Up above: Dexter played by Dylan O'Brien
Movie 🎥 Kill Bill (2003)
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
"Scarlett! What's up! Welcome to the Dragon's Cave," Dexter smirked at me before he walked up to the middle of the huge area, once the fighters had moved away.
"You ready for the match of the night everyone!?" Dexter boomed, his loud voice echoing throughout the entire gymnasium as the crowd went wild. I'm guessing he was the ring-announcer for the night. "That there was an epic match, Mitchell totally slayed that one am I right or am I right?" he yelled over the loud noise as people agreed with him. "Better luck next time Roxie," he threw a sympathetic glance at the woman whom Mitchell was fighting earlier. She was holding a couple of paper towels to soak up the blood from her nosebleed, all while she flipped Dexter off.
"Alright alright settle down everyone," Dexter said seriously, the crowd immediately quieted, except for a few murmurs here and there. "Tonight is the match of the century," he started off slowly, his voice loud enough for the people to hear. Before he could continue a voice spoke up from the viewers.
"Isn't there supposed to be a newbie fight?" a woman spoke up, people shuffled around until she walked up to Dexter. My eyes immediately recognized her as Natalie. I heard murmurs and whispers arise from the horde of people.
"There's a newbie here?"
"This is gonna be interesting!"
"I heard she's fucking hot."
"The newbie fight is gonna have to wait till next Friday Natalia," Dexter smirked at Natalie while she scowled at him for using her full name. "There's a way more important match that needs to happen," he said, waving her off. However, Natalie wasn't quite finished.
"She's Russell's daughter!" she yelled at the crowd all of a sudden, causing sudden shouts of confusion and excitement to shoot from the crowd.
"Russell has a daughter?"
"The Russell?"
"Didn't he die yesterday?"
"I heard he was murdered"
I felt my throat tighten and my hands shake when she mentioned my father. What was worse was that she wanted me to fight. Freaking bitch.
"Nate broke his arm, he can't fight anyways," she informed Dexter, a sly smirk spreading across her face. "Who wants to see a newbie fight?" she shouted at the crowd, cheers of agreement lifted from the crowd. "Now all we need is a volunteer," she smirked, looking around the crowd for anyone who'd like to fight me. Fantastic. I'm about to get beaten up into a pulp and be completely humiliated in front of a huge group of trained assassins. The humiliation part only bothered me because I had a feeling these people are going to make a big deal about it and never let it die down.
"I volunteer!" a voice spoke up. My eyes immediately darted to the source of the voice, landing on an Asian athletically built woman who was as tall as me and looked a couple of years older to me. She walked up to the middle of the area and stood there next to Natalie and Dexter. Dex had an uncomfortable frown on his face as he searched for me, his dark eyes landed on my figure before a sympathetic look took over his face.
"Scarlett! Where you at?" Natalie yelled over the loud cheers and jeers that were bouncing off the walls of the gymnasium. I felt a hand squeeze my own; I turned around and found myself staring at Louis pale blue eyes.
"Good luck out there," he said, shooting me a cheerful smile.
"I don't know what to do Louis. I'm going to die," I started to panic. It would be great if I had a panic attack right now, so at least I won't look like a fool when I go out there.
"Hey don't worry! Just aim for the eyes, throat and vagina; then you're all good! Now knock her out Lettie!" he yelled, clapping my back before pushing me towards the center of the scope. People were whispering as I passed by.
"She's going against Alexis."
"She's the women's undefeated champion of Dragon's cave."
"The newbie is gonna get her ass whooped."
"I wonder if she's as good as her Dad."
My palms were sticky with sweat as I finally reached Natalie and Alexis who were smirking at me evilly. I shot both of them a glare before I turned to face everybody. Blood rushed in my ears as I felt the anxiety curl in my stomach like a wriggling snake. I needed to calm myself down before I have a panic attack.
"You can do this Scarlett," I felt someone place his or her hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts. My eyes met Dexter's as he shot me a reassuring smile before running off to Louis. Why do they think I can do it!? Just because I'm the daughter of a well-known trained assassin, doesn't mean I can fight like I've been training for years!
"Yeah you can do it," I heard Natalie say. "You are Russell's daughter after all, like father like daughter," she winked at me before she walked off, over to Harry.
My gaze met his briefly, he stood there gazing at me with his fingers tugging on his lip ring before he turned away to whisper something to Damien, who was standing right next to him. I also spotted Blaze with Seth and Jade in the crowd, watching me like vultures as I took deep breaths.
"All right, there are only a couple of rules. No objects allowed as aid for fighting your opponent. The fight stops when one of the opponents goes limp. Other than that, no pleas of stopping will be accepted. The fight can only last a couple of minutes, not longer than five," Dexter, said to Alexis and I; but I was hardly listening. I was busy trying to keep myself calm and composed.
I was scared. Nervous, panicky and weirdly enough angry. I was annoyed with Natalie for bringing up the fact that I am the daughter of Russell, now people are gonna expect me to fight like a pro when in reality I can't throw a decent punch. If I could gather up these emotions and trigger my powers, then maybe I can win this fight. But for now, I gotta play it smart. Aim for the eyes, throat and vagina like Louis said.
A deep breath drew past my lips as I lifted my clenched fists up to my face, holding them there as I positioned myself. I've seen plenty of action movies with Spencer; hopefully I was standing correctly. I decided to put my right foot upfront, assuming that if I kept my strong hand at the back it'd have more distance and room to throw a harder punch. I observed my opponent for a couple of seconds, she had jet black cropped hair and beady dark eyes. I also noticed how she had tape wrapped around her knuckles probably to make her fists rock hard so her punches would be more powerful. Great, this is going to be painful.
I was snapped out of my daze when a sudden gush of pain jolted throughout my body. Tears pricked my eyes as I felt blood pool in my mouth from the abrupt powerful jab I had received from Alexis. I heard laughter erupt from the crowd, people throwing jeers at me as I felt my jaw starting to ache badly. Focus Scarlett. You can do this. No I can't. Yes you can. You can at least try. What did Dad always tell you? To never give up. Just thinking about what my father always told me gave me a boost of confidence.
I stood up straight, turning my head to the side to spit out blood mixed with saliva before I set my gaze back on Alexis. She was smirking at me, she had a scar running along the side of her forehead and down her face, making her look menacing and intimidating. Pulling my brows tightly over my glaring brown eyes, I scowled at her bringing my fists up to my face and adjusting my stance again.
She dove forward throwing a single jab at me, which was easy to predict as I pulled back a bit but not enough to be off balance. A look of surprise flashed through her features when I immediately swung my fist forward, connecting with her nose. The punch didn't even faze her but it caught her off guard for sure, she immediately swung her fist at me again, I instantly ducked as she moved forward missing me completely. I quickly jutted my leg forward, causing her to trip over it and send her hurtling to the floor.
I stood there with wide eyes, surprised that my counterattack actually worked better than I thought it would. Now there were cheers directed at me rather than Alexis. After all those times I whined about my father watching too much UFC without letting me watch Barney when I was a kid, I never thought it'd actually come in handy later on in life.
Alexis shot me a furious glare, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she stood up cracking her knuckles before she lunged forward. She started throwing quick and powerful jabs at me, some of them I dodged but right before her other fist would come up and strike me from the other side. One particularly powerful jab to my throat had me on the floor, gasping for air as I felt my throat tighten up. My whole body was sore and I was on the verge of passing out, all the energy from my body was drained and I was bleeding in several places. To sum all that up: I was a wreck. But I wasn't ready to give up.
Pushing myself off the ground, I focused on breathing through my nose as I launched myself forwards, swinging my fist at her. It hardly fazed her as usual; my punches weren't powerful or hard at all. She reacted instantaneously with an incoming punch, I chose to dodge this one punch and come up with an underhand punch, which was called an uppercut. I sunk down on my knees, but not until my waist so I could keep a good view of her for when I'd come back up. She looked confused for a second until I came up with a solid uppercut straight to her jaw, a cry of pain falling from my lips as I felt something snap under the skin of my fist when it collided heavily with her jaw. Her perplexed expression vanished quickly as she stumbled back due to the impact of the hit.
Her hand rose up to touch her jaw, before she grabbed it and moved it back into place with a crack. I could tell that the uppercut I gave her had a massive impact on her as she started to look dizzy, shaking her head as if to clear her head. I felt a surge of hope run through my body as I watched her place her hands on her knees, bending over. All the color drained from my face as I saw her straighten her body, looking right at me, her coffee-colored eyes narrowing into an ominous glower as she cracked her knuckles; before turning her head from side to side making more cracking noises.
After a second of our intimidating stare down, she sprinted towards me. Without thinking I swung my fist at her, ideally aiming for her face again but this time I missed. She ducked as soon as she anticipated my next move, before she raised her leg and snapped it forwards; it ploughed into my stomach painfully. It was like hitting a train head on. My guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting as I inhaled sharply clutching my stomach while I stumbled back.
I made the mistake of looking up for a second, only for Alexis to come up to me with a right hook, striking my chin harshly. My head snapped upwards as I staggered back before swinging on my feet. Everything turned blurry and my head was spinning, the loud voices of the crowd sounded muffled as I swung from side to side. My knees buckled and my body collapsed to the hard ground, my head colliding with the solid concrete causing stars to burst into my vision.
A low groan escaped my lips as I felt my vision start to fade away. I heard smothered voices speak from above me as I stared up at the ceiling, the bright white light blinding my fading sight. Suddenly a large head blocked the brightness; I recognized the familiar blue eyes as Louis'.
"She's gonna pass out," I heard him faintly say.
"We should take her to the hospital wing now," another voice spoke. It sounded dully like Jade's. Her head stepped into the light as well, followed by another one. I could faintly trace the outline of the person's curly hair. It must be Harry.
"Welcome to The Organization Scarlett." I could just imagine him with a damn smirk as he said that in an amused tone. I managed a scowl before everything went black.
Everything dark. It was like I was in a heavy black cloud. There was nothing to hear, and nothing to see. But there was a smell. It smelt like blood. The smell of rusted iron filled my nostrils as I felt myself move slowly, waving my hands in front of me blindly to get a feel of something.
Suddenly a light appeared. It was from the ceiling of this...room? I blinked rapidly, the luminosity blinding my eyes for a second before they started to focus on the figure sitting on a chair in front of me. My eyes grew big when I recognized the man as my father.
"Dad?" My voice came out in a whisper as I gazed at him with a mixture of emotions. Happiness because he's right in front of me, sadness because he's actually not real and fear because I knew this was one of my dreaded nightmares.
I cautiously took a few steps towards him as my eyes carefully observing his limp body. His head was hung low and torso and legs were bound to the chair by thick heavy ropes, preventing him from breaking free. I stepped closer, my hand reaching out to touch his shoulder before I retracted. Something wasn't right here. Of course something wasn't right I'm having a nightmare.
A loud gasp zapped me out of my thoughts as I jumped back in shock, staring at my Dad with wide eyes. He was breathing heavily, he started struggling against the ropes before I let out a small whimper. He immediately locked his eyes on me; they grew large as a flicker of realization shown on his features.
"Scarlett get out of here," he whispered harshly, anxiousness and fear lacing his voice. Fear? My father was never afraid of anything. He was an assassinator for god's sake.
"No Dad I'm not leaving you," I said firmly before I ran over to him. I started tugging on the ropes, trying to loosen the knots but it wasn't working.
"Scarlett listen to me you need to leave now before he comes back," he muttered, snapping his gaze to our dark surroundings ever now and then. I cursed under my breath before I looked back up at him.
"No Dad I'm not gonna loose you again," I said, holding his gaze for a few seconds. He sighed in defeat before he nodded.
"There's a switchblade in my pocket," he told me. I moved back to crouch down in front of him. After successfully managing to get the knife from his front pocket, I set off cutting the ropes. Pieces of the rope fell as I sliced through them as quickly as I could, my father muttered words of encouragement to me as I did so. "They're coming," he whispered after a few seconds. Fear struck my heart as I finally sliced through one more piece of rope, which immediately loosened as my father started to shake the ropes off. "Let's go," he said quickly, pulling me up by arms and clasping my hand in his large one before he tugged me along.
Before we could even escape, tall buff men with guns appeared around us, surrounding us in a large circle; blocking us from escaping. A slightly shorter man walked up to the middle of the circle, his identity was concealed with a black ski mask, which only displayed his eyes and mouth. His eyes were cold; one of them was dark brown while the other was icy blue. His eyes looked familiar.
"Andrei," Dad snarled, his dark eyes narrowing into slits as he clenched his jaw angrily.
"Russell!" the man named Andrei exclaimed cheerfully, his lips stretching into a wide grin. I immediately recognized his voice. He was the same person from the nightmare I had yesterday, only now I noticed he had a strong Russian accent. He turned his gaze to me, his smile growing even wider, baring his teeth where one of them was made out of silver. "And Scarlett. My my she's a real beauty isn't she boys?" he asked his men loudly, who all murmured in agreement.
"Let us go Andrei," Dad spoke through gritted teeth as his grip on my hand tightened. I moved closer to Dad, standing slightly behind him as I held gazes with Andrei. God he was so creepy. His sinister smile sent shivers down my spine, his different-colored eyes gazed at me hungrily and shamelessly while I stood next to my father who was seething angrily.
"Eyes off her motherfucker," he snapped at Andrei who slowly turned his gaze to him, his smile disappearing.
"I don't like the way you talk to me," he frowned. "You need to be punished," he said.
"What am I? Five years old? I don't need to be punished," Dad scoffed, while I glared at him. I'd rather him not provoke this Andrei man, who knows what he's capable off.
"No you're certainly not Russell," Andrei agreed with him, now walking around us slowly in a circle. "But you need to pay for what you did," he growled all of a sudden, his strangely cheery demeanor vanishing instantly. "And I'm gonna make you pay," was all he said before he dove forward and grabbed my arm, tugging me harshly along with him.
"Dad!" I yelped as I felt my fingers slipping from my father's, but he immediately tightened his grip on my hand. But before my father could pull me towards him, one of the large men launched himself at my father, knocking him to the ground with his body. I screamed as the huge burly man started to pound my fathers face in. "No let me go!" I shrieked as I struggled against the grip Andrei had on me while I watched my father in horror. Now every single man was taking turns on my father, punching, kicking, and stomping on his body.
"Now now pet don't be difficult," Andrei murmured into my ear as his arm slid around my torso as he held me with my back against his front. His cold fingers wrapped themselves around my throat, squeezing lightly as he held me to him. "We're just gonna watch your daddy get his ass kicked for a while and then we're gonna go have some fun," he purred into my ear as tears slid down my cheeks. Dad's groans and shouts of agony filled the air as I watched him in terror, getting beaten up to a pulp while I felt Andrei's hands feel around my body.
Dad tried to fight back as much as he could but it was useless, there were too many people who were double his size and had double his strength. A high-pitched gasp escaped my lips when one bulky man's large fist crashed into my father's throat, making him gasp loudly for air as he clutched it with tears running down his cheeks.
"Stop this!" I snapped all of a sudden, thrashing wildly against Andrei's hold as I desperately tried to break free.
"You're in for a load of trouble later," I heard him mutter as he tightened his grip even more. I let out a loud shout before I raised up foot and brought it down forcefully on his own, he yelped in surprise and I felt his grip loosen for a second. During that one second, I brought my fist forward before pulling it back quickly; slamming it into his crotch forcefully.
"Fuck!" he cried out, letting go of me completely as he cupped his member through his pants. I immediately ran towards my Dad but I was momentarily blocked by one of Andrei's big burly men who smiled evilly at me before his arms moved to grab me. I ducked under his arms before I ran around him, I was taken by surprise when I felt arms wrap around my shoulder pulling me back forcefully.
I let out a scream when I felt the person throw me over their bony shoulder, which dug painfully into my stomach. "I'm so fucking done with your shit," I heard Andrei mumble harshly as he carried me away from my father. I screamed loudly, I cursed at him, I cried, I hammered my fists against his back. I did everything to make him drop me but his grip was far too secure.
"Dad!" I cried loudly, echoing across the dark room as a steady stream of tears flowed down my flushed cheeks.
"Scar-" I heard my Dad call out before he was cut off when one of the men brought his humongous foot down on my father's face. From the distance I could make out my father's bruised and battered face, which made me burst out into tears once more. Suddenly my vision of my father was completely cut off as Andrei strolled into a dark hallway.
"Where are you taking me?" I sobbed, bringing my fist down once again on his back, causing him to grunt. I cried out when I felt him deliver a sharp slap to my butt.
"Oh you'll see. We were gonna have some fun, but you ruined my mood. You need to be punished for your unacceptable behavior. Ideally I want to bend you over my knee but I've got a better idea," he said before I felt myself being lifted off his shoulder and thrown onto the cold hard floor. I peered up at him and he only smirked at me before he pulled the door shut, I heard him lock it from the other side. "I heard that you're afraid of the dark," he spoke, his voice filling up the room. "And clowns," he added.
I whimpered, moving back until my back met the door as I frantically looked around the room for any source of light, but all I saw was nothing. I hated the dark. I just hate it when everything's pitch-black and you can't even see your hand in front of your face. I was also afraid of clowns. Clowns are seriously creepy. I've had a phobia of them ever since I visited the circus when I was 3.
"So as a punishment I decided to put those two together," he said. Holy shit no please no. "Have fun with Chuckles," he laughed before he went completely quiet. It was quiet for a few minutes except for my heavy breathing. All I could feel right now is fear. I fucking hate fear. It is a matter that holds no true form; it weaves into the hearts of all. It was suffocating me, clawing at my throat vigorously as my eyes stayed wide with tears swimming in them.
All of a sudden a loud chuckle filled the room. It was that demented kind of laugh, the one that'd send shivers down your spine. Unexpectedly, a light flickered in the middle of the room, and right under it was a clown. My stomach turned to ice at the sight of it, my heart almost stopped beating and a ghastly whiteness spread over my face. The clown looked horrifying.
He was dressed as a stereotypical clown. Thick white make-up covered his entire face; each eye was in the center of a black cross. There was a big clown-smile painted over his mouth, his lips were stretched in an eerie smile that made me cringe. He was basically a cross between Bozo and Ronald McDonald, two clowns I hate with a passion.
"Hi Scarlett!" he said cheerfully making me cringe at his stereotypical clown voice.
"Go away," I whispered as my eyes starting tearing up again. My nightmares used to consist of clowns when I was a kid; it was so bad I had to go see different counselors to help me with my nightmares. I had a rocky childhood, without a mother at the age of 2 I lived with my Dad who was barely there because he needed to work to practically keep us alive.
"Don't cry," Chuckles the clown said, bringing me out of my thoughts. Even at times like this I tend to zone out. "Let's see that pretty smile of yours," he chirped, gesturing to his wide smile that made me shudder.
"No," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around me as I curled up against the door. His smile immediately disappeared as an angry frown took his place.
"You made Chuckles sad," he muttered, his voice laced with genuine sadness. "I hate being sad!" he screamed at me all of a sudden, making me flinch in shock and fright. What the hell is wrong with him!? See this is why I don't like clowns. I was zapped back to reality when I saw something glinting in the light. My eyes grew twice its size when I realized he had a knife in his hand. A large kitchen knife. "Let's play," he smiled freakily, before he started chuckling loudly. "You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna make you smile, just like how the Joker got his smile y'know," he said waving the knife around while he bounced on the balls of his feet ecstatically.
If I can remember correctly, Joker cut the corners of his mouth to make his smile wider or something. But I think the reason for why he did it is different in the comics. Oh my god it doesn't fucking matter because the point is this psychotic clown is gonna cut my face to make me flipping smile, can someone please wake me up?
"Stay away from me," I croaked as he started to creep closer. Terror held me like a vice-like grip. I couldn't move, I was frozen to the spot, staring at the clown with my face frozen in a glassy stare of horror. A screech left my lips when his gloved hand grasped my ankle, tugging harshly as he started to pull me to the middle of the room. "No leave me alone," I shouted, snapping my other leg forward to deliver a kick to his painted face. He let out a small groan before he snapped his gaze to mine, snarling and baring his teeth like a wild animal.
"You made Chuckles mad! You're not gonna like him when he's mad," he started laughing hysterically as he grabbed my ankles once again and pinned my torso to the floor, as he straddled me.
"No no no please no," I sobbed wildly, waving my arms around before he plunged the knife into hand. It had drove itself straight through the palm of my hand, pinning it to the floor above my head. A loud cry of pain erupted from my mouth before it was momentarily cut off when he did the same action to my other hand.
"Now let's see that pretty smile of yours," he grinned ominously, prying my mouth open with his fingers. "This will only hurt a little," he said as he started to cut the corner of my mouth. My screams filled the whole room. The pain was agonizing, I was partly choking from the blood that was flowing into my mouth from the cuts he was giving me. I heard a voice calling my name, it sounded very faint at first but gradually grew louder.
"Scarlett wake up!"
"It's just a fucking dream wake up!"
Thank you guys so much for 1.1k!!!! I am absolutely ecstatic about it and so very grateful. You guys rock and it's all because of you I got to 1k in a matter of 9 chapters and prologue!
Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that same-sex marriages are now legal in the US. I am a huge supporter of the LGBT rights and hearing these news the day before yesterday made me very happy. Our world is changing for the better everybody. Love wins ❤️💛💚💙💜
Have a great day/night! Love you all💞
Until we meet again...
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