After a wait that felt like forever, Saturday finally rolled around and Lafayette was excited as can be.
After readying himself for his date, Lafayette almost ran out the door and almost forgot his phone.
"I'm leaving!" Lafayette said happily as he reached for the doorknob.
"Where are you going?" his mother asked, poking her head out from the kitchen. Lafayette thought about telling her the truth.
That he was going on a date.
With a guy.
That she's never met before.
Lafayette decided not to, though. What if she didn't accept it? He didn't want to ruin the day yet.
"I-I'm going to the park." He replied, then proceeded to walk outside.
hunkules: laf is mine now so back off
largestbaguette: herc is mine now so back off
peggle: wait wHAT
getupjohnnyboy: *wipes tear*
thomass: FINALLY OMFG!!!1!1!1!1!
hamlet: aHHHHHHHH
madasahatter: ew wtf john get Alex's nasty ass hands off my boyfriend
getupjohnnyboy: uhm excuse me but get thomas' dirty ass hands off my boyfriend
madasahatter: u wanna fuckin' go m8
getupjohnnyboy: >:(
"Laf!" Lafayette snapped his head up at the sound of his name and saw Hercules in front of him, smiling.
Lafayette smiled as well and turned his phone off, standing up and pulling him into a hug. Hercules hugged back tightly, both boys holding onto each other for a good 10 seconds.
They pulled away and then awkwardly stared at each other for a few more moments. Hercules randomly burst into laughter, making Lafayette giggle uncontrollably.
After both boys calmed down, Hercules slowly slipped his hand into Lafayette's and started leading him along the sidewalk.
"Is this okay?" Hercules asked, which Lafayette nodded to. Hercules started to ramble on, but Lafayette wasn't listening too well. He was too busy staring at Hercules.
Hercules had thick, plump lips, which were perfect for eating a sandwich with- The author is now going to jump off a bridge into the abyss of Emo The Musical. I'm actually sorry for this but etm is my second favorite musical,,,,,,,,
Mon dieu, he's beautiful...
"Why, thank you." Hercules chuckled, making Lafayette turn red. "Y-you heard that?"
"Well, you didn't exactly say it in your head," Hercules was still laughing at Lafayette's tomato face. Both boys fell into a fit of giggles again, still walking. People passing gave them weird looks.
"It's starting to get dark..." Hercules said quietly after about an hour of walking and talking. Lafayette nodded as they turned around to head back.
"Hey, is that Charles?" Lafayette pointed to Charles, who appeared to be talking to someone the two boys couldn't see.
"You think he's with Samuel?" Hercules asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Lafayette giggled, "let's go see."
The boys walked over to where Charles was, fully expecting to see him smiling at Samuel Seabury. But what -- or rather, who -- they saw was completely unexpected.
"Aaron Burr??!"
"Hello to you too." Aaron and Charles laughed softly. Lafayette noticed how Charles started to lean against Aaron, trying to seem like he was enjoying it.
But it was obvious that his heart wasn't in it.
"But- We thought- Samuel...?" Hercules stuttered, causing a few giggles from Lafayette.
"Samuel?" Charles scrunched up his face in confusion, but his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. Lafayette noticed this but shoved it off.
"We, uh-" Hercules scratched the back of his head nervously sand continued, "kinda, maybe, sorta have a groupchat about you two..."
"What do you mean?"
Hercules stuttered a response. Lafayette chuckled a bit at him and decided to explain it himself.
After hearing everything, Charles let his head fall on Aaron's shoulder.
"But, we'll have to disband because of this..." Hercules commented, which Lafayette thought was -- how do you say it?-- unnecessary. He hit Hercules' arm softly.
Aaron and Charles didn't say anything, they just stood there, awkwardly looking at each other.
"Well, we should get going." Lafayette said, breaking the silence. Charles nodded and Aaron waved as Hercules intertwined his and Lafayette's fingers again.
~the author really doesn't know what to write here so pretty much herc takes laf home and stuff ~
A/N: I added in a tiny bit of leeburr because I also ship that,,,,,
but don't worry bc leebury is still going to become real,,
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