Movie Django Unchained (2012) Jamie Foxx and Leo DiCaprio holy hell 😍👌🏼
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
A few days later...
It took a few days for my ankle to heal properly. I was walking around with crutches for most of the time. Harry was being surprisingly helpful throughout the whole time, he'd even set me up a bath since I can't stand in the shower, he'd always help me into bed even though I didn't need help. But the problem was every time I declined his help he'd snap at me, scaring me most of the time as I'm always paranoid that he'll hit me again.
Harry said that instead of wasting time, sitting around and doing nothing but resting, I should be spending my time properly. So, he took it upon himself to teach me some things about being an assassin, practically.
A couple of days later...
"We're watching a movie?" I questioned, when he sat down next to me with a bowl of popcorn in his hand. "And this is supposed to help me with my training?" I arched an eyebrow as he switched the TV on. My eyes widened instantly and my heart started beating rapidly when I saw the main menu of the movie. The Poltergeist. "No! No no, no, no, no-" I started yelling before he clamped my mouth shut with his hand.
"Successful assassins have no fear. We're going to watch The Poltergeist to overcome your strange and pathetic fear of clowns," he chuckled maliciously, pressing play. Every light in the apartment was turned off; the only light that was present was the light showing from the TV. Harry had also cranked up the volume, much to my displeasure. I grabbed a pillow and clutched to tightly to my chest.
I cringed as the movie started, some kid was playing a video game and the camera was zoomed in on the ghoul in the game. The movie was going good until the boy find a secret tiny door. I watched anxiously as the boy opened the door, revealing a dark empty space but from inside it there was a piece of string hanging with a red ball attached to the end. My teeth tugged my lower lip as the boy tugged the string and a dozen toys suddenly fell from the space above. My breath got caught in my throat when the string with the red ball started winding itself up, ending up on a toy clown's face.
"Clown!" I screeched loudly, hiding my face behind the pillow as I felt my whole body shake. I peeked from behind the pillow and gasped when the clown let out an evil creepy laugh. "I can't. I just can't watch this. I'm leaving-" I said as I stood up on one foot and tried to hop, but Harry grabbed my arm quickly and tugged me back. I fell on top of him, causing him to grunt.
"No," he said firmly. "You are going to keep your fucking mouth shut and watch this movie? Understood?" he snarled, gripping my chin tightly as my eyes screwed shot while I nodded. "And give me this!" he snapped, grabbing the pillow from my hands as I pouted.
He played the movie again. Apparently there wasn't just one clown toy, but a whole box of clown toys. Fucking great. Who the heck collects clown toys? I shrieked again, jumping in my seat when a mouse pounced on the dad, screeching loudly. I looked over at Harry, breathing heavily, noticing him just sitting there with an emotionless expression.
"How did that not scare you?" I asked breathlessly, clutching my chest.
"I'm not a wimp like you Scarlett," he snickered while a shot him a nasty scowl. I seemed to scowl a lot when I'm around him. Throughout the rest of the movie, I sat and watched with my knees up against my chest and my mouth agape. I'd jump and scream whenever there was a jump-scare while Harry would sit there in the dark chuckling quietly at me.
At some point during the movie the parents leave the kids home to go for some dinner, and the kids start to experience paranormal activity. The scene where the eldest daughter gets attacked just got over when Harry decided to stand up and leave. But before he could move I grabbed his arm.
"Where are you going?" I asked in a small voice, my bottom lip quivering as he rolled his eyes at me.
"I gotta take a piss," he snapped, yanking his arm from my grip. My lips parted slightly when he leant down to whisper into my ear. "Don't have too much fun when I'm gone," he chuckled darkly, lips brushing my ear slightly before he pulled away and left.
It was deadly quiet now as the next scene came on. I hugged my knees to my chest as I watched the scene move onto the little boy in his bedroom. Short gasps left my lips every time a random clown would pop up in every corner of the room. Suddenly it all went quiet as the boy in the movie looked around for one clown in particular, the one with the bright red nose. Its nose was detached again, the string winding itself up as the music got gradually louder and suddenly the clown popped up. Just as the clown popped up, large hands grabbed my waist and someone screamed in my ear loudly, causing me to shriek and jump up.
I fell to the ground, frantically looking around for whatever just grabbed me, my eyes landing on Harry's figure. Angry tears fell out of my eyes while I tried to push myself up, before slipping and falling back down causing Harry to laugh at me. Some people never understood how awful it is to prank people who had phobias. They may be irrational fears but they give us panic attacks and paralyse us with fear. We can't fucking help it if we have phobias.
"You should've seen your face!" he continued to laugh at me while I struggled to stand up, due to my injured ankle. Fucking cunt.
"Could you stop being an asshole for five minutes and help me up!" I yelled at him, wiping my cheeks harshly as I held my hands out for him to grab. Fortunately he grasped them tightly before pulling me up to my feet.
"Let's sleep now, unless you want to finish the movie," he smirked at me while I shot him a glare.
"I'm fine thank you," I muttered, limping towards the bedroom. After watching that movie, I had a dreaded sense of paranoia that a clown was going to sneak up on me and strangle me, I was so paranoid, and all my movements were jittery and snappy. I felt like I was going to have another panic attack soon.
"I guess the movie didn't work in curing you of your fear of clowns," he shrugged, gazing at me curiously as I sat on the side of the bed quietly with wide eyes. My eyes were constantly darting to every corner of the room, scared there was going to be some random clown toy sitting there, smiling creepily.
"I guess not," I muttered bitterly, moving under the covers before sighing heavily. "Harry?" I spoke in a quiet timid voice, trying to get his attention while he loaded his gun he always sleeps with.
"Can you...can you please keep the lamp on tonight?" I mumbled quietly, fiddling with my hair while teething my bottom lip nervously. He turned to gaze at me; I averted my gaze from his intense one, moving it to his tanned bare chest.
"No," he said firmly, the corner of his lips ticking up in a devious smirk.
He stood up and went to turn the lights off, a gasp flying out of my mouth when it was dark all of a sudden. I could feel my heart rate speeding up and my breathing getting heavy as I laid there on the bed, trying not to think about clowns. But it was hard, as my eyes would automatically imagine a clown standing at the foot of the bed, or a clown toy sitting on the window ledge.
Randomly, I broke out into a soft cry, weeping quietly as I realized this paranoia was starting to take over me, not letting me sleep as I was constantly thinking there was a clown lurking somewhere in the dark. My body tensed when I felt shuffling behind it, sighing in relief when I realized it was Harry when he let out a low groan of annoyance.
"Scarlett?" he spoke up in a gruff voice.
"Yes?" I sniffled.
"Stop. Fucking. Crying," he spoke calmly.
"I-I can't sleep Harry! T-They're everywhere-" I started whimpered like a child until a felt a sharp pain on my ass, making me jolt under the sheets. "Did you just pinch my ass?"
"Yes. Now would you shut the fuck up and stop crying before I cut your tongue off and sew your mouth shut?" he snapped, making me instantly clamp my mouth shut, to stop the soft whimpers that tried to leave my lips. "Finally," he sighed loudly, shuffling around before relaxing.
I wiped my cheeks slowly, trying my best to clear my thoughts as I closed my eyes. The last time I watched a clown movie was with my friends when I was six years old. I was at a sleepover and they all wanted to watch a scary movie, so they put on the original Poltergeist film. I got freaked out that night, and I had a horrible nightmare. They had to call my Dad to come pick me up because I couldn't stop screaming. Every time my fear of clowns would act up, my dad would sleep with me, holding me close to him, as he'd tell me stories of his childhood while I tried to fall asleep. I guess now that I think about it, none of those stories were actually true because he would've spent his childhood training to be a professional killer.
Memories of my father ran through my head as I fell into a deep sleep, only to be woken up later from a horrendous nightmare.
Harry's loud voice woke me up. I sat up abruptly, my eyes darting to every corner of the room as whimpers left my lips.
"Hey, you're okay," Harry said firmly, his large hands gripping my shoulders as he laid me back down again. My cheeks were wet with my endless tears and my whole body was trembling with fear. My heart pounded erratically against my ribcage. "What did you see?" Harry spoke quietly to me.
"C-C-Clown." Was the only word I was able to utter. The remnants of my nightmare still clung to my mind, haunting me. Suddenly a flash of lighting illuminated the room in blinding light. I let out a frightened gasp and buried my face into the pillow. It was August, and we were currently experiencing a dry storm. I hated lightning, and thunder.
"Seriously?" Harry muttered, lying on his back as he shoved a hand through his curls.
"Y-Y-Yes," I stammered, still crying softly as I desperately tried to calm myself down. "C-Chuckles tried to kill my Dad and he did and he-" I rambled before Harry brought his hand up to gently cup my mouth, stopping me from speaking. The way he was acting, so gentle, surprised me. Why did he always switch personalities like this?
"Don't think about that now," he mumbled under his breath.
"I-I think I'm gonna have a p-panic-"
"Shhh no, you're fine okay? Look around do you see any clowns?" he raised his eyebrows at me while I cringed when he mentioned the C word. My eyes scanned the room quickly; I slowly shook my head, swallowing thickly as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to calm myself down. "No, right? So calm down and just breathe like I taught you," he said, rubbing my arm while I nodded and started taking deep breaths.
After a few minutes I was feeling slightly better, still cautious about the dark and clowns but a bit better. He then told me to go to sleep, turning onto his side, facing away from me as he pulled the covers over his shoulders with a drowsy sigh.
No matter how much this man abused me, a part of me felt safe in his arms and it confused me greatly. It was fucked up and anyone could have considered me to be stupid for this, but it is what it is. Perhaps it was because he's the only person other than my father who could calm me down after a panic attack without the use of pills. I didn't want him to hold me while sleeping, but I needed it if I was to get any sleep.
Unconsciously, I curled up into a ball against his back, feeling the heat radiate off it as I pressed my knees against his back and leant my forehead against it. I was relieved when he didn't protest or snap at me when I did that. I could feel myself drifting away to sleep, but before I could do that Harry turned around.
I watched him in surprise and shock as he gently pushed my knees down, straightening my legs and grasped my arms. My lips parted slightly when he wrapped his tattooed arms around my body, holding me to his chest tightly, but not too tightly, just perfect. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as he tangled his legs with mine, drawing me even closer until our bodies were pressed against each other's and I can feel the strong heat radiating off his body, warming mine. My body took a while to respond, but when it did, my arms went to curl around his torso.
Just by being in his warm, strong arms, I felt the paranoia and anxiety vanish. My breathing slowed down to its normal rate, and so did my heart. I felt the drowsiness wash over me as a content sigh escaped my lips, my body utterly relieved that I could finally get some sleep. It was like sleeping in his arms were my medicine for my anxiety and panic attacks. How ironic.
I don't know if I dreamed it or if it actually happened but I felt his plump lips press against my hairline in a soft kiss.
-I had to fucking watch The Poltergeist to write this chapter, and I'm telling you, I couldn't sleep in the dark for two nights 😒I'm such a pussy.
-Love you guys to the fridge and back🍕❤️
Until we meet again...
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