I always come back and read this chapter and it makes me cringe and the comments about Scarlett hurts my heart because even though she's a naive person, she's compassionate and nice as fuck and people don't bother to see that. People don't bother to appreciate those qualities in that type of personality.
I just hope you keep reading even though this relationship is toxic at the moment. It gets better, I SWEAR IT.
Movie 🎥 Die Hard (1988)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
We spent the rest of the afternoon training. Harry had been showing me various basic techniques of hand-to-hand combat. He showed me the different pressure points in the body, where it could cause a great deal of pain when hit properly. He didn't demonstrate any but just showed me where they are and explained to me how to strike that area correctly. He also talked about using the right body weapon, like when hitting a small area of your body such as the nose, eyes or groin, use a larger weapon such as your elbow or your foot. When aiming for a larger target such as the stomach, head or chest, a more pinpointed strike is ideal.
"Ow that's hurts!" I yelled when he grabbed my arm and moved behind me, twisting it behind my back as he brought my other arm back as well.
"That punch was way too predictable," he told me, twisting my arms even more, causing extra pain to shoot up my limbs.
"That's because you told me to hit you!" I exclaimed, wriggling my body around to get out of this arm lock he had me in. But it was no use; he had a vice-like grip on me.
"Even if I didn't know, that punch was easy to anticipate," he smirked as I grumbled. "Now, how you do you get out of this lock, Scar? Hmm?" he asked lowly, lips brushing my ear, breath fanning the skin of my neck.
"I don't know," I mumbled pathetically.
"Yes you do. Use that big brain of yours," he growled, tightening his grip on my arms, making me whimper a little. I continued to wriggle and struggle as Harry held me, mocking me every time I tried tugged on my arms. "You're really fucking weak," he laughed mockingly, making my blood boil with anger. "What's wrong Scar, having a little trouble there?"
Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I raised my foot high and brought it back down with strong force onto Harry's. It didn't hurt him, but it sure did distract him. His grip loosened on my arms as he let out a small grunt. I took this moment to pull my arms free, spinning around I brought my knee up, kneeing his groin harshly.
"I told you not to call me that," I growled in annoyance, a smirk growing on my lips when he let out an audible groan. He was kneeling on the ground, his hands cupping his manhood as he squeezed his eyes shut. My smile disappeared when he looked up at me all of a sudden with narrowed eyes.
I shrieked when he dove forwards, grabbing my hips, tackling me to the ground. My body slammed against the ground, knocking my breath out of my lungs. I used my hands to push myself up again but he knocked me back down, pinning my hands over my arms. His pale jade eyes were glaring dangerously at me while I whimpered a little, feeling scared under his intimidating aura. I began apologizing continuously, my eyes squeezing shut as I prepared myself for a blow from him.
"Shut the fuck up!" he roughly yelled, causing me to flinch.
"I'm sorry," I whimpered quietly, even though I wasn't.
"You're lucky I would never hurt you," he snarled angrily, as I opened my eyes cautiously. Sure mate.
"I did it because you told me to get out of the hold!" I defended myself, speaking really loud unintentionally.
"Don't raise your voice at me," he snapped, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "And don't fucking roll your eyes at me," he growled, leaning in closer. "You were a good girl until now, what's got your panties in a twist?" he cocked an eyebrow at me, as I blushed profusely in slight anger.
"Mocking me isn't going to help encourage me to use my brain and put effort into all of this," I shot, glowering at him while he chuckled, realizing what the problem was.
"You're mad because I called you weak?" he chuckled dryly. "But Scar, that's the truth. I was simply stating the truth," he stated bluntly.
"The truth hurts," I pouted angrily, feeling hurt wash over me like a tidal wave.
"Too bad," he said brusquely, getting off me. "That's enough for today. Tomorrow morning, I want you up and ready by 6:59 sharp," he snapped.
"Why 6:59? Why not 7:00?" I asked; he shot me a brief annoyed look before storming away, towards the warehouse. I laid back down on the ground, staring up at the evening sky. I was out on the ground for about fifteen minutes before I made my way back to the warehouse.
The cool air-conditioned hair hit my sweaty face as I entered the warehouse. I glanced briefly at a few people I recognized, as I made my way towards the exit at the front of the warehouse. My gaze was planted to the ground as I moved, causing me to bump into a hard chest all of a sudden.
"Scarlett." A gruff voice greeted me as I looked up, my eyes widening a little.
"Vlad," I stood up straight, nodding curtly at him.
"How's training with Harry?" he asked politely, surprising me slightly.
"It's going fine," I answered shortly.
"You're not fighting with him?" he cocked a wonky eyebrow at me.
"No," I shook my head. "We get along well," I lied.
"Good. I want you respect and obey him. He's taking off time from his work to train you. You should be grateful," he told me as I nodded slightly, biting my lips to stop me from talking back disrespectfully. You forced him to train me Vlad.
"I am, Sir," I assured him, smiling tightly.
"Good," he responded, giving me a curt nod before walking away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in for so long before sauntering towards the entrance. I entered the apartment building, undoing my long braid as I walked into the empty elevator, watching the doors close.
I frowned when the elevator stopped at the floor before mine, the doors opening to reveal a tall figure. Harry's green eyes met mine for a second, before I averted my gaze. He was obviously visiting Natalie, as this was the floor she lived on. Along with Blake, Dexter and Louis. I remained quiet as Harry stood next to me, glancing at me for a brief moment before turning away once the doors opened.
"You can go first," he waved me off, indicating that I use the bathroom first, as he moved to the bookshelf in the living room.
"I'll save some water for you," I mumbled tiredly, walking towards the bedroom. My body was looking forward for a good relaxing shower. Once I had showered and toweled off, I dressed up in a pair of grey sweats and a black crop top. I couldn't care less that the top was short enough for my stomach to be on display.
I made myself a hot up of coffee while Harry was showering. Sitting down on a smooth stool near the kitchen island, I scribbled away into my journal. My journal was something I could express my feelings to, now more than ever since Spencer, the only person I told everything to, was gone. A heavy sigh pushed past my lips as I recorded today's events, along with the emotions I was feeling.
"Go make me some coffee, Kitten." Harry's raspy voice commanded me, the deepness of his accented voice distracting me momentarily before I scowled, realizing what he just called me.
"Go make it yourself," I muttered, taking a sip from my own coffee. I set it back down before I rushed to write down everything into my journal. I slammed it shut, ignoring Harry as I stood up and went to the bedroom to put it back into my duffel bag.
When I returned, my jaw dropped and my face flushed with anger and irritation when my eyes landed on Harry. There he sat, in my previous spot, drinking from my mug, drinking my coffee!
"Harry!" I exclaimed, gaining his attention when he set the mug down and turned to me. "That's my fucking coffee!" I growled, narrowing my eyes at him while he chuckled.
"Not anymore," he smirked, while I fumed. "Now make me another one," he ordered, but I held my ground.
"What am I? Your maid?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest as I cocked an eyebrow at him. His gaze momentarily darted to my bare stomach before flickering back up to mine. I couldn't help my blush slightly at that.
"More like my slave. Now go, make me some goddamn coffee," he snapped, as I raised my hands up in defense, ultimately planning to make myself another coffee and not him. I walked around the kitchen island, walking towards the shelf that had the mugs in it. It was on the very top unfortunately. I stood on my tips of my toes, trying desperately to reach it.
I felt my top ride up even more when I stretched my arm, feeling the tips of my fingers touching the smooth mug. My fingers curled slightly around the handle, tugging it slightly. A gasp flew out my lips when the mug fell off the shelf, my reflexes didn't act fast enough to catch it as it dropped to the floor with a loud crash.
"Fuck," I cursed, trying to ignore Harry's presence behind me as I bent down to pick up the shattered mug.
"You're so fucking clumsy," he snickered, once I had picked up the pieces and threw them into the trash. A glare formed on my features, as I moved around him, bumping shoulder against his harshly before making my way towards the living room. "You're forgetting something!" he yelled from the kitchen.
"I am? Oh please do remind me," I retorted in a sarcastic tone, as I plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on.
My vision was blocked when Harry's lean figure moved in front of me. My eyes took a moment to take his figure. The sweats he wore rode down on his hips, revealing the black Calvin Klein band of his boxers. My mouth was literally dry at the sight of his prominent v-line and the faint hairline that disappeared down his boxers. My gaze travelled up to meet his as I gulped. "Do you mind?"
"You need to learn how to fucking respect me," he snapped, turning around to grab the TV remote and switch the TV off. House of Cards was currently on, and it was one of my favorite shows.
"Hey I was watching-"
"I don't fucking care," he barked, leaning in abruptly, making me shuffle back with wide eyes. He placed his hands on either side of the couch as his face edged closer to mine.
"You can't just demand me to respect you," I scowled at him. "Respect works both ways. If you respect me, I'll respect you."
"I try to respect you but you're just too fucking annoying and whiny. You make me lash out," he defended himself.
"And you're abusive and unbelievably cruel. You mock me and you hurt me emotionally. You're a twisted soul, Harry," I shook my head at him slowly, turning away from his glaring eyes. I gasped when he raised his clenched fist all of a sudden, bringing it down. I turned my head away in fright; his fist hit the hard leather of the sofa, the impact causing me to flinch.
"You're so frustrating, fucking hell," he muttered lowly, weariness laced his tone.
"I'm frustrating?" I laughed out loud, making him look up at me. "Look who's talking? Mr. I'm-the-most-bipolar-person-on-the-whole-fucking-planet!" I ranted, huffing angrily.
"Shut the fuck up, Ms. I'm-so-horny-I-like-touching-guys'-cocks-against-their-own-will," he shot back as my jaw dropped. I stood up, shoving his chest as I did so.
"Make your own coffee goddamit! I've had enough of you!" I screamed, my face tomato red from all the bottled up anger I was feeling.
"I didn't say you could walk away from me," he yelled, grasping my wrist, making me spin around to face him.
"You never said I couldn't" I shot back, narrowing my eyes at him. His nostrils were flaring and his jaw was clenched as he spoke again.
"Shut up and make my coffee, woman," he snapped.
"Why are you so hell-bound on forcing me to make coffee for you?" I exclaimed, running my hands through my hair in frustration. I was clearly annoyed and fuming at his point.
"Because, you think you can disrespect me and just walk away. You can't, that's not how it works, Kitten," he snarled in his gruff voice. I had never wanted to slap and kiss anyone so badly in my entire life, and here was Harry making me absolutely livid, yet turning me on with his roughness.
"Stop calling me that!" I snapped. "Fuck of-" My words were abruptly cut off when Harry pressed his warm lips against mine. The kiss was rough, all of our anger and frustration leaking into it as we kissed hungrily and fervently. My hands fisted his curls when his large hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up. My back hit the wall as he pulled away for air before crashing his lips onto mine once again. I moaned into the kiss when his tongue massaged mine, pushing deeper into my mouth.
He didn't do anything other than kiss me, which was okay because kissing him was enough. His lips moved skillfully against mine, tongue colliding with my own every now and then, sending jolts of electricity through my body again and again. A moan flew out of my lips, which was stifled by the kiss, when he squeezed my bum all of a sudden. We pulled away once again for a breath of air, resting our foreheads against each other's, breathing heavily.
My hand moved from his hair, cupping his cheek as he continued to breathe slowly, his eyes still shut tightly. My thumb moved down to trace his bottom lip, feeling the smooth curve of it under the pad of my thumb. I traced his black lip ring with it, biting my lip at the sight of it. I joined our lips together, dipping my tongue into his mouth teasingly before pulling out, my teeth attached to his lower lip. I bit down slowly, making him squeeze my thighs in response, before my teeth clamped around his lip ring, tugging on it gently.
"Scar," he groaned huskily, his deep voice low and raspy as he finally opened his eyes to gaze at me. They had confusion in them. Why was he confused? I should be confused as to why did he just kiss me? He sighed heavily, putting me down slowly. "Make me some coffee, baby" he murmured tiredly to me, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth before looking up at me.
"Okay," I replied softly. I wasn't entirely okay with what had just happened, him kissing me simply to get his way. But I let it slide this time.
The rest of the night went surprisingly well. After Harry kissed me, it's like all the anger in both of us instantly vanished. Kissing didn't really solve our problem, but it helped with calming us down. I decided to leave the chat about him thinking he can get his way with me, for another time because frankly I was about to lose my mind with him just being so fucking infuriating.
He was calmer now, currently watching what seemed to be American Horror Story while I cooked dinner. Normally Harry and I would make dinner for our own individual selves, but tonight I decided to make dinner for him as well. I hope he liked fresh tomato, sausage and pecorino pasta. Actually, I couldn't give a shit, his inconsiderate ass better appreciate my pasta. A satisfied smile grew on my lips as I served two platefuls of pasta, the delicious aroma filling my nostrils as I carried them over to the living room.
He was seated on the sofa, hugging a cushion to him as he watched season two of American Horror Story. I set his plate down on the coffee table, sitting down on the other side of the sofa before digging into my pasta.
"Umm I made dinner for you," I spoke up, noticing he hasn't touched his pasta. I don't think he noticed me even putting it in front of him. He finally tore his gaze away from the TV, glancing down at the pasta before scowling.
"I'm not eating that shit," he said brusquely, causing hurt to wash over me as my expression fell. "I'm on a strict diet," he informed me as I bit my lip in hurt.
"It wouldn't kill you to stop your diet for a day and have some pasta," I grumbled quietly, causing him to look at me with hard eyes.
"I don't fucking care. I don't want that shit." His words caused me to snap all of a sudden.
"You don't have to call it shit! You haven't even tasted it!" I exclaimed loudly. He shot my loud outburst a strange look and simply shrugged. I let out a frustrated grunt before gripping my plate tightly and standing up.
"Scar..." he started before I got off, storming away.
"No! You know what? Fuck you Harry. I'm just trying to be nice to you, even though you clearly don't deserve it! Why do you always have to be such a jerk!?" I yelled, angrily clearing my plate before throwing it into the sink with much force.
At this point I didn't give two shits about whether it cracked or broke. I stormed into the bedroom, hearing Harry yell my name behind me, but as soon as I stepped in I slammed the door shut. I slid down against the door, the floor hitting my butt as I tried my hardest not to scream in anger. There were times like this were I'd lose my temper and feel like the whole world is against me, I think it was a hereditary thing. Probably from my dad.
My thoughts were interrupted when he banged his fists against the door. I flinched, wrapping my arms around me.. After a few seconds Harry stopped hitting the door, a soft thud was heard from behind it when he leant his back against it. I could tell he was in the same position as I was, just on the other side of the door.
"Scarlett open the door," he muttered firmly, his voice muffled.
"No," I grumbled quietly. My heart raced when I heard the doorknob jiggle. I never locked the door, fucking hell. I gasped when the door flung open, my body falling to the side as an angry Harry stepped through it. He gazed at me in slight anger before he noticed my now slightly hurt expression. His arms reached for me but I pushed them away, muttering a firm 'no'. But he didn't listen, his arms moved to grab me again but this time I yelled at him.
"No Harry!"
He simply gazed at me silently, as I stared at him hardly, clenching my jaw before moving to leave the bedroom. I heard him call out for me, but I ignored him. His hand grasped my wrist, spinning me around, only for my hand to fly up and strike him.
"Just leave me alone!" I screeched, my eyes glaring venomously at him while he stared back at me with a shocked expression, clutching his cheek. I walked away, heading towards the door before I felt large hands grab my waist. Harry spun me around and lifted me in the air, causing me to shriek all of a sudden before he smashed his lips against mine.
My eyes were wide with surprise as I felt him move his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and legs around his torso as he held me up, kissing me sweetly. It was like he was trying to apologize by kissing me, which in a normal situation seriously wouldn't help at all. But it was hard to pull away now because of the way his lips captured mine. I was weak and I fucking hated it.
I felt him set me down on the kitchen island as he continued to kiss away all the pain, anger and hurt I was feeling. He deepened the kiss all of a sudden, sliding his tongue through my parted lips before licking the insides of my mouth gently. He pulled away slowly, giving my slightly swollen lips sweet soft pecks before pulling away completely to gaze at me.
We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like eternity before I felt his hand cradle my cheek. He ducked down to give my lips one last lingering kiss. This time I felt my stomach doing major backflips at the action, when he pulled away my lips had a tingling sensation, which made me feel all giddy. He parted his pink lips to speak; his words shocking me.
"I'm sorry, Scar."
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear that." My big ego had to ruin the moment. He rolled his eyes at me, as I arched my brows at him, waiting for him to repeat what he just said.
"I said, I'm sorry, alright?" he grumbled loudly while I rolled my eyes sarcastically.
"You better be."
"Shouldn't have acted like a prick, and I didn't mean it when I called your cooking shit," he mumbled quietly, making me chuckle lightly. How does he manage to calm me down quicker than making me angry?
He wrapped his arms around my torso again, feeling him tighten his hold before lifting me up. He walked to the bedroom, setting my down on the bed before pressing his lips against my forehead. "I'll go clean up the kitchen," he muttered, before pulling away.
"I made the mess, I should clean it up," I objected, standing up before he turned and gave me a warning glare.
"Scarlett, just this one time, stop fighting with me and let me just do this," he sighed in exhaustion as I kept my mouth shut and nodded. He left the room to clean the mess I made. While he was gone, I changed into an over-sized t-shirt and brushed my teeth, getting ready for bed.
Once I was under the covers, Harry entered the room. He went into the bathroom, before leaving it after a couple of minutes. I felt him shuffling behind me before he wrapped his arms around my torso. He buried his face into my neck as he tangled are legs, pulling me flush against him. I sighed deeply and relaxed against his body, loving the feeling of his warmth engulfing me. As much as I was still annoyed with the way he acted tonight, I couldn't avoid his comfort especially while we sleep because that was the only thing that kept me away from my horrific nightmares.
"I tasted your pasta by the way," he murmured against my neck as I laughed quietly.
"How is it?"
"Not bad," he shrugged while I gasped dramatically.
"Is that a compliment, Harold?" I laughed before gasping for real when he slapped my bum. Quite hardly too, might I add.
"Attitude, Kitten," he warned, feeling him smirk against the skin of my neck. "I seriously need to teach you a lesson about respect. Maybe I should bend you over my knee right now," he growled into my ear, feeling his large hand moved under my t-shirt to squeeze to bum. Was it wrong to feel turned on right now?
"I'd rather not," I gulped, before sighing. I really liked this Harry. The gentle and sweet, yet cocky Harry. Why couldn't he be like this all the time? Why did he have to be such a prick?
"What's wrong?" he asked, noticing the silence. "Are you still mad at me?"
"No I'm furious," I said sarcastically.
"I'm not mad, Harry," I whispered, moving my hand over his forearms. I traced the skin of them, feeling the smoothness of it and the warmth radiating from it. "You just really infuriate me," I said honestly, surprised when I heard him laugh.
"You infuriate me too, babe," he chuckled softly, his nose nudging my jaw as he pressed a kiss against the hinge of it.
"But you also confuse me. Like, a lot," I sighed deeply, turning around in his grip to face him. I was surprised to see him already asleep. My eyes studied his gorgeous face for a few seconds, watching how his brows were pulled over his eyes and his lips were in a semi-pout, forming a frown. The man slept angry.
I inhaled quietly as I let my hand reach up to brush some of his curls off his forehead, before tracing his eyebrow piercing with my fingers. My hand slid down his face, and I brought my arms up between us, cuddling against his chest as he held me to him. My lips parted to whisper something in the dark, before closing hesitantly.
"Who are you, Harry Styles?" I whispered eventually, before I fell asleep.
just so you know, I am in no way promoting unhealthy relationships like this. I'm just portraying it and eventually showing y'all how their relationship progresses and transforms into something truly beautiful (in my opinion). Just give it time and don't give up.
Until we meet again...
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