SONG: Of Kildare
INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO READ: To decipher the poem, you must re-arrange the letters to form the correct word. This is written in English language, just sheep-ffled. Bold words mean that those words were already deciphered. (See bottom-most to read the deciphered.)Enjoy the decoding as I do music composing, intelligent lives out there!
Greta ase fo Kidlear
Teh weats nda treas of hte isGatn
yaSlt, tavs, bule, lcdo
oniMustan of iearlKd
paShed yb teh hnsda of the tanGis
giB igecerb no sae
Cveslro of direKla
Ancenit Oe'sn petmel fo natGis
saVen pisn ldenyless
Neurat fo alKredi
mFor hte kisn adn utsds of tinGas
Sdan, croc, revolc, erte
verRi fo liarKed
tGif to file and obold frmo Gastin
Moinutan ot peepol
ePolep of eriKdal
Sakbudne oopps fo hoterM inGats
doGs dan sesodegs
---den fo the nogs---
---Deciphered Words by PiggySmokey_2:
Great sea of Kildare
The sweat and tears of the Giants
Salty, vast, blue, cold
Mountains of Kildare
Shaped by the hands of the Giants
Big iceberg on sea
Clovers of Kildare
Magic root hair of the Giants
Faith, hope, love stronghold
Stone church of Kildare
Ancient One's temple for Giants
Vanes spin endlessly
Nature of Kildare
From the skin and dusts of Giants
Sand, rock, clover, tree
River of Kildare
Gift of life and blood from Giants
Mountain to people
People of Kildare
Sun-baked poops of Mother Giant
Gods and godesses
---end of song---
Written by Wicked Writch
Copyright (c) 2020
From Chapter III.II of the novel Kildare: Smart vs Intelligent by Wicked Writch
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