Movie 🎥 Fight Club (1999): Best Brad Pitt movie ever 👌🏼
Happy Reading xx
S C A R L E T T 💣
The first thing I noticed was that his lips were incredibly soft. I could feel the cool metal of his lip ring when his lips touched mine. They only slightly brushed mine, sending jolts of electricity shoot through my body, before he pulled back. He gazed at me questioningly, as if asking permission if I wanted to continue. What a gentleman! Not. I responded by pressing my lips to his again.
He reacted by gripping my hips under water tightly while I roped my arms around his neck, my fingers digging into his wet curls. When his hands gripped my butt I gasped, he immediately snaked his tongue in, running it along my own before exploring every part of my mouth. My body flushed with heat when his large hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his lean torso.
A deep groan rumbled through his chest when I tugged on his dark ringlets slowly as he held me up against the poolside. A shudder ran down my spine when he trailed his lips along my cheek and attached them to my jaw. His plump lips sucked at the flesh near the hinge of my jaw, causing blood to accumulate at the area and for me to let out a small whine.
"Found your sweet spot," he smirked against my skin, before sponging kisses along my neck.
"Harry," I breathed, twirling a lock of his hair around my finger absentmindedly. He responded by pressing his chest against mine and sucking on the skin of my neck harsher. A whimper left my lips when he cautiously ran his palms over the supple flesh of my ass, eyes darting to mine hesitantly. I allowed it, and he responded with a firm squeeze, lips pressing the to corner of mine with a satisfying hum when I moaned lightly.
"Damn," he rasped. His tongue dragged itself up the side of my neck, before he blew gently on the wet heat sending shivers down my spine.
Our hooded eyes met in an intense lust-filled gaze; swollen lips parted with heavy breaths falling. I leaned forwards to kiss him, pausing to just brush my lips against his cheery ones, before pressing firmly. The feelings I received from just kissing him were utterly overwhelming. For some odd reason, it was something I've never felt before, it felt fucking amazing and I wanted more. My tongue glided along his bottom lip, dipping into his mouth before I pulled back with my teeth capturing his lip ring. I tugged lightly, emitting a low groan from him, his fingertips dipping into my thighs as a result.
I broke away to look at him once again, wondering how on earth did I end up kissing this man in a pool. His alert emerald eyes searched for mine, almost having the same curiosity as I was, probably wondering the same thing as I was. His bright eyes had me spellbound, before he leaned in and placed his lips near my ear.
"I'm so tempted to fuck you right here," he murmured into my ear, capturing the ear lobe between the gaps of his teeth before tugging on it.
His lips travelled back to my own, capturing them in a heated kiss. This time he kissed me more roughly, quickly parting my lips before sliding his tongue in and over my own. He pulled back after a few seconds, tugging on my bottom lip, teeth grazing it before he let it go to pop back into place.
He gazed at me with hooded eyes and dark pink lips while I stared back, aroused by the feeling of his bulge pressed against my heated sex. There's no doubt that I was undeniably wet right now for him, I could also feel how hard he was when he rolled his hips against mine all of a sudden. His beautiful jade irises never left my chocolate ones; they stared at me with such intensity it was hard to look away.
All of a sudden his eyes went slightly wide with realization, before he pulled away from me completely, dropping me. I grasped the edge of the pool for support as I watched him with a confused expression while he started cursing under his breath. Suddenly he brought his fist up and down against the surface of the water with anger and frustration, creating a huge splash that hit me.
"What's wrong?" I asked timidly. His eyes snapped back to mine, his brows pulled tightly over his gleaming eyes and his plump lips set in a straight line.
"I can't do this. We can't do this. This isn't right," he muttered, shaking his head.
"Why not?" I found myself asking in confusion.
"Because you're Russell's daughter," he scowled shamefully, still not breaking our heavy gaze.
"What's that got to do with this?" I frowned.
"Russell wouldn't want to see me with my tongue down the throat of his precious daughter," he grimaced as if he was thinking about what would happen if my father had caught us. It wouldn't be pretty I can tell you that.
"But-" I started before he cut me off abruptly.
"This just doesn't feel right okay? Forget this ever happened and stay the fuck away from me," he snapped harshly before he dove underwater and started swimming off in the other direction leaving me puzzled over his strange behavior. Were my father and Harry that close? Were they that close that Harry would feel like he's betraying my father by being intimate with me? And most of all, how on earth am I supposed to stay away from him after he kissed me like that?
I couldn't concentrate at all for the rest of my exercising session. Harry was what occupied my thoughts the whole time. Blaze would strike me every time I started zoning out while she was instructing. Its just Harry had found a way to invade every single thought of mine, and it bothered me so much. I couldn't stop thinking about his lips and how incredibly soft they were when they kissed mine, and his hot tongue when it danced with my own. I couldn't stop thinking about how both of our wet bodies were pressed against each other's so tightly we were almost inseparable, about how his large hands gripped my hips while he moved his own against mine. Everything he did was arousing and undeniably hot.
"Lil' Bitch!" Blaze yelled at me snapping me out of the trance I was in. I didn't realize I had stop doing the dumbbell bicep curls completely when I was zoning out. "Hey!" Blaze yelled again, swinging her fist up to punch my side painfully.
"Why do you keep calling me that? Lil' Bitch? My name's Scarlett if you didn't know," I grumbled, straightening out my body from the bent position I was in.
"I know that, I'm not stupid," she scowled.
"Then why do you keep calling me that?" I asked.
"Because you're a Lil' Bitch," she said, while I scowled at that.
"Blaze! Vlad needs you right now," yelled a voice from behind us. We spun around and saw a man with ginger hair dressed in all black standing by the doorway of the gym, waving at us.
"I'll be right there!" she shouted back before she turned to me. "You better not slack off," she warned me before she looked behind me.
"Harry!" she yelled, beckoning him over while my eyes widened. My blood ran cold when I saw him walk up towards us with his usual frown on his face except now it was mixed in with a scowl.
"What do you want?" he asked her, placing his hands on his hips. I kept my gaze on the floor the entire time, even though I knew he focused his gaze on me a couple of time.
"I need you to watch her for me until I get back," she said while he scowled again at her words.
"I ain't babysitting her," he spat making Blaze roll her eyes in annoyance. I frowned at her, silently agreeing with Harry. I didn't need someone to watch over me, I certainly didn't need him watching over me.
"I need you to show her a few exercises. Just do it god dammit I'm not in the mood for an argument Styles," she snapped at him angrily. He flared his nostrils and glared at her before he nodded curtly, she responded with the same nod before dashing off to leave the gym. He turned his gaze to me, making me quickly avert my eyes from his jade orbs.
"What have you done so far?" he asked gruffly, pinching the bridge of his nose to relieve some pressure.
"Just some bicep curls," I said quietly, when I looked up at him. Flashes of images flew before my eyes, most of them consisting of us making out in the pool. I could feel my cheeks heating up as I shook my head. To my surprise Harry was smirking at me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking about.
"Which ones?" he asked, folding his tattooed arms across his chest. I took a moment to admire his incredible biceps and examine his interesting tattoos before I answered him.
"Umm just normal ones and I think hammer curls as well," I said frowning as I tried to recall the names Blaze told me given to each type of bicep curls. He nodded slowly before he spoke again.
"How many sets?"
"Three sets of 12 reps," I answered shortly. This was all so awkward, considering that we were making out in the pool an hour ago. God I just can't seem to get that thought out of my head. It's like a picture of Harry grinding into me while he kissed me roughly would always interrupt whatever I'd be thinking about.
"Okay then we'll continue with pull-ups," he said, gesturing me to follow him to the machines. I set down the weights slowly before following him over to the pull-up machine.
Before I got onto the machine I pulled my side-cut t-shirt over my head and set it down. My wet sports bra had already soaked the shirt and it was starting to annoy me, as it was really loose as well. I glanced at Harry who was eyeing my bare stomach as I stepped under the bars of the machine. I didn't really care that my stomach was on full display, mainly because there weren't many people here anymore and that loads of women here were also dressed like me.
I heard him curse from behind me when I reached for the bars. I spun around and found him staring back at me. "Is something wrong?" I asked, frowning.
"Nothing," he waved me off with a scowl on his face. I heard him mutter quietly, "damn". I spun around again eyeing him suspiciously; this time he had a cocky smirk on his face.
"What did you just say?" I narrowed my eyes at him, turning around to face him. I folded my arms over my chest and cocked an eyebrow at him. His smirk only grew slightly wider as his eyes travelled from my eyes to my chest. I realized that by folding my arms over my chest I was also pushing my breasts up; making them stand out. God Harry was such a pervert, honestly.
"Nothing babe," he said, arching an eyebrow at me challengingly before he snapped, "now get working! You've to do two sets." I rolled my eyes at him before turning around and looking up to see how high the bars were. "Wait," he said, before digging into the pocket of his basketball pants. He pulled out a pair of black gloves and handed them to me. I thanked him timidly before trying them on, which to my surprise they fit snuggly. I turned back around and looked up at the bars, I jumped to reach them but failed miserably as my fingers slipped off and I fell back down.
I frowned, I know I wasn't tall enough to reach them but I should've been able to reach them when I jumped. I tried again, only to almost grasp the edges of the bars before I fell down, this time on my butt. A low chuckle came from behind me, while I glanced at Harry; glaring at him before turning back and trying again. I tried 5 fucking times and I still couldn't do it!
I jumped again for the 6th time; I gasped when I felt large hands grip my waist; pushing me up high enough for me to reach the bars. I felt Harry's breath on my neck as he grasped my waist tightly, fingers digging into my hipbones as he held me up.
"Grab on," he muttered into my ear, zapping me back to reality. I hadn't realized that I was just hovering in the air while he held me up. I immediately gripped the bars as I felt his hands slide down my thighs before letting me go. The burn immediately came as I started to pull myself up and drop down a couple of times. After one set of 13 reps I drop down, landed on my feet before bending down and breathing hard.
"Why'd you stop?" Harry scowled at me, towering over my crouching figure. I stood up, placing my hands on my hips as I mirrored his expression.
"Because," I panted, holding my hand up to him. "I'm tired," I panted.
"Too bad now get the fuck up and start your next set," he snapped at me, making me flinch.
"No I am fucking tired and you're not the boss of me so stop telling me what to do," I said angrily. Harry's eyes immediately darkened, he clenched his jaw furiously before he started taking steps towards me. I gulped as I started to step back, all my confidence drained out of me as my back met a wall and Harry now towered over me.
"You listen to me you little bitch, if you fucking talk back and disobey me again I will gut you like a fish," he snarled, placing his hands on either side of my head before leaning in. His intimidating eyes were bright with fury and they stared at me with daggers in them.
"But-" I started to say before he cut me off abruptly.
"I don't give two shits about your father. He's dead and the fact that I used to respect the man isn't gonna stop me from hurting you," he barked at me, making my eyes go wide. Every word he said sounded genuine, and that's what scared me. I know for a fact he won't kill me, but he sure as hell will hurt me. Harry Styles is a man who doesn't care about morals; he wouldn't care about gender or age when it'd come to killing or hurting someone.
"And I thought my father could do better," I spat, disgust lacing my tone. Did my father really have to turn this man into a cold heartless prick?
"You say something like that again and I will shoot your fucking brains out," he shot back. I immediately shoved his chest angrily, disgusted by his attitude.
"You're a sick bastard you know that Harry?" I stared at him with hard eyes as he returned my gaze with the same amount of intensity. Tension was thick and heavy in the air and a few people were watching us, eager to see a fight break through. I was disgusted with myself for being so attracted to this mysteriously outrageous man who was the son of Satan himself.
"Baby doll that isn't the only thing I am," he chuckled darkly, shooting me a dirty smirk.
I shot him a hard glare before I went back to the pull-up machine. I needed to distract myself before I have an anger attack. Harry infuriates me. He's only said a couple of sentences and had already managed set my temper off, and it was driving me crazy. I jumped up and successfully grabbed the bars before I started heaving myself up and down. The anger within me escaped, making my strength grow and me speed up as I continued to do the pull-ups.
For me I rarely get anger attacks because I'm never really angry about anything, I usually get panic attacks because I panic about lots of things. Like exams, meeting new people, talking to people who're in a higher status than me, and many other things. It starts out with me getting nervous and then all the anxiety just builds up into panic when I start to over-think everything, and that's when my panic attack kicks in. For anger attacks, I'm not an angry person but when something pisses me off; you'd wish you never met me.
After doing five sets of 10 reps I dropped to the floor. Huffing tiredly I turned around and walked over to a bench standing nearby and sat on it, propping my elbows on my knees and burying my face in my hands. A few minutes passed by before I heard someone clearing his or her throat from above me. I lifted my face from my hands and my gaze met Harry's. Fabulous.
"What's next?" I sighed, pushing myself off the bench.
"You've worked pretty hard today. I didn't expect you to be able to do all those exercises perfectly and without a complaint," he said while I furrowed my brows. Is he...complimenting me?
"Umm thanks?" I said, biting my lip to hide the smile that tried to appear. I was happy that at least someone noticed I was working hard today, even if it was Harry.
"Yeah whatever," he rolled his eyes before he ran a hand through his curls. He pulled out a black bandana out of his shorts pocket and tied it around his head, keeping his chocolate curls off his face. Damn, he looks good in a bandana. "Blaze isn't back yet and time is running fast so I think we should start on your legs and arse. Not that your arse needs any toning," he smirked, his eyes flitting down to my bum before darting back up to my wide ones. He shot me a wink while my cheeks heated up, he led me towards the matted area of the gym.
"Wait, Blaze told me I was going to do something with barbells," I said, pinching my brows as I tried to remember what exactly did she tell me about barbells. He frowned for a second before he nodded.
"Yeah I guess we could do some exercises with them," he shrugged, moving away from the mats. We started heading towards the weights section of the gym before that flirty brunette stepped up in front of us.
"Are we still on for tonight Harry?" she batted her lashes at him as she placed a hand on his chest. A smirk grew on his lips as his eyes gazed over her spilling cleavage before they flew back up to her ones.
"Of course we are," he muttered lowly.
"Oh who's this?" I heard her say. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was me whom she was talking about. I looked up and locked gazes with her, trying my best not to scowl; instead I put on a fake smile. She knows very well who I am. "I'm Natalie by the way. Wait, you're Russell's daughter aren't you?" My expression fell when I heard my father's name.
I teethed my lower lip as I tried to swallow the huge lump that had formed in my throat, bobbing my head at her in response. I don't like where this is going.
"He died didn't he?" She asked me when she saw my uneasy expression. "I didn't like Russell that much, he always called me a psycho bitch."
"I sure would like to know why," I faked a smile at her, causing her eyebrows to arch up in displeasure
"Wow," she raised her perfectly arched eyebrows at me. "Like father like daughter eh?"
Before I could say anything, someone from across the room shouted for Harry. It was Dexter. "Hey yo Harry! You're up next against Nate Reinhart!" he yelled at Harry before he disappeared through the entrance into the training room. I furrowed my brows as I turned to Harry; he was already walking away from me with Natalie trailing behind Harry as many other people joined him. I contemplated over the decision to stay here and continue to exercise, or go and see what Dexter was talking about.
People started to pile out, buzzing excitedly about whatever was going to happen. I guess Blaze wouldn't care if I left as well, who knows maybe she might be there as well. I quickly grabbed my black t-shirt, tugging it over my head as I ran out of the gym. I spotted Louis walking towards the large crowd that was forming in the corner of the room.
"Hey Louis!" I called out, attracting his attention as he spun around to face me.
"Lettie! You're just in time to see the match!"
"What match?" I asked in confusion.
"Oh right I forgot you're new here," he laughed, as we walked side by side to the corner of the huge gymnasium. As we approached the huge crowd, I noticed that everyone was huddling around a large space where there were two women where fighting in the middle. "Every Friday we have a mini fighting tournament where loads of people just fight against each other for the heck of it! It's kind like Fight Club, know that movie?" he asked me.
"No," I whispered, before I let out a gasp when one dark skinned woman threw a hard punch at the other woman, knocking her out in one blow. Loud cheers and roars of victory rose up from the crowd as the dark woman threw her fists in the air and shouted something.
"That's Marie. She's a bloody awesome fighter, she could take down Dex and I put together," he cracked a grin while I mirrored his expression, turning to face the fight. "I see Dexter! Come on let's get a better spot," he said before he grabbed my wrist and tugged me through the crowd. Everybody was shoving and pushing, fighting to get a better view of the brawl that was about to go on next.
What the hell is this place?
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