked in on Harry and Natalie fucking on the bed," I said quickly, trying to ignore the expressions of shock and slight anger on Louis and Dexter's faces.
"WHAT?" Louis screeched all of a sudden, making me cringe at his loud tone. He shot up from the couch and started pacing around, as Dexter and I watched him in a confused manner. "Y'know what? Where is that son of a bitch? I'm going to-"
"Louis calm the fuck down!" Dexter yelled.
"That prick is messing with her! He should go die in a fucking hole," Louis grumbled, finally calming down.
"Lou it's fine," I mumbled softly, pulling him to sit next to me. I was caught off-guard when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me to his chest. My lips parted in surprise when I felt Dexter sit on the opposite side of me, engulfing both of us in a strong warm hug. I was once again, in a human taco.
"You're hurting Scarlett," Louis whispered, pouting slightly.
"I'm not Louis. Not as much as you think at least. Harry and I don't have anything; we aren't even together," I mumbled sadly, shuffling slightly in his warm embrace.
"But Scarlett-" Dex protested before I spoke again, cutting him off.
"It's fine you guys. I'm just confused that's all. I'll probably talk to him about this, but other than that; I'm fine," I said firmly this time, emphasizing on the last word I spoke.
"Okay, if you say so," Louis mumbled before his stomach growled all of a sudden. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm starved!" he laughed, breaking the heavy tension that had settled upon all of us. "We made Mac n' Cheese Lettie!" he cheered, before breaking the hug and racing towards the kitchen.
"Come on, let's help set up the table," Dexter chuckled, rubbing my arm before standing up. I followed him; we set up the table and the food and had a marvelous dinner. My mood had significantly risen thanks to my best bunnies.
We stayed up till around midnight talking about our lives before The Organization. They seemed very impressed by Spencer and mines meth business and wanted to hear more about. I told them many adventurous stories about how we got into some sticky business with a Mexican drug lord and etc. I was surprised and amazed to hear that Dexter went to Harvard and had a degree in Economics, whereas Louis was supposed to still be in college, learning all about criminal law. What bothered me was that they didn't tell me why they chose to be in The Organization, I guess that was something they still weren't comfortable with telling me, which I completely understood.
"Louis, can I borrow some clothes?" I asked timidly, leaning against his doorframe as I saw him look up from cleaning his knife. Yes Louis sleeps with a knife, whereas Dexter sleeps with a teddy bear.
"Of course!" he nodded, running over to his dresser, jumping over piles of dirty clothes and other sorts of junk. Louis wasn't a very organized person, his room looked like a complete mess. The apartment would've also been a mess if Dexter hadn't been the most organized person I know; he was a neat freak.
"Ah shit, all my shorts are dirty. I need to do laundry more often," he frowned to himself, hanging a clean white t-shirt over his shoulder while he continued to rummage through his dresser.
"Louis, you're room is a disaster," I commented, as he pulled more and more clothes out, tossing them all over the room. He shot me a playful glare, before groaning in frustration.
"Dexter! Lettie needs a pair of shorts," he yelled. Dexter popped out from his room and handed me a pair of shorts with a smile.
"Thank you Dex," I smiled, taking the shorts from his hands and using the guest bathroom.
Once I had changed, I stepped out of the bathroom and entered the living room, which was where I was going to be sleeping. Louis and Dexter were setting up the sofa for me to sleep on, placing pillows and blankets on it.
"You guys are too kind to me," I sighed, walking over to them.
"Well you deserve it, you've been through way too much shit," Dexter said softly, fluffing the pillow before he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my small body.
"Hey don't leave me out!" Louis spoke loudly, dropping the blankets and running over to us. I laughed, pulling my arm away to wound it around Louis shoulders. "I love you Scarlett," Louis spoke up in a quiet voice, breaking the content silence.
"Yeah, I love you too Scarlett, and you Louis," Dexter chuckled. I was too tongue-tied from what they just said, instead I just responded with kisses on their cheeks and a hug each.
"I love you guys. You're like family to me now, practically the only family I've got," I choked, letting out a dry sob. They were immediately by my side again, comforting me as I tried my hardest not to cry.
"We'll always be there for you Scarlett. No matter what," Louis whispered, leaning his head on my shoulder. After that sentimental moment, we said goodnight to each other before Louis and Dexter left for their own bedrooms, leaving me alone in the living room.
I sighed quietly, happy that I had two best friends who were like brothers, who love me as much as Spencer and my Dad did. I don't know what I did to deserve such great friends. I would've literally gone insane in here if it weren't for those two sweethearts. They've only known me for a month or so and they're willing to kill anyone who upsets me, and that says a lot.
A small faint smile curved into my lips as I shut my eyes, shifting around to make myself comfortable. I only wished that I had my pills with me for the gruesome nightmare that will awake me later during the night.
-they're so cute, sigh* .Did y'all like this chapter? Sorry it was short! The next one is longer and way more emotional.
Until we meet again...
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