Double update cuz why not? 😊
Movie 🎥 The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
Confusion was among the huge amount of emotions I was feeling today. I was confused about the events of yesterday night. Confused as to why he was acting so gentle and caring with me, and as to why he actually kissed me. Oh and what confused me the most was why did he go on attack mode all of a sudden, just when I thought it was safe to touch him, it fucking wasn't. Okay I guess I was talking it too far with touching him, but I didn't know what got into me! It was in the heat of the moment. Anyways, there was no point in trying to talk to him about it because every time I tried to bring it up, he'd always shoot me down.
He was acting strangely cold today, answering my questions bluntly, and snapping at me at the most random times. I suppose I could say I was used to it, but it hurt more this time, because yesterday night's events showed me that he genuinely cares about me.
Pushing these thoughts away, I tied up the laces on my shoes, double-knotting them before standing up. Today was my first day of training with Harry, and to be honest, I was a little nervous. Why? Because I had heard he's a ruthless trainer, even worse than Blaze. There was this little voice at the back of my head, telling me that he'll be different with me, gentler and nicer but I refused to believe it. After the way he's acting today, I don't know if he'll ever change around me.
"What's on your mind?" Harry's deep accented voice snapped me back to reality, making me turn to face his figure that was approaching me. We were outside in the hot sun, in the huge vast grass area at the back of the warehouse, which was usually used for training.
"Nothing's on my mind," I muttered, looking at the ground as I brought my arms behind my back and crossed my legs. Something I did whenever I lied, ever since I was a kid.
"Liar," he scoffed, dropping an armful of materials on the ground that I couldn't recognize before standing up. "Stop slouching and stand up straight," he snapped all of a sudden. I gulped and straightened my spine, standing a little taller. He took a couple steps forward, his impressive height over-powering mine as he stood in front of me. "Now tell me what's on your mind," he quietly insisted.
I searched his eyes for any signs of genuine concern but only found curiosity and interest. I simply shook my head at him, pulling my lips into my mouth as I gazed at him.
"I was just thinking about the nightmare," I lied in a low voice, averting my gaze to his Nikes. He tucked his fingers under my chin, pushing my head upwards to meet his gaze.
"Stop thinking about that for fuck's sake!" he scowled lightly. "I don't need you distracted while we're training," he hissed, tightening his grip on my chin as my heart fell a little.
I was expecting him to say something like what he said yesterday night, when he reassured me that the nightmare was not real and never will be because he will always be there to protect me. But obviously he's only like that when I'm actually crying or something.
"Right, sorry," I mumbled, pulling my face from his vice-like grip before moving back a bit.
"Good. Let's start with some stretches," he said, bringing his left arm behind his neck, his right hand following up to the arm. I followed him, our eyes never leaving each other's as we stretched. I was familiar with some of the stretches, as Blaze had thought me some of them on my first day here. We sat on the neatly cropped grass, doing various stretches that made my limbs burn from holding them too long. I was positive that if it weren't for that one week of fitness with Blaze, I wouldn't be able to do any of these stretches for long enough, or correct at all.
"Okay, done," Harry, concluded our warm up. "I think I should start out with explaining to you what your position on Valkyrie is. That way you'll train specifically to what your father did since your training is supposed to be short and intense," he explained slowly, while I nodded hastily, waiting for him to move on.
"Right, so our team, Valkyrie, consists of eight people. There's the leader, Vlad. He's a handgun sharpshooter and a combat expert. A sharpshooter is-"
"A person who is very skilled in shooting," I continued, knowing the definition by heart. While waiting for my ankle to heal, I took it upon myself to learn everything about assassins whenever Harry wasn't teaching me. I learnt all about firearms, different types of weapons and people specializing in using them.
"Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking," he scowled slightly. "Then there's Max. He's second in command, Vlad's number one right hand man. He's mainly a knife expert, but also specializes in hand-to-hand combat and is a sharpshooter. Technically, everyone is a sharpshooter."
"Then comes me, in this hierarchy of importance. I'm a close-quarters combat expert, boxer and sharpshooter, and sometimes I'm the sniper guy," he shrugged. "Next is Damien. Barrel-weapons specialist, martial-arts specialist, and sharpshooter."
"Jade is one of the most important people on the team. She's the hacker and the drone pilot; she's also the medic of our team. But she's highly trained in combat and is also a knife expert like Max."
"Damn," I breathed without knowing, wondering how the hell was I supposed to be like those people.
"Scar..." he warned, and I instantly shut my mouth, gesturing for him to continue. I wasn't sure if I liked the new nickname he gave me, or not. "Blaze. Demolitions and grappling expert, along with combat training and sharpshooting. Last of all, Seth. Chemical engineer, technology expert just like Jade, boxer like me and he's well-trained in judo and jujitsu." Seth is a chemical engineer? Wow, I never expected that.
"Okay, so, what was my father's position on the team?" I questioned, not really bothered about the other people's jobs on the team.
"Your father was like our secret weapon. We'd blast through security and send him in. He takes down anybody who steps in his path. He was like a killing machine, won't stop until somebody tells him to. He was, like Vlad said, our secret weapon."
"Since he had supernatural powers," I murmured, nodding to myself. "But in order to use them whenever he wanted to, he must've known how to control them," I frowned. "How did he control them?"
"He had this strange fear he never talked about. But all I know is that whenever he needed to use his powers, he'd think of this thing that he fears and he'd automatically freak out, triggering his powers," Harry explained as I racked my brains, trying to remember what exactly was it that my father was afraid of.
"Clowns!" I yelled all of a sudden, causing Harry to frown. "My father was afraid of clowns! Just like me! Though he had a more severe cause of coulrophobia," I muttered, trying to push away any thoughts of clowns.
"Well then he must've thought of clowns whenever he wanted to use his powers," Harry shrugged, before laughing at how ridiculous the thought of being afraid of clowns seemed to him.
"Anyways, your father was a boxer like me, master marksmen, with an in depth knowledge of guns, master of numerous martial arts, had basic knowledge on barrels-weapons, and he supplied intelligence for the team. Now, you don't have to a boxer since there's me, but you do need to train exceptionally hard in combat, martial arts and sharpshooting. You will also have basic medical training, advanced knife training, basic dual-wielding-"
"Hold on!" I interrupted him, ignoring the glare I was receiving from him. "You're telling me my Dad could basically kick butt, use a gun, and was smart. That's basically what I have to learn, but here you are telling me I need knife training and dual-weapon training and all that. My Dad wasn't an expert in any of that stuff, why do I have to have training in those things?" I questioned, getting up from my seated position on the grass before moving to stand in front of him.
"Because, Vlad wants you to be trained in numerous things. He's trying to turn you into some master assassin. He's trying to turn you into a better assassin than your father ever was," he told me quietly as I stared at him mouth agape.
"It's going to take me ages to be that!" I exclaimed. But Harry shook his head.
"He doesn't care. He's basically trying to make you like all of us, together. You're like that person who's everyone on the team, combined."
"But you're not an expert in some of those things! How're you going to train me then?" I questioned while he exhaled through his nose, flaring his nostrils in annoyance at my endless questions.
"I'm only teaching you the basics before I hand you over to the Masters," he muttered lowly as I craned my neck to hear him.
"Masters? Who're the Masters?"
"They're master assassins who give intense training to the people of Valkyrie. But, first you have to pass a test to show them you're worthy. Most of us failed, except for me, Vlad, Max and your Dad," he explained monotonously while I grew quiet, chewing on my bottom lips as I tried to take in all this new information.
"What if I don't pass?" I asked quietly.
"You'll pass. I'll make sure," he responded firmly. "Moving on, here at The Organization we train like we're training in the Army. For you specifically, we'll be training for nine weeks, along with firearms you'll be trained on weaponless combat. The weeks are going to be fast-paced and extremely intense. You've trained with Blaze for one whole week to survive this kind of thing, you've got stamina and you're a quick learner."
"Basically what you're trying to say is I'll pass," I smirked at him playfully, before it got wiped off when he thrust his hand forward, giving me shove all of a sudden. I fell to the ground, staring up at him in annoyance as he smirked at me.
"You'll survive, is what I'm trying to say. Now stand up," he ordered, as I grumbled incoherent words under my breath, pushing myself off the ground.
"Will nine weeks be enough?" I asked with furrowed brows.
"Yes," he nodded. "The training is so well-developed that everything is tackled for nine weeks. The training is done on three phases, Red, White and Blue. Each phase runs for three weeks and will slowly but surely mold you from a citizen to an assassin of Valkyrie." I felt like his explaining is going to take all morning. But I guess we'll be starting a little bit of training today and officially start tomorrow as it's Monday, the beginning of a new week.
"Red Phase; weeks one to three. During the Red Phase you will be taught basic and extensive hand-to-hand combat. You will learn how to fire a pistol, disassemble, assemble and clean it. You will be taught knife throwing by Max. Sullivan will teach you first aid; it goes without saying that it's very important as well. Jade will teach you basic knowledge on technology, everything you need to know to be a hacker."
"White Phase; weeks four to six. You'll be put to test by accompanying me on a short mission," he said as my eyes widened. "It won't be a real mission, we'll just be targeting a few wanted criminals on the streets. During that week, we'll find the gun that suites you and that you're comfortable with. You'll start you're training in martial arts, which will still be continued after the nine weeks, that will be taught by Lee. Whatever you've been doing in the Red Phase, you'll be doing a more advanced level of it in the White Phase."
"And finally, the Blue Phase; weeks seven to nine. You'll be joining some of the initiates, forming a platoon, like in the Army. The whole platoon will navigate an obstacle course that will be physically and mentally challenging. The whole platoon will be taught on how to operate and move like a well-oiled machine. You'll be trained on how to move without slowing down your team. It's like training with an actual assassination team before joining Valkyrie," he explicated while I tried to figure out what the word 'platoon' meant.
I've heard it somewhere, I think it's a military unit consisting of two or more squads or sections. I couldn't think further more about this as Harry started talking again. I couldn't help but zone out half of the time while he spoke. Everything he was talking about was boring as hell.
"Scarlett, are you even listening?" he snapped at me all of a sudden, his dark brows lowering over his gleaming eyes. I bobbed my head quickly, breathing out in relief as he just continued talking.
"The last test is a week-long field exercise where your knowledge, agility, stamina and overall readiness will be tested." He finally finished his lecture.
"Jesus Christ that's a lot," I breathed, my expression dropping as I realized I can't do it.
"It is. It's different from what the initiates do," he murmured lowly, frowning as he took in my terrified expression. "What's wrong?" he questioned harshly.
"What's wrong?" I repeated what he said, standing up again. "What's wrong is I can't do it. I am physically and mentally incapable of doing all that for nine fucking weeks!" I exclaimed loudly and hysterically.
"Stop it you're exaggerating. Physically, you are capable, that one-week of fitness with Blaze made you capable of doing this. Mentally, you're going have to toughen up anyways. You're training to be an assassin for fuck's sake, you need to control your emotions and take control of your fucking mentality," he spat angrily, jabbing a finger at my stomach. I was having so many doubts about this course, it was far too intense for me. "Now stop thinking negatively. You're father wouldn't have wanted you thinking you're going to fail. He'd have wanted you to stay strong and fucking fight."
"I wish my father was here to tell me that," I mumbled lowly, all my panic and hysteria vanishing in an instant as soon as I thought about my father.
"He's not," Harry, whispered, his voice softening considerably as he grasped my hips and pulled me towards him. My lips parted in surprise when his hands reached up to grasp my face gently. "But I'm here, and I'm telling you right now. Stop thinking like that. You're not going to fail because I won't let you fail," he whispered firmly, his brows still pulled tightly over his narrowed emerald irises. "Okay?"
"Okay," I mumbled, a small smile growing on my lips as I stared at him. I was caught off-guard when he pressed his lips against mine, giving them a short hard peck before he pulled back with a smirk.
"Good girl."
-This chapter was all about her training course and stuff. Sorry, but I have to make it look like they're doing actual assassin stuff rather than just have nightmares and argue all the time 😂 The next chapter was hella fun to write though!
-If y'all have a tumblr, I made a separate one for this wattpad account specifically. It'll have pics of people from my stories along with stuff I like and etc. So yeah follow me, ifb 😊: macklemcvey.tumblr.com
-I've got my other personal social medias in my bio if you guys wanna follow me on that too 😁😁😁
-This book is so close to 7K reads omg. I love you guys to the fridge and back💕
Until we meet again...
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